HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-10-15 .. RESIDE~TIAL.. SPRINGFIELD APPLICAT I0.ER!1IT 225 North 5th Str>eet SpringfieZd" 01'egon 97477 Bui Zdi1".~7 Division 726-3753 'vb Location: ~GGesGor:: Nap Ii .C)025~ /1 () ';)33-:g t( r:ou~r T= Lot fI t!JfJ;;20;;;:<" >ubdivision: II )(/IA1 i+tUiJWC~ .J.hVv\~ / LA~ ~ I'L. -' - ~/ ,; ., --I ::.mer: (~~A_"'t-..~. / I J.l U (y .xl,-./ :ddress: / / ;2~) _.&1 c:::-e.-r~. If- /1)1 Phone: 1:2 b - tJ (t? ~ c ~i t::.,: I I 1 X1 l/r-..' Additicr: RCMO.iC: ..~:::,:. i,':! .~'c.~:! q<?o--gfo Data of AppZic~ticn ::r:.:r,:,,::o::I':;; :..u.~:J~r..; 'i..c~tric:lZ . . , c=r~::..~.::" ~ns= r-...u: tian L::naar -'- Zip: VaZu.? ; is tit6' res-car.cibiZity of' the permit hoUicr to see 'O~ ~he s~rec:, and thet the pe~t c~= is ioca~ed :'J.'7~..',~,- r-,.;.,."",~'....~ =~ro"ea- ....iC. n Sr.-,.";7 j'e-"""':,,- 0:-" -j.," ....................."":" j.,f..........-.......... .:-' v ~.... _...... ......._.. ..... Coo .. .. 7 .. .. :nat a~... ~n~pc~t~ons are ~aae ct the fren: of tr.e proper~d. E~~Zdi"; ~i=~ c= ~zz .~im~s. Wecc:::>t ~ r3 b 7;;2. 5D ." . (V II") l \ \::0 el . , , SiC1T;ed: Date: /2~-= '/~ -/c:;--€C ":' i:.,=::;ircs :-.~e':: /b -;:;; r.(- f?, 711-(0-02/71 at the proper tim.:, that ~cch -~n~eS3 ~s rc~ :.t '--:0""'''''' t'r." ""''"::>'''''''''r'''" ::>"''''''''C"':"'CALL 726-3769 (. ~ l' "er) ~-a- uou.... r.:.... ':es,'a __~J .".'0:' r.'~.,"er, --..- ". - . -.. _:'-- ...........,.1.. .....u""......;.._. rc....o Q ....... LIe. ... ........,y.... l,.~ r-......c;.c..;: _ .............. ~.CT..J.~s:ca c~= :"":';en l-iOl-i ~i~ ~ DC reaci!:, .":"':J'!" -:r::;p=cr;'i.Q"~, C01':'tracr:crs 0:'" C"w,,"ne:-os r.Clne c.r.:i :;;-;,.Qr:e r..~~cr. ~"'i, De ~aae 'the same ac.y, reauesrs T:icac cf'=:::::'I 7:00 c:;:7 L......~Z.Z DO: m:=.:ic r.:'~e n.:::== :.Jorkir..; c.=~... ~~~~~i !~~~~~~~C~~ ] ;;~1);~'~;~:-;~t p~~/~om~~~ ~~.~~~ forms. ] V.'.'DE:.'?SL/..? F:" U:'.f3I,":C I EL~':':'.~!C/:!. t ~'.:E~r.'.~j',:.J.~':-~:" : ~O De maae oejore eny ~r~ is ~ovcred. l F~~T.n;G 5 FO!J:!D.~'1'IO:.': ~ To be made af:e;" rrer;cr.es are =ca;)a~ed ferm.: are erec~e=, bu~ prior to pou~~r~ ccr:cre~(;. ar..d ] U:.'D:nC.'?'Je'::J ?::-U.'.?Il:C. SEr,,:=:.=:. f..'.1'!'ER~ prtor w fi~- DR~IU:"C~: ::"'0 De rr,a,:;.e lir.g ~rer:chez. ] U!.'DE:!?FLOC." !'W.'~r.:G .P, ".:~Cr;A:.'IC,E: To be maae prier ~o ins"a~ia~ion of f100r insuZc:ion or decking. ] paST AND B~Ag: To be maa"c prior to ir.3=aZi.~=icn of floor insl4Zation or deckinq. ] R(J~'c.rJ ?r..r..'!,'EI:,'S. E!E':'.:'!?!Cr~~ l~ lrE:Ch'- A,":~-CAL: ;,0 :Jor;: is ro DC C01)erCa ~~il tnese insoectior.~ have bee~ made and approv~~. ] FI!':F:PLACE: Prior to ma~eriais and before tior:. pZacir.g framing facing 'Lnspec- ] FR/t.'~I!::;: /1'J.:;t be requcsted after approv~l of rough plumbir:g, 2lectri- cal & mecr~nica~. Al! roofing braci~7 t chimncys, etc. ~J.st be . completed. ~o ~ork in to bc con- , cea'led until this inspection has . been made and approved. Your City Desigr~~ed job NumbGr Is: o ...-::::;..rL.~':'Ic.v/!l.I!?(}.::: F.J..~.f?I~,~ I.'.rS?~C':'IC:,:: r:-: - , -, _ _. _. . ~o De maae aj~er aLL 'LnSUL~~'LOn ~~ reauired vapor carriers are in pLace Cut cefere any Lath, gypsum bew.c or waii coverina is =Dlied, ar~ before any ir~u~a~i~n is conceaZed. JCD c~css, ~~~e 0: ~r.=pc~:ic~ Re~~es=s r2ce~~e~ =~:c~c 7:[<~ ~ O(o() 7010 J~":]:"1':~O:.~ c.=: .~:.Jr~: -"-"--"-- a..;~~~_.. ,-..= o ~ DR,!:'j'/ALL I:',7SP~CT~DN: Tc be made af~cr ail c.rYL:aL~ 'LS in pLace, but prior ~o any tapir~. ~ Sani:arij se-Jer cc:pped =t p:opcr~' lir.2 ~ Septic tank p~~~a ~~ f~lZed .... t.."":...n ~=::;].. o f.!,1S0NPY: Steel. location, bond D~ar.3, grouting or vertic~Zs in accorciance Lr~th U.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTm'E: After instalz.ation is ccmpleu:d. I PinaZ - I,Then above ite~s are co~letci ~ a~d ~her. i~cZ~:ior. is ca~~e:c or s:~~~- rure ~oued ar~ pr~mi3es ~~c=nei u=. . N:;biZe Hemet: ~ Blocking ::::KI Plumbing LJ and S2t-up conne~tions SCLJer- a::r..J J..,'c:er o D CURB (; APPROACH AP,,?ON: Afte:o forms w'e erected bu~ pr1.or to pouring ~On.:!l'et8. EZec~ricaZ Ccr.r.ection - BZockir~, sct-u~ . - and plumbing conr:ections ~~st ce G??r:;~~~ before request~ng electricaZ ir.spec~ie~ :XJ Accesz01",i Building \?! Fi=l - Iofter prcl:es, ~ etc. are compZeted. skirtina, decks. D SIDEWALK & DRr:'EI,~.~Y: Fo!' aU con- cre~e paving ~irhin s~rect right- of-way, to bc made after aU e.:rc:;a- vatf-ng complete & for.;) work & t:ub- base material in pLace. D AZl Fr~iect conditions, auc~ as the installa~ion of street trees, co.~le:i~n of tne required landscc:pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDn;C FINAL can !Je raquestcd. ] FIIJAL PLU!.!BllJG ] FIIo'l.L MECHA:JICAL ] FINl.L EL!:C':!IICI.L ] o . FINAL BUILDING: The FinaZ Building Inspection must be requeGted alter thOJ fi=l Pllir.:bir.g ELectrical, and Mechar.ical Inspec~ions have been made and approv2d. D !"F.!!CE: ~'her: comp Z.-:te -- Provide gates or movable' sections througr. P.U.E. OALL UA.':P.CU:S AND CLEANOVTS "UST BE ACcrs::IBLE, ADJl!S::!2:/'1' TO BE f.~1[)E 1.'1' 1:0 ~'::s:r TO CI':'Y D P~~e ' of 2 JOB No.~hD 10b SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- . I k' " '01IC: / ,De (mohJ.t tlDYJl.Po~~b1'O'.l::> '.ot Sq. Ftg. ~~ : :;Jf Z:;Jt CJl)era~:: ~6 of Stories / 'otal Height 'opogra;:hy l-CO G~ LeT TYPE x I __ ~:q.;uE I~} ,..- fQ91c-<-o ~'() ~ I I I ISC>~~ I I 1!!>.2~h .-:~...! I SQ. FTC I::i.n =racp. I I I I ::r=crt I /iJo#L?A-T/~ _ ::cessoru .D.C. TOTAL VALUE I:JCt.UC) 1.5= Buildir:g Pe1'n7it State S:a'chJr(1e Totar Cha:'ges :-~:'..' /';" Io...... i I I , 1/ I ~~ ~...J-'~~? I I I I FEZ =-==-..-res ~siCa:tiaZ (1 'I b:::.thJ '. , :-::. ~::-r'! Sez.'e:, 1/ ~.... ...,., ~ ... t".. Pl'-o'''~~., .~ u:.._.....:- .. err.::..(... Sta-:e S~cr.ar~e T:;t=",- Cr..:::~cc~ . .. I........ t I I II I k~/<(/c A("'~~ ",""l. 5'~ 'f"~~. ~/E=:er.d ~ir:~irs -...--.. c:.........,..:,.-=- . _....e... .......\.,.t,:. Ele::t:,i::c.l Pe~it State SU1"::r.aI'ae TotaZ Cr..::.::'ces -'. , ::~'...:J. ~-- - ., G' .. ;'~..::cc ETU'S ~.a:ust Hoo=- I , I I I I ~t Fan )csto:Je I Pe~~ t Issuanc:J Me=r.ar;ic=Z Permit State SU1"cncrac Totc7, Cr.::rra"'~ E/.'CROACH1..fE!.'T .....iri.t~ D~t:'ozit '!"c.ae ,,=~p.nar.~p -nt Teta l Lncracr: Interiol' )( C01'l'ler Panhandle Cul-de-sac ..... /O.~OI "(01 I~ /0 I. C," ---- r.rl.:-:i..,;::. ::?G'. ~~ I /~~I Is:--I ~.~J .-;z. ~t> , ,~2. dO I_ I I I I I I I /5:~ f I ?=4() I ~'&>l /.~~l 3/.20 I. .........,.- '...::.._.:.... I . -'-1 - I I I I I I ,. I · 1 I I I .. I 25. -e-I , I I 1--a3'-~~ I ~ : l~_c Sign:zd j~...l~ e'..1.:%lk /t/C> ' =(! ::trica l Label iZe H::Jme7?eJIIIlfk-~ ~~ I ..-- ~ ~~ t -,~..e 11f I'f:> ;5.&0 ":L ANOV,',"!' DUE:' I I P.L. lIIorth lEast IsO!< th jWellt .~ ~ be::.roor:s: fn2rn~ So~r~~~ Scthac~.~ I .'1ea ~ 1!:'I.14,'S7e,/ .1II~t.ccess.1 WatC'!' .'feat('!' ...:;. I I I I tiancr: IJ~I I I i I '.LS' I /a" I I I. 1/7' I I T;J~r ~~~~pc/Cor~t: Lot Faces -~007.)t9 Fircoiacl'" Wooc;:;to::e F2es Building Value & 'Permit This permit iG granted on the express condition that the said.conGtruction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinar.ce adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Crdinance, regulating the censt~.l~tien and use of buildings, and m~y be suspended or revoked at cr:y time upon vie-. Lation of any pl'ovisior.s of said Ordir~nces. I . Plan Check Fee: Da~e Paid: IRec~ipt Ii: jSigned: Plumbing Perrrdt No person shall construct, instaZZ, aZ~er or change any new cr e=~s:~r.? plu~bir~ or draina(1e syste~ in ~hoLe or in part, ur:Less s14ch ;ersor: is the i legal possessor of a vaZid pLumber's Zicense, except tr~t a parsen ~a! de , pLu~bing work to property which is ow~ci, leased or opera~ed by the a;~Zi- I cant. Electrical Perm it >>~ere State Law reauires tr~~ the eLecrricaZ wor~ be done =y ar. ~~e::t:,i::=: Conr::":1c-:CT'J the eiec-;ric::.Z ;;oro-:ior. 0.-" =n:.s per::-::.: sr..a'i'i 1':0: =~ ::.::~::..:: :.a::::: tne ZabeZ has D~en z~gne~ =y ~ne E~cctTicaZ Con=~=~==~. - .- - - - JV\echa ni ca I Permtt ~d~~;,~",,~ VCtJff i:.xClTZ'z.ner _. , vIR -$-8~ I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED t.i.c completed apolicatien for permi:, and de hereby certify that all injo~ation hereon is true ar~ correc~, ar~ I further certify that any ar~ all work perfo~ed shall be do~p. ~~ n~::or- dance :.Ji.th the Ordinances oj thc City of SpringficZd, and th= Lc.-..;s of the · State of Oregon p=r~.2ining to the work described hcre-::n, and ti:ar .~':J CCC~'- PJ.NCY will b2 made of any structura witho~t p2rmissio~ of the Euildinp Vi- vision. I further certif,; tr~t o~Zy contra::~ors ~:d c~plQyees who are i~ c~pliance with CRS 701.05t will be used cn this proj~ct /tJ~5 /"?( --' [ute .