HomeMy WebLinkAboutOccupancy Correspondence 1982-1-13
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Department of Public Works
January 13~ 1982
Mr. Ted Blackstone
1170 Custom Way
Springfield~ Oregon
97'+ 77
RE: Occupancy Inspection at 1170 Custom Way~ Springfield~ Oregon
Dear Mr. Blackstone:
At your request~ the Building Division of the City of Springfield conducted an Occupancy
Inspection at the above referenced address.
The structure is presently being used as a R-3 (Single Family) Occupancy. The proposed
use of the structure as a professional center housing small commercial offices \dll cat-
egorize that usage as a B-2 Occupancy.
In regard to our conversation concerning required setbacks. Table 5~A of the Oregon State
Structural Specialty Code and Fire and Life Safety Code (S. S. C.) requires that 'exterior
walls located closer than twenty feet from property lines shall be of:one hour construc-
tion and openings within a wall located closer than ten feet shall be protected. Sec-
tion 502 of the S.S.C. states: "No change shall be made in the character of occupancies
or use of any building Hhich would place the building in a different division unless such
building is made to comply with the requirements of this code for such division or group
of occupancy.
EXCEPTION: The character of the occupancy of existing buildings may be changed subject
to the approval of the Building Official. and the building may be occupied for purposes . .
in other groups without conforming to all the requirements of this code for those groups~
provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous. based on life and fire risk. than the
existing use."
Relative to the above section of the code~ the pertinent question is: Is an office build-
ing a more hazardous occupancy use than a residence with regard to the required setbacks
and/or fire protection? The code allows the local Building Official to decide this based
on individual circumstances and conditions. Because of its location, the type of occu-
pancy change and the potential occupant load factors with regard to your property, the
Building Division will present this case for discussion and recommendations relative to
the liklihood of increased hazard resulting from the occupancy change to the Building
Board of Appeals at its February 4, 1982 meeting. The results of that meeting will be
forwarded to you.
The following items shall be repaired. replaced or installed before a Certificate of Oc-
cupancy will be issued.
1) Floor area above the first story having an occupant load of more than 10 shall
225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753
Mr. Ted Blackstone
Occupancy Inspection
1170 Custom Hay
January 13, 1982
Page 2.
have not less than two exits. ::S.S.C. 3302 (a)
The potential occupant load is determined by dividing the floor area by 100 square
feet per occupant.
2) Sliding glass doors shall not be used as required exit doors. S.S.C. 3303 (g)
3) Stai~~ays shall not be less than 36 inches in width and be provided with handrails
on each side located not more than 34 inches nor less than 30 inches above the nos-
ing of the treads. S.S.C. 3305 (b),(j)
4) The rise of every step in a stairway shall not be greater than 7~ inches nor vary
m~re than 3/8 inch within the total flight of stairs. S.S.C.,3305 (c)
5) Balconies or porches which are more than 30 inches above grade shall be protected
by a guardrail not less than 42 inches in height with intermediate ~ails such that
a ~ spher>e 9 inches in diameter cannot pass.'tht'ough. S. S. C. 1716
1) A service panel shall be installed in the studio to provide proper overcurrent pro-
tection for each circuit. E.S.S.C. 230-84, 94
2) Each disconnecting means in the service panel shall be legibly marked to indicate
its purpose. E.S.S.C. 110-22
3) Connectors shall be installed on all cables entering the main service panel and all
unused openings shall be effectively sealed. E.S.S.C. 370-8
, .
4) The fixture wire stapled over the patio door shall be removed. E.S.S.C. 402-11
5) The metal switch and receptacle cover plates shall be grounded where located in
grounded areas. E.S.S.C. 250-42
6) Direct burial cables shall be installed not less than 12 inches below grade and
protected in a metal raceway where exposed. E.S.S.C. 300-5 (a),(d)
7) All additional and ~~isting circuits are to be checked for proper overcurrent pro-
tection and grounding continuity. E.S.S.C. 210-20 (a) and 250-114
8) All el3ctrical work on properties for rent, sale or lease shall be performed by a
licensed electrical contractor. E.S.S.C. 824--22-110
1) The developing sink in the studio shall be provided with a vent pipe to allow air
circulation throughout all parts of the drainage system and be separately trapped
by an approved waterseal type trap. P.S.C. 701
2) The studio drainage pipe shall be provided with a cleanout at its upper terminal:
P.S.C. 406
Mr. Ted Blackstone
Occupancy Inspection
1170 Custom Way
January 13, 1982
Page 3.
3) The temperature control mixing value on the developing sink shall be piped in
approved materials and provided with a suitable backflow prevention device.
P.S.C. 1004 and 1003
4) Water closet bowls for public use shall be an elongated bowl equipped with an
open front seat. P.S.C. 901
5) The pressure relief valve drain shall be piped to the exterior of the building
and truned downward. P.S.C. 1007
The above items are requirements only for the existing building. Other items such as
parking, street~ improvements, sidewalks, etc., have not been addressed as part of this
. .
initial inspection and might be required as part of the Site Plan Review if the request
for a change of zoning is approved.
Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Division at 726-3753.
Mike Hudman
Fire Prevention Bureau
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