HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Curb Cut 1983-4-21 .. RESI NTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield3 Oregon 97477 Buildina Division " 726-3753 SPRINGFlEl..C ~ \\lo~ 0~~~ l ')O~ '2.lri~4- Tez Lot II 'nl Ei:f.) Job Location: AsaesGors Nap II Subdivision.: -:::t-~ rN C)t~~ \ llo 6 ~tDn'\ll ~~cL Ct.'?1er: Address: Ci ty : 11""", Zi;:>: Pr..one: rZ,(p- Q3F3P> 9,Llll Describe f?or/{: Addi ticn ~ Cfl:L ~~. RemodeL ,I.fob":' la Home 4-;l()-f3 Date of AppLicaticn Contractors Q u.) r\...Q...r GeneraL , PLumbing ELectricaL Mechar.:i,;:::. Z Const~~ction L~nder .~- .. VaLue Address , . Rece";;Jt ~ f.pDI4> Cf' . . ~ , .~ ~~ C'. . ..,1.gr:ea: ~ l.f-Z,I-~_~ Date: Usc. # Expires Phon~ I i I It; is the responaibiZity of ths perrrrit hoZdezo to see that aZ!. inspecrionB are made at the propel' time. that =ch :::.ddress is readab"e from the street, and that the pcrmi t aazod is l..xated at the front of the property. *Eui!di~4 zr:vicion ap?r~.ed ?~ sheLL remain on the BuiLding Sit~ at aLL times. P.'10CEDUPE FO[/ INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (reaoraer) state your City desigr.ated job nw;;ber, job addrcss, type of in3pecticn requested a~.d when you wiLL be ready for inspection. Contractors or Owners r~e and phone number. Requests received befcre 7:00 ~ ..'iLL be made the same day, requests made afta' 7: aD am wiLL be made the nat :.JOrking day. Reaui~~d !n~Vp~ticn~ O SITE' INSPEC':'ION: To be made excavation, but prior to se~ forms. o o D. D' o D D [] after up of UNDE:::?SLAB PLUI..rBINC. FL2CTRIC,lL ~ NECH,,-,lIC/i[': To be made before any work is covered. FCOTI?lG ~ FOUNDATION: To be made af~er trenches are exccrJated ar.d fcrms are erected, but prior to pourir~ ccnc~etG. U!lDrRG.'=!OW!D P:"U!-f3lJG, SE:r.rEP, W.1TE.'?, DRAINAGE:: To be made ;n-"':or 1;0 fiZ- Ur4 trenches. UNDERFLOOR !'LW..'!3nIG ~ ME:CHANICAL: To be made prior to instaL~tion of 11001' insuLation 01' deaking. PIJST AND EEAU: To be made prior to inst:aLLation of 11001' ins~~tion 01' decking. ROUCH P!.W'BI:!G, E:L2C7'!?ICA[.j .'-fECH- ANIO.[,: No '.iork -i" to bc cOl:erea - untiL thcse i~~~ectior.s have beer. made er.d appr~v~d. FI.'?EPLACE: Prior to pLacir4 facing materiaLs a~.d before framing inspea- tion. PR..4HI.~IC: MU.st be requeated af-:€l' approvaL of rough ;;LUff.hing, aLectl'"'~- " . . 1 7,' ., ca~ "mea/".an1.cav. A v 1'OoJ:'1'4 bracing & ahimncys. etc. ~~st be . compLeted. ,'10 ,,;ark is to be con- 'ceaLed untiL this inspection r.as 'been made and approved. Your City. Desigr.ated Job Number Is: D INSULATIIJN/V/lPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after aU insuLatwn ar.d required vapor barriers are in p~ce but before any ~th. gypsum board or wall covering is applied, ar.d before any insulation is aonceaLed. '8'31lo00 DEUOUTIOH OR :~,'OVF;:; BUILDIiiCS =:J Sanitm"d se"..Jer oapped :::t p:.op~r~:i Une ~ Septio tank p~~ed ar.d filLed w~th ;ra_el. ~ FinaL - ~~en above ite~s are aCT.VLeted . ;J .:~.. A ... a ..c._ .., and when _er.1cLv1.on .1.S corrrp~e_,: or Sv.:I_- { ture moved ar.d ?r~.-,_ses oLeanea up. I I D DRYWALL INSPECTION: Tc be made after aU dry1..JaU is in place, but prior to any taping. MobiLe Hcmes ~ BLocking and Set-up ~ PLumbing conneations SC1..Jer ar.d 1..Jater ~ Electl'":caL Connection - BLocking, set-up --.J and p~tlmbing aonnections m-..;st be approved beforc requesting eZectricaL inspec~io~ .:=J Acoesso'd BuiL:i:.ng I FinaL - Aftcr prcr.es, ~ etc. are ccmpZe:~d. skirting, decb, o MASONRY: SteeL . .... oeama, grou~1.ng accordance ;r~th 2415. Location, bond 01' verticaLs in U.B.C. Section D ALL projeat conditions, such as the instaLLation of street trees, ~~~Zet:.on of the required Landscaping, etc., must be sat:isfied bcfore the aL~LDIRC FINAL ~cn be requested. 'D. FINAL PWXBI.'/G [J. FINAL ME;;HA.'IICAL o. FINAL E~ECTRIC/"Z CJ o D [] D WOODSTOVE: After instaLlation 1,S acmp Le t€d. CURB & APPROACH .4PRON: After' forms =e erected but prior to pouring .::oncre te. SIDEWALK & DRIVE:WAY: For aLl con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after aU exca- vating compLete & form work & sub- base materiaL in pla.:;!e. PINAL BUILDINC: The Find BuiLding Inspection .71USt be requested after the PinaL PLumbing ELectricaL, and MechaniccL inspections have been made and apprcved. o fENCE:: WhencompL€te -- Provide gat:es 01' movabLe sections through P.U.E. "AU NANHOLE:S AND CLEANOUTS !IUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNE.'/T TO 3E "-HDE: !1T tlO C:ST TO CI':'Y I ?:::;e 1 of 2 o JOB NO. (S~\ looK SOLAR eCES S 17_ . ll..vr-.e. Ocaupancu Group: LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ft:;. I ~ :;f :ot ~.:;verag;; !i of :;t01"".es !Total Heiqht I , Topography ITE:.! I Main I~cce I ... I Car::crt I I .~c~esso!":J I SQ. FTC TOTAL ;'AWE IS.D.c. I I vc:~uc) 1.5 ::: Building Perm-;t State Surch.zrge Total Cr.aroges I IT~M NO. I Fi---tures I Residential (1 bath) Sanital"J Sewer Wc:ter I Plumbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.arge Total C'f1.C.roes I T.7',,"'[ ......!' NO. I !?es. Sa. fto. INGW/Extend Circuits Temporary Service I I I I I I Ele~trical Permit State Sur~haroe Total C'flOI'ces ITZM NO. , I I I Furn:zce 2TU' S I E:::haust Hood I Vent Pan I . I Woodsto:;e I Permit I3sua:nce Me~ r.anic:: l Permi t State Surcharae TotaZ C1oLrroetJ ~ ENCRCACS.'ME~'!T -- j". . I~e~~l""_ty Devo3~t I Storage I Maint=e I Permit Total C'f1.C.raes Curbcu t Sidewalk I ?en~e i EZectrical I i Mobi le Home 7J I Label TOT.4L AMOUNT DUE:' F~~ ::.c, ~::'l;' . -~ ;'';'1;' .~~ x Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac Value I I I I I I I I I CHARGE CHARGE CHARCE 12..'2L/ .. , J$ Jl.Z4 Pc.ge 2 , 'L-COG~ REQ.- T:;pe/Const: Bedrooms: I Lot Faces - I Enerau Sour-:Jes TUDe I Setbacks J Heat I p r I House I Carage I Access. I I Water .'feater .. .u. !North I I I Range East I I I I I FirepLace South I I I WoOci:;tOV8 IWest I I I Fees Building Value '& Permit This permit iG granted on the e:::press condition that the said, construction shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, :.n.c!uding 'the Zoning Crd-:nance, r'eq-vtZc.tir'.g the ccnstructicn. and use of buildings, and m~y be suspe~~ed or revokec at any time u;on vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordir.ances. , , Fran Check Fee: Date Paid: IReceipt II: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shall construct, install, a~ter or change any new or e~isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e=cept tr.at a person may do plumbing work to proper~d which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- ~. I / I l, I I Electrical Permi t Where State Lc.LJ requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleotrical Controactor, the electrical portion of this permit shaU not be valid until the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. , Mechanical Permit I I I I I ' I I r I ' PLan E=iner uat;a I HA VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the comp Zeted apE' Z ication for permi t, and do hereby certify that all inforomation hereon is true and correct, and I foU'ther certifij that any ar.d aU work perfomred shaZZ be do:1e in acoor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the [,co..;s of thC3 State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, and that NO accu- PfJ.NCY wi ZZ be made of any structure wi thout permis3ion of the 3ui Zdir:q Di- vision. I further oertify tr~t o:1ly contraotors and ~loyees who are in ca~pliance with CRS 701.05E will be used on this projeot !\ ~ffJ IJ/ 'sign3a \ /' , '\atet.(- 2( -J3