HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-7-15 .. RESIOteTIAL" APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr>ingfieZd~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 l/~"Z C u~7"6~ 17"tt)3 · 2~. 3 4/ Job Loaation: Assessors Map # Subdivision: CI~Y~F ~~~~I~GFIELD , "'~'~'Ji(;"",:c, Springfield, Oregon Department of Public Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT 8, .'~'~, SP. ',W,' e; :j \ _: 't"; .~y~< ;,>. ~y Tax Lot # J ') ) Received For: R~ d1= ~L!i5 ~~ .") -11~2 CHS-~ lJP..~) J" " - ( NJ 7~,', ~ Q.t,. ~~. .l~- 9:")' ,.PtJlIt-taI j?~ -32 -0 . +2. I a... jj~ /P~r /0'" ..,t ? · i-O .. jJ~~r lStH:J ~?" , ~r 4 . , 1~.: OlJner: I..J,.b~n -r F~ 1?~~~ Address: !/~Z .c~.s7'b~~ City: !5PR/h<iF/S"tw.z:> _ b~ , . 'J ?E:~',l-7T"'~1 "'.' WR/rdE~~ ~,", ~, . ) MlIoII 1%:/98.5: Value 6400-.DO , Address I. ~ 1 I NI?W I I Addi tion I X I Remodel I I Mobile Home , Date of APPZiaation_J~L '~' Contraators .J l<G1M8 W~~A:' Phone: Zip: :::7 Desaribe II'ork: ~/~f ~.I~~-,-Il('/,~;>y HA'>.;z~_. General, 7" ~ Plwnbing EZeatriaaZ Meahar.iaaZ Constl"Uation Lender Amount Received' -., "9 . . . . -,-..-. ~ . .,. ') 'l, 65057 ") :) ) ) ) J,'<\, .I~ le~ 1tJ J ~g~\..~:",,' ~~~2- .... -} AUTHORJ~EIJ SIGNA TURE ~ , .../ --} '~ ) --7 ~-"".'" , It is the responsibiZity of ths permit holder to see 'that aZZ i,_ . . . " . . " . ,~~BUSI~E~SFOR.MS:'N_C.. ,150~'342'~'4B from the street, and that the perrrrit aazod is 'Located at the front of the property. , "BuiUing Dividon approved pZan shan remain on thE BuiZding sit~ at aZZ times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (reaorder) state your City designated job nw;;ber, job adbess, type of in:Jpea~icn requested' ar..d when you l,)iZZ be ready for inspeation, Contraators 01' Owners ncJT1e and phone nwnbcr. Requests reaeilled before 7: 00 c:-:1 ;,.'iZZ be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 am wiZZ be made the nc:z:t workiY/{J day. ' ", ,Reoui~ed Insop.ctiona O SITE INSPECTION: To be made after e:x:aavation, but prior to set up of . fo~s. ' M' UNDERS~UMBING'::>ELECTRICAL & 1Cf: MECHAlfICAL:-1'oDe made before any work is aovered. . ..... . ." ",. " , g] FOOTING & FOUNDATION: , To be made after trenches are exaavated and fo~s are ereated, but prior to pouring aonarete. ;:=J UNDERGROUND PLUMBINGJ SEWER. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fiZ- Ur.g trenahes. --'. UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: ~ To be made prior to instaZZation of floor insuZation 01' deaking. --, POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to ~ installation of floor insuZation 01' . deaking. '\71 ROUGH PLUMBIllG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ~ ANICAL: No work is to be aOllered ' ,ur.til these inspeations have beer. made and approved. ~ FIREPLACE: Prior to pZaair.g faaing" .....J materiaZs and before framing inspea- tion. ~ FRANING: Must be requested after 6J approval, of rough pZwrbing, eZeatri- caZ & meahaniaaZ. AZZ roOfing bracing & ahimneys. eta. rrr..lst be ,'compZeted. No work is to be aon- ."<~ ceded until this inspeation has ~ be~n made and approved. ....- - .- - .!!L ~ 1"'''-- . 6353 Your City Desigr.ated Job Number Is: ~YO/~6 DEMOLITION OR gOVE] BUILDIilGS :=J Sanitary se'.Jer ~apped d p:.opcrt':i Zir.e :=J Septia tank p...."7iped and fiZZed, with, ~a~.eZ I Final, - mien above items are aompZeted ~ and when demoZitior. is aompZete 01' struo- ture moved and premises oZeaned up. \ ,. , I\7'l INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after aZZ insuZation ar.d , , required vapor bCII'Z'iers are in pZaae ,;', ..' but before any Zath, gypswn board 01' wazz. aovering is applied, and before 'any insuZation is aonaeaZed. ' , r;<( DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made U after aZZ dryzJaZZ is in pZaae. but prior to any taping. 0, ~SONRY: Steel, Zoaation, bond beams, grouting 01' vertiaaZs in acaordanae wi th U. B. C. Seation 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After instaZZation is aompZeted. , I.";'" D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After fOrlns are created but prior to pouring, :". " concrete. O. SIDEWALK & DRIl'EWAY: For aU aon'- arete paving within street right- pf-way, to be made after aZZ e:x:aa- vating aompZete &.form work & sub- " base material, in pZaae. " o o PENCE: When aomplete -- Provide.. gates 01' movabZe seations through P.U.E. . .~. . . Nobile Homes ~ BZoaking and Set-up ~ PZwnbi~ aonneations -- sewer and water ~ EZeatriaaZ Conneation - BZoaking, set-up --.J and plumbing aonneations rrr..;st ce approved , beforc requesting eZeat.rioaZ inspeatio;: =:J Aaaessol"d BuiZding .~. . . I Final, - Aftar p::>rahes, nkirting, deaks. ~ eta. are aompZetcd. " D FINAL PLUMBING A'll, project aonditions, suah as the installation of street trees, ao~Zction of the required Zandsaapir.g. cta., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL aan be requested. .~ 8l- f:~ ~ 1'2\ FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspeation must be requested after ~EZeatriaaZ, and Meahar.iaal Inspeations have been made and approved. . , t ~: "ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST/lENT TO BE f.!.1DE I!T NO CaST TO CI'!'Y I Page 1 of 2 FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAL '. .', \ ' the Final PZumbiY/{J ...... . ~