HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1981-12-11 ...,..-....,. ..-..-, '.'.'._-'~.-' ...._....-_.-.~ '-.-.--.-. RECEI4i> S ? 'J t./ Lj. -- RESIDENTIAL.-- COMBINATION/APPLICATION PERMIT e SPRINGFIELD - CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 225 t:O.rrIH 5TH ST."IEET SPRI."IGFIELD, OREC.()N 97477 EuiZdi~4 Divisio~ 726-:5753 IhLJLtu~ ~~S, ~ ~ ~() . t;,O - fJ.i S'. tIJ Job z:.oc:ation: /J~q ~ $1Uf Subdivision: .4SSl3ssors Map 1# i 7 -1J ~ -;26 - 34 Taz Lot 1# 073tJiJ ~er C}r~ Ii.. f!jf~ .-..1} 3q (I/~ ...Jb't City :' ,'14. oe.. , Phone 1# '7 LJ/}-..:J3./n /) Zip q 1t./-77 Desc:ribe Work I NtJ',1 I I Addition ~I .'?emoda 1. - ~ A~lU... - b~. LuIv d . Authori~ed Ci~~ Agent Expires Phone 1# I J . Contractors Name Address Liscil Genli'ra1. PZwnbing EZectrical. f.!echar.iaal. FA~Jt.v..- C01I8~tion Lander REQUIRED INSPECTIONS It is the responsibility of the permit holder to see that all i~spections are made at the proper readable frcm the street, and that the permit card is located at the front of the property. 6 All manholes and cleanouts are to be adjusted at no cost to the City ., sm: nrSPECTICN: To be made after IU FIREPLACE: Prior to placing excavation. but prior to set up of materials and before fra~ing forr..B. tion. time, that ea,:h address is facing Il /I inspee-tx , . - WOODSTOVES: Afte1~ installation I is completed. . FOOTING & FOUllOATION: To be made after trenches are e::cavated a~d forms ar~ erected. but prior to pouring concrete. UNDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER, WATER. DRAIlIAGE: To be made prior. to f'il- ling.t~enches. .,," I FR.o\HING: Must be requested after I . approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. All roofing, bracing & chimneys. etc. must be completed. No work is to be con- cealed until this inspection has been made and a~~.v.ed. CURB & APPROAC? APRON: After forms are erected but pl~ior to pouring concrete. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. EU:CT~ICAL & MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. mlDERFLOOR PLm1BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of floor insul3tion or decking. INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: To be made after all insulation and required vapor barriers are in place but before any lath. gypsum board or wall covering is applied. and beforel any insulation is concealed. SIDEWALK & DRIVEWAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- .of-way, te be r.:adl! after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub- base material in place. OTHER INSPECTIONS: may be required in accordance with Building Code, to be. indicatec. ill ~lal".s or by no- tice from. Buildinl~ Inspector. I ' I POST & BEAM: installation or decking. To be ~ade prior to of floor insulation DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be I113.de after all drywall is in place, but prior to any taping. I. l ROUGH PLUMB!NG, ELECTRICAL & MECH- MICI.\L: No work is to be covered until these inspections have been made and approved. MASONRY: Steel. location, bond beams, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2~15. FINAL PLUMBING All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of the. required landscaping, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAl. can be requested. FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Fin3l Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have ~een made a~d approved. FINAL ELECTRICAL No occupancy of the premises can be made until the Final Building InspE!ction has been made and approved. and a CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY HAS BE~~ ISSUED BY T!~ BUILDING DIVI- SION &~D POSTED ON THE PREMISES. l FINAL MECHANICAL PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST: Call 726-3769 (rec~rder)state your C:ity designated job number, job address, type of inspection requested and when you will be ready for inspec- tion, Contractors or Owners name and phone n~~bers. Requests received before 7:00 a.m. will.be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 a.m. will be~p~:he next working day. YOUR CITY DESIGNATED JOB NUM~ER IS: ~ LL)~~'~ - Page 1 of 2 . , JOB NUNtER ZONE .. ~/ogfp~ OCCUPANCY GROUP Cat- Soucuoe Ftc. . v ~~- t)t Lot Covered :~, of Stories ~otaL Height. ':o,?ograph.y I' '<;1'1. F'~17 .. '-fai11. I Sq. Ftg. C-arC!::s . ISq; Ftg. Ca:r;or~ 'sq. Ft;!. A~ce~so~ Sa. F~a. VaLue pg!n"~ t C11I%MeS 8t.7.t. R '<;U:JO(!htrl'f7R TOTAL CHARGES S!fstem DeveZovment Cr.a:JO:Je 1. 5 ::: Va be Lvo. I I I I Fi=tures r.ater Seruice Samta:JO'J SiNer SUBTOT,4L State Suzochazoge TOTAL CHARGES !VIJ. Sa. Pootace N~ or ~~tensicnICir~it Te~o~~ Co~struc:ion SUBTOTAL Stf%t'i! Suzocha:JOae TOTAL C!/ARr.E:S I- I ff(). f"uTonaCR - 3'!7J ' S Ez1uzust Hood Vent Fan Wood Stove/Heater AAA ..1..1 t' .4'\.-".-L., SUBTOTAL State Suzocharoqe TOTAL CHARGES ENCROACHl.JENT Se~l"f.ty Deposit St:Jmge Maincrumce Permit TOT:tL AMOUNT D!!E C'.lrb~t Sid(!1,)aLk Fflnag ,Lectrif7al Label. .'tOTAL Al.fDUUT DUE .r .:: ;r: ;r: - - FEE FEE FEE . ,.:!F.:":' . - ..'.1 .',. ". "- ,.' . ..... .,. ...' . .. ...~ I . P.::ge 2 " REFERENCE Nt'MBERS TYPE!Cc)NST~UCTION L-COr, :: BEDROOMS Lot Ty,;e SetbaCKS Interior Lot Faces: COl'7'l(!r P.0. HOllse 'JarC!f1e PanhandZe North Other Eas t South West '" '" .. ::r .. j J;btJ vv I I - CHARGE I I I CHARGE I I CH.4RGE I S". f)O I I /(). uJ j /c:-. ~ hI) J.~. /" /) i j Ii r~~ to f) r Aaa-:lsal l I El:erqy 50;,;'::e3 , O!~'1t ./ :,'ater Heater ,~a1'.ge :>001. .-:'-:.~=:: Zc.:;e I ;-ioc~ St;~tJe. . I ~o.~. I I i I I FEES BUILDIllG VALUE/PERMIT This permit is grantsC on the e:preas c~ndi:~on that the said aonstruotion shan, in aZZ respeot... oontom to the O!'dinanoes adDpted by the Ci;y 0;' Spl.-:,nqfieZd. incLuding the Zoning O!'dinance. re~.lLat~ng ;r~ aon- s~~otion and use of ~~iZdings. and ~ay be ~~s;:er~d 01' r~Joked at any time upon vioZati~n of ~i provi- sions of lJaid Ordinances. PZan Check Fee Date Pa.id Receipt # I . , I PLUMBING PERMIT No person shalZ construct. instaZZ. a.lter or change a:ny ne!J or e::.snng pLumbinq 01' dzoainage sys-::em in whoLe 01' in pcuot. unLess 8uch l'e:JOso~ is :he Zeg::Z possessor ot a vaZid pLumber's Zioer.ae. ezcept that a person may do pLumbing work to pro?e"~4 wr.~oh is OlJTI(Jd. Zeased 01' operated by the C1.t':' u.oc;nt. J ELECTRICAL PERMIT Where State Laz.' requires that tha e.ect:oicaZ ",ork be done by an EZeotricaZ Contractor, the et."ct:>-~oaZ 'for- non at this permit shaH not be vaZid untit. the la- beL has been signed by the ~Zectric.::Z ContrCJ:or. The EZectrical Satety LazJ does not require .:: pezoson to obtain a. License as an IJ Leotrici.::n ar.d./o1' e Lee- trieaZ aO'JItractor to make an eZectricaZ ins;~n:rtion on property ",hich is olJned by himser! 01' a ~embezo ot his immedicte [amiZy ",mch is not ir::en::ed .~~r saZe, lease t)r rent. MECBA..'iIC'.4L PEIlMIT I J -. . P'Lan E:xami.'"ler Date I HAVE C.4REFULLY EXAMINED the compZeted application tor permit, and do heraby aertity that an intormation hereon is true and correct. and I . further aertity that any and an oork pa:JOtormed shan be done' in accor- dan!::e ",tih the Ordinances ot the City ot SpringtieZd. and the LaL1s ot the State ot Oregon pertaining t:J the oo!'k described herein, and that NO OC- CUPANCY !Jin be TIr1.tU3 of any s~~ctuzoe !Jithout permission ot the BuiZding Division. I fU:JOther aertify that onLy !::ontraotors and emp7.0yees ",ho CUOe in compZiance !Jith ORS 701.055 wiZZ be used on :his project. 0u.r&t\\,nkrD~' ~J\ \ 1j1.9-n'~' ' l..-, Buil'JFng Division appl'O"Jed pZa>! s L~ remain on times. 12,/J) l'g J iJate the Building Site at an "-