HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous Complaint 1977-12-6 Standard Complaint Form e . Taken By ....Sa..~ . J Date ,2-- to- 77Tline 1 :OOf2!."' SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Location of Complaint 74V ~()17~ 13/0(/u~ Or s fre.e-:r I e-r4..1 tl-tc~fc,SC7h -- QeAvwM CO}'\.i f().G-rfvr I . I - Type of Complaint Owner of Property Complaintant's Name Complaintffi1t's Address Phone ----------------------------------------------- Referred to Person Contacted ~rf(71~ -o!.:,/~1 Wove -forO}t-c)N(J C tJ. "L U . I.. Action Taken~11"U 1/. - ylt', r)R-r/'1'U '::>5"/ cl7 l ~)Io{Z{2ed u.:or~. 1-( ~re-ci W ~S n~ IZ-7-77 'P kcttL~. - WM W,' t' c.,/VLC L By ~ c:J ih -In (} OI\I\{J fA., 'rei-. ..- Da te /2 U> - 7 7 -h rt<) , b IOt/K- sh-ee-ls. j)~n.d t - _.J Time 4- 00 pf'L^- I PW-93 L'.... . .. .:'LA~ ". _:.;::: ..' ~ _ _. . .. _ . ,...w~~~~~ ',;... ... ...... . \', . .' "...' ......~~:.... .... - . ~ -~. .., ~... --,' - - ,.' :..,'j/..Ji~ li~........'OI'...,.,........-:.'.J.""9 . r.\." . ".....,' ~.. .'. ' ....... ~........j....... ". ... \..~.. ,.\", . ..~'!"l.."':J""l/'"n~ \:'l.~~~~: .~). . ~ .~.,:~.;....~....:ij\,~~...~ ~~f.;..\W~" '"t :..~....~~'\4..-.~:..~." . #-~,\'>?-:.4.':A.:~:.tr.':.J.,.tt:.~:i,.,~ ," . "'\' '.<y.;';';'''t'.'<.."': :,.'.....;:.,'..:-;~~.'.~.t~i; ,.\l:. r'{.. .' ~~.::"~"(;-;','. :.~ .~. . .'\-"..... . .....: .~. A.:,,""":';;':, ..:-..,f.... :~" .\.~....,.:: C;\.'t' "~~" 't <~'~.^. .~~ ~'.J.:.' .... .f"!~ .'~ tl"", ...... ~."", .,.y-. ",\.,.,.1.:~V ...~. ...c~V"\' "0...,.... :r.\.....'f"~.. """,.. \ .~~ \:"",-"",\" ...71'_ . ~",4.", ._f'," ,~ _....... .~. ~"I,.: " .," ,. . -.. Y". y,.. ,~".~" w" ... ".n.. ..~' . ^ "'. w .'"; ],:".., ~ -~*'; '; "'-t:'f"oAO ,\.".,\. "i't.",'~ 'J: .....':>.~ t' /- ;";,"~::"l)"'''~,~~);.o:~..- '.:e",\"~>...:."'.~ .\-' -,.-.r::.,~u: ~~.....";:,..~.. ".."::;'</. ~.I#.. ~~ .,J:.....J....;.~~t..~~..;,1 ;~L~~~1.':1,. ,..~~.",~ r..;..\: '.. .:,';"_" \.#(.:-,.},.:.';.;" ~"'-'. .;.'~.._.,~. ".:,... ~t,...~",,~ V.)'~."':h '.J''-'' ~':..~.,. ,"-1':"':': .h.I ,'. \... ,...,.'".. '........ . ." :.' ."" ~." ......~..~\:..;...~.:':,'/".. ",.', '.' ...:..~.....,.l...:.:..........<....:...:~>,'. ..,..........;o:~..>...'..... .~..: -....l.. ~::. '~~.~'.......~~.~:...~~...~~./I:.~~}~::..!:.~:..' '. ". .. ~ .', 1:- " ~~: ; '. .,. \..... ..~. .... . ".:'.;" ,. ..... .' '. ,. ': ~J. .:- 'J. '... .. .. - I.. ~.~:' . :" .' .' .'."- ,. . '.. ..J:......, .."....-: .1' .- ..'... ." ...... '. '-. .. .,. .. " . .,....y '~'. , '.;'1'" .,;.. ~. .' .... t., i;;.;: .... '~:': ~ :'.. .of... ....Vi:.:... '-;,' ;. '.. :'. . ..... .. . ....,f..~.(~,,~...:~:.::':;.~:~,~..:. ~"':... '.:~" ... f' ~, ___.' ~.., .}.".:': '.::',i:>.,-,.;:~. ,. . '.' ,,,;.. .~::.~;::.:;~:~dif.ft:::.~. ~. .' i... .:' : . I. ':....... r. ~ !:~, \: ,~,>\:':: ~\:...~>:i!:;,; ': ~.. ...~,.~.. ':l,'. ".' . ~.~ .;-' I.... .0; . ";'1 .; J ,. , '.::" '.'-' '.' ," '. ,.,.:": 'P<~1. .. '~...", '. .'," .~""'''- J .: ....:.r .:. ':: ~,,'~~',;":~'~~~"!;~:~~:'-::'::~:;:;.":~~: : 3'~~~~~ _:.', ',7;,~'~~:..:' :.'~:"""'7-...~.~:..~~~~~~--- .. .. . _u._:. - .-..~--~-.._._o..:..__.___._._._...o_._____ "'_0'_ ___.. _..._'. _u.. .....~~ilfJi...7)'~~.'~ ~.:~.,.... n."'../'~~~",.,~\;'\, ';.";'}'f,'r.~":(..'":j.::tt.'~.,Jo;.~.I-:i.......,\'.'".."':,o_):\.--:..(.:..-...,;....'~,'~',,..l"I':!"'''l\l'J.. .1It... ....~,.).\,' :~.~';... .... .\.'. l i_",'" ,... . ,,'. '.. .~ ." . ""i'#:":f..~".;, ~ll~~..I':~/I,;'::.X;:.;.';~\~'(..~ ~~y t/~t..~./~:.?)'<;'/':t'.',~,/.':~')!,.~.;,~:.~':;.<"~~'~~i'i~;,,:;., ^'.;.:;:>i,.;t/;.~."f....i,:<~.il:,\.;'-.~:'..;':: ~:~\':~\;!\~:~;~~<i. ;~,'.,";:~~fJ.'?;(::~"':.i.t./~~~?~i-~~~~"'~\".';. . ..:.,~, ....'..:..~..:...~.t~~:.~. ,,:~~,,,,.~,,:.'I: ,.':~".~"".." ~~~ "'~"Y" ,-.'/. ..':;' :~~1..'..:':?'~:-"., '." ':.;"'~'!t'.~,,: I.~. ~ .:..::. ~"'..#'-"'~.'~':i" .<'" :-.~ ~.~:/~ .~. ....~.: "':'.::~".,::.':; :~I.. ~." ..;.\:"... ......, :';',,:.#.: "". :......':.<{.......~.:::.. """:.:;.:...:..';~~...,.:.~y ..~.~~".~ ~ .~... .\:.'i-~i.:~~:: "~I:..~:.A~~~:~.....~.: . --.,.- ~'_ .....'-' _.._.....--~..r. -~.- ~'._.... ~ .....-.... ___...~._._.. __.. ..._..____ 't"f:~ ......... --.---. '-.-.- --- . ..;,~,..~.'..~.~.I:;,.~t,:.~....~.~.:-...,:~~.-...:..L.:~...',.':>.',j:;: ..:;..:~.,~~,...~.;:.~::: ::;;.~ .,~.:.:.'.'.:~ :.~.:~; '.~.-..".;.'~> ...~~. ....:. / .;~.'.....f.~.>::..:.-;.~:< "::'~"'~:"'.. .1..,;....~~-.~.. '.....:...,:,:.~...c-::-"l..~ ,.~::.l.::~.:'...'" ~~:~!:..".,,~-:......,/~'.'.. '. ...:. '" ....:- ;,J;->' ;::~~:. ".'. .>"_~~' ~::,'," ~ .::;;,.\.:.,;> _~. ."~ , . .. . _. , . . ...... .., :_ .; ......, . .\.~ .,--;.,.~..:,..'l"._' ''''.:.,~':''''''\"'''''.:''I,,~_, .,...f.;.o~..'\"']::..;...",,"\~ ~"!\~'j.-r~'<'::' . . ..,. . . ..' .... "" ,I' : . ..., ,fI...:;..!-"".~,iJ"=.. "