HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-10-2 . , ... .. RESIDEhl.IIAL.' APPLLCAT I()~RMI11 225 North 5th,Street Springfield.3 Oregon 97477 Building Division 72G-3753 . Job Loc_1ti:m: 5.5 I s. 4J. , 17() ?J::72 ~,(./ l... ~ , t1twessoY'~ Map II Subdivision: OUTlel': -rn Y1'l tJ Pn m Addr>e:;s: ,c..,SI S. LId. city: C"r('lV1j-C,;trl. - l--j li l-'-l [ I Nr>w .1ddi den lIemo.!cl ,.!obi l.e Horn:! Date of I1pplieatien g_ ~/'9b Address Li ~ c. 11 Bldrs Board Reg;' - ,:unrr,lctors Gener:,ll 6W,,(./e~ Pl.umbing !'leclHlll,LcLll [)t ,l:"5f\.Q.l? ') E,l~ctr i.!;,ll ((J:' l~J,) U SlI peli"'l:t1;",1~ Inee t r i c i<1 n -~~- SPRINGFIELD , .qp(,l~~ +1 ~\J TiZC wt /I /Ie Cf7479 I) fa ~CR.J It is the responsibility of the per>mit hoUfeY' to see that all inspections are made at from the street, and that the permit card is located at the fY'Ont of the propeY'ty." " A!lld?di,'1{! Divi::ior: IlppY'Ol:ed plan shall remain on tlla Buildin({ S'/:tc at all times. l..,t,;)r pe f Phone: --; L/7 - I cQ I L! Zip: 01 4 7 <6 Rece:pt ./f / 04-/~ Descl-ibe IioY'h: ba. r .0 ~ e, C.c;>lIuerSI on, +0 .9nd- ('esf;Jef)~ / duple v-". Value /5,eero , ---. ......., ...,........."',. " ' e .. . ~ " . ... - . \ G [0) -~ \l ), L-," L{( ) Sigr:ed: Date: EXI>ires ) , the proper time, that each ~ddress is Y'eadab!e '. !,.'IOC!mlJ,'?E FOR JNSPEC'f[(JN R::QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (1'(](JoY'derJ state YOU1' City deS1:gn.:zted job nwnber, I'l.!qucsted ar:d when you wiL l be ready foY' inspcction, ContY'actoY's 01' Ot.meY'tI nane and phone' number. ...'i II be made the scune dcy, Y'equests made aft;;r 7: 00 CCII wi II bz made the next :')()Y'king day. job addretls, type of iTwpec-;'icll Requests received before 7:00 ~ Reflln: Y'f.'rLInfl,T'pc t1: C>/o" 'I SIn..: INSI'E'C'!'JON:' '/'0 be made .--.J excavation, !mt pY'ioY' to set [oJ'ms. ~ aftel' , up of VNDERSDAB PLUMBINC. ELECTRICAL ,~ NEC/lANICAf.: 'fo be made beJol'8 any wol'k is covel'ed. ["\1 FO()TIN(;,~ FOVND,1TJON: To be made .AI aFter tl'C!IldWll (I1'e excavated and fOl'mv are eY'ectad, but pY'ioY' to poul"ing ccncY'et". Q UND,SR(;!lOfJND PWM!?INC, ~~ ..li-TJ!0/~: 1'0 be made prwi' to-rn- "tu:g trcnchee. ~ VNm:.'IFWO.'/ (:!V,.mING J> MF.'C!lANJCI1D: ~'J'o be made I~"~UL' fO iTwtaUat'ion of fluol' insulction OY' decking. I'OS''/' ANf) BEAM: To be made pY'ioY' to instaLZat'ion of flooY' inslOlation OY' deekint]. MUG/I ~!..'nniJ:1...P.r:F:t'TR TC{!1\ ,rt'11ECll- ll7'll CA ~ -----,,0 :.JOIfi: 1:" w trc eOI-'el'ed w'!T'tt""tJwse inspections have beer: II/ade mid appl'olJ,e::. PJ.'!f:PLAI:F:: Pr'1:0Y' to placir.g facing me:: [el"l:a Lv tlnd bcfoY'e fY'cuning inspee- t'I:Or:. ><L PFII1!,!ING: Muvt be l'equested afteY' appl'ov':IL of l'ough plwnbing, alectY'i- ca]. & II/ech:miaal. Al! Y'oofing IJl.aeill{J .'l eJdrrmeys, eta. trr.lst be complecod, tlo w:Jl'k 'ill to be con- cer;Led until this inspection has .. been made and appY'oved. ~ ~ :J 'youY' Ci ty ,DeGigr.a ted Job NtunbeY' Is: , - 1'\71 INSIJDA1'ION/VM'OH HARRIER INSPI'XnON: ~ To be made afteY' all insul:;tion a~.d" requiY'ed vapoY' bar'Y'ieY's are in place , "but befoY'e any lath, gypswn boar>d OY' waZZ covel.ing is applied, and befoY'e any insulation is concealed. (- ~DRYWAr,L INSPf.'CT!ON: Te be made after' all dl'YwaZZ -is in place, but pY'ioY' to any taping. D MASONRY: Steel location, bond beaJr/lJ, gY'outing 01' vel,ticals in accoY'dallce with V.B.C. Section 2415.. q 17 / f) ~q DEMOLITIO!/ OR ;~:OVED BUILDIi/GS ---, Sl;lnitary sC'.JeY' :Japped at pY'opcY'ty lir:e --1 ., , lll~.I.""jh1f~\I'":r'\h"\~f";11 \~).'fh.j. t~ =:J s.epti:J tank p::urTped and fi llad wi th gl'a:Je Z " ---, Pinal - ~~en abcve items are completcd ~ and when demolition is complete OY' stl'U~- ture moved and premises :Jleaned up. . . Mobile }Jell/es ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connections scweY' and wa-;er ~ Elcctrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing conr:ections m'~st te approved befoY'c l~questing electY'ical inspec-;io~ ==1 Acaes~oY'Y Bui lding ---, Pinal - AfteI' pOY'ches, skiY'ting, decks, ~ etc. are completed; QI Street trees are requi red adjacent to both street frontages @ 3D' oncenter unle~s already in existence. - AU pl'o.fec:t eonditions, such au tire 1',nstaUation of stl'eat tY'ees, "co.'7lpletion of the I'equil'ed landscr:p'ir.g, etc., must be satiufied befoY'e the BUILDINC PINAL cmJ be Y'aquestad. ~ FINM, Pw!,m mt; I~ Fl :IA!. '.I1,'[.'l/l1.'l1 CM, i& F I N,l I, !c'!.H"I'.'I1 Ct~ (, o AfteY' 'installation is 3& PINAL BUnDING: The Filial Building Inspection must be I'equested alteY' tire Pinal Plwllbing EleatY'-ical, and ~wchar.i~ll Inspections have been made and apPY'oved. WOODSTOVE:: eell/pleted. D CURB ,~ APPROACll AI'..'?ON: After' foY'ms, QI'e eY'8ated but pl'iol" to pouY'ing ~on;:rete. ,- -'] 'ill.!, l,/,lNIICU':S AN/) CU-:ilNCIJ'/':: II!!.',"/' 111-: ..1 r:('I'::;" {[I{.f.' , MM/J.'.'7'W:N'!' TO Fil:: f.l,1m: !'T NO r~X;T TO Cr'."Y r:'J~':" I oj' :: D SIDEI/ADK,~ DRn'E'Iit.Y: POY' aZZ con- crete paving with-in stY'eet righ't-" of-way, to bc made afteY' all exca- vating complete & foY'm woY'k & sub- basp material.in plaae. D !'ENCE: ~1}1(!r. complate -- PY'ovide gates OY' movable 3ections thY'ough P.U.E. r-)'~our off-street parking ~ spaces shall be paved as well as the driveway. '. '. SOL A RAe C E S S R E Q.- Occuvancy GA R--:3' I JOB NO.~/6'~ I~one: ~~~ wt Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot C~verag~ ,q of Storieo Total Height Topography WT TYPE Interior ~ner Panhandle Cul-de-sac J IZI/e-~ TTEM I SQ. FTC Value x Main Garaae CarvoY't Accesoorl/ t;,N~~~~~~~/.~ ~'~~?k/7 , I TOTAT, VAWE , is, ~~ I (vaLue) I S.D.C. 1.5:r -:Z-:?g~?z:> Building Permit I 1/6.. 1>0 State Surcharge fS"~ $3 Total Cluz:'gea '2 Z , :;3$ lITEM I Fixt~es Residential (1 bath) I, NO. I II 9,/.- ff'tt) FF.:E CHARGE Sar.itaY'Y Sewer I"ater Plumbing Perr.:it ~'7_ S- tP : ':. ~'~~ 39. :g$~~ - .-.- State Surcr.arge Total Char(1es lTEM I NO. I FEE CHARGF.: , -'.-. -.' Re,,:. Sa. (tn. IN~/E:rtend Circuits I Temporary SeY'vice I Electrical Permit State SUY'chaY'(1e Total ChaY'ger. I NO. I FEE CHARGE _. . ITEM Furnace ETU'S I E::hau8 t [food I Vent Fan I Woods tove I ( ~SO ~ - ,,-~ Permit Issuance Mechanical PeY'mit Ji'j/~ y_5': ~ '1......... I /(''),~ I /'$'- ?~/'~ State Surchar!7e Tota l CharaeD -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~rity DeV03it Storage I Maintenance I Pcrmit Total Char(1cs eurbcu t Sidewalk fe,z:::e ElectY'ical Label I Mobi le Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ ~ Y/S-b6 " .~. ; l - COG _.. ') "" .. N Bed1.:oomG\ 4- I En er,., I' So:wces V \ ~ ) I 7';".c !leat WI-/ Watel' !/eatcY' e-~r Hall!/e ~r- Firenlw:e . Wood:; tOile wt Faces - Type/Cor:nt: W~I P. [" .'101' tll f:as t South r"ent Setbacks /JoUGe r:m'WJe Acccno. -- Faes Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said COI1:'tl~ldioll shalt, in all Y'espects, conform to the Ordinance adopted Ii!! tile Cit.y of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulc:tilZg the eCllstl'lI.~I.i'::lI and use of building:l, and III:;'Y be suspended or revoked at c/:!! time 11['0>: vic- Zation of any provisions of said OY'dinances. ~ ~ Pl(ln Check Fee: ~$i 73 Date Paid: ~/31/~4 IR~cdpt 11: liP. I~f' IS1-g~1ed: a'1'J?~d)1L< L)L. Plumbing Permit No person shalt constl'Uct, instaLZ, atter OY' change CIIY /leW Cl' e:::istl:IZ!! plwnbing OY' drainage oyste:n in whole or 1:n pal't, UI,1leG.s sz<ch pel'GOI: i:; U/I; legal possessoY' of a valid plwnber's license, except that a pe:'GolI mail do p'lwnbing wOY'k to pY'opeY'ty which is owned, leased OY' opcl'ated by U:c di'l,lt:- cant. Electrical Permi t j I I J " j '- . Where State T,aw requires th.at the eZectY'ical wOl'k be done by all Slectl,ic<l/, ContractoY', the e'lectrical portion of this peY'mit shalt not be valid wltil the Zabel has been signed by the ElectY'ical [,'olltractOY'. e~ett::.//J/?""~ ~#//'1;;P-c/ -A 5~~t:. ~T#'/~ 4'- ~/P'#~#/ ~ ~/?; .; Mechanical Permit r '" -- ' L~~~~ /~-/-?~ Var.e I HAVE CAREFUUS EXIlMINED t!w completed application foY' peY'mit, alld de hereby certify that a'll i~fo~ation heY'eon is tY'ue and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d al'l work perfor:ned shal'l be dO:'le ill accor- dance with the Ordinances of tile City of springfield, and tIll: La-.JS of tlla ~ State of OY'eg~n pertaining to tile work c!escY'ibcd herein, C:lld that NO OCCU- PANCY !Jill be mde of any structure without permis;n:on of tile Buildillfl Di- vision. I fUY'ther certify that o~lly contractors and e:npz.,yees wl:o are ill co~pliance with ORS 701.05~ wil'l be used on this project ~ 1~trrr0 f6-r-~ /0/2-,. 'lO A,l,,: I ~-~ ,j v Si(]/l.'!d f , fe . . e e Permit No: q() n~ Address: ,--' n\ CY)4;2f{j Issued bY:\ LC:ol_' Date: lif!Jf1{) , STATEMENT: INFORMATION NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS , ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES 'Note: Oregon Law, ORS 701.055(4); requires residential building permit applicants who are not registered with the Construction Contractors Board to sign the following statement before the building permit can be issued. Licensed Architect and Engineer applicants, exempt from registration under ORS 701.010(7), need not submit this statement. This statement will be filed with the permit. " Fill in the applicable blanks, and initial box 1 and either box 2A or 2B: 1)- j I I own, reside in, or will reside in the completed structure. / ..... 2. A. I 'My general contractor is Contractor registration number I will instruct my general contractor that aU subcontractors who work on the structure must be registered with the Construction Contractors Board. OR } B.. I / I r- I will be my own general contractor. If I hire subcontractors, I will hire only subcontractors registered with the Construction Contractors Board. If I change my mind and co hire a general contractor, I will contract with a contractor who is registered with the Construction Contractors Board and I will immediately notify the office issuing this building permit of the name of the contractor. I hereby certify that the above information is correct and that I have read and understand the Information Notice to Property Owners about Construction Responsibilities on the reverse side of this form. ' 19i!!;~~irk~r /0- ~ -9n Date ' -- -, CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTORS BOARD 0244J 10/24/89 ()tJ\0 " , , ~ COPY TO ISSUING AGENCY PERMIT FILE ~ COpy TO APPLICANT W/lULffo ;; , ~s ..