HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-5-31 / J.'>l> ~'j';' 'yJ.M.. .. SPRINGFIELD .. ..._.,~',_~..:o.::.J..~. ,.~... _....,,,.,....- -~-I ... ~. RESIDENTIAL.. APPUCATIO.RMI1' 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ,b [,oo3tion: 2</f''1 C/l'dr/I/I/IAJ _ tlA. ~.r;;jP/~ /.l,vC - , ~~ ~ .1dditicl1 ,I Remodel I :fob~ Ze lIomo '.' h Dato of AppZioaticn ... / ,:;. q f1 VaZ"e /;/ ~i? :Ol1tJ'llctors I"J "A l';' ~ ~ ~A A--"t.. v-e-;i~'er.G -~ -/ .......-' 'enernZ tJlvvA/P.'"" / If/6 ~D-~L- 1 ;lumbi,10 "-_ .J ,"eSDON Map K 17-O~--:z. 7./2. ~bdiui8iml: :"'P.r: j] Yt,IF... r 1A/t9t:Jt:JYU~jC' .ldr,,"s: 2 if g t;- (;4,; tr UU, I" , ity:.!'-; FIr!. I Ou.. - /2 I y: 7'r.x Lot 1/ O:? S'~ I'h",,,,: /t;?C; -/"? ~ ...., / zip: c?')C/-,...., / Describe (1'()J'1~: /'7 / L::::- ~ rv~..rh "'- -/''''-r . Ca. 7" Vc.- / Hccr.:pt ,/f \ 40r;:::::., " /I'P . . ~- SiqJ':ed: 0;tDoJ f 11(\ J.A ~ \ ,'(-'fd o Date: j,i:Jc./! t:x..,ir'i!s Pholle :le~tI'ical .fp.=har.icd ;Ol1structiOI1 LCl1d~r t to the reopo11DibiLity of the permit holder to set! that aU il1[Jfwction!J are made at t}/C yl'oper' timr..~ t::at <:lCC}1 .:zddres:l is rea:!ab:e 'rom the street~ and that the permit card is l.ocatml at the f1'ont of t}w property. !3l1i!di~J!l Divi"io:-: apprOl:ed pl.an Sl1c:.ll- )'emain orl th:; Hu'~ldill:J ~.~t;; at all- times. tWCEDURF: Fon INSPECTIOII Rs..QUEST:CAlL 726-3769 (rclJordep) ~;tatc your City dt!Dian:1.ted .ioe nwo:bel', job adcj'c3S., type of i,::1pec;icI: eqlJ.cstcd ar-d when you wal be ready for inDpcctiorl~ COl1trnctors 01' fJ!.me.D ncme end Fhor:c namber. Requc3ts receil,;ed betel'C 7:00 c-. ill be made the Game dey ~ request8 made after 7: 00 am will b$: made the next :lJOl'!<ing daEj. rml1:r>",-l r>>rln",.h:r.ll!' ] ] SITE INS"l'ECi'ION: To be made aft8r excavation, but priOJ' to: se: up of forms. UNDERsr,AB PLl1!,mINC, ELECTRIC.1L .r NZ.X'I/A.v rCA L: To be made before any work in ~ovcred. ~ roOTING ~ FOUND.1TWN: To be rn::zae after trenchcs are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring ccncret:;. WW~RG.WtJ,~.rD P!,Uf.WINC. SgWF;H. W.1TF,H.. DRAIllAGf:: To be ma.ie priol' to fH- lir.g trenchef:. ] ] VNDEtWLOOR PDlJ!.:BING ,~ f,'F:C!lANICAl.: 10 be made prior to installation of fLoor innul.ction or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instal.Latic11 of floor instolatiori or decking. ROuell l'DWmI!IG. El.ECT!? !CAL ,r. MECll- ANICAl.: No ~rk is to be co~p.red u1:til these in,,'Jpecti01:S have beer: made and approve-=. FI~EPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing me: ter'ia la and before framing i1ISpf.!C- tior.. ] ] ] ~. FRAt~INr;: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing~ electri- cal. t mechani.:al. AL! roofing bracing & chinmeys, et~. nr~8t be compl.etcd. /10 wrk in to be con- ceaLed until. thin inspection has . been made and approvcd. YOlll' City Denigr:n. ted Job Number If;: O INSUr,/I'J'lONIVAJl(lR /l/l/lfUZ.;U .r,"/,')[lf:C"rrON: To be TTKI.:le after uLL insul:7,ti:m a::d rcqu.:.red vapor' f;arricrs aJ'e- in place but befuJ'f.! ally 7a tll, gypmmr beard OJ' /Xlll (:overing is appl.ied, and before any iru:ulatil)/l io concealed. o !!3l'f"-A!J~lJlsrDf:TJ{)N: Tc be made aft(:J' till drYlJ(lll in in place, but prior to any taping. MASONRY: Steel. location, bond beam.'" (lrou:ing or IJertical!J -ill accordallce with V.B.C. Section 241~. 1sctClo90 I lJF.f!OLIT/O!.' OR ;~:OVE'.: 3;.,'1LO/;1(;o5 ~ Sa"i~QJ'y Se'JCJ' ~ap?ed ::t P~OP';;I't:j Zi,.,:e =:J Septi~ tank p:.i",?cd a~ filled uith :;ra:Jel. ] pinal. - Illlen abclJe i.te:"!1s are ccmpleted a'!Od when :1e1Xl~dor: is complete Of' St:'l.':- tUl'e moved and ?I'cmi3ea cleaned up. I Mobi le lIcme~ ::J ::J lJlockina amI S.::t-up o o t1fler illotallation is Plumbing connectiona .- sewer ar~ wa:er ::J Elcctl'ical Ccnr!eation - Blocking, set-u;: and plumbing cVI!I:ections rrr..st !:e ap?rove(; before requeat:IIg eZec:rical infliuw:io:-: =:J Acces~or~i Builc~ng --, final - After' p:Jrc1:es, ~ etc. are comple~.<..'d. ak~rting, deck;;, r'!ooD.';'rot'r.': ccmpLctf:d. o cuna ,~ Al'PRCAClI APRON: Afte,:, formr, are crected ;,Ut p1'ior to pouring ~on.:!r" tc. o t1ll FI'OjC(!t f:Ol!ditiol/:'1, :;JW!: as tile i.n3taLlat.io" of :JtJ'l!et tr'ce:;, ,:o.-:7plci:.an of ti1e reqldred lalll!r.cr.pir:a, etc", rmwt be satir,fied b~fore the BUILDINC PI;','AL cat! be r2questad" :=J FIlIAl. rW'.fBJIIG =:J FJI/,1L J.lE::IIANICM, ~ FINAL ELECTHICI.L ~ o srm;I.,JADX ,~DRn'z.:rJ,~'l: For all con- crete paviruJ within street r.iaht- of-L'iC!1_. to be made after all exca- vating complete & Jom l"'J'k & :;u!)- .base mater'i(ll. in "['Urce. @ PINAL Bun,OrNe: TJ:(? filial BuildinG Intlj1c(!/.ioll munt ba requeated (:./tm' t}:lJ fin.?l rzwnbill~; Electl'ical, and Necht1r;iel~l 1I1$pectiona 'lava bee71 made and appr'ovoJd. , o . ['ENCF:: Jollier. comp 7.,; ta -- ProlJic!~ gate6 01' movable GccticnD through P.U.E, ~Ar.r, /.ltlNI1CU:S 111m r./.l.:IlN(llITS 1/flST m: ACCF:S$IBU:, ,W.TtJST!1;;;,'l'!' TO m; r.~M'~E !!T !,'O t:'57 TO Cl'!'Y I p.~t~'"' o of ~ I JOB NO. 6??~'7e::> J:,.,ne: /.J:)7-<, SOLAR ACCESS ilL.';" OcctH'anCl/ Gr. WT TYP!: L-COe" -..--:0--..... I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ~r lot C~verQg~ .II of Storie:; 'toLal HciUht I 'foro!iraplt!} h'J-( I r-at Faces - I I P.i.. INOI'Lh ".om; l r;Vl~th .r.h!:Ji ~ Tiipe/COI;llt: ~.~ n.ec!l'OOlnn: I. I F./lP,rr,1/ ,<)Oll1'enS j !/cut A~(:(![J::. I I f-latel' YaC1tPl' III HallUc Vil,(:"llU:l? I I I-Iood:~ LOl,'u II Tial!! Interior Cm'ner Pall]W1l(llc CuZ-dc-[;Q(1 I I r'N:1i !Main sr.. FTC x Value Cr..rar.e Carpcl't ,;;;r.z -e ,lcCCSD01'l/ 1 /I~O.=- IS.D,C, TOTAL t'ALUE IIJCt..ucJ 1.5 x 1 '2,,0_ S-c:D 1 /.<!'>31 -::2/. 5'31 BuiZdinU Permit Sta ta SIlJ'ch,1rge Total C'Jlt1:'ge3 In'F:M I NO. Ff.'f: r:HA/;'{,'/\' ! Pixtt.rea- Residential- (1 bath) I Sarli t:l1'!J Sewer' 1 wr.t.er I Plwnh::na !'(!f,/::I:t ::tate Su.rc1:arqe rt:tqL C}1f1}~[J0 , ]'rr:M I Rer.. Sa. fta. IN~/F.xtend Circuit:; j Temparary Service ."10. f/-:/~' :.;/IAI:{;/-: Ele~trical Permit St::te SUl'ahllrrre Total Clmrr.cc 11'f.....M I NO, J.'~'}-: CHANe,.; Purnace .T?TU'S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan', I I W:>od" to,e Per'mi t. [:;:W.7nc;:: Me::hanic:zl f'ermi t State Surc1tr.r'r1c Total: C}tIr!ll?fJ EtlC1WACJlNt:.'1''f 19c~~rit~ D~po3it I Storage I Main tenan;:!e Permit I I I I I I I .=.5q/<-?>/....-..=o ~c:>~.~ ri :<O-S'o I "rOT~& AI/OUNT DUo:' ;;f 7"2.6> 3 I Total (.'hm.qr.w I CurfJ<,'U; I Sid(.7j,)Jlk 1,Ii'r?l1::n I Electrical Label I Mobile '/lome I~.N_"'" T"7' ,z:-~~ S.-2;' Sf?tb(wk:; lloww (:m'Wll! f';](w B'uilding Value & Permit ThiD pcnnit ill (lrantod on the c.Tpresn condition t.hat the :.:~id COr1:Jtlruction :.:hall. in alT, 'pcnpcct:;. (:!onfonn t'o thc Or'dill(Jl;cc adopted hy die City of Spl'l:nafield. -inr!!udinu tllC ZUlli-no CI'd:}/(lHCC. r'(::ll-l.lc.l.-ill~ thl1 CClwtl':I.:..ticlt and Iwe oj" Im'Zldillffll, alld m:.!! be r.u:;pmuled 01' revokec. at CI:Y t:.mc "For. uic- LaLion oj' (my pl':.wi;!im::J oj' :.wiJ Ordir.aHces. lpl(1/l (:Jwr.k I Catc PrliJ: IReceipt 1/:' I Sia~:cd: Plumbing Fcc: /3. ~3 ~'G' 8'1 /3t~ Permit No pcrt;Oll ;}1U11.l CO!l:Jtl'lWt., in:JtaLL, alt.er 01' clum!]/! (UIY neW Cl' c:::i:;tina pLwnbhl{] 0)' dl,.linaac :Jynl.c;n ill ;.Jhole Qr i'l pm'tt.. lU1LeDS Duell pel':.:on i:; the LeuaL posne;1sor oj" a valid pLumber's license, except that a pc:--son may do plw::bina work to prOpcl'ty which in OLl/ICd. LeaDed or opel'Gted by the app1.i- cauf;. . '\ :. .... Electrical Permit flhcl'e State Law reqldl'e:; tl:at the clectl'ical work be done by all Sledl'ical Contraator. . the eLecf.:r'ical pot'ti011 of thi:; pel'711it DhaLL root be valid untiL the label }uw bi:(m ;ll:gncd by the gZ.ect.rieal [;olltl'act.or. 1 I I, Mechanical Permit ~ P .~/'-, ~--=:",--"'? ~ HX(:!IILlWI' '", ,/ -::< -;t:,,? ~ ,/ val.e I Fl.1VE CAREFULr,r !':XIlMINF:D the complet.ed application for' per'711it, c.,ld do hm'eby cel,ti[y that all i~fo='matiol1 hel'con iD tl'ue and corJ'ect.. mid I f:u,ther cel'~ify that any ar..d aU lJol'k perfol':ned sJzall be dO:-1e in ac~or~ dance with the Ol,din:zncm; oj' the City of sprinafield, and Lli.,; La:..:s of the :"'Ulte of ()rcg,'m p::l.t;dllill:J to till.! IJQ1'k (!ellcribcd }u:l'ci1l. end ::Jtll~ NO OCC!)- l'/!Ncr /Jill Vi) /Tude of any i>tI'uctw'O! IJithout. pzrmin:JLOn oj' the !Juildi,l!l Oi- ui"ion. I j'w't1J(:J' cel'tifi th:J.t o:-1ly contl'a~tol'D QI;d e:npt.:Jyecs LJ]:o are i,: (~o:."1ptiallce LJit11 ons 701.055 wiU be used on thin pl'oject fJ, t: ~rx-Jt{ P Sigll.,d 1/ ~/!J /hte