HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1993-8-10 . ! , .. ' . ";:L ~c, _-, -.j tr~ ... ...:...:..:.!f~.No._9_:Z_~ENER~!..EASEM~.!.______ ___~. _ "____ COrVRI(:l!.!~.S_fjf!:UI.^WrUOU"!.!.INOeOnrOn..!.I..^NO'ORn.tO" _. Nt ',1/r~..OCll~a':5?-=td .-P~<:f..'~~ @> \S-~ 9350;(;95 AGREEMENT FOR ~ASEMENT <r , zY THIS AGRjZ:e~h'~p~d~e :::g W~~~/ t~~ao/S;nhUS-J.~~niind--wrt:y of .n....n~~?1~~~.................n, 19..~.~., by a~d between .nnn,...;nnn....n.."n....n...,...,..n...nnjosephn'Spadyn'and'Wndy.nSpaaY";"'husY;anij'''iinCinwiie'''''''''''':'' fteremafter cal/ed tile first party, and ......nn.................nn,......'.......n...'mn'.....nnn...n...n..'..nnn..."".....'n.....nn.........nnn......,"'..nn ......n.............nnn......n...................nn. ilCreinaf ter cafled tile 'second party; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS: Tile first party is tile record owner of tfte fol/owing described real estate in .........~!!.~............n.n.... County, State of Oregon. to-wit: cf!J-~, 1I&.c..L.- I., 1.- Commencing at a brass cap marking the Northeast corner of the J. Day Donation Land Claim No. 58. T17S. R3W. W.M.. Lane County Oregon. said corner being the Northwest corner of Government Lot 7. Section 27. T17S. R3W. W.M.; thence S62003'11"E 1196.30 feet to a 1/2" rebar and the East right of way line of 'Clearvue Lane. said point being the Northwest corner of the southerly parcel established in County Survey File Number 22829. Lane County. Oregon Survey Records and the Initial Point; thence S89 o39'00"E 253.70 feet to a 5/8" rebar and the Northeast corner of said southerly parcel; thenceSOo03'05"W 1 01.34 feet to a 5/8" rebar and the Southeast corner of said southerly parcel; thence N89042'02"W 253.69 feet 'j to a 5/8" rebar and the Southwest corner of said southerly parcel and said East right of way line; thence along the right of way line' Noo02'53"E 1 01.56 feet to the Initial Point. ZJZ;AUG.10'9~>>02REC 10.00 Z~t;AUG~10'93ij02PFUNO 10.00 Z~;~AUG.10'93ij02A&T.FUND 20.00 and !JBS tile unrestricted rig/It to grant tile easement llcreinafter described relative to lite real estate; NOW, THEREFORE, in view of ille premises and in consideration of One Dol/ar ($1) by tile second party to the first party paid and ot/Jet valuable consic!erations, the receipt of all of whicl1hereby ;s acknowledged by tlte first party, tftey agree as follows: The first party does hereby grant, assign and set over-to tile second party An easement for water and sanitary sewer pipelines. 20 feet in width. 10 ,feet each side of the following described centerline: Commencing at a brass cap marking the Northeast corner of the J. Day Donation Land Claim No. 58. T17S. R3W. W.M.. Lane County Oregon. said corner being the Northwest corner of Government Lot 7. Section 27. T17S. R3W. W.M.; thence S62 o03'11"E 1196.30 feet to a 1/2" rebar and the East right. of way line of Clearvue Lane. said point being the Northwest corner of the southerly parcel established in County Survey File Number 22829. Lane County. Oregon Survey Records; thence along said right of way Soo02'53"W 89.06 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence S89042'02"E 188.50 feet to the Point of Ending. (Insert ftere a full description of tile nature and type of If,e easement granted to tfte second party.)~ - OVER- AND SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE ST;,,~:t~~.~~~~.~.~:..............,.....J ss. ' I certify that the wit/tin instrument was received for record on t/te..........day of ......___...:..........h..:.~.__,...........n...~.,.19......__, at ......._....._....o'clock .......M., and recorded in bOok/reel/vqlume,No;,;...........:...:...., on' page ...n...:.:'....;.;..... or as fee/file/instru- nlent/microfi/injreception No...............__, Record of ...nn.u..........n..._.__n..____......__......... of said county. , . Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. " AGREEMENT FOR EASEMENT BETWEEN .............nu.u..........:..............n.........~............nn..._..~..... '.' . Af.., Aconling Alum 10 {Name, Add,.", Zlpl: ,........................~.E~~A~OO:Tg~~'~.Q,N.............h......... ..................(;;GHAGE.GRO'VE",.UR...g7424.................. NAME TITL.E By.................,..................,.............., Deputy ", " ~.i5tJ.G. " ~-.~' " ~ TIle second party 5118/1 /lave all rights 0/ ingress Dnd egress to lUlU ITom tile tcal estate (including the right from tif!1c to time, except as hereinafter provided, to cut, trim and remove trees, brusl1, overhanging branches and other obstructions) necessary for tlte second party's use., enjoyment, operation and maintenance of the easement hereby granted and all rights and privileges incident t/lcreto. Except as to the rights herein granted, the first party 5h8./1 have the lull use and control 01 the above de- scribed real estate. The second party !tereby agrees to hold and save the first party harmless Irom any and all claims of r. third parties arising from second party's use 0/ tIle rights herein granted. . The easement described above s/la11 continue for a period of ..m.P.~f'~~.~!!-.Yu.uum..__..u.., always subject, however, to tIle following specific conditions, restrictions and considerations: ", 11 this easement is lor a right 01 way over or across the real estate, the center line of the easement is described as follows: .' I. I ~ : :, and second party's rigl1t of way shall be parallel witlt tlte center line and not more than .................................. leet distant from eitlter side tltereol. During the~existen.ce 01 this easement, maintenance 01 the easement and costs 01 repair 01 the easement damaged by nat~ral disasters or other events lor which a1/1wlders of an interest in the easement are blameless sltall be tlte responsibility of (clteck one): 0 tlte first party; 0 the second party;' KI botlt parties, share and share alike; 0 both parties, with the first party being responsible for m.......nm..~u % and the second party being responsible for .................... ',Yo. (If tlte last;alternative is selected, the percentages allocated to eaclt party should total 100,) During tile existence of this easement, those holders of an interest in the e~sement tlwt are responsible lor dll111age to tile easement because of negligence or abnormal use shall repair the damage at their sole expense. This agreement sha1/ bind and inure to tile benefit of, as the circumstances may require, not only the immediate parties hereto but also their respective l18irs, executors, administrators and successors in interest. In construing tllis agreement, where tile context so requires, the singular includes the plural and a1/ gralT!~ maticnl cllanges sha1/ be made so that this agreement shall apply equally to individuals and to corporations. If the undersigned is a corporation. it has caused its name to be signed and its seal (il any) affixed by an officer or ot/ler person duly lJut/lOrized to do so by its board 01 directors. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tlte parties bave Itereunto set their bands in duplicate on this, the day and ....~.~ar ~irs~ :e:.ei~.94~,~i~':~~"""""""'''''''''''''''''h'''''''''' ... ... ...., . ~ ~""'h""""""'''''''''''''' """'endy"S' i .... .. ,Iy ,ll: ....n ,; Wendy pa yond PO"y STATE OF OREGON, ) ~8~ .-ttTEOFOREGON, ) Lclne )S5. I ffl~)im:~ Lane )ss. County o/umm;;,~~';~;;;:~i~;;~~~'~i~~~i~~~~;~~y m~ of ~ ~ i ~ C . unly O/mum;;,~~ instru9mi~;^~~~;i~;;:~~~~~}tre mo on :~;'~i~~t~~~~Z:.:....~;,~~u...::~~~~~,.:.'::..:.':'.,,,..::". r.:.~i ~d:: '~~r:~~i~:~~~::::..~~~:~a~.~~~..~'::.::...~:::::~:.:.::.'.'...". " "'ufJ~uC.Lu': .~..',~, ,.: q~, ,c. 'uo..u .'.uu. u ... . ...t'" .. .', My conuui"ion expires, u:uJll~711~1 My commission eXPiresm${;i:1~~u~~~:.~~.~~. '. ;: I: I' _..__..__._._~._--- .- -.-- ..---- .~._~--- _.__.-.~--- ---- _."._--------+_.__.__._-_..._---~-_. ...... . '>-in~ '~ \.,@,'&'i,\jj_"-.'., '~ \'ro: ~ \ 0 1 pi U)\ !:/: u ..s- Ul; 1-<; ! >, . .-r!' .)!:, !'~I<<\ . 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