HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1979-6-27 " ,,!. JOB ADDRESS: 1075 Clearwater , ,l.3 TRS, TL: 18-02-05 II 2200 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE Lane, Springfield, Oregon CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # Subdivision: na LC-1324-79-MH This permit for the referenced property is hereby approved. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # Donald L. Hill, 1075 Clearwater Lane, Spfd, O.C. Headlee 4579 Jasper Road, Spfd, Oregon Welcome West 1568 Total Construction Value: / Ore. 97477 97477 Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: Construction approved by this permit: . 1979 Skyline, 24 x 40 double wide and install SDS Structures now on property: 2 dwellings, shopS;-and sheds. Water Supply: well 3 # Bedrooms: # Plumbing Fixtures: 2 # Employees: 400' x 360' Site Inspection # no record. Installation specifications: 1000 150 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: 24" , Special Instructions: Install a 18" cap of sandy loam soil which will extend 10' beyond all corners of proposed drainfield. Capping fill is to be installed and inspected before trenches are dug. Place cap on high ground, stay out of swale area. CONSTRUCTION Type of Construction: MH Group: MH Fire Zone: 3 Use Classification: SFD PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: Provide footings and piers to comply with state foudation requirements for mobile homes or al DIVISION recommenaea oy ~ne mfg. that are attached to the inside of the MH. Also, provide skirting as required. See reverse of permit for required called inspections. Your site is located within a flood hazard area. A minimum finish floor elevation of 487' shall 'be secured and certified as required by the enclosed flood plain mgmt. letter. MH frame POtEJ5\!1m'lhfbfmatro91u~~~37gar enc1~~~l!'en If.o~':1i~!l!iR8~0*Iw.,tion tha~ ~he ~ will be placed on is below for inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and ~p.m.oug minimum first floor ~lev~RencoUrify . PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: AGT Partitioning # na Parcel # na Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: 50' side exterior: na ; interior property lines: 15' ;rear property line: 20' Special Instructions: House on property must be abadon before occupancy of MH Parcel Size: ; centerline of road, For information call 687-4394, Roger Hollis WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks Septic Tank ~terior property lines 10' ..:dge of road right-of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' , Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' For information call 687-3962between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., Greg Gray, R.S~ Directions to Site: , Date Issued: 32nd to Jasper left. '\ Road, turn right on Clearwater Lane, first driveway on l:Jy: DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT JSS/ly COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 06-27-79 -...... r.~l'j,_1_1 746-7281*** / I na ~ . . lane county . Water PDllution Control Division Environmental Manaqement Department 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oreqon 97401 LOCATION: TwP)!? RanqeJ);< (Complete Subdivision Name: Section OS- Tax Lot # ~c5? c::Jc) the following, if applicable) lot# Block # ~ I have no information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal ~em located on this property has ever failed by discharqing sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in any other manner. o I have information that the existing subsurface sewage disposal sys- tem located on this property has failed in the past by discharging sewage upon the ground surface or into public waters, by clogging or backing up, or in some other manner, and that: D The system has not been repaired. O The system has been repaired and has operated continuously since the repair without other failures. Date(s) repairen , I have had personal knowledge of the performance of the existing subsurface sewage disposal system located on this proDerty for years and months. The existing sewage disposal system consists of: a) Septic tank has a gallon capacity. b) Number of drainlines c) Length of drainl ines d) Distribution box? Yes No The existing septic system was installed under Lane County Building Permit # (Date) , This system last served a dwelling having bedrooms (include all rooms which could be used as a bedroom, though actually used for other purposes such as for a den or a sewing room) OR, if for commercial use, this system last served an establishment having employees, and gallonsl day sewage flow. - This system was last used on (Date). In case of an addition, the new portion will be fee existing drainfield. /J /:J ~.4~ d APPLICANT: }/'" ~,{J~r(- _ ~ v:.c... PROPERTY OWNER: DYes,/: _i?)(7l No . 0.-/ J DATE: &j',..../'rir- /~ ' ~ r'_ { C74-156 , WATER POLLUTION CONTROL OIVISION / 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT / EUGENE. OREGON 97401 / 15031687-4061 , )0', r" ~ ~~.7-t . \ DEPARTrtENT OF ENVIRONi1E;HAL I1ANAGUiENe PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGEljE, OREGON 97401 Job Address 1 n7c;, ~1 A;lrw~+Ar T.RnA Township, Range, Section, Tax Lot 18-02-05 -00 2200 Subdivision Lot Block . I~' " Application forrnnhilp horn,::. QnhQ....if-l,...A Tnr nWP";n(TIO~, ,t//I ~~~;-.J..? . : Structures now on the property' dw~lLi.n~ shoOG. sheds (d';~~~",'.:.~:H-,~ !~ pL\J.l"o\'~~") ) Proposed use of property: iii{ Residential /~/ Commer.cial /~/ I'ildustrial L/ Public fGiml:hMd. Affidavit: t, nnn~'n T.. 'f.f;" . hereby certify that this information ;s true and accurate. (please print) If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County 'Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other purpose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; vv lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ~ duly authorized to act for the owner, who is knowledgeable of this application. sign~ture/Address ~ ~ /(1 /J/)"'/J./. Ad. , n7" f"1 oI'3.m,...,..':!l....a~ T,~n.o _---......-~.....,...~ V' I ,----. Telephone '741'>-7'511 or Date When permit is ready notify: I:;" Appl icant \ I-I Owner () Contractor Qy: I~I mail Owner /"1" u__, IJ::~ /,U.....""" -T~__uJ'_ "yl'rL'/"'/(ziP)O'7'h-'--' Contractor -;.:/~~........::.:_:--),.:?.,,~.J- -/ .!?_,/w (zip) Contractor' s'DSRr:;"/~L &'" (;./l, Plumbing by nt.7nr.:.r City ~n";l'ItTfip'il Application # .C!-I.?:?'.1 -7q-&JfT Assigned Numbers C::T"\Y"';.,..~-F;.o'A(zip) Q'7A"77 :-_ //J ~ I~' phone Phon~ -.,...... r r Phone . ~ - - '""" . . DO NOT WRITE HELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of stories Residential: # of bedrooms ~ -" SI test holes reaay. # of employees # of units SOS: CI' Existing, () Proposed, BP#~/e~/J SI I Fee Code Description Sq, Ft. or # of Sites Unit Co~, t Valuation Fee $ "'// r"/) $7~'- $ $ $ each $ ,~~ each $' "'- '. ~l.A_ V'~ riJ"n .J...",.,. J ~ ow.A f'i Tt\7Ot'- '7d~A-":':~ or" ......O"~""'- CI Cash ."". I.,/'Check I c7!,/ .? / l':'ceived by /L __ ) a/ 1'" -7~"'" Water Supply 7"//4/P' Proposed -- --- - E~isting ./ Year Installed ,a _ _A _ /O;? / ,.",,~.,z,rv , ( f ;.. Total Valuation: $ Plumbing fixtures at $ Sewer/water conn. at $ Subtotal $ $ . dA $ S "'L:.-'"" ~ 4% State surcharge Plans check fee ~~e of OccuP.!!!lSX ~ TOTAL --'1tI:o" . $ -./ q>/l /~"~ :./ Zone-n".,.,-f1- Part. I A/~ Parcel I ""J~ P,,'cel Size L/....~~'V '::;'//1 " r. ..-/(/--P~ r: /' T ' /" __ - F - ~ _ ....... Minimum setbacks: 1., front-/' ~A ' ; 1., side .. J/A- ; into J~'; rear ,;1"}/J , I" . ...... v :- ,-/--- ,,'=' """'.... Comments {/L_.A......... #J""'_//~ /. ___ _ ..b L ",,/!'... L, / ,/ AI'-"_. ..u. __'" "" ~ ---, -',"", -=-:/"';'/ ""'7 ~.?''''''7'''~'''' ..,.,....., ..".v__ - '" _" - v '---?""4V'/'r ---;;r-...------~;/ To be typed on permlt _/ ~/~ v/ ~~ J' -7" __"'-~__ ""___ ...~_ _ ". /" --"_~_ .a:~_. _ --e ./~ /~ ~..;r3'?/ ?/.__. ~J//V-~-?/""~/~Dat~/;':'::"-/":;,-:::7q- /' (./~~~ ";;//'tJ~- ...........-~-..--r ......-~--'~ / 'X::;:' ,. ./T. - - - ~ -- ,- ,- WATER'POLLUTION CONTROe' ,/,' ". , Installation specifications: Itrtro gal. tank; /S"O ," ft, of drainfie-Ioj 1l1dX. depth of trencnes' (2, <I " ,To be type,d on permit , <'1'/ Iii! I( C<<fl ( ~-4'eiE" ~_ / ~ ~ _,,~~ Rfty;;;;,L IJ) (1~~ 4 ~J... _ ~ ) ~ ~; A:t '::c'/J _~A ~fi-f/ ~~"t/-A'J1l!!tI./~/.~I1.v~ _7A'?~"'~ ,,/ aAL- ~ 'W.IA'L e....o ~ k'L (h~_ 4i':;:... . o1fI,h~_~ '{T'- , t' d'elephone" (/ (/ By _ -d _ ~ Date _ ~ -/%-'7f _ Directions to s,te ....3!L7nl!.. ~ Il.. _/./ ~ _." /J/"':.I ./d".-._ ," ""c . ~ -/y /-....- ~~,~.. ~_.................. ~~/.....~ v,..f.I'L--'--_...............~.......~_ (/";./. __ ~ V ~ __ J_ _. _ _ .... _'/ .d ~ ~~.....~/ ~~, ~p"-. -~",.... (7' V"" ~~?""';- 1_-1 SIFO Plans to, CP&I _ set(s) Date 'Hold Slip /' WPC _ set(s) Required to pce PERMIT PROCESSING O~te CClllP 1 e ted Da ce tQ pce ,/,/1 CP&I ~;;I WPC ~I Planning /~/ Public Works ~ Elevation CI n/a ~_I Address CI Facility Permit I~I Environmental Health p;-///l .......".. ;I' --4/L~ K/ J I'J ~/' ". FOR INFORt,\ATlON about progress of your application call: Perm; t Contra 1 Center G87-HELP (687-4357) . .' ........ ,,,,, ct, ='~ z. -' FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4195 TO: v PERMIT PROCESSING PERtm NUMBER \~'2.4 - -, '7 MH PLAimING PARTITION NUMBER PUBLIC vlORKS SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS \01 ~ C.LE.f\.fZ.Wf'>-.'TE:.rL LA.t-..1E:. PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL IMPROVEMENT. YES ~ NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES V"" NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRDr1 FLOODING. MOBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. ~ SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 4&1.0' (~1.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. V' 3. MOBILE HOME TIE DmmS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT r.10BILE Hor1E I,ILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMUtl FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED \,ITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANr~EL, BUILDING PROHIBITED. ~ -0 RECOMMENDATIONS: ~ I J ~ .... 'J Un -l :P x DATE '?-\4-1~ BY (""."vy\C_ r o -l i'~ , '" ?, '.I C99-21 (-1+ t Name . 1M ~ . 'Phnnp Application #~~'1'l ~ for , , ~.J.j / X ~I WORK SHEET Construction Permits & Inspection AA H Type of Construction ~ Group ~ Fire Zone ~ F=' D Use Classification !IloTF-: ATC4C.H~ Co pi.( oF' TI-I~ PLOT PLAN To TI-l r- IAI..c..P~(T'()R'.""GRl=l=Oj\J PFRMI'T I./)I)I.). 10 BE TlpFn ON PER M IT: PRCl\JIOE r-OOTING:5 AN:!) PtEFS TO ('J)M.PI~ IA1.TI-\ ~TAT':; t::.('J11NDATlON R~QI1IR.EMeA.JT.s ~R MOP-Iu:: \4-o,\..U=,'" ore A,",,> IiU::[I"'lMM/::'NDED Bl( TI-l~ M,AAJUl='f)/TrJ/2fR .DiAT AR.~ ,ATIAc..I4E.D To THE JNf')/Dt: o~ THe MO~1I ~ HoMF-:. A'--;;.o Pf<(')vIDr-=: ""''<.I'i<.T/~ A:". ~v::.I.?\J\I~n. ."l~';' ~r::UEt2."j~ 6lof C-QR. (4/J-F-r> IAJ.specnClJU#'.. ~I//)i? ""'ITF 1:"5 J(')('".An:;'J:L ~A ':::'''''''I2-I-IA3AR I) 4t<vA. A MINIMuM ~/AJ/'''''r-l .Fl...QQ(C.._ F-L[;\/ATIClN ~~1~7 f=EET ''"''rt.All- ~t=..c...G(.ul2{;D h&D ('_~QT\ r-1I3D A~ Q~ Qlll KF,D F,~ Tl-tt=:: IS )..}{) /')<,r-:;D rl.d:2r, D PI. tJd /oJ MAAJ A (.., F.: Iv{ r:::-A.1T I. ""IT t:f<.. A ,\,A()t::l./ uS !-laM F. ,. - EUMF. 1",1==. n0l1j!\J5 Af2/::'. t?/SQl)IR6D ()c:;rc ~^J('.11j~I,2,c; . . , l~ "iH;::, ~f<oU(\JD ~I t::.IJAT\OIV THAT "l14'F Ma?'Il./;; Ho~E__ WILL I3C p(. A.,_~ D O~I:c:.. R.F.I ~\" 1 'T'I-l~ R r; QIlI 1'26 D }AI/\JIMljM C,,2~T ~Loot<.. ~,-~\)ATIt'lAI, Date {P --- tt ~ r7r 74-164 ~'S77 Si~ure \ ~ (~.// . DEPARTl'iENT OF ENVIRONI~EiHAL 11ANAGEMENTe ~/ PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE fit Address 1075 Clearwater Lane EUGENE, OREGON ~,:::~;j Springfield ,'_e.-~~~~~t!~tJ- 1!!~~~~!~~r:::::f~:lI:~::: 5::: ::~: :~o :0: 2 ::e'iQi!~n~ ~U,,~~?; "'~/rid) I "~;":~':';~~"~''':'~'~'f.~,~w;,~..~....~;~ie:~~R ,~::j;I';'i~n~/_/s~~.~~/l'Wl': hed/~/ l~~~l~' \ ~o/'- ~,~,~1(O pW.r-nm~.,,) . .1) H;!1\1l91'!w;,9~!b!!}}'p,rnp!:11",;, r.A' .!:h.llIlt it", _ Nffill1l~nLAA _ tH!!!,~,".!m~A; _ / 1r!W,,!k l-rfd veo Affidavit: I, Donald L. Hill , hereby certify that this information ;s true and accurate. . tiil!l~s!lnl'M!1tl If this application is for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pu!pose. I have the following legal interest in the property: owner of record; contract purchaser; XX lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchasej :.xx duly authorized ..to.ac:l'fr the_ o",er. who_is knowledgeable of this application. .. Signature/Address -p~,,!:,(~..@Jr7.'~. 1075 Clearwater Lane, SPrJ.nqf J.eld(zio) 97477 Telephone 746~728l or . Date . -5'-/t/ -77' When permit is read! notify: -X Applicant C/ Owner C/ jOj'traclJr~ ~: C/ man I}(Phone Owner c:! r AI.: 7'9" ,h.f~p'" ukl7q (zio)9''7/1-77 Phone Contractor ~/-'- ~~/ E~'/A~'" (zio) Phone Contractor's OSR# 79'-/...s-6 R Plumbing by owner If Commercial: :#IJ~!'$tlIli~~$' Residential: Il,@,fl!lif~.i :::? SI test holes ready DU NUT WRITE BELUW THIS LINE # of employees ~nif'1UiHiii~n c.#./? # l~~~!~;jExisting, BP # ;L/..A ~ /~/ Proposed, SI # .\:'Ee~'~ COde' oe.cfl~tl;i;'~ .. :~~f~~n~~J i~~t Valuation Fee $ ./.77.s-() $ $ $ , ~1f.-4(') ~1)f110 1070 -/f!/~";.-'!. o fiC....~. ~l.!r.i!'! # -"9,/ C? 2f!..... "'i";" c::;x". d / .Cll!iilkll /'7 Rec~;~~dM~~:J,). f!Y Water Supply dL-U , Proposed Existing V , Year Installed ~~-19-:7t Total Valuation: $ 11I2)111.ir'i~11 :: : Subtotal TOTAL $ each $ //2 "2<. each $ $ $ ; ftC'i? $ $ c:2S-: ~ $ 7~. '7'(') 4% State surcharge Plans check fee ~ ", \'l:!:'R'38 sf gGSit:l~aRQY ~~ PERMIT PROCESSING zon4~./;; Part. # ;11/;4 Parcel # ~/ft1 Parcel Size #dtJ'y ..3t: () , Minimum setbacks: G., rrr "':;:(J / ; G.,,/;de ulk ; into ,/5'; rear_ -::!l~' comments~ ~, _ ~1':~.(?'~- ~d.JP ~ #L-; . _ k/ L L ..e:":'-'''~ To be typed. on permlt d /4';P;: ~ ~,. ~ ...,.~~"- -~~r---' ~ ../ /~~4--- .~ _A"""_~~/.A".L,7.~////~~;"/..:.... BY'~sp.~--~)/.,rT Dat,( ~//?-7'7 ~ Type /" Group Fire Zone /Use ssification To be typed on permit A '/) ........017 (A~ \A{p i,r ~ V-~" - - J By J c?J,") Ii Date & ::-:L-2~7? For plans information call (area inspector). -- fJ ~ Ph"Y7u- <, '/( nO / Directions to site ..l5 2.~ ::d I/.-..,_///~ .%-",.-..J _A"_~.~~)/~_. .~..&~..J ~_.... ,./1-, L--- -.d-&v?..n,<,..r2 ~~ ~~ - . - - /~/ SIFO ,. Pyts-to:. -CP&I -=--'set(s) C/ _ D;te - ;Hold'SliP Date Date to WPC _ set(s) Required to PCC Completed PCC i)(f CP&I 'P. WPC Jf / / "} C/ Planning /-/ Public Works - ~ Elevation I~ I Address C/ Facility Permit ~/ Environmental Health - "'....... on/a~ - .I)'//? , FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-l71 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687-4357) . E: ~ " 0 V . 1> Z . 1 ,om 0. 3m "'J< r; ,m -l /'!1:!> "'0 10 .lXI;JJ -< ." ." I I I 1/'!1 .Z ;<: -i:X: ,0 -i 'O'!>. '. I , "1, rrI -/'!1 )!r;;:: . -:it' 'ooJ 0" . t -() ~, 0 ^- ,I i '.1 r , I I I I I -- j . r.-, I-< ." o (") "lJ ... SoeedHlo 'ii' Moore 8oliii.;-t~~Fo7~rllt.\I''' ., . . . , I, -I II I too ."r.-,,:3;:3;:3;.<x!tlllJ:',!J:l'X'ttI,(")Zt., l:' (") Ci m:J: ::::> "'!j "'tI ~'"'tI -o"'1J 0 rrl C: J> r...,^:;O'O""rJ '='Ettt'"'tl Zi lf1 I:;S'" tt' ~'r r<'H ~t::'I-f.-n ." Ci t'7' I> "'t! t--otZ .-ld-l -< Z: IZ""I'J ~ IOrrl ~ t .....~3: r ':!>:X: In or I~ ~~ OC IJ> (T'J j~~ :60 I~: Ir~ fA!O -< II-< 1-.,/31 1-10 ' I"''' I 'Io::!: , Zt-'l ~. I CD I ~ ,Vi <: I Z 1'03: o 1>,", l;j c: I rri.... 'z ;JJ I."... 10m I.... -I V1 (") t.-, ;.....f7'! I 10.... c: CD ,ooJ"'O ~:Z0 l..o~ i~- I . Z '(")0 o ,">tool i -!-( o I <:;JJ I oj. ,1> ... I r IT! :-1 Ct.1 ':I> ! 1> IX '-I . 'H 0 10 :.... 'zzr, 00- -1m I tt' ,0' ~ I' r..,) ~ -r; t;j Ie I'll C"'i ,Vi 1111 t-') <Z> ""CD or.CD <Z:tA:t-..)- :0...... ,t.J'u.I t :!> Ot.J .-< 'CD ~ 1t.-2 -.J -() . ...:'....1", . tool '0 I~ z 0., . (") "1-' !'ootUJ X hl -I .1>' c: ooJ' ;JJ-() I IT! ' 'tool 3:: . ~ "",~. .~'.'''.~1;~,..... I I' I -; -() , --.! -<l I z,=" OE' I ~,J I O~: to> ox .,,-I:l: Z~' r::t>;mztSJ' :!> -10m ' ZrT1XO IJ> -I (")<->zo :t:c:....;JJ fTl;JJ.Or.-, (")(')1>.. "::L.r :1>. .,,;JJ.'T1 /'!1,",l'1 mn1m , J> ! 0.1>' N~; . o CD fT1 J> (") :x: u , I I iN Vi N - ui CD-.o' j<:> CD . d CD' , . " o-() o <D: , . ! . CD0.<D0000 I -' I ''=' tTl ." -I '. · ,_. .4t., I .. I I I , ,~ . i I I' , I I . I I I I . . . "''''' ~",;'~"""""-'''<;)<~'1 " 'I' .. , . c.i I I I , -I I I I I I 'I i , I " I :.1 () .... -I" I '" V> o <: .... n .... ~ .... ~ '< :.: ll> "0 . t-' en .'"' 32nd St. 0 C :>:l rf' 0' en 0. 1] en 1-" ., '0 <: ~ t; 1-" 1-" en - ::l 1-" a '" 0 Hl ::l f-' 1-" ct co CD f-' 0 0. N tll 1] 0 f-' <J1 42nn "t-_ 0 0 - 0 :><' m 0 N ~ N 0 0 'fjo :u o Il> Clearwater Lane 0. ~.W ~~ ~ ,.:~ ; ',' w '" o w ~ ..:,- 60I,-;"X -'f- - { oX. ._ w o t t1 t; 1-'. <: CD ~ Il> '<: CD ~ 1-'. en rf' 1-'. ::l '" \ \ ~I ~ '1. t-3 Il> ::l :><' 400 I. z z ~ ~ 0 0 W N rf' rf' ~ CD CD II II II en :3 0.::l"'U Il> Hl t-' en :3 'U en ~t1 '<:C o 0 t; '0 1-'.0 1-',0 t; ::l" rf'C:~ en ::l :3 :3 0 '0 CD 0 rf'0'0 CD o en CD rf' 1-'. CD CD '0 t; f-'Il> CD 1-"'0 0. Il>f-' CD 0 en 0 oo.rf' f-'O en en '" f-' :3 I-'.rf' ~ en ~ 1-" CD en rf'CD 1-" '0 1-'. 1-'. CD 1-"1-"0 CD Il> 0 ::l 1l>0f-'0. :3 en ::l ::l"o. ::l t; 0'''' f-' f-' Il> o 0. Il> CD ~ :3 rf'CDO ~ J~~ '" I-'.z ~ Il> t; 0 CDenHl CD ::l 0 Il>rf'CDO' rf' ",. rf' CD 01-" I-"rf' '0 to 0' CD t; CD f-' :3 Il> Il>. ~'O CON t; 1-"CD Il> ::l t; (IS en I-"::l" Hl<: rf':><' :><' . f-'Il> t; CD CD I-'.~ o.::l 0 0.1l> ::l 1-'. 1-'.", <3 ::l "'0. ::l CD 0'0. CD "'0. C ~ rf' ~ w w w 'i ,J ~j Z o . .'" 50' ~ ___ 1 . Il\ated) ~ test1- ~ f-' f-' f-' ""t"" '-< CD CD CD 0 a a a 0' ~ ............ to< > ~ ~ ~ 0 n ~~::;::: ll> ~ .... 0 ~ ~ .,. ... CD .r. '" "j"j "j ..... 0 0 0 ... ... ... f-' 0 .... 111 :1 ~ ;0 OJ '1 ~ ill :i' ;0 '1 -< 51 :l 'd'd 'd 1) CD CD CD a a ... a ........ .... ~ ~ ~ .1''''''''''' "j"j"j 000 ... ... ... " . . ,. POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 'J'OB ADDRESS:Ul/~ C1<':>,,,-,,-zo:r 1.=0 lJ~CJl?jj,olILJo Ci:'Y':;C.2 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # TRS, TL: J.G-42=O~ 0 2203 Subdivision: !:3 Wo13~~1V-O This permit for the referenced property is hereby '..........v~~. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordin~nce, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: . Contractor's OS # !:l:::::::J!cJ L~ CllUo :i.tJ1i ~,-,:;m &:.~ ~uo C;;>c. 0'14"11 o.c. ~ GS79 Scc;:z::: "..,~o c~a<> OX'q;:;:1 974"n 't~('llr~," (.~ 1.560 Total Construction Value: I Telephone: Telephone: Telephone: 7f;6-72.01CZ,) I . i -. . '. Construction approved by this permit:, 1070 Q:;;7l'.~t""'o 24 13 03 ~ll.o vMo c:::1 *='::;2:all .8DJ lJ~c:J ~-:J CO f,,,,-j;k=\'..yo 2 i~" ~,?-"'" ~ """,..-1"" . Water Supply: =1'.1, # Bedrooms: 5l # Plumbing Fixtures: 2 _ # Employees: = PLANNING DIVISION Zoning: ~ Partitioning # c:l Parcel # e:l Parcel Size: 600" 13 ::;;::\}~' Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, front: ~9 ; centerline of road, side exterior: c:n ; interior property lines: Jl,So ;rear property line: ,2()? Special Instructions: ~ C:l h-"'Vl/"-'''.;I =z ~ rn.;",?l'-) ~= ~y of'h:! For information call 687-4394, !--~ r,~'.9J1 .' WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION Site Inspection # co =.:.00' Installation specifications: ll,UJ;j) llS3 lineal feet of drainfield required; max. depth of trenches: ~a ,Special Instructions: :<1~^'J1. 0 YJ" cop vQ C ":J7 ll.e;:;;:l Cl:Ill C01Cl1 uilll.JJ. ~i1 lOll l::Q1,~~ oU cC-..,,=u c2 L''''''..---J ~'il.cld:. ~lb3 lii:.U w (;:) 1;0 i!:::'dT.Jl2d CEf1 i6.,v<-"~ tdZolW Cll""-""""'" 0ll'0 C::uo l?l!.ceCl ro;> CO ~ o;r=do C'IDsr we of ~ ~" gal. min. septic tank capacity; Setbacks Septic Tank Interior property lines 10' . Edge of road right.of-way 10' Building foundation 5' Wells, other water sources 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' . ,.,-:,.~ For information call ("-'1~"lC"~ between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m.,l"7.-n ~_ ll_!'l_ CONSTRUCTION Type of Construction: 0 Group: 13 Fire Zone: S Use Classification: GY3 :'~" PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: ~ ~ GCtl ~ eo =;il.17 deB o~to e..,..,"l,,(>4"'O li'CV'1l';!r.rv..","'", !lot: &:U.o~" o:r c DIVISION lroc'-"'" by Sb cflo.. ~ CillO 0&"""'''''''' ~J ~ ~ ~ t:b t:1o [Qoo ~::! ~ ca ~ f!= t;uv,",,,-.v of ~~'" j2<z ~ .:,,1/11"'" ~,,--,.Jl'i:.,,~ Vc:::::< o!oo lto ~r~^<>r.-1 cJl~ Q !Z~ 1':-"~ 6ttc:::o A.-:t': ., ~ IZk= olI.=~ o!Z (ffjo rh'il1 Do =:?Q;1 ,:::1 ~cd co """'~ I)>>" tt::l c:::::clc~ il1::::J'~ [?~~ ~o :!.~~" Cl S!l:'G:::3 F.o"r~plans:inf6rmationr&iIl11~7.llir c:::.3lliDetviieen:8:00.a:m:raf1d:9':00]a:m1~ I':<":')\!: ell::! IQ t7Q.l1ll. ~ ~~~ CZ) llo tJol!= For inspections (see ba'cr~";r tHis permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:60:p.rh~ r1"~-"'" i~ l1lG= Gli-'7I:lan€cot:Jnty .~ Directions to Site: Date Issued: ~~ 11:0 .&l..--;;:c2 tigad" ~ &'f:;hc C:J ~,-....:or.: Lo::!::l" fjJz~:&f."..........J' In latlto C~2p1!) DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT JiliJ/!~ COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 1?&l I=A~T RT~ AVI=P\1I11= 1=11Q;1=1I.1I= ru::u::r.;n/IJ Q7An1 C55-13 ,-- .. \ \\ ,- , . . SLAB FLOOR PLUMBING GROUNOWqRK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS GAS PIPING GROUNDWORK ApPROVED / / DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH PLUMBING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS ROUGH GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ~ DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 FINAL PLUMB I NG ApPROVED lEI DATE fj--/S---71NSPE~TOR 7-9- 79 R~ DISAPPROVED ;---y REMARKS . _. _. , ~.. .- -~ ----. FINAL GAS PIPING ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED ;---y DATE INSPECTOR ROtARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE ~. NOT READY TO ISSUE ~ DATE REMARKS rFrJ-- INSPECTOR . ~:. ~ '.(' c . ~. .' 'o .'POST THIS 'PE'RMjTON..;,MA!!'JB4ILDIN~. AT SITE.. . '.i',. "J~EiA9DR~SS:1O?$~._~~~.!?~",,~ ..' ..... .." ........... ....C0NSTRUCTIO.NP~R~ii#>. m.iift~~' . _ TR~,T~:, ~~!}.~, '. . .',.... .. .... . .' . . ..... . . '. '. . . .... ". ;S~bdiViSi.Qn(",,;::\, ....,. ")', .,. '';' ::'~<,~,' ',:,'. "'. . ". , th is ,Rern, it,f,Qt'lh:e 'r~'f~reric~d J)r~p~rty, i.s h~r~b.v: '~~~~~V0'j~ . '.'~ .' ~Se'tb,a~ks,ahctothe~.c~~~i~i:6'nio.T:~ppioyaXriiust:,p~~~riC#Y'o,~s.e(ved.~ ;\ffol~ti~nc~n - result in revocati(:m'9f this perriJi~, citation under WQvisions'of. Lane'Qol:!f1ty:~ l.hfra~tioriOrdiQ~nce>and1br'o~her.r~qie~iies allow~d'by .1<3W:'..' .;. '. ">...' '.-:'- ......:, ';,:.:'< .: '..,.",,' ',' '. .-. ......... :. " ~: ,'.....,.'.....:..~.,o:,;,..\:,'....,~:;;:',: .,.,<>,-:....>oi/~~:;:'...j;.:.........(:~>:i.~.:;...".... ;,. . ~ '" /~pp~ical')t/Aad.re~sfi' ,,:~i!.t'.~,~~ Wll, ~O:~.~ .~~d;' '.::':00'41:1 '.;',''';:: :" ''-'::':' ":", -";" ':~]e.I~p'~6r:le\.',1~~~. 1~ ... Owner/Addr~ss: ' .: ,- ~.@;lI' ~~iCG 6S19 $iJB~ ~~, ~~ ',~~~ : ,. ..,:', (, . " ,:'" ..' .'. "rrl'!l~phon~; : :1. :". .:. "'_ ,:;..CQntracj:or/Aa~ress:';::~~:~COO:'..'.,...~.: . '.'.. ':. ~ '~'.:". .':, , ' .';: ^'.~.,~ ":~:".,..,..':';F~I~phone:>:t',,:.;::".;~ '.,: CO)ltractor's ,os #~ .;' '''1~ .;' .': . . _ '.'; ,. :T6ta( Cons.tructio!)'Ncilue::. I-~' " ,,'~' .' <.. .o '. c'.': ,;, ';\:> ,',",:\ ; ~i~ :.<~.'\., ',' '.:"':'-:-:.! .;\:;::" ~~;>;:. ..:'.' '.- ,,':. '. :.' : .:;":;.'i-}...;-_,<:....~,.. ~,'.;' ..... ~~ ",:' :--:.'.~: "."', :;:',,;~ ~'''';:'::<,::;':'~:''::''~'J;:';'''':';:'.~ ':;.: :"~":':'~</f:c).;,:;~~.t:.'_c'~/',/:.>-~,..; :::'_'::',.~:' ':::. Construd:i()n appr6~e,!:f./:)'ytnis.p,err1)it;:.::.f_.:.i~19:. ,. " :.- ~):~ .~:;.~.~.~ ~:. i8~~:'.~']::,';,:", ;".X:::;- >:'<''''';_~: . :, '., ': :'.:,: . :-,' '. r. ':' '. . ". " ' ,,~ ; "".;,,,~,. ..,~'~..~j?V:i~__~.:~ .~<:1't!,a";;'d"", ,:~n~ik..~:ii ,tW*.':"",\ ... . . .., ,,"1. ..... <. ' l<'Ii"'"",~,"'..r',,. . ~p,~.g. , !.~ , , , ,_, "', :.:,'.~~~~~~~uPPJy':.>':' - .,:t'r~:::(;.~~:::?;.. .:':'::, ,"f::{;~:;t;:~,:.:,;~~'~~~~B.f'~~6:~~:';, <i:...:~:~:iG~~fA~:{~i:~,~J:~e~~ /"'::~:i:~~~:/':0 ,#'ErhPI9~e'~~:'" -: ,00":.; :;" ,'.' " ....Pl~NN:iN~,Q,Vi~,.b~(;~;~:if~;~~;~f:o~~~~~iii~~~y~i;~i;~~;~~i~,~~}1;;i~!'cf~:,i;+~;t~Ma~:~.~j~.i,t.:~(? ,~.': '. '.Spec,lal,ln.str,uc.tI,on~:';~ .' .',,; '~,;';;',~.~'ftw'~;o~;:;' ~:^~'.m., ',;.; ,~:,:: ". " 'c, "' '. -:. ,.'::,'" ',:: '. ....,~~"':::,.:., ',. "':.' '" ,",' '::::;::~:::';~~:-c>.?"r;",.:....:~:".< ':,' .. .' . ~'.~For'lilf0rni~ti6hcall ',(i87-4394,,: ~.ri.~ik1i.t,n' '. " '. :-,'::; ':.,' ~:.' "'" : ~,~ ". \.-.,'- , " ". . ~ ;f\ . . . . _ " , '. , ',WATER :p,olLi,lJTION' ".Site l,n~p~ct'i6n,~# ~: ~~a~4 .:'In'st~lIafi~ilspecifj'~ations: <'~" "i~; '::,::ogatmih;sept,i~:t~nkt'apacity;" :: ' ". .. CO~"[Rq,L > q.lV!~I9,,~,"', ." ~:Hlleal.!e~t.5~f.~~<!ip.ti~!~,'r,~v~;Ir~9;:~~~;"?~p,t~. of,tren.cti~~:".::. ':.~~q , "',' :'. ' "".',<::' .', ,.,...,', '::.:':-:'.~".:"..:,>_ ''''-:''," . i' ....: '; . ': ." :_'~~. '.,:': ,< :f..;' .';.' ~.f?:':'SpeClal:lnstructlons; ~~'t''iI.\ ~ :t~"~1i-l" ,'~";~'~U,,~~:1Q)r':'" ". '. '~~;back;'::;';"f.":3Ei"se~,jC'i:k~~~f::6~~tfj~(~ch',\~~~~~ '~-8>k~~Jra'" .'. . Yi~~~;~7~~~;~i~~:!~fy:(:" :~::Y', .... . Jt;:;!~i",,';2~;,i~t~~:~;-~.~~~~},,'#;\,~.tr::;: ..' ;;;:: " ',' ,'" ."",." .};. 'Wells; oth~r\Nater'sQl,Irce!( ',:50' -:' '100' ,'. 'For.ii1fori1}atiqn ;calF ,Gftw.:~~'2.b~:tween8':OO~:9i:GiO~,!.m.; ~ ~~~~,:,'flLS~;"': ;,," . , . - . , ., ~ . I -_:'....,.' - ,'," ,': "":'--'~'.''.'' .,,' "',', " ',,>,,',.," ",;"" "',. ,"""'-_ ", "--~.'- -', ..._7'__.o,~';." ......,'.tf., ". , "CON.STRUCTION' ", ..'.TvpeofCoristructibn: :~..,: ",Gr9up:':'t~, ", Fire:Zone; .~.. J' Use~lassifj,cation:','t.'tijJ$:.,:' '~;'. " .' . . PERMITSlfl\JSPECTION ....In.structi9ns:~~ f~~~,'~~~'~I1i.,~~ri~~Q~~~':a~~..~~~~~it"'. .... " ~.~C ,DI~~~~ ".. "e.", '. ,.!~:F:0f,tPIi:ijjs~i:rif0rma'\jibr;i.. ~..E!,we~nt8> r. ~mJrar.fdZ91:00ta~' , . ..'~' . '.. . .'. .... ~~.:ilJ " . ':. '. 'tor inspections (seeba'EK OIS permit}caiI6.87A065 lJetweenB:OO a:ni. qri(j 5t00fr:>;,w~ '~;~~%~1~, .. " .,' .... . ....:~. . '. . ..' .. <. ".~.~.~~~.tOdf)~Y ';Dfr:ection~' tp Site: .' '.. ." Date'lssue'd: ' " I . , '. . .. . . , '~~.,~:I~~~'C1Z' ~&. .~,' d~~ .~. 'ai<J~~~ t~<:t~:,),f~~ ~,"~~.i'~ 'icfto,' , .'ot~~~'1~.' ~,..'.'" DEPARfMEN;9i=~Njj'Rq~~ENTA~ MAN'AGEMEN~BY:: 'JffBiti::' ", 1',,":, .', ': . ' COURTHO,OSEI PUBLlGSERVICE BUILDING ' '. . 1'<; 'I=A'~TATI-I AVI=r-J111= i=11f::i=r-Ji=, nQi:i'::nll.' Q7An1 'r :; C55-13 .~....'."'#;'" '," '\..,;..;.J.:<", \ ' oj \:-- "'\\ \' it "'~f . ~: ~_f. '", I .r' '. , ,- " , .' ,': SLAB 'FL06~;:,:~ _ " PLUMBI NG GROUN[MORK . ,~ ApPROVED I REMA'R~S '-, "(; ,,0 I SAPPROVED " ./ " ," l' ~' GAS;'PIPING 'GROYNDNORK .i,.,.'- .. Ap~~'OVED / ..-.... ,,' REM~R~'S ", ROUGH~PLUMBING ApP;ROV,ED I REMARK'S t._ f DIS~~PROVED / ";'~; I :UISARPROVED f \ . " RO~(;H .,GAS . Pc I PING' ' ~;;- )'" :? " - ApPROVED / REMARKS FINAL PLUMB lNG, ApPR,oVED / V7 REMARKS t.' , I / D1SA~PROVED./ DISAPPROVED -/ '~~~-' , , FINAL -GAS ejp'ING .. :~." ;0 APPROVED!- .-\ . REM1'RK S i. DISAPPROVED ,f 0:- .~,~ CERTIFICATE OF- OCCUPANCY' REMARKS READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE / ,~:. ' ,,', -" , , ON ,t... ".,. I DATE - , I NSptCTOR. .. I DATE INS~ECTOR '~ . 1 " l DA r E INSPECTOR I 'I ,.' lOnE' I NS'PECTOR 10'" g'dS--71,;,,;,o,t/d-. . 7- '9....: 79 '/P/J- ' I ~ - , ' / DATE INS~'[CTOR .~j ~.. ',;' .. / DA TE INSPECTOR - ;"'i t" 1,'. r- ~. .' ".... :j ... .(, ~~~-~ ~i-~ . ..~. ~~j , . . '\, - POST THIS PERMIT ON, MAIN BUILDING AT SITE 0' . . '"jOB ADDRESS:1GlIJJ '"1e~lJ~CSi;' Y_f\1"'1"10 ~pzilr'1.Zgi&lQ1l) e~C~ " TRS, TL: l&O@~S () 22\l}~ Subdivision: 00 CONSTRIjCTION PERMIT # W;;o1l.32<3"'>10=2J iiaJ. d/< This permit for the referenced property is hereby QlPJ'16<!J'vc&.. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result in revocation of this permit, citation under provisions of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. . Applicant/ Address: Owner/ Address: Contractor/ Address: Contractor's OS # Donald i1..tti.11. 10'5 o.ea~~ L,.Flt";:)" $p~M!iI OK'e. <J/14Tl O..C.. lrlc.ndJ..eo 4519 Jas~9r P.;Oa~. $pff~.,. O1fegn 91411 Wel~ West. !S6@ Total Construction Value: I Telephone: Telephone: . Telephone: "Il~~lt1JC~C I I Oconstruction approved by this permit: . .... , " . Water Supply: ~1'i' " PLANNING DIVISION '.. ~; , ," ;,.J 197{} ~lgnGl) 24 a: 40 ~lG mde 600 bam11 .800 , ~t~~oo ~.i' 00i pro~y: 2 ~~,,' G~S1t oo;!l &hnds~ dJ- '# Plumbing Fixtures: # Bedrooms: j\ # Employees: 2 M Zoning: t~ Partitioning # fW Parcel # m Parcel Size: 400.; B 3GG~' Minimum required structural setbacks, from: centerline of road, froot: S@f ; centerline of road, side exterior: 00 ; interior property lines: is\\! ;rear property line: ~i' , " Special Instructions: ~O_ 6'&iOrr~Y ~t b0 ~ b~~ ~y of 1i@ll!f! . . . o- f For information call 687-4394, Rfto~1!" illft~lf~ Site Inspection # nO ~rd' Installation specifications: 1000 gal. min. septic tank capacity; 150 lineal feet of arainfield re~uired; ma~,depth of trenches: 24" / SpeCIal Instructions: IMmtl Q 18ft ea.p of ~,'loam lWU 'tihieh U111 ~ea~ lij' ~~iOJ.~ all- Q'Jlt'E'liCJl:'s~f pw~~a:tnfio!d. ,C9.Pl.'~ fW, &$ ~ ~e ~~~ EmtJ1 iw3~sa ~~Q;tn:~hee-'awe ~. ~ ~ @s ~fm w..:;....~ft O~., -A~. ~f ~ ~.. ;r-;'::'" .- ( WATER POLLUTION CONTRbL DIVISION , Setbacks . , ' $eptic Tank O. . > Interior prope~ty lines.--~' 10' ;, Edge of road r1ght-of~vvay 10' '. ..' Building foundation -'- 5' Wells, other water sources 50' Drainfield 10' 10' 10' 100' / For information call ~~'J_~@'~,,) between 8:00 - 9:00 a.m., ~ ~_ ~_~_ CONSTRUCTION Typeof Construction: tm Group: U Fire Zone: 3 'Use Classification: ~ PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: 1?~c fM~ Oi.1d pmra gO ~~7 t11ti.lG~~-a f~t~ 1:~!&lr~t:o ~ riQ~:Ue -~.J:i3 ox aI DIV.lSION ~~~1Sd 'b,. \6I3e mso dtat are atts:!cld ~ 1:hc i1.~ of tbe loa. A.1G@~ yJO'<ll\flde sldrtmg as mq~era... ~~G l!l'(i)\1eroe '('!Jft ~t; f~ r~iroo ~nlled ~e~1@~", tmm- site ~ !emted oi'~h1n a i~d tw~d ~ea(; ,& oln<~l?:'lW1 fl1rro1,.~ ~~! ~~t~~ ~g 4811 a~ be 6~~~.and_ ~~f~ ~ ~quU~_bv ~~ oo~ae~..f~~~~!~$~ ~~! }.~it.~. ,,_... J--;:~_e: . "r:ul",,,,,ldl'ls~lnt0rlil1a,tIOJ;1~(:;?~i:"1~.r 'l:)U~""t:N!VV~~11.8.00.a.FR_",61.,J.S,.01:I~d;I'I'I,~~ ~t tim. ~ '1.:1.......... ........ !I'...........'-~ '~ . ,. -""77 ~W~ F.or inspections (see ba~K of tliis permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 8mQ)~.rWp~ e!nirr:rr.a fUst :E~ .. ~ - tu. ~~~~~-;~<)~L <7_/~?7f1 (!lomi~A~(O~A~Y Directions to ~ite: . ~ -- C7 '7 ~~ ;::>- I. . . Date Issued: ~" ~~:iJ ~ Jnuf?~ ~~E='::~ E:R::=~N:::~N~tt'B,,:e1:=~~ ~ Jl~lC~. -(la, If},'..t;P&J}=6~ , COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING '" ". C55-13 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE. EUGENE OREGON 97401 _ '1 ~ ; '." i "'4 , .~ ,tI: ;>>, , Q (" ..' '--;.' , ~~ SITE INSPECTION "1'.,' ,. ):~ ApPROVED / 'j REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION DISAPPROVED / REMARKS I DI~APPROVED I ApPROVED./ .$ FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED. / I DISAPPROVED / REMARKS' LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION Ap.PROVED / REMARKS / DISAPPROVED / FINAL INSPECTION ..- ApPROVED / V I REMARKS 'DISAPPROVED / d<. ~LI.(' . ~/< READY TO ISSUE / CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY NOT READY TO ISSUE DATE' I NSP.ECTOR REMARKS / /)/~ - I \ 'I, I DATE INSPECTOR ./ DATE INSPECTOR I DAT.E INSPECTOR I DATE I.NSPECTOR I Dm ",/lJ-';I:,. ~t:::,'J'O: .tP(.I-c If ~ ~ 7' - 79'- /fft- · I I I " \t._ _ "''' TRS , "TL ' 18 0 2 05 0 0 2 2 0 0 ,,,,,.,,' .!' ., P S ot 1..'\..... Subdi v i'sion Lot ! . t .- ;\ Plan t -:. F;lock ,,+- . .U: ~"O"'~i. ~O~d '. ", \/." , /c-?? '." -y , Q) , C si'te t1.l H ,. '. +J (/) "d C N M Spririgf ie lq .,-.---- '..;, ' ~; "i':". ~ ,/ .~ ~. , l-I (]) +J t1.l 3 'l-I 't1.l Q) .-...... - -- ~ Vicinity. Map N Job Loca::iou ,i!ennit II 'Penn:!.t !L Permi t 0= ;\. i I g\i ~ 1 ,'j < 'c) lr -, (r'",:k r'~t~.,!l. 1075 Clea rwa te r F0r F"~"" For :r~~~[~ (2) = Dwelling ND. 2 ~. (Usag~ being bhanged to stor~gebuil~ing) (3) = Sheds and shop~. '. . . . ~.J"/~ , 1'><'1 - PropOsed .~ wide" , mobile home' parki.ng . site.' Note: Location, of tank and ,field 'isestimatE;!d but. .:approximate .' Note: Pro'posed-rnobile home will' r~~~ive ~omeitic 'w~te~:from' . mi3nicipal water sys tern'. .' , ~"', ;. ,-. " Dr~ye~<3:Y ...(exi;;t~~91_.~ ., .. t ...'=-.... T,o"l T1 P Permit if PeL~i t f.! . ._...._w.__. .~___._.~~ ____._..--;'._...____. 1J.2.fl- -PermTcU-- ,"(- \\ r.. ; I ?(3J .. /' I ' ,Yor rOT ')?or-- ~-':l~ln, g. No ~':. ~ . .'~ ~'.r' ~' 6~ )',' lA' '~6 ~- ;."'. (j(< ~ ,~ell \ \ \ \ .\ , " ..- rd .Q) ~ ro . ~. , '0'.-\"'" U"I '+l " r-\ {j) Q) --' ,\ I ! . '.) 'I '. , ~y ~~. T~nk -- (~\: ."1:.) .J ._~'t.' ~. ,-' , PL ~ I ' ,.' --~..~ .------.-------"- '1 ><l ^ ' '~.~.L 3 '0 ' , I ,~.~.. , , I 7 '0 ~ I '*" . ',;--- ~, [~'~'."'.'- \. of".. ....",.-.:00;.0.': '''''1.' ,"", ~ ,"':-!"7'~' .i~',:r~I" ~~.':~"'-;': t";.. 0(.,: :'-~."_'" ::, '~;~"-;:~:.:-~~:i .:Y:'"':r.';t~:r; ~: :r,:.~~'~ "<'" , ,.1' .J.>.-~' . ''', ''''';.''r:,; ",,'V;" ~pa'" ~-t'f tf ' .<f . .. ~' ~ FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT ' Department of Public Works 125 East 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 687-4J95 -~-, , , , ' TO: ~ PERMIT PROCESSING PERt~IT NUMBER \ '?.)"LLt- - -I e:; MH SUBDIVISION OTHER SITE ADDRESS' \0 -,~ c.LE.~C:"WA:.TE:.Q.. Lt:~t-..,\E. PlANNING PUBLIC WORKS PARTITION NU~1BER . ,', , . .,~ " \'" ~ " .:~ PERMIT VALUE IS A SUBSTANTIAL ~MPROVEMENT. YES ~'- NO SITE IN FLOOD HAZARD AREA YES J/ NO SITE LOCATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD HAZARD APPROXIMATE STUDY AREA, EXTRA PRECAUTIONS MAY BE APPROPRIATE TO ASSURE THAT THE BUILDING SITE WILL BE REASONABLY SAFE FRm1 FLOODING. M,OBILE HOME TIE DOWNS REQUIRED. V SITE ,.10CATION IS WITHIN A FLOOD. HAZARD DETAIL STUDY AREA. 1. MINIMUM FI.RST FLOOR ELEVATION OF 4&'1.0' (~1.S.L.) REQUIRED. 2. MINIMUM FOUNDATION ELEVATION OF (M.S.L.) REQUIRED. A f,./" 3. MOBILE HO~1ETIE Dm~NS REQUIRED IF GROUND ELEVATION THAT t'10BILE Hor~E l~ILL BE PLACED ON IS BELOW THE REQUIRED MINIMut1 FIRST FLOOR' ELEVATION. 4. SITE LOCATED l~ITHIN A DESIGNATED FLOODWAY CHANNEL, BUILDING PROHIBITED; RECOMMENDATIONS: ,.. ..t... -,,~'j ,;" . .",~ ~ -, );,:;' ~,~'r" . ,t .J} I: ' 0, ' ~,., I, I) ':. "I',,'; (; '.' ~ ):>' '>;. " '0 ',: .-'1, "'( " r'~ DATE f.::::;,,_ t 4- - -1 c) . BY C-"t VV' C_ i"';:' (\ V -i) C99-21 " .. : ::.- ...." ;:~L,:,.tft,: '.:,/?:'~<.~-,.':;'~ '". :: ,', ".;i;~, ,~~:~,..~~~:<;:.-~..-".,.1):, '. " "i},.,.b,,,. , ~ ~~ ''t~.. --;:,(;, . - : '" /. ,l" } , ,I , 1 B~:~ -I) :' ,.~, ,.' , '~' o\c(.. . /1'111 ELEVATION CERt;IFICATE ~. t, ~... !1k.v-- _, A REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL l..u"'lJ 5 UYVf16"r . \ ,,{t' <,', " ,I.N.~lHE Sr'ATE OF OREGON" CERTIFy,VrO LANE COO'NTY, THAT I RAN AN ELEVATION CIRCUIT FOR .-~ :~~':jj;S~ .. .. " ~'.. .. .' BU:-I',trp'tNG PERMIT NUMBER '~'2.4 -"1<7 MH , AND CERTIFY THE FOLLmHNG: . ...'.. .. 1 1. THE, FOUNDATION ELEVATION (INCLUDING BASEMENT SLAB) IS,'):""'-=' ''I,,- . ,,' ;-....,.,t ... _ " ,..?: THt'GRO'OND Et~VATlON,'THA=r "NOBTLE:,HOMt(:WI~~i"BE~'P.~AdtD<dN;':;I~~~8dih:~6f..~.::, (t~f.Sd:-'~') -' .... .' .. "',' . ....7 .., :"~:~'.~' 1~ :'-~,:!",' 't, -.,.... ,.\ ",. .", (J> 3. THE -FIRST FLOOR ELEVATION OF MOBiLE H6t~E IS iT :, 1Ic13~;., <OlO + f. '. '. r,/)\ 'J / l/ , , , , -_:~~,:'--'. - .' L.e,Y\I1L ;, , " , ,,1 '::';"- _'c.t~ FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT ,!' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 125 East 8th Avenue . Eugene, Oregon :r;\"~""r;;"-'~li'i>:; .,< '~:: "-':'r 97401 ,~, -. <;.,~\t. -.,';"'1'" 6~7-4195 '''J> "'l.~ ::~\'\ :q'i'i\ "_ CERTIFICATION OF FIRSTflJgOR ELEVATION \ "'f':;' :'.,' '!;' ~',~ '~~ ,.".:: ':'1" ",- ' ,"~__: .,;, , ..' ;':~~'?~!~~ L~..,tf~,~;-;'~,.. .<~..:~t:... ">''''''=}~': ....~_' ;:~, ":"'."'~'~:P~ i'c;~~'-~;~~>'~"AJl~@ -, J;;1?!Z;'t "~~l;,~:.~.,,\rc;"r"\.,,~~~. ""'~'__'~'~'~t~,~~:~.;~:,~ti,'~~"'"":-:-,, , I \ SITE ADDRESS \O,t::";:) C-l...eA.e.WA..\'e "LA..i'4E: ,(~r REQUIRED MINIMUM FIRST FLOOR ELEVATIO,N:~,(J~4CLUDIN.G BASEM~NT) .'~ ~"',Cf MEAN SEA LEVEL . ~ .'i--).t . 'I "',_,. '. ,.......... \'~'" .../ , ,~ -*:;,.:!t:!'...,,'....~~>f ,,' , 'J REQUIRED MINI~~VFf faUN'DATION ELEVt.\TION (INCLUDING" ~~SEMENT SLAB) . MEAN SEA LEVEL U1.S.L. ) (t,1.S.L.) ,......... I \.1 1/, ~ I CERTIFY THE ABOVE ELEVATION WAS VERIFIED USING t~EAN SEA LEVEL BENCH MARK DATUt'1. " ' :.'''.......~. '-: 't -,. .,.~ '~;"" r REGISTERED . PROFESSIONAL, , SURVEY . .. \" '- ,~::.~.~~~ . '.,\, /~. .~\: :~~. "t~ ~~" ;{r,.. ,~ .' ~ I I . ". . '" " ~:!;.. ~' ~44/J o c:; ~C?N SEPTEMd,A 23, 1977 THOMI\SF. POAGE .:!lQ.1' , oIt", . _..:..~;' .~. .;.~~~., :.,.~. DATE 7/ 't-3/7Q , J r -':t",. ':':iWr:.':~ '," " . 1" f(I " I -',\-. C99-22 iZ 14; --=p-r:A,N.P ~ ~, l' H,. ~_., \, ......1_. I' :::s:: )::= -0 I) ~ o tJ1 .,,' ,)::= >< r o -i " N ~ \{ 1.1 ~.I . v 'J !-, jr- I --------....",....'" , " /r ;. " . , t'; '-, -~-- " :' " , " , 'I' ......."..~ ,~ '."",., "",' . '"". ~.."t y ~ . "-O,'j '\ ~.;.. , ~.;; :.~ .,\ -',;- . ,. ",i. h\~: y " . .~, ':1,< . '. .---- ~ ".f .',..... , -t' ,~..: :::~~." " * -:~:-~(l.,l _f f." ~~ , \" \ " . \ .........;.'" , ".-... ~' ~-, ;';,1' ':".' ) , ,~~1 ~-'\.\ .~. i .~l. cO' .'," ':' . POST THIS PERMIT 'ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE . '3:~~ }. '-'.~{t JOB,fADDH'ESS:~1015 C1eaJ:w&t.. .JAa8....~ltl. G':"'''bll~'^' CONS"TRUCTION,'PERM.!T,#' ...~24-1,... ....:,'\;; .~ ,;!, . . .TRS! ,-fL,: l~ ' 2208 Subdivision: .>S' ,-. " " ",.'. , ' :" ,: ' ,.' :.~':,:.,~ ,",~r' . /tJ:j/e~ll}fffJbf.<(1/'?"iAff~f'I>>i,.:. );;191 S'*o/~.'.,. -'. .... ". "'" " ':<',3 . This'permitfor the referenced property is hereby approvod~. . $.et<backs~ar1@'6(Ii€tr-l6h:aition(6r'approval niust be'strictly observed.- Violation can' , ,<i, result'in revocation of this permit, citation under provision.s of ,Lar;le CO'tlrity's Infraction Ordinance,. and/orother'remec!ies'alloyved~byqavV.".:,:," " .: :)~ , . . . . . {ffIi/Jldif/l;iJL,;t!.t1'Pl>l" " . . --""<;;Il f' rl::r:1'.:-:-::r c.>"....' . ..~~):,;ir;;;~ Applicant/Address:. tltom&14. ' " '.1..' -.'m.u. .. . 1015. "'.. 'ft'll~ ~,apfd.. Ore. 911;,71 ' ',~~.r;/:d'\'1if!llle'p.t;(<?~e;;:~{1~?:I&l:*~*~f...~ Owner/Address: O.C. ~1ee 4579J..,.,.. load. S,fa.'Ore&Gft 97411 . , < \. Telepho~e,: ,.." -~. ',' ': ' <';~: Contractor/Address:. w.1~ Wut "\.' . Telephone,,: .~ '"....;i,-: . 'Pi~ Contractor's 05#.. 1568 . . Total S~nstructiori Value: ' I: :~~~~t,>:;~ :,:4; Co'ns.truction apprbyed;by,thi$petmit:.. " '19"~~'24 ,.'40 ~1a.~' 84 iMtlIU _" ~ ,'. ~:~"'..., <;;~ ".' "" ". . ~...- .. - ':JlI~,,"i--~J.'" " 2 ~~~ ~t""ol>'. .. 'shea.. " ' ; <<i~~t~ Pli\NNING DIV:N Zoning: :" Partitioning # #8:001)15: 'pa::I:mbi:Fi><tures: :arcei Size: 400'" ~;,!~i Minimum required structural setbacks,from.: Genterline of road, front: 'SO. ;centerl.i.riEtofrciad, , , '. side exterior: _ ; interior property 'lines: . U*:;rear prop~rty line: ...,' ," \~'> 'u;;':1~'~;'b\.'&~"")@ ,Special [nstructions: Hcue aAj.'''''''''yQOl\,:""",-.be ... Hg,...~G.t\"lj.....~~ of* 1Q -'.. .f)~nd~. ~I':::~ ',\~~~~. ..... ~:":,q For' information call 6~7-4394, beU,1l8ttta .,' ;~& (J.. ~~.k,..~~I~';t~ Site Inspection.# ..~. Installation specifications: 1000' gal: min. septic tank capa0'~;' \\~ l' SI~ . fJ', ~ 158 .Iineal feet of drainfield re.quired.; ma~., depth of trenches:, ::Me , '. ,:", '.' .'" : 0 \cP"j] .. , Speclallnstructl9ns: ~.~ 11" eep Of. ~,108 ~ WIaldl'1d11:, , .. ~O. rftP \~ :\~, , ". . .~.::. " .' ,.';'C, h,'Clo"~ 41'~", of'lo'..u~ ~f~ .:Ca~ tU1.;,b~.:_.' 'l, ;).1J4\' ~:;~.r~~. ~s...pr.operty Un. 'e:s. s.e.,p. t;~!ank . 'Dr.~.~n. ..:.f.leld'" : ",=::~&ta~ ~1:e:=~~~~ "~~'~: ~""~",: ' -, ~...",.,ff'..' .'.~.\.J"~.. '.).~;.~.;. (;dgeofroadright:~fliVay....10" -10:.' ""'d;> ".:...:.",:T,',.<:.>\,.,... .~:/~:J .Building foundaticin'; .; ;'5' '. '.10'". '..- . , . ::~0 Wells, other water sources 50' 10.0' For information cal.1 Ql7-39tl!between 8:00 - 9:00'a.m.,~~"""i.s..., ",.:j .~:~~ . ,it' . :~:(~] Cbl\lSTRUCTION Type of Construction:. Group:' .. Fire Zone: 3: UseClassification:".' .~: . . . ..,.::\~; PERMITS/INSPECTION Instructions: P......("'J4~ fcot!Dp aDd ~ to ~ply _dl ~f__doQ.r~'R_',"U"""'_';)81 DIVISION. , neD~~4ea by 'th~ mf..- t:hm:sw att_~t.o the i~de of the ,am.~. v....1de ~. :". ~M.,S'ee"':;,-;:~ rwene of pemtt tor t'~trd .cd:led .:t~~t~ .YOVl_ .ita i.a 1e_u4_~ .3.fJ;_ baAr4" ._. '~.'-tM .,.. ::~~ fl_tab ~1.oor ~_A~i~.!~ ~.~?\ be .........,~f.4.'~~~1f~ ~~_...c.,_..,._~1ese4 .~,-. 1_~.,;~1! 1m :l"_'1iF0r.!l~lalils!I~1i0"l1lilatIOIiJ1ll~11 a.~r ~~10E!tyveEtn 8~;0(j).a~m~ar.l<!l!9.,,0(j).~_~t.,tb,. tdU be, ";.,,. . . ~",' :::A For Inspections (see baCK tflls'permlt) ,call 687-4065 between 8:00 a,m. an~:t~00r~m~, ' ..\j~_fl.htf1oor, "':';~ \ '-t.~~~eC)t!nty ',' ,:::\!j . ~ ..-'\ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVIS!ON :,Oi'rections to Site: , " ',.hM to.J'~1i-'~~.. ,~. ~.t.. C1~*~MZ' ~ fi:tB~:'4z'.lv~Y._left. , 'ft.,.IIL..c. ,'4'L...:. ' '78 ': ,. DEPARTMEN:r OFENVIR.ONMENTA,L. ~f\NAGEMENT 3SS/1y , VV!"!'&.r"$.'J'. :' - " , , ,COURTHOUSE IPUBLlC.SERVICEBUILDING '.. " . ';,~,;,'';1'25;EAst~8TH.AVENUE:..EUGENE.OREGON 97401 ., ,','":.,,,,.' ..: -:i::,'..:.~~ ..l-.:-t ~,::::i~~~'i~~ '-t~,S, ,TI~ 18 02 05 00 2200 "- -. P.I at +J , ------:-(1) "C c: N M Subdivision Lot ! I '1-----. --- - ' j' Springfield ~-:,~ ,i . , ., C74-150 .Vicinit;:; r1';:~D Hlock +- if. 'C 't: 9 ~~n ia~ . i' Road Job Loca::ion U'.\-:kl-<~Ehl. 1075 C-learwater .Perilli~ 0._ For Perm:!. t IL F"Jr Pe~it 1/------. For. y- ~' Q)' , ~ 'site t'tl H ~ Q) +J t'tl 3 ~' t'tl. Q) r~T A g~ -=:1', 1 ,'j ~ d., ~. ~ 1 r -'-"' Lqnp --.----..----..-.-..,,---.- _'__ Permit # for For -----....--. Pet'2it 1.1 i~_'\-JfJL--1Rj) "-Permit If '" . - ..- \ 'I (2) = Dwelling No. 2 (Usage being changed to stora~e build~ng) (3) = Sheds 'and shop;;. ~'c/k/~ Proposed ~~ wide mobile home parking site. I~l= Note: Location of tank and field is estimated but approximate. For. \.~~' I . / - Owe 1 . ing ~ No. 1 r.SJ.(i~ .', I r. )~Y ---.. we 11 \~ \ . to (l) .v rei - ~ 0''-\ Ul~ .-I If\ (l) -' \ . I w . ~l Note: Proposed mobile. , home will receive (3)_ ----domestlc water from ---~ . rnunicipalwater system. Dr~~_~~~y( exist~_~~)___ I 'I 1 ~ I : '~w .' ~ Tank ~J-Y}J ~ (~\ . J '-l p l><~ ^ .1 : ~30' 4-- I i o \D I f 3f.O' --- .-------:......--- () tv'-.,/, '