HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-2-7 '.-~ ~' .. ~P;;~~fMJE~~7~" 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97177 Building Division 726-3753 / SPRINGFIELD ~'ob Location: /7 rP oz. ~t.A.vU-8~ .~tl--7<-c lto.:::e.Gaol'':: Nap # Subdivision: 1'...1:&0(; 1/ Du".r: ~0t.A--- d( ~c./ Addrc"": /(fl5 (p C~~-tUJ City: -~r ~, J'!:m"': t.ffG - bb// Zip: C! 7 tf7F N,>!.) FL ---,dJ4Jh~- Dcocri/;c /"01'/" '" -,r . ~ ." r /.~' f'//~/,. F /"'---c .1dditicn !() il n II n Rl!mo.:!el :-!ob~ le !10m;! d-~7-~1 Date of Itpplicaticn [..'ontr'flctoz's Ceneral l'lumbi1l0 ELectrical Ui'!::hnr.ic::l GonD truc tion f..cndf!r Vallie c:;cP ../0 ., .fiCC'::';>L' IJI50 I 1zZ- II II I Ilddl'er.:: (/I( ;2-/3-17 81:qr.t'!d: SIL Q..-1~f q Date: l,i:w.l! t.X;-il'I!!J Phollc j 1 It ia :hc responDibility of the permit holder to sct'! tl/flt .Il! im;pr...:tion!J arc r.:ade at :11C p'opel' tin";1 that ~-=dl .::ddres3 i3 rca:!a~:.: from the Dtrect, and that the permit card in located at the fl'ont of the property. .4!Jui!di:Ul D{vi::io!':. approl.:ed plan D]It~lLJ'emain-oll..th.;..lJlI'~ldill" :-'f.t~ at aU times. . .,--- ./ "\ ' prWC,r.:DURE FOR INSPSCTION .U~QUEST:C2.t~LL L2.~_-:.:P~~L:~0r'dm~) at.ate YOWl' City daaiO"i'lted .iob /lw;;ber.. job Q(!i!'CSG.. tupa of i':::pec:icll requested a~d w.~l;!n you :J'Lz.t be l'eady-for:!:t.ntJpcct-:..oTl.. COIl tl'nctors 01' OtJrle:-3 n.::me c:nd j:1Im:c mWlbcr. Requcats received befcI'e 7: 00 c:; :.,'ill be made thc Game day.. rcquesttJ m(;de aftt;l' 7:00 ern will b~ I1K.ldc the next :xn'kin; daIi' _~~mdT.,,/1 r'l!:nrr.t1:r.,..'l ] ] SITE INSPf:C7'ION: To be TOOde aj"ter excal1ati,:m.. !mt pr-iCl' tc De~ lip of forme. UNDF.Rsr,AB PLUMBING. f:LECTRICAf. ,~ Nf:CIIJ].Y[CA[,: To be made before any work is ~ol1cred. ] FOOTING 1, FOUNDATION: To be rruee aftcr trenchetJ are excavated awl fOI'mD are erected.. but prim' to poul.ing cClIcret~. UNDSRGROll.~'D P!.uM.'JINr.. ssrlF."R. W.1TE!?.. OHlln/ItGE: To be made prior to fH- Ur.g trellche::. ] :J U/'lm:.'?FWOR PLUMBING & MECHIlNICIlL: To be made prior to inataLlation of [loor i1UJUl.c.tion or decking. POST AND BEllM: To be made pl'ior to installatioll of floor inDI4Zati01i or deckiYT{j . ROUGlI N,U.'!lJ[!JG. ELF.CTR!CAL ,11 UEClI- ANICIlL: No :.JOrk ia to be COL'm'ell w:ti Z these ill.'Jpectior:n have beer. made ~lIId approve':. FI.'~f."Pf,IlCE: Prior to pLacir.a facing mc.tcl"ialn alld beforc fI'wnina irlnpc~- tior:. F'nN~nlr.: NUDt be requeDted after appl"ol{.:ll of rough plwr.bin(J.. alcctri- cal & ..mechanical. At! roofi1UJ braeina t chimneys.. et~. nr~8t be completed. no work itJ to be COn- cecled until thiD inspection haD . been made ane approved. ] ] ] ] Your City Deaigl:ated Job Number ID: D JNf;Uf,Il'rrofl/IlI1fY1S l/.>1NRf/::R 1,'Ifl/'!;'(."rroN: To bc mnde after' aLL iru;ul..t-iolt a.':d required vaplW 1:nl"ric1'3 aI'e ill puwe but l:efv!'(! ally lath, oyp:wm bcal'd OJ' 1JO.lt covering 1:8 applied, and berOI'C allY in:l1datioll ia cOllcealed. ;;; c::; ,1 if tf 7 I Df:UOl,ITlO!.r OR ;~:OV!.'.: ,=1!-'[LDJ;.rr;S ~ Sal1i:m'y 3C'JCJ' ::apped :;t p::opcz'tiJ' lir:a ~ Septi.:: tank P:"''7.:d a:w fi tz~d ui th ;jra:Jd ] final - II'1lePl dX;Vi: .{te:.'ls art! eC::1oletcd m.d uhcn :ler.JcU~ior: ia I.:o/llplete ~r' Dt:.,.,:- ture moved aile pz'.:mi:>cn cleaned up. I Nohi Ze I/cmen :=J l1lockina amI S~t-:Jp :=J Plumbing conneeticna s.::wer and wa~er --, Electricc.l Ccm:~ction - Blockilll1. set-u:; --1 (!lid plumbing eom:cctiolle nr~at !:~ ap;n':Jt."~I; befOJ'c raqueDt:lI!l e!ec~rical insi'ec:io:: =:J Acces.::ol'~" But l.:!.:'/l{J ] Pillal - t.{t~r i':Jrd:es.. etc. are ccmple~~d. skirt~ng.. deck3, o !!B1J..~AIJ:..-J!':;P[;"f'!J!l!!.: Tc be made aj"tcz' till dr!JIJaU i.'! in place.. but prior to cny tapinG. D IllL pl'ojcet t.'ol:Ji.timrn.. ;1IW.'; aD the .lJ1:1 ta LlatiOlI of lltl'el!t tr'eea. ....::):":"Iplct.~.:m of tiff: required U1.J1tlncr..pir:g.. etc... mlwt be satisficd before tl;e BUILDINC PINAL cml !Jc r,:ujueDcad. :=J FI//IlD Pl,UMDIt/C :=J FINAL /.fE'::fltlNICIlT. :=J FIliAL ELECTRJCI.L :=J location, bo;ld or verticalD ill U,B.C. SectiOll O MASONRY: Steel beam:::.. 01'014 tillo] accordallce with 24J~. 1'v1'lOoD.':i'rn:/t:: lifter illD ta lZa cion is ~ cemplctcd. ')d---. D CURn ,~ Il."PROIlC/f IlP.'?ON: After' {ann:; are cl'e~ted /Jut pJ'ior to pourinG cancra tc. o PIN.1L BUIUJJNC: 'flu? Pinal DllildinU !11::pcr!/;ioll mllnt be requeDted .::/:cz' tho Pin.ll rlW11biJIJ Electrical, and Mcchar.icI:l In3pectiom:r h_Ql1c been made and appl'ov.!1. o SID.r::r'Ar,K .r. DUIl'f:r.;,"11': For all eorl- crete pavilUJ within st1'cet right- '!f-1jJGY, to be made after all exca- vating CUnpll!te & for:-;r lJOl'k .~ :;ub- .baac m{:terial in {Jlncc. .411.[,[, '.fANlICr,ES IlNn r.U:IlNCllTS Jlf/ST nI;; t1CCr.:i5rDU:, AD.fUST!JE.'I'!' TO BE f.:.1DF. .".T liO C:'Si TO CI':"r I p:::.:~o? of ;; D .!'F."NCF:: fI'/Ier. coml'l.;tc -- Pl'OlJid(? !later; oz' movable ::;ccti,mD t"JI1'ougl: P.ll,!':, D I I JOB I ::c'r.c: NO.)(c;OO'lJ SOLAR ACCES S "L.". OCf,.."'1Wam.'l/ Grcr.l!. [/)T TYPE Interior Lot Sq. FtG~ ~ ~r l~t C~ueraa~ ,II of St01"i.ea Total .r!aiuht TopO(il'a;:hy IT'n.,., ,\In.in I Gr..'1'or,(J I r:arr.'cl't l,lccc880l"'U I sr.. FTC x I I IS,D,C, TOTA t: l' Af,UF: 1 vel-lie) ].5x But ldinU Permi t Sta tc Sll1'clt,''Irqc rota l CIJflr'gc3 II1'F.M I tixturc!J I Hes1:d::mtin.Z (1 baUIl \ Sanit:try Sewer' I Wr.t,':!l" I NO. f'r.'f: PL:mIJdnrI !',!I't::,:t. :;~atc Sw'c/:aI'!,o:l ..:r!lJ...a.L.r;!EJ.'f!.f::?' I :'I'!',N :yu. l,rk". So. ftn. I Nc:LJ/Rxtmul Circui tD I Temporary SCl'vicc 1 f1':/~' . r.1.e.=tricnl Permit St:::tn 5ul'::hnT'l]e 'fotaL Chm'r.cr. 1'/'.1..'''' I tic', I n:~: F'llrll.'1CC .~TU':; I f.::hml:J t f1oo.: l Vent Fan I . 9-" _~ I W,,,,,I"'o"" '-"'''-'71' Pct'nri t !::;r:II.'1nf',"! Me:::hanic:: 1. rcrmi t Sta to Stlrdu:r(lC -1s!l.at C1rn.r:!lt?:J __ l::fJCIWACIINl:.',I\"f \ SC<:'.fritl/ 'D:::nn:Jit I Storage I Naill foenan,:',:' I pcrmi t Cm'ner Panhalu! le Cul-dr.-nar! Value CIIAm;I-.' :~'ilt1f:l;i': C!lJlHCf: /:h. (}--() ,IV 1&,,75 ~'ot(I.!:-('l!nf'f/!...~~J \ Cu1'b<-,u~ i Sid""'J lk 1,l;'r?II::e I nee trica l I Mobi le Ihne I I I Label /5,75 L-COC. 1 1 I .1 i 1 'fype/em::: t: Bedroom:::: [.ot foer.::: - . 'I."""",,, j 1 I I F.n~rl1~1 SO:lf'{!(!n !leat 'ratcl' .'/r'!f1tr>I' HWlfj(! Vil'r.fJlfl(:'~ 1"'.Jod~L()l':t:: T,/T1e P./... 1101'1./1 {':r/::l ~;V1.t.h Sr.tlxwk:J '110""" I {:""WI" i-- I 11/(.':1/. P:!(!~; Building Value & Permit TilL:; pel'mit i:J rrrantr.d /)11 tIle cxpre:::fJ condition that t}Ze ~:uid ......Oll.'ltl"'Ul..~L.ion :;I/Llll." ill all. r(wpccL:::, .:on[O)'l11 l.o tlm Ot'dinaJ:ce ::Idopted }i!! d;e Fity of .'i/wl:n:7ricld. 'l:rwZwE,IU the :!.()1ILllU Cl'J:Il<1lW;? f'l!f}ulc.LiIlU tJll: CCIl:;tl'H.:'ti'::ll and Iwe oj' {)/tn.dill!!::. a//([ m:IY be :Jlwfumdt!d m' rcvokcc. at C,I:Y timc uFor. vic- taLion oj' a1l!} pl':.JV"i:Jim;:J oj" ::aiJ Orclir:wlcca. ] . I Plall Cluwk Fcc: !1:ntc raid: Uc{::;il't 1/: I siO~:cd: I 'I I J I Plumbing Permit No pet':':o/l ::Jztl/.l. eOlwLl'lWL, il1~t.aU. aLLer 01' cllall!Je lOllY ncW Cl' c::iatillO pLwnbi.no Ol' Jt'lzinage :fy::I:c:n ill ;.JlloLe or in part, ur.l.e:::1l :::"cll pCI'Don i3 the leanl PO:;f;C:J:lOl' oj' a lJalid pLwnbel"n licence. exccpt that a pe:'Golt mail do plw,,:bina /;..lot'k t.o prapm'ty which iG ol,;ncd, lea3cd or opcl'atcd by the appl.i- emIt. I I, Electrica I Permit ft1,lH'C 5tate (.alol rcqwLl'e:; t1:at the clcctt'ieal IJOrk be donc by 011 Slectl'ical Contractor, the elcc.!tT"ical pot.tiOlJ of ;h~:; pCl.mit 3hall r.ot be vaLic! until tIle labcL Juw o.;en ::l:gllcd by the f.'leciJ'ical :::onil'actol', I 1 1 1, I I I Mechanical Permit 1 ]. 20 J'lal1 I~X(IJl/illel' vat-a I lI,1VE CARSFUl.{,)' gXIlMJNF,'D the completcd application fo)' permit, clld do IlCJ'cby ceJ,ti[y that alL i~fo:'nlQtiol1 hCJ'con i:J true alld COT'rcct. and I f:rr'tJ:cl' cCl'!.ij"y that OIl!} or..d azz. work pcrforo;ned !Jhall. be dO:'ll! in Qc::or- dmlC(~ :..liU! at<: O)..:fi.,I:m.'Of) oj" the c'Lty of sprinafieLd. and Ul';; [,a.:.;s of tile Dtatc of 01'cg:m p.':I'/;,l{IlI:IlU to Oil! lJOl'k c!cHc.:ribcd }IC1'C-:'1I. r.nd :hnt f/O OCC~- P/!NCY will b.: IIn.:!u of (/ny :;tl'ucLlIl',"t r"itho;IL r~l'mi:;;1ioll oj' t',C !Jtli.ldi.,IU vi- viaion. J fll1,thm' cCl.tif;j th~t. o.'1l!1 con.t,'a::tol'D Ql;d c:llpt:;yccs w}:o are i); co.-,'lplia11l.'c with (.\f?;; 701.05,~ will be iwed on thi:J pl'oj$et ~l~q'tP~ d-7-rr lJ..1te