HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-12-8 RESeNTiALoo . COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT r-- SPRINGFIELD--.. 225 North 5th Street . SpringfieZd, Oregon 9747? ~ ~ BuiZding Division ~~~- - . . . 726-3753 ~ ~ ,Job Lor:::ztion: 2.3.35 rl p" rvll.e__LHle____ Ta:: Lot,~ 6600 "S"e""ON Map.1 17-03-27-10 Subdivision: Q:..-nB!": ,]pff r:;pnrop Addres": 2335 Cl ea rvue Lane t:i.tu: Sorinqfield. OR n G1 n n '1""" Addi ticn Phone: 746-5276 Zip: 97477 Describe Work: Addin9 Bedroom, Family Room, and Bath Room RemodeZ ,'!obile .:lema Date of Appl.icaticn 1-6-82 ::;onr:l'c::cr:ol'S Ceneral Plumbing EZe<:tl"'~cal nl.o.lnoY' Owner nlAlnAr :.Ie"har.icd Owopr ConS:1"'.Jcti~n Lel"..der Owner Value $6.000.00 Add.....es3 .'!cceoo=' 15.!) 7 i'tj2- Buildin9 Permit 4% Pl umbi ng Pennit 4% Electrical Permit 4% $36.00 1.44 25.00 1.00 15.00 .60. $79.04 .. Sicr.ed: Date: ~ 12. .g . RZe- L{..;c.ii ~=:;1.:!"CS Pf:cn~ It is :he responaibiZity of' tJ-.e permit holder to see that aU i7Wpections CIl'2 r..ade at :1:2 proper tir.r€~ t,l:at e(ZCn .=.dd.-es3 is !'eaX.=:~ from the street, and that the pcr:rrit' ca...-nd is t.xated at the front; of the pl'opel't"i' .tEui!di~ Di..ui::io':': ap;r~t:ed plan shcz.z l'emain on the Su:.l.d-ing Sit:; at aU times. PROC2DUHE FOn I.'ISPECTIQn ,'::f=OUEST: Ca!l. 728-3783 C:t>ccordezo) state your City designated Job rtwr.ber~ r~qu~s'Ced ar.d when you :JiLl be ready for ir.sPQct-:.on~ Con'tr'actcrs or Owner'S none er.d phone numbC!'. ,--'ill be trade th~ same dc~b requests mGde afta' 7:00 a:n wiZl. be rrruie the nc::t :.;orkin.:; day. =':'!q"-l',:.".,t! r,.,."'....,("t-':.,":-r:~ SI':S !,7SPEt.:::C:/: To ba m:uie e;:::cav.:;::;i.:n. but: prier tC' set jo:rr.ls. D .[Xi] after up of U.vDEJ?Sr,4~ PU'H3!,VG, ELECI'RIC~[. ..: . ~fECH)..'1ICAL: To be ma,:ia before any work is '::olJcred. .[g] FeOT ~;G '! fOUNDA. T Ie:l: To be TTrlde after tr6'7tcnes are e.=cavatea a.nd forms are erected. but prier to pour-i.r~ ccncret~. Q U.VD=:tG.=;OU,~'D ?~tJ:.r.;r:G. SE:"..lE.':!. W,1TE~ DRAINAGE:: To be nude prior to fa- lir..g trenches. o UHDERFr.COR "[lLW3I.'.'C ~ N::CHANICAL: To be mace prior t:0 in:n:.:1l.l.a:;ion of j100r insuZcticn o~ decking. POST MID aEAM: To be made pr-:.or. to ir.s'Call.;,::.cn of [7.oor insulatior. or deci<.i~. ,0 WJ ROUGR ?!.-U.'!9I.','C. E':.EC':'T'?!C,J,!. .JI ,'.fECH- ANIOr.-: ;';0 '.Jork. ~.$ :0 be cQI,:err;:a ur.~il. these insvec:ior.s ~ave beer. wade end a?prov~~. FI.r::SPLACE: ETior ';0 ?lccir.g fccir.g mcterials and o(;;ol'e framing inspec- tior.. o w PRA.'!!HC: Mu.:;:: be reC'",le::;ted after approv.;,Z of rough pZ~bing~ eZec~;- cal d :::echani.::al. Al~ roof:'r.fJ bl'a~ng ~ chimn~ys, et.::. ~~st be como le"CCd. ;'/0 work is to be con- cecLed until thin insvecticn has been made and approved. Your City Des1.gr.ated Job Numba' 18: [J INSUCATION/V~POR 3ARRIER INS?Ec~ION: To be mcu!.e after aLl. insul..::ti.:m tX".d required vapor carriers are in place but befcre any lath. gypsum board 01' w-Ll. coveroing is c:ppZied~ and before ~yi~u~twnisc~~l~. JOG aaaress~ ~ype of in.3?ecticn Requests recei;;ed befcre 7:00 a-:; 820005 DE:.JO;:'iTIO!l OR ,',:or::;; 3UIL: ::iCS --, S......i,..~~ S'""&'"'" "'--"'e--' ,.... ...........c:...+--. Zir.e --.J ....... --;; --. --~:' - -.. l'--...~ '"":1 =:J Septi:: tank F:.unped tX"": fi-li-ad :..'ith ;ra-.;eL I PinaZ - Jlher:. r;bcve i:.',':'I8 crr-e cC::TDZated ~ ar.d when ~~c:itior. io co~le~~ or struc- ~e moved ar~ pr~cr~3~3 ::!eanei up. 'MobiZe Hcmes ::J Blocking and Set-~? ::J Plumbing connecti$ns s~er ~d ~ater ::J Electric~~ Ccr.nectio~ - Bl~ck~:~~ set-up. and pl:urlI:;-z.rtg ,:om:ec"C~ns ,7."'~3t ::2 a??rot:ea before requesting eZe~;rical. ir.spec~ion .=J Acceszo.l"';:; Sui :"=i~ ~ Final - Aft~r.?Ql'~r.es~ sk~rt~~~~ de~ks~ ~ etc. aroe c~~e:~a. o AZZ project condi=ions, suc~ as the i-ns~alZat~on of s:reet :rees, ~;~!~::i~n of ::nz required landsccpir.g~ ctc.~ muS'C De sa.'Cisr~ed beTore ;r.e 3U1LD1~~ FI~~L ~an =e r2~~zSt3d. @ FINAL Pr,UNB[i'lG o PL'IAL :.fE::HA,'lICAL m PJ,1AL f:LEC7'.UC"L o Q ....Iil.4.L 3(jILJn:C: The Fina!.. BuiUi:..ng !nsvect~on ':'rUst be requested a..";er :r.e .!;'-:..nal ?!ur.:!;~n.; ~Zect"J'ictll, and. .'!ecna.--:.ical Inspect~onD i1Qva been made a~.d approved'. DRY:';ALL ItlSPEcr~ON: Tc be made after aU cfrYl.XllZ is in place. but prior to cny taping. O ~MSONR!: Steel location, b~.d . beam3, grouting or verticals in accordance with U.S.C. Section 241$. [J o WOOVSTfJVE: After installation is ccr::pletea. ~ALL NAflHCCES AND CLEAl/OUTS nUST "Be A.C:ESSI3LE~ ADJUST!fStl'!' TO BE M.I\DE '..:r NO COS;- TO -:I':"! I ;:.-e of,2 o CURB & APP..~OACH ,4P.~ON: After' forms ~e erected out prior to pouring .::on....-rete. O SI'D'3.:WALK d DRnT"/AY: Fer all con- crete paving ~thin street right- 'of-wc.y~ to !;c ma:ie attaro al! e:cca- vatina ccmrJlete & fo~ work & ::;1.40- base ;;'.aterial'in place. o ,r:'"E:NCS: Wher. co:m;lZ;:.te -- Provide ga~es oro movable' sections thrcugh P.U.E. o Docucano" cr., LeT TYPE -...X...- Interior Cor>ner ;>. 25.00 1 nn $26.00 , 'iD.1 PEE CHARGE 2 I 15.00 $15.00 I I Job thllnber: R?nnn~ Z,Jn<?: Rll -1.8.l? . ~ ?~~ 1 n fi I pvp1 Lot Sq. Ftg. ~ ;;[ lot C,)veragc: .,if. of Stories Total Height ?cpogra;;hy iI'!'EN SQ.F'!'G ; iNain 5fiO i CcYaae i : Carport 1 AccessoI'1I I is.D.C. I i TOTAL VALUE (VCLUC) 1.5:r Nd Buildir.g Permit State SUI'eharge Tota!. Cy,.a:'r~3 : I7EN I . I FutureS I .d . I Resl- entt.al (1 !Sar.it:J.ry Sewer' I Water I t/Q, ~ FEE 1 ~.OO bath) , 1 Plwnbir.g Perrr.i t State Surer.lU'ge Tota! C1>.t:.raes j l'iEN I Res. Sa. fta. I NelJ/Extend Circ:ui ts I ! T~ol'a:ry Service I , i i 1 i I I'7'EN I I ?urr.::::.ee Ele::!trical Permit State Sur~ha:rae Total Char>ces I ;/D. I ETU'S E:::hau.s t Hood Vent Fan I WoOdStOV2 .1 I Permit I:;su:InCa Me:::r.ar.ic:::.l Permit State StlrchC:l'oe Total C;.,.arae:; Ei!CROACH:.!E:VT -- I Sec-.H.itl./ DZP03it Storage Maintena~e I Pcrrrr~t , Tctal Charncs I Cw'bcut I Sidewalk I Pen:;!e i ~ Electl'iaal Label I .1 ! Nom e Harne , i 1.1 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE:' Panhandle Cui-de-sac X Value 10.71 $6.000.00 th.nnn nn , $36.00 , AA $17.44 , CHARGE $1~.00 10.00 15.00 $15.60 i'SE Cl!ARCE $79.04 ~n Refcl'er.ce numcel's: L-COC .if: 1111 ., Bedrooms: , . Er:er('l~{ Sources T:iDe . Heat R,,<;phn."f(CFJ.e>rtrir: !'Access. I I flate't' flp.atp.T' l:. I ect rl C , I ~ Range j:'ljOlrtrir ...x.. _ Fi't'ep Zace WOOd3 cove T"dpeICor.st: Lot Faces - We~ t Sethack<; I House Caraae lQ'l" 71 ' 1-1~' I ~O' i I I I I I .-- -----:---1 I I I P.L. INorth lEast iSo" th IWest ')16" 1?' ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit iD granted on the express condition that the said construction' shallJ in all respcctsJconfoTm to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieldJ incLuding the Zoning CrdinanceJ regulating the ccnst't'Ucticn and use of buildingsJ and m.::::y be suspended or revoked at cn.y time upon vic- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. I Plan Check Fee: $10_ RO Date Paid: 1-6-82 IReodpt #: R'i7R11 I Sig::ed: Plumbing Permit No person shall constrructJ instaUJ alter or change any ~ or existing plumbing or dl'ainage systen in"~hole or in partJ unless such perDon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's ticenseJ except tr.at a person may do pZ~bing work to proper~d which is ownedJ leased or operated by the appli- "cant. '-:/ Electrical Permit Where State Law requires th.at the electrical work be done by an Ele[!trical ContractorJ the electrical portion of this permit shall r~t be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical (;ontractor. , Mechanical Permit I ' LL~ Plan E:rcm1.ner )-fi-R? uar;e I I, I I I I I I I I ' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAl.fINED the completed application for permitJ and do hereby :::ertify that aLL info:ma.tion hereon is true and cCl'rcctJ and I further certify that any ar.d aU work performed shall be do~e in. ac~or-" dance with the Ordin:mces of the City of Springfiel.dJ and th.r: ~s of ,the State of Oregon pzrt~ining to the work described here~nJ end that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without p3rmission of the Building ~- vision. I further certify that o~ly contractors ~-~ enployees who are ~n ca~pliance with CRS 701.055 will be used on this project n 1~ f /!1~11AfL- stt~ -' - I J-g-'82- Date