HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1980-1-2 :;; 5- ~ C- ::;' ~ r ro 0 ::l () o ~. ~ 0 ill ::l ~ g ~ ...~ ~ ~ ~t~ ~\?t ~, Dof~ ~\ \~~ 0,f, ~,~ f~ ~ r~ J~ ' . 0 )> :2:)>~~ ,:;;:g ;:riiil ~'-IO:ll~2r i~f ~t P t n~ H H H ~ b~ ~~~9: ~ !n '< ~ i .,: ~ ~ ~ "- ~;~, ~ : ~ ~ ~ ;; ~,~ n ~ . i~~'f~l~~ ~ !~ iu . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ & 'il-~ l: ~ ~ : ! ( ,~ ~ " ~ ;:: ~c:l'.&, ~~ ~~ ~ : · '- ';;; ~ 'or _ -" . I < * n '~ ~- t~.h"'%Ho : ~ ~ =~ ~ " , "c i'i <> ~ " : ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~\'~'i' g. , 20 ~ ~~ >" ~ "" . r~ '---' ::l~. . 0 III I !'~ ~C ~ ~:" d ~ .Ht.~ :., r ~ :{;1~~ '". ~~~~; ~ ~-:::r' ~ c ro C ~ 'l6_ - ""', 0". ~ ~ ~~ l' "'...,...... O. m " · ~ I , ~ ~ ~ 1 ~~'~ > ,~ ~ t :..[~, "I I> ~ ~ mN -'m "" ' ro 'h C "". . ~ e; ~. . ~ 'l ~~ ' . '" :', ill" :~ ~~,} )>< ~ "l, fr ~ ~!. , . ~, _, ~ m <. 'f 0.,"., , 0 Z mC "'. "'''. , ;' ~t: t' fa c 0 -r \ - . , 0, . . m > '0 "3"" . _. 0 , 0 m' ~- ""0 r r. ."'" . " Z ""'0 >. 3. " _ cOm Gl \J 'CflN,: \~\ * III !!1, !!1 r ~. , · I "15 ,. ~. 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SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET .. . 51#. /q,q:jt! ~ly/ . LOCATION: TWP. /~ ZONING: r==; (:::;u RANGE O~ ' SECTION 2'''1,L/,l./ TAX LOT # ?t'\,?' 1.J.DU.4-'ZOD PROPOSED USE: M~/(1dMha.j :" SIZE OF PROPERTY: 11J) A AMOUNT USABLE AREA: WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY ~~~UBLIC I I' SUBDIVISION/PARTITION LOT INDIVIDUAL I X I BLOCK PARCEL IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structure and approximate sewage flow: .Multi-family gpd Commercial gpd gpd gpd gpd IOOjZ(::;'5()~aP..[e.a J(7)' ~~ MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: S';a -1'il'D1 "" if I.. ,tl l/tl ." ~ I I"~ ,.. or Q-~ 225 f o;:M1 ' Length of disposal trench required ~,t. - \'2.0; ,,7150 ga . Distribution Method: Equal 1;RJ1laP-t" Serial IJZ] - cl'U'1. Curtain drain required: Yes '0 No D (J Single Family Industrial Institutional Other: SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: -c/iJ1fJY.lIIMfl. /1/) i7.n1 11.J/, -1/..;/ A/YlIAdrl' IN, /If..h./J a, ...C/fij, .vl If) I rJ:I- 111/I1T/ $/;;Il/(P,. J: /lYI4/J 4t1h.tfJAA/14.&/)4 1l1M//1.' -dAPN1Jr-J- ~/UJ.P - iJ.i?dD/J ,d7J/j/l//.//IA1 d.!!+, fJuJ..P P'rd/1flllJfbfllfJd//f1,,.// '/!WrnA,) c-h-Jol! VAd-l (/;I.lAr-(f, l\t.<a.. dnM.i f.:JJ2IAI..,(I ~ C v..fh.(l ~/nA) tZ1M tlAAdfilitc&n1 ~/#r-tj;-1 . II.MA' ~r-fP.rA,thtr!-GJI., G 1Y/1.~ /1/ hJ./I/J #7. 4MrI ~3 " (/l/oA1;j 1M Wt/J J't/j,,},lMf 1J1//liA:'// . " ,. ~ /J/J'flJ/I/1/j IJffilld I.tJ.p Vm f'TIIIi.t..t //JM6k1r. dAiJ/J1I1/'UIA ~~;:jAO ..J ' '".', 1J)(J'l#rl' \. / ' .' o' i~ . ~ 1 .-'JV'. IJ>fJIJI. IlJ/iiJdd /JJhJA I!ITJ 1.2JI 6/.10 !Y' /J01JJ, .' ~/v ~cI' ;fi1rf.y}/a,u -0~c/ J~ CU1~~/ a),lehflJ NAME: pIJJ}J) DATE OF EVALUATION: /-,~ kt/U 7)/./ //j . C74-126 51# j. iC1-Q?,CI.. ~1'1 /~ / ~1 L E.' PROFILE . #2 TEST PREDICTED WATER T E s. . # 1 H 0 L E PROFILE ., PERCHED WATER / / '. / " Inch Predicted Observed Da te .~ ~ " in. in, Predicted Observed Date Inch / / / in. in. ~\~ 12.. ' ,\\l.~ I~ $' I. SATURATED ZONE I '\,..7" , ., L 24- Predicted I, Observed tJ/~ Date nt;' /"__ -m p/IJW 9-( -..... 12 _ l\~ ' "'PyV'UV 18;;:a-:; , : ~ .. v-e "'t 24 - vr;;:r"", f. ~ ( ~7 c..)? 36 - '-;j-- HbI'lN" 'A((l> S.'L Y1 ~ , .,'- \ S,A\ir~TED ZONE -i;.... ~ I Predicted" (" +- Obs\,r,ved i ..../J.{JYl1/ Da tel \) r,q f 4"" >'7J ',\~" /' ,:;,,\>" ",~\~ in. in. in in I, 36 _ ~ Restrictive Layer / in Impervious Layer / in Mottling ~-!.) 1'1J:J in / in. / in, Restrictive Layer Impervious Layer Mottling '.I,!" II 9f- no7.e v~ SLOPE s:- K % 48 - 48 - in, fb ..~l,--""l~ 60 - SLOPE f''J)/f J % 60 - , (J 11/1' hJ~ f)') \"}L~T"-'- o MEET MINIMUM STANDARD. Test ~w\e..-l:\ ~ SO~~>Od), SITE DOES ~ DOES NOT ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: ~ ,0 /r.f'1~,~~7.)O a,~,impermeable layer '~? " .' 0 ' 3q~ i~~hes -to a restrictive layer Dit~bt1~',CheS to a permanent water table ./ ~... [iJ~ ,24 inches, to a temporarily perched water table , .,.,(; OTHER:,~~?bNS ,FOR DENIAL , . '~',:.,t,',-,~1',,:'., ~..:t:;, "';': ..... . _~".:'L. ,-, _,...--__.;.j:.~.. " ", ".. , l' " " 'I' 1\ ' '1 .L'" 1 " I' " I' "1"'! '.L I:J:J:"" " ,'" PLOT .;,..~:'~' '-"t"E ,:lift!.: 1-tlE :-:rH, +J' :1- -iql1~l:I+~]'W_~ .tft(EU; - iflfiPl- Stream' .'- w~+-I-J-,-:-~-t.,- -l-i-f "1.1, ---t.~-, l+-I-~--1-: I. I.-+~"L.i..t.. l-T1.~t-l-.,-+-t-.._"l-t-+t""l ~-rl- . ',-,"." .:U'Jf1'.,':L.-l trf'" J,---!- ~-T,lt;~ltt ,jJjf+'-tnt::it"TI.:;.+h.T'-+,L, .wi II t"'~ t~ti1+n, "'::lJ~ --; I.. 'I,':J-t r ~- t, I -+' ! :' ; I '=H+:' ill ~1' . .1': . , ';-1 --~rl-": I ': ,...... -rU' r" : if--i--' , ,jh--+-t t .n ;; 1- I}-' .' I" --r- ,," ~Drainage or -;+. l+-, t -r-1ltt, , ~- -;, -j-;-I ' tn-; i i IT!' :'n~"""7 :~' .': ",' pond" - Tclr-I-r f- +r rpl t. rH-r I ~ , : I - TII' . I L +r I'ITUI' .1-r:+tIIll <.,', ":~'~'"'''''' 1--+-l'Hh~'jj8tr,lt-;,-,Ji4I;f', tiff, ~1~'~aJ.r., ,:=I~J-f~~" ... Road "Ilt-p' ,- ;'1,1,:4-, h._t~~+-t!lt, i' l-i+.I--i: II .J3i_Jrrttf-t ,- ~--- lW.4H1Bi'-M., J, T(.ll,.,,::i:,+"';- :H., 1-,-, ',iT,;,:!" i~. ' :! ~ ++; '+n,,~~kP'~::'1 .Te~t Hole ~ !iif, HCU"tttf.'t~r~: '.~I,~"l'rTI,-"!=P-l4-11 :t. +tlJ=1~~~~t'rf i~] -r._-~L!--W-, ~,I--4 ..w.ii.....J+tH-l,. I ' II .-f+1I-H-i--i-' I ,t+~ ~ "/. Slope c' U I-i-".t ~T'-:i.r-' +- R' , t t -H-' h:t:rl ! i I " tc: -rt, i-"-'J=h,' -+--l--t-1, "--:=+-, 1 \.:- .J L1f"':fli~ ,UJ-1 H' 'IT- - -l"jJ'J:' _L+ ::r:JJL'+t, -HEH-' -'1 I I :hhl': r 1 ~+-t I+-':::. f- -t,--j't" i'r-+-+-, '1- +t.' ~~, I t---j- I,:, . '.,+f- ':, hTT' ..ii' " '..,. IT, I ',--I+L, ,"t Cu t Banklli 1 , I ' i' =-i+ ~ tt.F rT~ :~-i-I- :_:: :.Ht::. =r , : --1=1::+, -:- ju ;t~~I-:: F::C: ; " Ii.,'., II! II, ~~, l-t, t,-H+ -~ ['" h- ',rttt, ' .. 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LOT BL1< J !.;' 12. ,NEW HLDG 'lYPE USE i., (!i) F.<DRilS 00 ND unITS 00'1 ,NO ;n [m:J:I::s ' NO BLDGS 001 . - ["(')l)j::' ',;''''I::'l' \)f) "r'''('TrIN '0"'<;'1"':;']""'1', ,..t.) "'n ':"'1" 'll',"J'T ',"'j"':'"'' ""l 'f':',"I"'I'N 1::1:,'.,",:",..,. ','.)",~V,,',',. ,'. ... 1-1l ., 1.__ 11M"."'" .t I........ ..:1., _, ,.. ._" . ..,".., I 't: I ..;'..J".. I . r"t ..\..1 I.. LC , 14 .'ep -.IW . " BF' E,p, '!.BF' . BP 10 -.h" 12 f,) (:" 1'" ..~ ~j \':l'II~' ;-( .1\ ~.F'CI, s:c N()~ l~wl>~-fUn[:":': >~(;... COr':j\:EC ;"CF~::': :1,. 00 Ei~lGH OM. '5 . ;"i;[CHAN i Cf~i... -,~:'[E ;"-;;Tfi"fE SUf..:CHi~~PGE: PLi,N CHECK FEE '-II., 0% Ei). <')(1 / ,~ LC . '{9934 S1 1201o("J.(') . t;) () ..~ () (1 '.. " -. '! '!.. SIF"O CF'I loFT EI'(" Sl<. PLAN [~LEV iiD!JF~ FF' C[)hr'LETED BY ENVH rOT~"!L FEE:j(")I: i 20 Jo()(:) CK , ~ ej . = ,112 ,J !l ~ ;Ie'e.~ 10. _ '. ~ , . ... -~ ,2 r.(..~;":o[:N . '",', I. ;'j t! :!.. ., -. " ~ ~. " . , s.~ o 3 ~ . {t ePARTFiENT OF ENVIRONHENTAL /1ANAGEMENT PSB, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE EUGENE, OREGON 97401 X Job Address ,?J~ 'P. () J../IJ r i/-e ~ ~ oiflt ~. D ~ cf}-i.O Q7'f 77 )....1tllW,;s~iiJ;'k.;hli~; '$mcUQ:ni [ax got /7-0 -? - ,;;l3-(l~-// tio L- ~ ~ ,',' 't" -j. /,&,-v...; ~ Sllb4h,,,'flln, ...-0' /" , lllli.k Appllcation for ~ ~ I J ~J=:~j~~~" """ '"" .""." tPT~.~!lJ!laRl:J If this application ;s for an agricultural building it will be used for purposes allowed by the State Building Code and ~. Lane County Code Chapter 10 (zoning) and for no other pur~ose. I have the following legal interest in the property: ~ owner of record; contract purchaser; lessee; holder of an exclusive option to purchase; ~ "'X' duly authorized to. act for the owner, who. i~ knm,!ledgeable of this }rp~~icat;on.. "Signature/Address .~bxO HAt- \l'e~-1..r>-vw) -<;"oJDJ ~O~ (zip)'17"'77 :;:) Telephone 7,-", ,- ~:~o9 . or '71.-1 ",/c.f- 1- -O/te IJ,A:!,;;).6, 7<;/ <;:) When permit!s ready notif~: l& ~ppl ican; CI Owner CI Cont:ac~or J/J i!.Y.: Kj'mail CI phone .J... --.J Owner--'11.Lk'",-- I2drl!\.~lk ~h,),c:) ~/'v~,,--'tI,-,-W<f{ziP)07u.IL Phone 7Q6'--:);;;J.O/S ~ Contractor (zip) Phone ~ Contractor's OSR# Plumbing by " . jC1kj!jiilfiWiJiiiW' f*R,.'."'.""..'.'..fJ3(,/ tci;~g1j;~PID~gt~, DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE If Commercial: # of employees Residential: II llllicfiD:ticrt' Existing, BP # Proposed, S I # SI test holes ready /-,5l- KO l j?~ /1 ,1 ./ _.x'Z,.A.l ) ~.z/~~../7{--I9-7/ 7M/?(/J,CfJ~t:,:~~) ~ ~--... :-l' .~ Total Valuation: c;T'r~' ("I.. ,lIJn ' ~ LKPJlll!li.b\~;',tlx~~tll$ at n G~ilh " l$liltlw~!iI!f1~~ij!!i at ~~t ,5)67 .,-,....,'- "'" ~ . ~ - ~ j Received by ~~ p~ I!~I Valuation Fee $ $ $ $ $ $ $ each $ $ each $ Subtotal $ $ $ $ TOTAL $ /;:2.0 ntJO Water Supply Proposed Year Installed Existing 4% State surcharge Plans check fee Change of Occupancy PERMIT PROCESSING Parcel # Parcel Size ~~,4 Zone EFt! Part. # 'i., front 'i., side , j) h- , /, J~ ~d' , 'tf;7' -- ~. f . --&. J., ~-k. CommentsOl'l/~.I'P"VC" ,r~J .........- ~' ~1'~~ArA~"':':;<'~'7~y:...tft!/~, A-.j ,,( To be typed on perr#t f./U r?o/-f.l17~/~y'"7c. ' ~~f../?~rr'tJ.~ By t/~ Oate'C 2~Z~-7~ , Minimum setbacks: ; iot. , rear CP&I Type To be typed on perm; t Group Fife Zone Use Classification By Date Phone c.~~,~ ~ EAr JJ ,:Ifio i .. . for plans information call (area inspector) Directionn to site ~ ~b~d 1-(4ru"-€..-.?ft. f1 .Aldlu ~ .!t. ,+,~, T ~ <:: - CI SIFO Plans to: CP&I setls) WPC == set(s) '-f-v-- Cj", -z;;; K i,-"k ; Date Requ ired Hold Slip to PCC Date Completed oa te to pee ;;'I.>P&I , if WPC C/ Planning CI Public Works CI Elevation CI n/a CI Address /~I Facil ity Permit ~-I Environmental Health FOR INFOR~~TION about progress of your application call: C74-171 Permit Control Center 687-HELP (687.4357) _.V"",,'~~""~'~~ . , . ",~J'J 4\1i~~,::~...'<~:~~~'~'sr,. LANE,COUNTY HEARINGS OFFICIAL DECISION APPROVING APPLICATION FOR CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (UNCONTESTED) " " Application Summary: Agenda Item #7 .....,.,~~..,....r.n"Yp"'X""'~.~~~'I'<""~.'lI ~ri5"~'?~~gda~~:~s.ki:};:s~!'li;Z9-fii.:7} 2680 Harvest Lane, Springfield, Map'~'17""03:'23-44, Tax Lots 200, 1100, 1200. Request for Con- ditional Use Permit for an accessory dwelling on 40 acres in an Exclusive Farm Use (EFU) District. Hearing Date: December 6, 1979 Decision Date: December 16, 1979 Statement of Criteria and Standards: Lane County Comprehensive Plan Lane Code 10.110 Lane Code 10.320 Facts Relied Upon (Findings): The factual statements set forth in the staff report are incor- porated herein and adopted. The Hearings Official did not view the site. In addition, the following findings based upon the testimony presented at the hearing are adopted. The applicant indicated that the permit could be limited to a mobile home. Deci sion: CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVED. 'Ihree condi tions' of approval,are imposed: 1) The permit shall be for a period of 5 years. '2) Only a mobile home, a temporary str-ucture or trailer may be placed upon the property under this permit. 3) The permit may be renewed automatically for an additional 5 years upon the applicant's written statement to the' Lane County Planning Division an accessory dwelling for farm help is still necessary and setting forth the specific reasons therefore. Justification for Decision (Conclusions): The application conforms to the comprehensive plan for Lane The proposed use will be compatible with and not adversely the surrounding vicinity,nor will it in turn be adversely affected by surrounding development. S-~'-Y\;J /l J Larry D. /Thomson Hearings Official County. affect' }/f" ,// " L0'vv-...-.~"",- " ., , ,'" . --...._ . J -- -,..;~.-'- "','" ,'.. . ;.-. .... ..:._~~.."". "..~._.~ t.,.-. -',' .:. '., '. I. ""''''f~i,..' . '" '.'..,." ...~"..,..~..t'~.l~~".}r,:..:...,-r!...,:r~...t.;,..~'.l~':',..,,'lJ~.,.."""".....,.,~ .:,;.;u;t;;.,;u:",=~~"t.: ~ ._........'"......_..:.,..._~L,:'O';_, ..._.........161_--....".. "'-.. _JI...._~..~ ....~.~.N.:;______l.,_._...~........ll....., '. ..r,~..,._ _'_'_j!l.Ud...",-,.",.,",,--':l.:.~'_ "_"'_'___' _, _.:'._~ ..-~" :I' '..::< t"r-' .-, -r., .' ' /"'--.~+.... '?-~~-I . '1+"'. -Y""'."-',~~-:L;;:l!-" I.J " G ~ . . '. " .;~ i'I" lli} ," t".. ;i ;~~, . '.. REQUEST FOR EFU SPECIAL PERMIT EXEMPTION In conjunction with Building Permit or Site Inspection Q )\.(1) (We), ..D(;l....U~A \;2~~r\~\{ ,J...~0< i """16< 1?r.JA-I<u,~ - , Owner(s) of record of the property descr:ibed,as J '/7-03~,;2?-t'/(/-..:ym.-//o.o_/.:2,OO ,,> zoned Exclusive Farm (~IJp and Ta,x Lot) (Partitioning. Parcel U if appncabie) Use (EFU) Jnd consisting of t{L/7 acres more or less. hereby certify that the farm use described below w11i be undertaken at the earliest opportunity after construction or is now occurring on the subject property. (I) (We) understand that such farm use constitutes an exemption to the requirement 0 Lane Code 10.100-10(5), which requires approval of a Special Permit to cons' a single-family dwelling not in conjunction with a farm use, We further understand that cessation of the farm use places any tax deferr~ benefit obtained by virtue of the Exclusive Farm Use zoning in jeopardy, L that in such an event a paybaCk as determined by Ass~ssment and Taxation m~j be required. Description of Farm Use to be ~~ now being conducted on this property ':1~ W,l'Lt' "". ""'-:C,C~~ ~ u, 1;. JI~ ^"'. "~~ I-A->>.<! ~~ M-, Lu..e..~ 7J/l.nroJ.b~tl -~t ?.-I~v , I 7<o~ / :P -.2 b -79 ---OJte ,-- , -[)~ ?C?-~.~. (Slgn-ature) (Signature) Please return this form to: Department of Environmental Management Permit Porcessing Division Public Service Building 125 E. 8th Avenue Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone: 687-094 , HearIngs Official Publie-Iearillg . Lane County Tilne: 7;00 P.N, Date: December 6, 1979 Place: Harris Hall, L:l!1e County Courthouse, 125 E. 8th Ave., Eugene, OR 97401 Applicant: Nike Rodakowski: CUP 79-1,] 7 :..':;- Location; 2680 Harvest L"111e, Springfteld; l'lap 17-03-23-lj/j, Tax Lots 200,1100,1200 Proposal: Conditional Use l'ermiJ:.,f )r':"'"n~jlc~{'ssory d"elling on 40 acres in an Exclusive , F3r,'" Use (~..2P'~:':' ~/ 0 i 1 ~1.9~::::-.~.;:::~r7:~ ................ ?, ) ,I -::;::::::::-~':,:,:,:,:-:-:,..::: ~-:,-:>-:.." :..;2Oc) .......... .......... .......... .......,.. .......... "........ .......... SITe 01-" PI(()POSE.D / .......... ...,..... I AGT CITY OF ----.; - - - _______________I" , / "::.PR.IN('{:IE.~ )/-~~:':::::: .......... , . . . . . . , . . . .......... ........... .......... .."...... ...,...... ........... ..' .., p~-; ~\(J1: .5,- - "- 't ,~. ......... ........" ....-...... ............ ........... ............ ,.......... ............ ........... ......."... ........... ...,...... ......... ........'......... .................'. ."..."......,... ................... .....,............ .................,. ................................... . .......................,...........,, .,....-.-.......'.......-............ H" ...........,.. ................... ................:........,.......... ........ ......... .................. ...'........-....................... ......"..... ......... .....".. ......... ......... ......... ............ ........... ."......... T VICIN ITY MAP N') :1C.I\LC iEiJ .. ':.' F~~, "'~~':J :_... ~.~~.:;~-,~:. 0' 200' 400' .. ~rlrrJ.lrlllll.rlllll~II'llrl;lll.lllllt.lvl.n'ul.lll.....I..I~.cl'.aJgIIJI"JI'.r.I..D:.V.I'IID.II...~r.lrlII'rJrl~.,lllr...lr.l'~ ~,. ,';';NOTICE TO :'jOinG,\C;EE. LIEN HJLDEll, VUIDOR Oil SELLER: or~s CII^PT[I~ 215 REQUIHES THAT' ,;L If. IF YOU RECEIVE TillS NOTICE, IT r,jUST PIIiJIWT!.Y BE FORII/1,I\OEO TO TilE PUI\CIIASER.", ,:,1'" .1' II... 1'11111111' 1111111111.1'1', "11 e D II ~,. till 11111111. I I. I ~ , .: a Q 1"'11111.1 D I" DID 111 II I D II! a /I U:J D III a 1ft 111.1".11.. II 11.11. at III 1 ' FOR l\NY INFOIW/,..")rl ON THE PHOr'O)i/\L CONTACT THE Pl.MlNfNG DrViS!!)!I" " ",.,;:!;mi; , 11["" I,", ""')'"'1[",, I'l!!:; !11,'U,:/l,"'C: r:fl'':,T nTI! (',"",I,',',',r,'lcllr,I'I,IC" nDr.....,I"\~.1 '17.1nl/:111f"l!.If.' 1r:f1"l :::17 !ll,:)C,"~ _.l'J1UH.J".!.!0!!..;r 1. ",. I' I." - APPLICATION # --r!- q-;PI LOCATION /t-j.J"Ii, JhlhJ 'Xrd(]J"rrl.llc.1a NAME )(oXn /LI~ ADDRESS c-... \D1Jfl17f1,/O!rI tJf2 q7477 (JJ '/ zip CODE The Lane County Water Pollution Control Division cannot proceed with processing your application because: 1.1><1 Incomplete appl ication (items deficient). -----;-1 '!~I ~~~ :t::J Address and/or directions to application site. ~ /1.:cI 0 Proposed number of bedrooms in dwelling. -muj! ~ a.e... XxI APprovabl~ plot Planyee attachment). \\ PioY flolII C:-hi.,h Ij IZJ!t24t tv D Notification of date test holes will be ready. -2:-1 ' ,- Verification of existing system required (memorandum'" , explaining this procedure attached). !tOLD 5LI" bne county . ~ ~ Irvw'1r.hO/i! 1 J 3. r===J Two test holes (2'X4'X5' deep) required for expansion or repair of existing sewage disposal system in the area of the proposed drainfields. 4. I:IJ Other:~/AfnIA 1]/-11'-/ -;-if/1A ,,11171AJ;(;\ffllhlfJl()tTlrl/f.4;'-ff' ,1k, ellffhflo. /,YJ.!A'O fJ )I1I1/JrM/i/AV},p, CVJ/YIM~ (}//()t1/ r"tJ fl."~f)/lIA!oJ.,; 'V/-J C!)fJtf1 {lMlait2ttr# ~~( ,;;::.J!r7V1Vr rf')! !11-==r~<.)(@jpP~J/JIAJ)U14} -hAt? ;JljJ/JJ9IC~o 'dA/lI/J,L,711 J1;JH 017. (:<) /J'Vl1lh1/J dld4~t/ ,~Jrf-' Mo/o1: r'~j,JV~ fmt' h.IJlp ~!(Ih(;;' JIMN -hP.R.M, -4t&cr ,. I " "V 'v tf!rhfJ/7,{l ICJ1l fJJJt:/,1/1/1/1t dA,/PA/J1JU;/j //7//./0,1 r;V) Uw_ ,'!/leO, ~'PUt/) 09MaJ dJo1?2A.J:lt,{fl.~eJl/.t, ~ ~ -hV-l1P.s.t&pri 225( U ~a-cP..liYl.eur d/P--"~?/'-1j1,,(j Card(}hf 1100 ~ Cl/lfCiij W ()~ --/?t'v !.k/~ , .PrJ.l1uI/h. lJilfldPAbii,kf /f) )IJ//Wldh/,</t) ,L'f,fw.f/!M-k SIGNATURE DAT,V, II r/t!iJf/tl:t WJI-41 <::J, - 'if;?oj{) /IYJ-;:; /',,['7 --?/sirrn r?,~ud c::klrt/i, OFFICE HOURS - PHONE ~ -'a ,'11111/ P!11{..1?1 ~ f If the necessary corrections are not made within It:' days" the lUll fl.i!U";' application will be denied. .b12~f.v gJ.1J'Pl;; (aI) i 1~ ~aw ~W!0jV1{lj 0/ /1J.fd l/1ffe.Q. ~ . ~. WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVIS'lON ,/ ENVIRON~~ENTAL MANAGEMENT DEPAR8TMENOTl 125 EAST 8th AVENUE / PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING / EUGENE, OREGON 97401 6 7-4 6 \\\Jw ,! ~ ~\y\~ I \,,\}l'~ /"~, ) ~~ ~ () ..., -I' I ,... U> o < l"- n l"- t' I"- ... '< :.: ~ -" ,>' ...,. ~ --,). ~ " <-- '\ '-< ,...:.,.,. '1" i1. '" . < ' -1 ' i ~ " ... 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