HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1978-2-17 t6~ T,RS TI /7--.2:, '~7:?-' 'I;::).") I , - , . - - - , Subdivision: /J/A Job Location Written Directions /{/J L:r rCJ .I ' S,I.# /%-/~I CfJ(} .A ./ J.J <".f ~..j/1 ~" . .. ,,',,[)--! /0.. ' .=- "-"""".'_. - - - I l/ ;:;)7ri~ cf.j,u1 /. I? ~.:,L F:f Y1 ~ \ / / ilUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY.. PROPOSED USE OF PROPER~Y . .s F/J WATER SUPPLY ~...i A-1 h?-u') WITHIN ONE MILE OF THE Y OF ..~-L (NO) ~ FV I hereby ce'rtify that the above statements are rue and accurate, and that I h, ave the fo'.'owin~e,g, al interes In the property: .' ' '--owner of record; contract purchaser; potentlal..b!,ye realtor or agent. I further certlfY,Ahat (,f [lot t , owner) I am authorizecl to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approve,s ~ this action.. , y:j , / II' ' , TEST HOLES READY .,::) - /7- '1 P Signature / /p ,,&., I A, ~ Datp'" _/ (/ -4" ~ ,. .' ,....-. , '"" -. b' , I I f * * * * * -It -It * -It * * * -It * * * * * * * * * "\" * * * *OFFICE USE O'NLY BELOW THI~ L E * -It ~ * * '* * * * * * '* * * *.* * * * -It * -It * * -It * * SITE: 1fZJ, MEETS STATE STANDARD? D DOES ~O MEET pTATE STAN,DARDS, i " "" ,.,0 LfND USE COMPLIANCE tJ4- e'I'.A_e..t...>' at. ';p.J!..R...- ~,f ---e,-0,,___ ~k~ o.f'IJ--\;,,/I-:....;:r;;e' Zoning "(c,~, .B L / () /' ", ''', II, -?r Acreage or Lot Size ' 7c.1 /D /' A /J , (TOTAL) I.!." ~..L -;r- -aLJ! c..-.. ~, ~~ I...'\., {/" 'Ml.J X'-17 ( I Completed ,0.--, , -0 -0/('" d' . CJ'- '- '1" , rF Partitioning # ", - ("'I_Rending ~e ~ ~~~. I?~ "'- a~ ~ Parcel # . / . ~.. h;f 4- ~ L,' {- /;t-, I6t a.eR t(kJhJ!; 1 ~ ""&"e; (T~(f AJ,O~ ,{2 ~ 1(1)'~-~'(;4~. f:ij 12,4 , THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT ENS E THE ISSUANCE'OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT, ANY PLANS OR EXPENDI. TURES MADE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK"IF SITE IS APPROVED, SEE REVERSE SlOE, '___ r; w_ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS Lot Block l ' " . t _ - ..-.",. SITE FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR SUBSURF~CE AND ALTERNATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL - 'I ~ APPLICANT'S NA~E AND ADDRESS l.Jb.fl.l IGv;A/J..rr: It/:;n __<; )q ".<:"/,) I>> "(/ , I I !/ II (_)-Pfefer to pick up, Call 7t.!t., -L/t./44 Mail report to ( ) Applicant () Owner '0' , .. '," ", .. " j-':J2-7f DATE Cl/'.1 /U J :1-. . A"UTHORIZED SIGNATURE , , ,', I ! LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMEN;rAL MANAGEMENT, ;,.... ..... \ '"C55-3~ _ ~ --.L-7' ~........~ ----- AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE Di'/;{;on of Water Pollutibn, Control r-:J-/S-7f? DATE Permit Processing Section 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE,EUGENE, OREGON 97401 687-4061 ,.",- ~ .' . ., '. " . . ,J.'_ , " ,.i...;:I..... " ,_.t -! )" " , ! .' OAR Chapter 340, Division 7, Section 72.020(6): This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct,unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in" any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit, in which case this evaluation report shall be con, sidered null and void. Technical r'ule-changes "Nilr not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this sect(on. '. " " Before construction is started bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and apply' for a building permit, Exact'specifications for the sewage disposal system will app'ear on the permit: -If the propertYHis only a portior] of a tax lot;'a parti~ioning or s~bdivision must be ~pproved before the ,permit will be issued, . '- ", , " 4 -I ' . .- - . . . , - . Only persons having a valid license issued by the De~artment of Environmental Qu~lity under OF\S '454.695 to install subsurface Sewage disposal systems or an owner or contract purchaser or his regular employees may install subsurface' sewage disposal syst~ms. A certificate of satisfactory completion will not be issued if persons other than t~eabove perform the installation. , , . .. '. " '. ' "'. ,..' . '.-:' ":t. ... " :4"" '~"""""'" , , '.' ,.J ~H ,',..'.,' . d .,J,I~ "." _"("~", .~, " '11 ; ~ . :";'\.' . '. ",,,:" !!',.' .," ',' ~~'~-:' i'rITlciNER: , ' " , '. , I'. ~ " ~ "ry .,:"~,~ .' :. !~-~ . .'. hAM~'~;, :",..ikk. k'ipk" pi-, ; , .t.r:~i~',',~',,>: ' l:~~ .. / . ',~ . , :., ',~DRESS:" 1", 10 ,<;.......J4, :ASh-e...1- ; ,:\~~,.:;\, ':~.. :",:-' '''''~':'', . ~ ,;. . ,.: f, I ' I :' '1,~:" i;, ;~f2!:-J'lfj Se3e/; ,@.....c.'~ ~ ' PHO#Ji: J 7 Y fo ~ L/ '-i i. i .. ,';' I~"" 'f ;" M ,,~~~,:. '" .c" , ~: ,:h..':": i, _ '~;' .. 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'11.1+':'" ., WATER"SVl'fLY: , ~Aj^Je<)u.J JA/J"[-TE-;t" PERMIt II: S, ; ''*' J SEWAG~' Dr~~bSAL.r, ~~'if?7J,.. 7l-'\-^/1d 8.1. ((: ")~; ~. '. ,,':';'A ELECTRIC 'SERVICE : ',~R ZON~NG: ~~\;. ' ~ f ,. ';'--2...0, (j . . . , .Q" ".jp.-,~=-e_V:,ed:<.l:::'?:yP "," '; ~ ~ i~" ,:.; , DATE' strnmTTED:IO - 24-77 ',"CJ,JeC( ",'io. '..;\ C~ 0 FEE P;\ID: ' ~\r)"7 HEJ~~~ DATE: i : II - il-l7 s~ ;)~,' for 9ffice..:use only D '.t;~i" RECEIVEJP BY: BY: I.... '. I ; '.'" , .; ~. L : : ,:' ;.iippf.OVa::r "!,.; ';. '; i.,;, ',". , " ~ ,I ',: :'(1 'I !" ." .> Acting Chairman; Land Developmerit, Review Committee 'J' ~ ~' '0 'r I ~ r, 'f , '; i~ i t: ," i " 4,'_ "'" 1-.'''', vicinity map , Date \ ~\~ ,3m:::- -=---"} ~ ~~F' , , , L. r.J Ii, : , ID' ,~ " :'.~~ I',!\',:: _,' F1LE NO: M6i,8-77: " ;. .!,,& , , r-: '_, '. MAP PREPARED BY: "....: :'.., '"J. YOL-Af'JD~ . pL";~Ni~G bivisib~ / ENVIRON/;, AL ~ANAGEMEN+ DEPARTMENT / 125 EAST .' ,/ C14-15 AVE, I EUGENE, OR 97401 I PHONE (503) 687, Sheet 1 , , , -------- ~ ;" \ -,;;, ."O.......~"'. -- . . ~ ~ ,,': ~ . ,// ~-_._"~,~_..,.~_..- . ,/, .' ,/' j ! : 1"( ;:p " / , '1 ".,' ;6 ....1 " . 0\- I: ,f .~;.':;~. 1: of:' 1 'jilt... ....--: '/ .' ~NOR;j.{.l-~ ._;\;~~.- ':J~' ~~..-~-. ,.- ..~_ __ .seAL E i.:' - 1,00 ~ .~' ?/Z' <'~ / . ,,",'.'."' "., ..::.- -:; , :;, ".',' "';)---~,.,:. ,,1i;,>,'j,,' ;"'J"'>!::~'- \ ; r' ,,"l"~"t;~! .::.=:;-":,1., _';'/~~"'","';:;"""'~~.',.",!~ _ '. '.l.~._', "'~_""': ......: ~ _'--":?,~""""'" ../ ':\....,.....,. , }~ ::. :.'~>~':.~J;;,<~, :.~~.x~..~:~?::0~"if.-.~i0~ i ~. ",.;.-', .~y",".-7-: -', '-.;....~"'J'1~. I'......'..,.,~:;--::--; "(;--" ,,' ; tv", '1' "~ X:-?" 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Date 24 - in in 24 - 36 36 - se.. ~ ) Restrictive Layer ~n, Impervious Layer ~ in, Mottling ?7.'f>1l./~...yQJin, Re s tr ic ti ve Laye r ;;:- Y in Impervious Layer in Mottling Yi.b'l<L- u-u..c.Wo......in 48 - 48 - 60 _ 6d':, - c!'.Uf-y SITE DOES DZJ' DOES NOT 0 MEET MINIMUM STANDARDS. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES REOUIRE ~ MINIMUM DEPTH OF: 0 36 inches to an impermeable layer 0 30 inches to a restrictive lay~r 0 60 inches to a permanent water table 0 24 inches to a temporarily perched water table OTHER REASONS FOR DEN ~ PLOT PLAN: Stream - ~ Drainage or pond .............,..... Road ---- Test Hole QO ~ % Slope Cut Bank ";'" Fence ,x-1l-)f ON YOUR PROPERTY THE DEPTH WAS: inches inches inches inches .4) PI? cV F> i= L f) +, ,t.l_j'+j_ ',.q.', '11'-'-H.I:::i-I+t;f1il-I-'lllll ~1::ld'-::llj!:' ~I II' -I - -I"I-L+ "/1-,---1' ,j- ,+-fl-+ '/I'-tt-!,-r-+:+++:'r-H- 1- H_ .' .!, U--IY"MT-'Il II-d-l-,J,~~--'~Ll-,.j.,t -rl +1 -C"'J' - I-!-j "':-:::-I-~r" ,.Ie-l-U r--r--" il'+I+~~f--~~ '-l:-l-j,LL " I , . 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I '-- -W--!-J.~~ I 1 I I 'I' - -1-Ll- .+11 r: 1#--. -'-'-'-H-' fl+-Il'-, -1 ---'-1 I. ::/~_"LI" " .1 -,JJJI~'l'{T1ti rr ---I-~ ,-.--JH- t[j. +, ..J -I- ,- r- -'Tl"T ..L!TT -j f I ,- I It" - D.>:t.k61>.. -+r: , I T"--h--r I : .u____ ~-I'-'T.: '!----,---1~ ,q- ~ .1- I . - --l- -1 I.. -+- -'T t 1 - - 11... 1- --; .J.1-H-I.i- . -H" I,:: I L: I - I ,L ,-1,+ '--+-~', ' I' J--- , II ---- - --.., ,- 'I -----~'-I-. +~ -- -1-llJ.YJt"1-j'-' ,.: I' Ilxr++'!.---fTh.L, I! -F----1. .:l=l-+ - -j - T+'H ++ j .1- , 1 1-'- H-H-H 11-1+1, ..LWll JJ-j I ,- - - - .,- , .' / / / F 78'-/J7 . ,.", / .;. ~ - SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET " LOCATION: TWP. J 7 RANGE 3.. SECTION ;,).3 TAX LOT # ,- k<,Q / ZONING: PROPOSEDWSE: ~'F./J , SIZE OF PROPERTY: AMOUNT USABLE AREA: ~ PUBLIC 0 INDIVIDUAL ~ WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY [g] , IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: ------- gpd gpd Single Family Industrial '].,.,-0 gpd gpd gpd Type of structure and approximate sewag,e flow': Multi-family " Connnercial Ins ti tu tional '-.," MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: " J fr'fJ'~, d U' V Serial 0 No D /150 gal. Length of disposal trench required Distribution Metho~:.. Curtain drain required: Other: Equa 1 D Yes D SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPJIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NAME: A-7- DATE OF EVALUATION: ,-;2.-}..2-7'6 ..,C74--l26