HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Extensions 2008-1-17 SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 WWWCI springfIeld or us January 17, 2008 Kathy Neuberger, Executive Director Spring Valley ASSisted LIVing FacIlity 770 Harlow Road Springfield, Oregon 97477 Dear Ms Neuberger Your request for an extensIon of your permits for paving eight (8) additional parking spaces at your assisted liVing facIlity located at 770 Harlow Road, Springfield, Oregon, City Job Number C7-00813 has been reviewed and approved ThiS extension may only be granted one time and Will expire on June 28,2008 ' If you have any questions, or If I may be of any aSSIstance, please feel free to phone me at 726-3790 ~,~~ Commumty Services BUilding Safety Ih 12128/2007 11 48 5417440103 SVAL PAGE 02 '~I -'" ~ I r,j\ ~-~ ~~I '\h~:I, fdSPRING VALLEY ASSISTED LIVING RESIDENCE DE'!:ember 28, 2007 C~y of Springfield Pe'lmrt & Planning 22:: Fifth Street Spf'lngfield OR ~17<177 Permit #COM2007 -00813 Adc'lress of COnlltrllctlon 770 Harlow Road, Spnngfield OR 974n lISII, as per our ph:me call thiS morning I am requesting an extensIon of one month for my eXI~lbng permit The additional filters for eXisting drams have not been installed It IS my unl~erstanchng the)> Will be Installed In the next two weeks I Will call to schedule Inspection as soon as they are In Th,alnk you for YC1ur conSideration, f\;:ffIr,j 1- ~te~<(-- Katl'~~N~ubergef, [xecutlVe Director Spring Valley ASSisted LIVIng FaCility 771) Harlow Roal:! Spl1ngfreld OR 974n (54 1)744-2116 !(SI:lJIp"44-0103 Fax \10 ~cnU ~~\\'C\ <0 MO~ ~ \-.ww ~~ ~ 19(7% DC(; 7711 HARLOW ROAD SPRINGFIELD,OREGON97477 (541) 744-21l6 Iii~. . CIty of Sprmgfield 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax November 19,2007 SUN RETIREMENT CORPORATION 735 COMMERCIAL ST SE SALEM OR 97301 Job Number LocatIOn C0M2007-00813 770 Harlow Rd Project Pavmg 8 additional spaces Dear Pemut Holder The Spnngfield BUlld10g Safety Code Adnnrustratlve Code provides that 10 order for a permit to remam valid, the work wluch has been authonzed by the pemut must beg10 WltIun 180 days of the date of Issuance, and an mspectlOn must be requested at least every 180 days Accord1Og to our records, you obtamed a pernnt for a project at 770 Harlow Rd wluch IS set to exprre on 12/28/2007 Our records 10dlcate that you have not requested an InSpection WltIun the past five (5) months T1us letter IS wntten to notify you that your pemut(s) Will be expmng shortly If you are ready to request an mspectlOn for your proJect, please phone the InSpectIOn l10e at 541-726-3769 If you do not request an 1OspectlOn pnor to the exprratlOn date, your pemut( s) Will exprre and adilltlOnal pemut fees Will be reqUlfed 10 order to complete your project If you have any questIOns, please feel free to phone me at 541-726-3790 S1Ocerely, ~ Lisa Hopper BUlld10g Safety Management Analyst