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Permit Correction Notice 2008-1-11 (2)
City of Springfield/Development Services BUilding Safety 225 FIfth Street ~ Date: / (J.L/ Ot6 Job# (' b - )06 Address.3hCt7 (ru ~Jr'" 14//. TO: f5tJe.U/(l0 Ii/atv" Inspection Type:, F".."J Eke';"',,:: /1/Ec..ZIt?lCl(/4JZ(i3J, ue<>vl ey-/--evloy t/~fAf 11>"1 .e,,-!ev,ti,r €'1-1-"'FI'''- Ov <"XI',).. 01- <;[,044 q/g- "JO,-OIbC;(Z): ffll lit {Cl6/~ +-IJ/~ (v..b/-c '1/1 <;J..oJo:J 6.,.(ow <;.eytJ,;-e /"t...Ji hu.J !J/rJ!-"d-,.1 If/tc-I/o' /-z.. //.,,<<,e ~7Y'/A/1 Oc(,7 t<u:d".clr /h. (3",.:/:.. j/Jo..cL, ///tC.IIO,3(fJ) t/h>~ t.M,.J~mo.,...A~<I..<v.... ~l9ns 0-'7 /.1<<"''I'u.; l.,:,tl< ~'-1 f3",ckIc:IVC~ /lie'.! -10 61 1,~/~..1 '/d; !.tlrj.,,,~ till' vr"",our.l. /fIfCI/tJ, J(r}) (c.".f ~".vc +v'c; w,;,.~ U/f'V 0"," B"-<'I,,/.<.I'I/ /liE C- 2>""0. b~ . ~I/()""JIL'J -e !~t:.-lvolJc. /VI "'OU~ <. 'o1NJ7 -Iv I., vlt'lr9,-,,/;/-e illEr- 1/1l, r;{{~): +If, -f<vo 'm"'J~/r -10 fk t<1~t,1- rJI/ ~/u!L /AU.! (rFcT. /'PoIl'd~ R/[e lfllJ, (,f(b) I(q,,! 1~l<III" Cl.,t"VI l,;/.f DlIev tM~v 7....6, Corrections and relnspection request shall be mad!! Within -; 0 calendar days. Call for reinspectlon !;8Yes DNa Inspector f5 vYUo1 Ptrt,l< v {/s,p"" Date. / -11- O'X" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~