HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-1-8 Status Issued ~'Z/ot' 1 I' rf' od:('J 0'~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008,00027 ISSUED 0110712008 APPLIED' 01108/2008 EXPIRES. 07/08/2008 VALUE: 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 1420 S B ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703360000900 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK MechamcalOnly TYPE OF USE Addllton CommercIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION Install Generator Back Up System Owner GENTRACO INC Address 6860 SW WINDING WAY CORVALLIS OR 97333 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type Electncal Mechamcal Contractor BUILDERS ELECTRIC INC OWNER LIcense 4296 ExpIration Date \2/10/2011 Phone 541-485-0922 BUILDING INFORMATION' # of Umts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of He.t Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled BUlldmg Lot SIze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Cal pOI t Sq Ft Other Occupant Load nla I DEVELOPMENTINFORMATION I Frontyard Setback SIde I Setback SIde 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements Storm S~l.oregon law reqUires you to Speclallllfttmc;:ules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center Those rules are set forth Notes In OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090. You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center (Note the telephone number for tha Oregon Utility Notification Center is 1-800-332-2344). SIdewalk Type NOTICE: DownspoutslDrams THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Paee I of 3 Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme DescriptIOn Tvpe of ConstructIOn Fee DescrIptIOn -Mechamcal Issuance Fee- + 10% Admmlstrahve Fee + 10% AdmmlStrahve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee + 5% Technology Fee Add, Alter, Extend CIrc Ea Add Mlmmum/AdJustment Mechamcal Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or Jess Total Amount PaId CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008,00027 ISSUED. 01/0712008 APPLIED: 01108/2008 EXPIRES' 07/08/2008 VALUE. I Vahlat~on Descrmtion I $ Per Sq Ft or mulhpher Squdre Footage or BId Amount Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project ~PP'. P~lrl . Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Numoer $20 00 $500 $940 $600 $11 28 $250 $470 $24 00 $50 00 $70 00 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 1/8/08 2200800000000000014 2200800000000000014 1200800000000000015 2200800000000000014 1200800000000000015 2200800000000000014 1200800000000000015 1200800000000000015 2200800000000000014 1200800000000000015 $202 88 I Plan ReViews I To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recording at 726-3769. All inspectIOns requested before 7.00 a.m wIll be made the same workmg day, inspectIOns requested after 7.00 a m will be made the followmg work day ~lIlr~rt Tnsnechons I Gas ServIce After hne IS mstalled and hne has oeen connected to a mmlmum of one apphance mcludmg reqUIred testmg Presure test done at thIS pomt Rough Mechamcdl Prior 10 Cover Fmal Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete ElectriC ServIce Approvdl reqUIred prior to uhhly company energIZIng servIle Rough ElectriC Prior to Cover Fmal Electrll When all electrical work IS complete Page 2 of 3 Status Iss u ed CITY OF SPRIr~lJJ<IELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008,00027 ISSUED. 01107/2008 APPLIED. 01108/2008 EXPIRES: 07/08/2008 VALUE' 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby cerllfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all work performed shall be done 10 dccordance wIth the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descflbed herem, dlld that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of ally structure WIthout permlsslOlI of the Commumty ServIces DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Safety 1 further certIfy that ollly COli tractors alld employees who are 10 comphdnce WIth ORS 701 005 will be used 011 thIs project I further agree to ellsure that all reqUIred mspectlOlls are requested at the proper lime, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front 01 the property, alld the approved set of plalls WIll remam 011 the sIte at all flmes dunng constructIOn Owner or Contractors Signature Date Paee 3 of 3 CIty of Sprmgfield ElectrIcal AuthorIzatIOn To Begm Work E-malled To kelly@bmlderselectnc com Receipt # EC523506 1/812008 9 20 16 AM ~ By Phone Check on status of permit (541)726-3753 or Em.I1 perm.tcenter@clspnngfieldorns TYPE OF WORK I 0 New con~tructlon [X] AddItIOn/alteration/replacement CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 10 I or 2 famIly d'.'.ellmg 0 Multl+famlly [K] Commercial I [ndustnal I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION IJobno 08-0179-5 I Job'lddress 1420 SBST I City/State/ZIP SPRINGfll::LD OR 97477 5248 I~uit('jbldg /dpt no I Project name General 1 raller Cross slreet/dlrcltlOns to Job site I Subdn J~Jl)n Tax m'lp/parcel no !Lot no 1703360000900 DESCRIPTION OF WORK Connect generator SITE CONTACT I N'1me RUSS CRANE I Phone (Emad I IF., CONTRACTOR I EI he no 20 12C I ceo he no 4296 I Busmess Ndme BUILD[RS I::Lf:C I RIC INC I Contact Kelly 0 Bnen [Address 195 MADISON ST I Cuy/SlaterllP CUGENE OR 97402 I Pl10ne (541 }4850922 I hx (541 )4854055 lFmal1 kelly@bullderse]eltnt com I Metro he no I City hc no I SupervISIng electncMn .\I he no 3290S jSupervlslIlg electnClan's name RUSSEL W CRANE Upon review and approval by your local JUriSdiction, your permit will be e.malled or faxed within one business day, with instructions on how to schedule your inspectIOn NOTE This Authorization To Begin Work expires within 180 days if a permit IS not obtained The local bUilding department may determine that an Authorization To Begin Work IS null and vOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordmances I I FEE SCHEDULE I De!.enptton l Qty Ea I Rl.Mdenb~t~~!Ng~E- OR mulh.fanul}' dwellmg Uillt attached gdrdge I] OOOsq fl orless ) I 1 Ea addl 500 sq ft or portion 1 I Llml!~LE:uergv I Lumted energy resldentml (WIth above sa ft) I LImIted energy multIfamily resldentllll (WIth abovl. sa ft) lImIted energv commercld"l (\\Ith above sa ft) Stand alom, 11m lied energy resldentla] I . Stand alone bmlted enLrgy multl-famllv I Stand alone limited energy commercJaJ I Total I I I 1 I I I I I I I I ~ervlees OR fceder.\! installation, alterntlOn, AND/OR relocatloll I 1200 amps or less $7000 $7000 I 1201 dmps to 400 amps I 140] amps 10 599 amps I III<.MPORARY !.l.rVICCS OR feeder!. In.\!tallabon, alteratIOn, I AND/OR relocatIOn I 200 amps or II'S" I I I 20 I amps to 400 amps I 1401 amps to 599 amps I I 1 Branch clt"Culh. NE!.V,~lIte~hou, OR utenslOlI, per p.lDel I A fee for branch Clrclllts With 6 $400 $24001 above servIce or feeder feL each branch CIrCUit B fee tor branch CirCUits I without service or teeder fee first branch clrcult I each addl branch CIrculi 1 IHlseellaneous I Service reconnect only each manufactured or modular I dwellmg servlce and/or feeder 1 Pump or IrrigatIOn Circle I Sign or outhne IIghtmg I Signal clrcwt(s) or hmltcd~ not offered onllne at thiS JUrlSdlc(lOn I energy pane] alteratIOn or extcn~lon I Subtotal $9400 1 State Surcharge (]2% ofpermll fed $]1281 CltyOfSprmgfieldfccs" $]4101 TOTALPERMJlI LI<. $J J9 38 I 10% Local Admm Fee 5% Local Technology ree Include.\! I I I I I *' City Of Springfield ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES ThiS AuthOrization To Begin Work must be posted at the Job site until replaced by a Permit 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541,726-3759 Phone SPRtNOPlBLD . II, ..' ,. k - 4'It k Job/Journal Number COM2008-00027 COM2008-00027 COM2008-00027 COM2008-00027 COM2008-00027 Payments Type of Payment ONLINE CHOS LRecelOtl RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000015 DescnptlOn Perm ServlFdr 200 amps or less Add, Alter, Extend CIrC Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdministratIve Fee CIty of Sprmgfield Officml ReceIpt Development Services Department PublIc Works Department Date' 01/08/2008 Item rota I Check Number AuthOrization Received By Batch Number Number How Received PaId By ONLINE PERMIT CHOS ddk Page 1 of I ONLINE BUILDERS Online ELECTRIC Payment Total 1051 47AM Amount Due 7000 2400 470 11 28 940 $119 38 Amount PaId $11938 $119 38 11812008