HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 04 Thurston Fire Station #16: P20534 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: January 14,2008 Work session~ City Manager's Ice , Carole Knape , 726-3672 30 min ITEM TITLE: THURSTON FIRE STATION #16 P 20534 ACTION REQUESTED: Consider the Schematic Design Options which have been developed for the Thurston Fire Station Project and identify additional alternatives for consideration at the January 22nd Council Regular Session. ISSUE STATEMENT: On October 15,2007, the Council approved the Functional and Space Program for the Thurston Fire Station # 16 Project and directed staff to proceed with the design of a facility which would incorporate Best Management Practices and which would address issues of gender neutrality, ADA acc~ssibility, turnout and equipment storage "Blue Line" separation and apparatus storage. The Council authorized the project to inClude approximately 955U square feet ATTACHMENTS: A - Council Briefing Memo DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The project design team has been working with representatives of the Fire Life Safety Department, Development Services, and IT to develop a building layout which incorporates the Functional and Space Program as approved by the City Council. Because of the site limitations, the project team has developed a two-story option as well as a single story option. The project team has identified the advantages and disadvantages of each option, as well as the construction cost for each option. In order to provide for public review and comment on each option, two Open House sessions have been scheduled. On January 15, there will be an Open House at City Hall and on January 17, there will be an Open House at Thurston High School. Attendees will be asked to provide comments on each option. At the Council's Regular Session on January 22,2008, the project team will present the options as well as all public comments and will request that the Council direct staff to proceed with the design of their preferred option. A summary of the budget and cost estimates for the design options is shown below. Construction Budget $1,766,750 Single Story (Pitched Roof) Two Story (Pitched Roof) Two Story (Low Pitch Roof) Two Story (Low Pitch Roof) $1,697,000 $1,955,000 $2,051,000 with stucco exterior $1,979,000 without stucco exterior Date: To: January 8, 2008 Gino Grimaldi, City Manager Carole Knapel Thurston Fire Station #16 - Schematic Design Options COUNCIL BRIEFING MEMORANDUM From: Subject: ISSUE: On October 15, the City Council authorized the project team to begin the design of the new Fire StatioI;l #16. The approved project includes approximately 9550 square feet with a construction budget of $1,767,000 and it will incorporate Best Management Practices for the design and operation offIre stations. Because of the site limitations, the project team has developed a two-story schematic as well as a single story option. DISCUSSION: The attached schematic drawings indicate the design options which have been developed by the project team. Each of the options includes the space requirements and adjacencies which were approved in the Functional and Space Program. The two-story option has been further developed to demonstrate a pitched roof and a low-pitch roof. Single-Story Option - Pitched Roof This option includes 9545, square feet of space and provides all the required space for apparatus and equipment, living areas and administrative areas. The cost of this design option is estimated to be $1,697,000. The annual payments for the fmancing of this option are estimated to be $235,000. The advantages ofthis option include the following; · The cost estimate is within the approved construction cost budget. · The single story design may be considered to be more consistent with the design of surrounding residential properties The disadvantages of this option include the following; · The design uses more of the site. The existing station is approximately 5000 square feet. The new design will nearly double the size of the facility to 9545 square feet. This design will therefore limit the options for future, expansion of the station. · Because the single story option uses more of the site, there is a limited area for outdoor staff training. The project team has indicated however that the available site training area would still be acceptable. Two-Story Option - Pitched Roof This option includes 9653 square feet of space and provides for the apparatus and equipment, living areas and administrative space. The cost of this design option is $1, 955,000. The increased costs are the results of the need to add an elevator, stairways, an increased number of windows and doors and an increased amount of site work. The annual payments for.fmancing this option are estimated to be $268,000. The advantages of this option include the following; · This design reduces the footprint of the building to approximately 5585 square feet. The reduced size of the building footprint allows for future expansion space for additional apparatus bays and living areas if a future Council should determine to increase the size of the station at this location. · The reduced footprint allows for more outdoor training space for the fIre crews. The disadvantages ofthis option include the following; · The cost of this option exceeds the construction budget by approximately $188,000. · The pitched roof option will require a minor variance which would need to be addressed in the Site Plan Review process. Attachment A Page 1 of 10 Two-Story -Low Pitch Roof This option includes 9653 square feet of space in the same floor plan as the pitched roof design option. The cost of this option is estimated to be $2,051,000. In addition to the cost increases discussed for the pitched roof option (above), there are added costs resulting from the exterior wall treatment provided in this option. Because of the low pitch of the roof, the project architect is recommending a stucco exterior for this design. If an exterior wall treatment is used similar to the pitched roof option, the cost could be reduced by $72,300 for a total estimated cost of$1,979,000. The annual payments for fmancing this option are estimated to be $284,000. The advantages of this option include the following; . This design reduces the footprint of the building to approximately 5585 square feet. The reduced size of the building footprint allows for future expansion space for additional apparatus bays and living areas if a future Council should determine to increase the size of the station at this location. . The reduced footprint allows for more outdoor training space for the ftre crews. . Because ofthe lower profile, this option would not require a minor variance at the Site Plan Review process. The disadvantages of this option include the following; . The cost of this option exceeds the construction budget by approximately $285,000. ACTION REQUESTED: No action is requested at this time. The project team will present these options to the community during the Open House sessions scheduled for January 15 and January 17,2008. The project team will return to the Council at their Regular Session on January 22 with information gathered from these Open House sessIOns. Attachment A Page 2 of 10 STAFF ENTRY co i r- ei ~ ,~ 2: ~ 2: 0 ~ j:: ~ ~ ~ II) W ::i a: ~ u: ~ Q ..... w u: ~ Cl 2: ~ ir i a. II) _QlLOOR PLAN - SINGLE STORY OPTION 9,545 sq. ft. 1/S" _ " -0" DIlAWNBV: CMHlI CHECKfD BV: PlB DA.TE: 12-03007 Tm~ FLOOR PLAN SCAU, 1/8.....,-.0.. LEGEND . APPARATUS SPACE UV\NG SPACE SHEET NO: . ADMINISTRATION SPACE 1 OF 10 <l:l 0 ..--4 .j.J ~ ~ al 0 13 .c: C'I') t.l C\l al .j.J 00 .j.J C\l <l:l p.., _CDFRONT ELEVATION - SINGLE STORY OPTION 1/S". 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III i <0 ...... .j.J 1=l4-1 CU 0 ]" tJ tIl CU .j.J 00 .j.J tIl <p... DRAWN BY: CMHlI CHECICEO eY: PLB DATE: 12-03-07 llTlf: SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCAlE: 118-_1.'0. SHfETNO: 5 ffiFRONT ELEVATION - TWO STORY OPTION A _..... 6 .._.__.__._____.__._........_............._...___......__..._n.__...._._.......___....._._.__....___..__h..._...__................. 1/S' a I' .0' 1:.:( .;:'.,..: I:Il.,. ~rrm~;b":~~-~-flID . . .' . ,,,----.rrrn---.--.~~ill- ,,'r ',:"..:l'.I:,:l:':l:.l:,l:. 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SHffTNO: 6 OF 1.0 -'-'" EBFRONT ELEVATION - TWO STORY OPTION B ..___ 7 ___________~___..____......._._____..__..._______..._...._.__.___._.______..___.._____.__....._.___~.._ liS" - l' -0" ---,,--,,-'---,' "', ..." - - - - - - -- - -"~._~,- - -- -- - -- - - - - - -- EBSIDE ELEVATION - TWO STORY OPTION B --.- 7 ..._._...__.____...___.____...__._.__..._...____....____.__._.____,_____....._.._..______.....:..._.___......_.._..______._,_ liS" = l' .0" EBSIDE ELEVATION - TWO STORY OPTION B ___ 7 "........._.._.._.__._._....___.._.._____.........."._.__...___._....._.....______.__.__..___._...._________.__....._....___~ liS" = 1'.0" EB BACK ELEVATION - TWO STORY OPTION B __... 7 .__....__-:._.____._.._.._..__._..__._______...._____...____.__._.........,__.._____...._......_._._....._._......_.__....__.___.___...__...... liS". l' -0" CD .... ci z z 0 ~ i= <C ~ I- a II) w " a: ~ i! < 0 ...J W i! ~ Cl, Z' ~ ii: ~ Q. VI iii <0 .-I .j.J Q4-l Q) 0 a ,..c::0\ c.J ell Q) .j.J bll .j.J ell <p.. ORAWN BY: CMHlI CHECKED BY: PL. DATE: 12-03-07 mLE: ELEVATIONS SCAlf: 1/8"_1.'0. SHEET NO: 7 OF 10 00 S MS TJI TAUSSfS 0 248 OC WITH PLYWOOD, .. PLY MODlREa BWLT UP ROOANQ E APPARATUS BAY L OR M r.l WOOD TRUSSES 'MTH 3Y a~RETe. TOPPING SLAB OYER PLYWOOD SUPPORTED NTH alUE LAM DEAMS. (.....LL REQUIRE CIIU WAlLS TO 2tlD FLOOR) INTERIOR PARTITION SYSTEM STAGGERED STUD WOOD FHANlNG WITH SOUND BATT INSULAllOH, GVPSUM BOARD AT EACH SIDE FOA SOUND CONTROL. CMU AT ALL WALLS IN APPARATUS BAYS. STAHDAAD WOOD fRUIINO WITH GYPSUM BOARD InTERIOR AtaSH. BATT I"SULATION, PLYWOOD SHTO, FELT, STUCCO ANlSH \MTH BRlCKlSTOHE VENEER WAlHSCOmHI1 eMU WALLS AT APPARATUS (EXPOSED OR COVEREDI KITCHEN PHVSlCAL TRAlNlHO W~C3 ! I CD I .... ci ~ z ~ z ~ 0 '. ~ i= c:l: ~ ~ III W ~ II: ~ u:: ~ . C ....I W u:: ~ Cl z e a: ~ II.. III i EXTERIOR WINDOW SYSTEM STAfiDARD VlHYL WINDOWS WITH INSULATED, LOW f, lIRTED GLAZING, 6. TRANSOM UGHTS FOR flA1URAl uaHTlNO AltO EflEROV BA\/INOS. ffiSECTION - TWO STORY OPTION A .......... 8 ............._.uun................_._......_........._..._._.._....._.,_..._"H..".....__..........__...."..._...._....__.__...."..._.___....................,.........._,......_ ".... ROOF S ST S 1/S" - 1'-0. PREfABfDCATED WOOD TRUSSES@ 24H OC WITH PLYWOOD, FEU, 40 YEAR ASPHALT SHINGLES. E E 0 EM DRAWN 8Y: CMHII CHECKED BY; PlB DA.TE: 12"03--01 nnE: SECTION SCAlE: 118M_1_'OM TJI WOOD TRUSSES WITH 3M GYP-CRETE TOPptHG SLAB OvER PLYWOOD SUPPORTED WITH GLUE LAM BEAMS. (WILL REQUIRE CNU WALLS TO 2ND fLOOR) INTERIOR PARTITION SYSTEM STAGGERED STUD WOOD FRAMING WITH SOUND BAn INSULATION, GYPSUM BOARD AT EACH SIDE FOR SOUND CONTROL. eMU AT ALL WALLS IN APPARATUS BAYS. STANDARD WOOD FRAMING WITH GYPSUM BOARD INTERIOR FINISH, BAn ItlSULATION. PLYWOOD SHTG, FELT, CENEttT LAP S1D1t1G WITH BRICK VENEER W....HSCDTnNo. CMU WALLS AT APPARATUS (EXJlQSED OR COVEREDI KITCHEN EXTERIOR WINDOW SYSTEM STAftDARD ~t1YL WINDOWS WITH INSUlATED, LOW E, TINTED GLAZING, 6. TRAHSON UGHTS FOR NATURAL UGHTING AND ENERGY BAVl.NGS. APPARATUS BAY _CDSECTION - TWO STORY OPTION B SHiEr NO: 8 11S" - " -0" 0 <11 ....... +J 4-l s:: 0 OJ ] 0 ....... CJ I'd ,,0) +J 00 +J I'd <11 p...