HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-1-4 Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme "^ 1~,d1 \ f"-vI 1~ :QS~ SITE ADDRESS 1444 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703363203000 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO ISSUED APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE. CO M2008-000 18 0110412008 01/04/2008 07/04/2008 Springfield TYPE OF WORK MechalllcalOnly PROJECT DESCRIPTION Hook up exhaust fan for ansul system Owner SCOOTER 97 LLC Address 2484 BLACKBURN ST EUGENE OR 97405 Contractor Type Electrical TYPE OF USE New Commercial Phone Number 541-653-1423 I CONTRACTOR INFORMA nON , Contractor JOHNSEN ELECTRIC INC # of Ulllts Primary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Primary ConstructlOn Type Secondary ConstructlOJI Type # of Bedrooms Front yard Setback SIde 1 Setback SIde 2 Setback: Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Street Improvements L'cense 38497 ExpiratIOn Date 01110/2008 Phone 541-461-0291 Storm Sewer Avalla~lf;)T1CE' SpCClallnstructlOn THIS PE . RMIT SHAll EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR J~ l\~~~rnn"~T r:>., ANY 180 DAY PERIODJ --. '_.'. I 1 Valuation DescrlOtlOn Notes DescriptIOn Type of ConstructIOn BUILDlNG INFORMATION' # of Stories Helgbt of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type. Energy Path Sprinkled BuJldmg nla Lot SIZe Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft GaragelCarport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load I. DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Overlay DlSt # Street Trees Rqd Paved Drive Rqd % of Lot Cover age REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact (17v8c-cCC-008- ~ SI 18jUa:) I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' uU'le"'jljIJN ^lll'ln U008JO 8~j JOj iaqwnu . aU04dalal 8~1 aloN) J8lUao a416urlleo Aq S'Sld'ewalJ{.C1'yIle'OO U1elqo Aew nOA 0600 -WO-C96l:J\l0 ~BnOJ41 0 ~OO- ~00-c96l:J\lO ul 4110) ~gJ'.!'~pg/!~P,;"'l.J~1 JaluaO UOII\lOI)IION AI1IIIO u06aJO a~1 Aq paldope S81nJ MOllO. 01 nOA sSJrnbaJ Mel uo6sJO NOUN3lJ.'\f $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher Square Footage or BId Amount Date Calculated Paee 1 ot 2 Value . -Wii:" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2008-00018 ISSUED. 01/04/2008 APPLIED: 01104/2008 EXPIRES: 07/04/2008 VALUE' Status Iss u ed 225 Flftb Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769Inspechon Lme Total Value of ProJect Fee~ PaId I Fee DescriptIOn + 10% AdmmlStratJve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Tecbnology Fee Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Add, Alter, Extend Orc Ea Add Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Numbel $520 $624 $260 $48 00 $400 114/08 114/08 114/08 114/08 114108 2200800000000000009 2200800000000000009 2200800000000000009 2200800000000000009 2200800000000000009 Total Amount PaId $66 04 I Plan Reviews I To Request an Inspection call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769. All InspectIOns requested befO! e 7 00 a m will be made the same workIng day, InspectIOns requested after 7:00 a m will be made the following work day. I ReoUlred lnsnechons I Rougb ElectriC Prior to Cover Fmal ElectriC Wben all electrical work IS complete By SIgnature, I state alld agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby ccrhfy tbat all mformatlOlI hel eon IS true and correct, and I furthel certIfy that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance wIth the Ordmances ofthe CIty 01 Springfield and the Laws of the State ot Oregon pertammg to the work desCribed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure wIthout permlSslOlI of the Commulllty Servlles DIVISIon, Bulldmg Safety I further certIfy that onty contractors and employees who are m comphance wIth ORS 701 005 will be used on thIS ploJect I further agree to ensure tbat all reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper tJme, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the fl ont of tbe property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the SIte at all times durmg constructIOn Owner or Contractors SIgnature Date Paee 2 of 2 CIty of Sprmgfield Electrical Authorization To Begm Work E-malled To KELlASEN@ATTNET ReceIpt # EC523343 1/4/2008 II 14 10 AM ~ By Pbone Check on status of permit (541)726-3753 or EmalI permltcenter@cl springfield or us TYPE OF WORK 10 NeWLOnstrucllOn [K] AdditIon/alteratIOn/replacement ~ CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION 10 1 or2 famIly dwellmg 0 Mult] famIly [K] CommerCial I Industnal I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND lOCATION IJob no !Job addrc!l!l 1444 MAIN ST I City/State/ZIP SPRINGFIELD OR 97477-492] I SUlte/bldg lapt no IproJcctn'lme CLUB 1444BCTWCEN Cross streetJdlrlchon!l to Job site :!TREE] BETWEEN 14TH & ] 5TH STREETS ON MAIN Subdl\ ISIOO I Lot no Ilnx map/p'lrcd no 1703363203000 I DESCRIPTION OF WORK HOOK UP eXHAUST FAN fOR ANSUL SYS rEM I IName IPhaRr IEma11 I SITE CONTACT GREG ANDREWS (541)6531423 !Fax CONTRACTOR ICCBhc no 38497 IF' he 110 2053C I BuslDc'Is Name JOHNSEN bLeCTRIC JNe I Contact hARIN CLIASEN IAddrc!ls 2585 ROOSEVLLf BLVD I City/State/ZIP EUGENE OR 97402 2500 IPhon, (\4l)4610291 I Emall KELlASEN@AITNtT J\klro he no I SupervlMng clectrlclan's hc no 3485S I SupervISIng clectrIClan's ndme GARY E JOHNSrN I Fa> (541)46l2340 1 City hc no Upon review and approval by your local jUrisdiction, your permit Will be e mailed or faxed Within one bUSiness day, With instructions on how to schedule your inspection NOTE ThiS Authorization To Begin Work expires Within 180 days If a permit Is not obtained The local building department may determine that an AuthorIzatIon To Begin Work Is null and VOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances I I FEE SCHEDULE II De!lcnpl1on I Qty I la .Totdl I ReSidential SINGLE~ OR mulh~famd} d\\lllmg Ulll( Includes I dttached garage III OOOsq ft or]ess I I Ita (ldd] 500 ~q ft or portIon 1 1 Limited Fnergy~ II LimIted energy resldentm] I (\\Ithabovesa ft) I LimIted energy multlfmmly 1 reSIdential (\\Ith above so n) I I-Limited energy, commercla"l (WIth abovL so fl) I Stand alone limited energ) resldentlal I Stand alone limited energy multi famllv I Stand alone lmllted t..nergy commercia] I Se~rvlces OR feeders installation, .llterJ.tJon, Ai~D/OR relocatIOn I 200 amps or less 120] amps to 400 amps 1401 amps to 599 amps I TFMPORAR~ servlCb OR Jeeders !!lstallatlOn, alteratIOn, A.'\'D/On relocation - 1200 amps or less 1201 amps to 400 amps 1401 amps to 599 amps I Bnmch~ lIrculb~ NEW, alter ItlOn, OR e),ten<,lOn, per Jlducl A Fee for branch CIrCUits With above service or feeder fee each branch circuit B fee for branch CirCUits $4800 $4800 I \\Ithout service or feeder fee first branch cIrculI I ear.,h addl branch CirCUIt $4 00 $4001 I MJsccIlUIICOUl. I I ServIce reconnect only 1 I Each manufactured or modular I dwe!!m~\ servlce and/or feeder I Pump or lrngatlOn CIrcle I I SIgn or outhne hghtmg I I SIgnal clrcUlt(s) or I1mlted not offered onlme at thiS JUrlSdlctlon I energy panel alteratIOn or extenslOn I ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES I I Subtotal I $5200 I I State ~urcharge (12% ofpermll fee) $624 J I CIty OfSpnngfie]d fees *1 $780 I I I OTAl PERMIT FEE $6604 I ...,,,; .....,.:.y.,,''''~_:_ ::~::__H:"'--' ~~~hnologyhe COM ~()1) K - 000 I r{" -- 9 ---(}!Y RCPT #" ;);)()t' 225 F,fth-Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone *.fij CIty of Sprmgfield Official Rece'pt Deyelopment Serv'ces Department Pubhc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2008-000 18 COM2008-000 18 COM2008-00018 COM2008-000 J 8 COM2008-000 18 Payments Type of Payment ONLINE CHOS cRecemt 1 RECEIPT #. 2200800000000000009 Date 01/04/2008 DescnptlOn Add, Alter, Extend Orc Add, Alter, Extend CIfC Ea Add + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee PaId By ONLINE PERMIT CHOS Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received ONLINE Johnsen Onlme elect Payment Total nJIO Page I of I 2 17 24PM Amount Due 4800 400 624 260 520 $66 04 Amount Paid $66 04 $66 U4 1/4/2008