HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2008-1-4 (0 1Jr'^ ,U( (-1 s(VV ~ 225 FIFTH S rREET . SPRI'\GFIElD. OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 I' .I t 'Jh~JC f r j>L 11.) ,I II f 1J~Pi if ~J J()~\ Cl\v]ob NumberC .t:\m'l6Dr - ml95 OwnLr, Name t--:J~G~~ ~ I I,. \ j I <?'J I........ Q ,.....1 Ll 0" S-I J::;.Jt" -\"')E \j" l> 111~ll\t~ 1'-, \ "cr,,,, ()u[ ,,L),,,J'lL,\: ~ ,:; J G ~.::-- - , , CI\V~0' _ Phone::2 '? <+ - Ob2<t OW'\ER INsritI1T10," 1 1~,(1il,"}\()ljvS.l\I(\Jl0\ 3 _~s2n k.~><-...)a",^, ~-r LCGAl DESCRIPTION \ \ lOS ~d-- 00 0\1 <:JO JOB DESCRIPTION l..-M", Vfaf}-tztj-- /<ST00 \~ Permlt~ are non-tran'tferable and c\plrc If work IS not started within 180 da\s of ISsuanlC or If \\ork IS Suspelldcd tor 180 da" 2 ((1\'.: R4('JOR ),\ 'd ~1: LA! 10V UJ\LY [lectrlcal Contractor t (\ t t'L (. _~k , l r L" \-f:.l il ~ c. ,- , )''i-.:> \-t- P"'-~, \ r'\. <-- Addre" 'Yf, Dc,\( Ie</. City (-Gr-.p J",-^-- .) Phone L/ 4,", - L/ L( S-l: SupervIsor LIcense Number \ '1'-, ") u A [\pll<ltIOn Date \ 'C) J I J () ~ Con<;ll C onlr Number It. L)")9 ill [xpllatlOn Dale II u 1 SIgnature ot Supervl"lIlg [JectncJaI1 ~ r /....- <7 The 1Il~la[JalJOIl IS belllg made on properly I 0\\ n \\IlH..h 1'1 not IIltLnded for ~alc lca'"lc or It.nt O\\neIS Slgnmll!c Inspection Request 726-3769 \ - y..-of" Date COII"/ r tl f 11'~Ufl!J! LI fill.()lt A \~\, h(..J(!LlltIJI ....ll'!ll In 'llqt' r ,'l111h;)~ (J'\Lllllq l~'1l1 Sen Ice Included 1000 sq It or less Each addillonal 500 sq f, or portion thereof 5 I 0600 5 1900 Each Manufact'd llome or Modular Dwelhng Selvlce or 5000 Feeder ATTENTION' Oregon jaw (tlqjes YOUID follow rulell. adopted bv the Oregon UtIlity B " " II e, lildtifi8Mlon te'rlilir.I'Tho~e k1iil~afe s'et folth' 1 Irt9AR 952-Q01-001 0 through OAR 952-001- 200 Amps oo~b. You may oblalR Ggll(9s>oH~ ruler ~\' 20 I Amps '0 48Q.lIl1i(f\he center (NntA' ttl97fel1llphOl'" 40 I Amp, to twRbm>lfor the Ore!l.on UlilftYl r.ro1lJicallon 60 I Amp, to 1000 Aocp~nter Is 1-aOO-332-~:M.JIl>o Ovel 1000 AmpslVolt, 537500 Recoonect Only S 50 00 C II 1I1H'1 11\ ...tl\!lt... 01 ruou... InsN~Q~u.S,terallon or Rclocdhon 200~II\SsreE~MIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THEW61RK 20IfMlIN!!HR!E,f,)liPNDER THIS PERMllS illi NOT 401(f:S'lItMnmEi!)10R IS ABANDONED ~am 00 Over,l\\'\6 ~lj,.o;..Ycilltf<<l(jlD,ee B above D h ,n...'l ( lJ(Ull'" New Altt'rJtlOn or ExtenSion Per Panel One Cllclllt Lllh >\ddltlOnal Clrllllt or with ServlcL or reLder Pen11J1 'S 43 00 ~ 100 1., [ 11 ,II' 111\' r,' / 1'\] ~ \11' !. Pump or llng.llloll $ ~O 00 SIgn/Outline LIghtlIlg S 50 00 LII11Jted [nergv/Re'ilduwal S :2 ~ 00 LUJ\lted Enelgv/Commerctal J." 4; 00 -<;5 0U l\lmlmum Elc(;tnc Pumlt InSpcltlOn Fec IS ~+ SUI durgcffl ~ oV .!:1Jf5"'" ~ 4 r ,t~1 'LU UI ,lH;}\ ,_ ~ ~ tJ . 60 (,- :;:> 5U E). aU B% State Surcharge ) 0% '\dnmllSlratlve Fee 60 Q JW:J- TOTAL Shaled Dn\L( r )/t3mldmg j onm'j kUrtc \1 Pelm\l AppltclttoJl 1 Ofi doc 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2007 -00795 COM2007-00795 COM2007-00795 COM2007-00795 COM2007-00795 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cReLemtl RECEIPT #. ~~, . CIty of Sprmgfield OfficTaI Rece'pt Development ServIces Department Pubhc Works Department 3200800000000000013 Date' 01/04/2008 11 11 18AM Description Low Voltage - CommercIal Indus MIlIlmum/AdJustment Electncal + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee Paid By INTEGRATED ELECTRJC SYSTEMS Amount Due 4500 500 600 250 500 $63 50 Item Total t.:heck Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Paid nJm 053850 In Person $63 50 Payment Total $63 50 Page J of I 1/4/2008