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Permit Correction Notice 2008-1-4
TO L.. / <. T [IF J C;,r) '1=1. r.: Ik r 1Q):Tr. Date: } I J::L/ 20015 Job# /" r;' - J q Z 'l Address.. /2 /. "3 ,r c, T InspectIon Type._ F- / kr :If\.J:(A{_ ~ City of Springfield/Development ServIces BUlldlllg Safety 225 FIfth Street C; t:.PJ<<rZ f/;;r,imfM_ <IJR ?ftU-PA~ A~-"rt J T f-/f'f.') A- 2()C) TIlJSTA-lA.. YF-.J? lJ(). -:S.13 , I C, (') AJ v '/ R:..el-'11W I~ rL /14 P)i')~.A4M Alfb4{) oF- 3Iq,lS' A FT.TtT,,)(. T/.tJ.X -r-c... I_r~"~.f") F/l{/ 1\9F-J--...iDS 'C..I\)4TA-Uk-A) A'-r 'rl+l" Tn/? I'lr::- 'r).u:. - . U(.,f: f) r--()'fL 'riff:. c:. fir<.. h:; 1=.A\FA7 c., v/;cu; IT J,,}j;;:r / /)c;/'+4-[/)A) I ^;r:. t;H1.i ".i? PfWlA r TZ./J 'X 3-!L{ j')D, Tlfl:._ '7,}{2, PA-tJ1:./ N(7..L, A- O'IJT-.NWh Tt-/ryr /I,)-t=;.f;i)S (-1:...lU,f) CorrectIons and relllspeCtlon request shall be made wlthlll ~ () calendar days. CallforrelllspectlOnOyesDNo Inspector r;"J-/ n,'iJ'lIl Date: !-lj-Z()()4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-376-9~,J~~~~~~~~~Questlons 726-3759~~~~~~~~~