HomeMy WebLinkAbout08/10/1998 Work Session t". _ r~. . . . MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, AUGUST 10,1998 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon at 6:03 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisetj:e and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine, and Shaver. Councilor-Elects Fitch, Lundberg, and Simmons (6:40 p.m.) were present. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins and members of staff. 1. City Council Ward 4 Candidate Interviews. City Council members discussed the process and'interview questions to be !lsked of applicants. Councilor-Elects were also encourage to participate and ask interview questions also. Mayor Morrisette said there were four candidates scheduled for interviews. Council and Councilor-Elects interviewed the following candidates: Cluadete F. Eikenberry Sean M. Wilson David R. Ralston Sidney (Sid) W. Leiken Council and Councilor-Elects introduced themselves and asked the following questions: 1. Tell us in your own words why you've applied for the City Council and what unique abilities and experiences you would bring to the council. 2. Assuming you are appointed, in 15-20 years, what would you like the Historians to say about your tenure as a City Councilor? 3. In response to the Thurston High School shooting tragedy, what types of things should our community be doing to lesson the chance of this reoccurring? 4. If an issue is before the council which many people are testifying against, how comfortable would you be in voting for that issue? 5. What one single personality or character trait is the most important for a Springfield City Councilor to possess? 6. What is your vision for Springfield? What have you done to further that vision? What would you do as a City Councilors to further that vision? 7. As you know, the City Council takes a large time commitment, including occasional meetings outside of council meetings. Can you make this type of time commitment? Springfield City Council Meeting Work Session - 8/10/98 Page 2 . 8. As the demand and costs to provide services continually increases, do you favor increasing fees or reducing services to meet budgetary constraints. 9. Do you have any particular areas in which city services should be funded through fees versus taxes? If so, please identify those services. 10. How do you feel about Springfield acquiring the jurisdiction of Glenwood? Why? Council members and Councilor-Elects also asked each candidate follow-up questions as appropriate. After a lengthy discussion and preferences given by all City Council members and Councilor- Elects, consensus was to appoint Sidney (Sid) W. Leiken to the Ward 4 City Council position. Consensus was also achieved to encourage the other applicants to remain involved in their community and apply for future volunteer positions. Mayor Morrisette thanked the Councilor-Elects for participating in the process. He spoke of future work sessions which would be scheduled between the council and Councilor-Elects to communicate important issues and determine council liaison assignments. Mayor Morrisette asked each Councilor-Elect to begin thinking about their preferences and interests with regards to liaison assignments. . Councilor Dahlquist said the McKenzie Watershed Council will be having their'annualgoal setting session in mid-October and felt the new councilor liaison may want to attend. Councilor Shaver said he would also like to introduce the new liaison to the Southern Willamette Private Industry Council (SWPIC) soon. City Manager Mike Kelly spoke of a proposed "hand-off' session, where the existing City Council members shared their view on certain issues with the Councilor-Elects. He felt the participation of other community boards, commissions and committees might also be helpful. Mr. Kelly said councilors and Councilor-Elects would be polled for their availability at this type of a session soon and that Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor would also be contacting the Councilor-Elects regarding orientation sessions on policy issues. Mayor Morrisette asked the Councilor-Elects to review the current council liaison assignments in preparation for the "hand-off' session. ,,'" Councilor-Elect Simmons said he has been looking into some departments already. He questioned some information that he felt should be in the City Charter which was not and especially questioned the boundaries of Ward 5. Administrative Aide Shari Higgins reminded the Mayor, City Council and Councilor-Elects that there are currently six board, commissions and committees with vacancies. She said she would e-mail copies of the news releases and await any questions. . Councilor Ballew said she would be absent from the August 17, 1998 meeting, as she would be attending a MWMC Conference in Bend. " . ~ '.,I . . . Springfield City Council Meeting Work Session - 8/10/98 Page 3 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8: 17 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: Iff 11/4 Bill Morrisette, Mayor