HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/22/1998 Work Session ,;~r/ MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, JUNE 22, 1998 . The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, June 22, 1998, at 6:53 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist, Maine and Shaver. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Public Works Director Dan Brown, City Engineer Al Peroutka, City Surveyor Don Rogers and members of staff. This topic was discussed during the Executive Session held prior to this meeting. 1. Proposed Amendments to the Disposition and Development Agreement Between the City of Springfield and Gat~way Mall Partners. Present from General Growth were Rick Moses, First Vice President of Development, Lisa Loweth, Regional Vice President, and Bob Buchanan, General Manager of the Gateway Mall. . Mr. Leahy said staff has been working with General Growth to seek clarification on their intent to change the Gateway Mall from a fashion mall to an entertainment type facility. General Growth felt it had found the right "niche" for the mall with entertainment type business and the development of the new theater, Tinseltown USA. He felt they serve the trade area well, but would be able to serve it better in the future by continuing to bring in new tenants, such as the movie theater development and a health spa. Other big tenants are being sought to help transform the mall into more of a blended center versus strictly retail. Destination tenants such as,Ross, Circuit City, Staples, Tinsletown, etc. will help the mall become a more blended center. Councilor Ballew asked if specific outlet type stores have been considered. Ms. Loweth eXplained the competitive marketplace and what types of retailers tend to work well together. Mr. Moses spoke of tenants which can draw people from greater distances than just the small area of Springfield and provide more of a metropolitan area draw. Councilor Beyer asked about the 24 hour fitness center, which has been proposed to locate at the mall. Mr. Moses said the franchise name is 24 Hour Fitness Center and it was his understanding that they are open 24 hours per day. Background was provided by Mr. Buchanan on the fitness center development. Councilor Burge asked if the mall would have security present 24 hours per day. Both Mr. Moses and Ms. Loweth replied yes. There was a discussion on the number of employee's per square foot calculated between retail and entertainment type uses, which is approximately the same. No employment opportunities should be lost with the change in the malls focus. . Councilor Burge said there are many undesirable types hanging out at the mall and he has not seen them at Valley River Center. Mr. Buchanan said the Gateway Mall has more of a collection area with the main entrance and food court area, as at Valley River Center there is n~o one main entrance or area to congregate. Councilor Shaver discussed the traffic impact concerns in the Gateway area. He said council was assured the theater development would not further add to the traffic congestion during peak hours. Typically, spa's do n~t draw large crowds during peak traffic times. Ms. Daluddung said the ttraffic division would review the proposed spa development in detail. .. Springfield City Council Work Session - 6/22/98 Page 2 . In closing, Ms. Daluddung clarified council was in concurrence with the proposed amendments to the Disposition and Development Agreement and would provide direction to the City Manager to enter into the amended agreement. Consensus was given and would be approved during the regular session meeting. 2. Improvement of 54th Place and J Street. City Engineer Al Peroutka was present for the staff report. He explained the project was brought to the attention of staff and the City Council by the Kepharts. The Kepharts are the owners of tax lot 17-02-33-12, at the end of 54th Place. When the Kepharts approached the city for a building permit, it triggered the requirement to improve 54th Place along their lot frontage. The issue to be considered is whether the City Council wishes at this time to initiate a larger project, to include more lot frontages along the unimproved portion of 54th Place and J Street. Mr. Peroutka said a larger project would result in economies of scale for the Kepharts and all benefited properties, and the Kepharts have chosen not to pursue a street project on their own, due to the high costs. Mr. Peroutka said significant issues to be discussed include the length of the street project, what the impact would be on the existing gravel J Street if only 54th Place is improved, and the policy to be used for right-of-way acquisition in the area of the improvement. The improvement would require a deviation from council's standards policy for assessment financing, as many of the lots are unimproved and do not have the sufficient assessed value. .' Councilor Burge said the city would have to acquire a significant amount of right-of-way first, approximately 28% is missing and a majority of the property owners are in opposition. With only four Improvement Agreements and without the Kepharts who withdrew their building permit application, this appears to barely meet the initiation process and would not prove to be a benefit for the city. Mr. Peroutka said 10 of the 28 property owners either support the project or have Improvement Agreements on record with the city. This barely meets the city criteria, but the decision should be made by the council. Councilor Maine said the corner at 54th Place is the only improved area in the vicinity and would be the only property owners using the (street. By consensus, council direction was not given to support a street improvement project at 54th Place and J Streets. Although this may be an exception to the City Council's goal to improve all city streets, it would not provide a great enough value to expend the funds needed. Councilor Maine suggested those in favor of the project try to initiate a petition and return to the city if factors in the area or property ownership changes. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 7:20 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ( W~ g#~~ Bill Morrisette, Mayor .