HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/09/1998 Work Session MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 9,1998 . The City of Springfield council met in work sessio~ in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, March 9, 1998, at 6:05 p.m. with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine, and Shaver. Councilors Ballew and Burge were absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Susan Daluddung, Planning Manager Greg Mott, Public Works Director Dan Brown, City Engineer Al Peroutka, Management Analyst Len Goodwin, City Surveyor Don Rogers, Property Program Manager De Little and members of staff. 1. Intergovernmental Human Services Commission Update. . Intergovernmental Human S~rvices Program Manager Steve Manela said he appreciated the opportunity to address the Mayor and City Council prior to the upcoming budget process. Mr. Manela referenced copies of the commission's annual report, which were provided in council's agenda packet. He eXplained the focus of the work the commission is doing in Springfield to stabilize families, thus stabilizing the community. The specific request from the commission does not address emerging services, but addresses current needs of the community. Some of those needs addressed were: the relocation of the community service center and the community family soup kitchen. Mr. Manela said the commission is looking at a status quo service level in Springfield, with the exception of moving the above services into new facilities. He introduced community members who spoke about certain commission services. John Lively is a board member of Catholic Community Services. Mr. Lively emphasized that family needs ate continuing to grow but basic needs still need to be met. He supports commission funding in general, specifically funding for Catholic Community Services. Gayle Decker represented the Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) and spoke in favor of increased funding for the commission. She said the annual contribution or maximum amount allowed to be contributed by the CDAC for human services funding is 15 percent of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds. The percentage will not go down, but funding levels will, based on the total amount of funds the CDAC allocates each year. Ann Williams of St. Vincent de Paul introduced Michelle Roberts. Ms. Roberts said she is a recipient of human services funding, as she and her family of six are currently living in transitional housing. Ms. Roberts spoke of the advantages of receiving help in the form of classes, counseling, and financial opportunities. It has given her family a second chance. . Mr. Manela said each jurisdiction is being requested to increase their contribution by two percent. In addition, the commission recommended asking Springfield to restore their General Fund funding to a pre-Ballot Measure 50 level. This amount would be $7,900. There was a discussion of issue paper submission (Attachment C of the staff report.) City of Springfield Work Session Meeting - 3/9/98 Page 2 . Councilor Maine asked why the citizens of Springfield are paying taxes for general government to Lane County of which one percent of their General Fund is be dedicated to the installation of a new financial system. She said the City of Springfield is also receiving the same system, and felt the citizens may end up being charged double or triple, for the same item. Mr. Kelly said he has spoken with County Administrator Bill Van V actor regarding whether or not the cost of the new financial system should be assessed or shared by other jurisdictions, when we joined cooperatively with Lane County and the City of Eugene in purchasing the system. Mr. Manela said he hoped Lane County would separate the Human Services Commission funding from other General Fund services funding, which would be assessed the one percent dedication. Councilor Shaver showed his support for the increase based on the city not making further reductions associated with Ballot Measure 50. Councilor Maine said she was also in favor of the request, but felt some additional assistance may come to the commission through a Public Safety Coordinating Council (PSCC) levy. Councilors Beyer and Dahlquist also shared their support for continued funding and an increase of $7,900, if manageable during the budget process. Mayor Morrisette said he supported the request at the last commission meeting. A hand-out from Catholic Community Services was provided to the council. . 2. Proposed Amendments to the Springfield Development Code Regulating Setback and Lot Size of Panhandle Lots. Planning Manager Greg Mott presented the item and said it was on the regular session agenda for ordinance adoption. The Planning Commission initiated the amendments after a public hearing Variance request, where the applicant was seeking to reduce side yard setbacks for adjoining panhandle lots. Mr. Mott explained the proposed amendments establish five foot side yard setbacks, which are currently ten feet, and 4,500 square foot lot sizes, which are currently 6,000 square feet, for panhandle lots in the Low Density Residential District. The amendments apply only in Low Density Residential zones and do not preempt compliance with any other standards (Hillside Overlay, Historic Preservation, Wetlands, etc.) Councilor Beyer said she had concern that the history behind these type of amendments would get lost. She ask if staff would record the reasoning behind the amendments, so future council's would have the benefit of such reasoning, and not request to change standards back. . Mr. Mott said the amendments would be documented by council minutes and would also be placed into a planning journal file. Both would provide historical information. He said this amendment should encourage more medium sized lots, versus either larger or smaller lots. Mr. Mott said one person provided testimony at the Planning Commission public hearing, encouraging the maintenance of existing minimum lot sizes in hillside areas. As stated earlier, this amendment will not preempt compliance with any other standards, including Hillside Overlay. City of Springfield Work Session Meeting - 3/9/98 Page 3 . 3. Review ofInformation Related to Ability to Build on Tax Lot 17-02-33-12-1901, 54th Place. City Engineer Al Peroutka provided a new copy of the vicinity map (Attachment 1 of the staff report. ) Mr. Peroutka said the Kepharts purchased tax lot 1901 in November of 1997, with the intent of building a house. Staff found two improvement agreements on file for that property. Mr. Peroutka explained the Kepharts understood that Improvement Agreement #803, dated 1997, implied a building permit could be issued without immediate street improvements being required. When the application for a building permit was made, the Kepharts were told it could be issued only after the street improvement was completed. . Mr. Peroutka provided background information on Gretchen Harris' correspondence which was provided to council on February 17, 1998. He said the correspondence promoted further staff review. The review resulted in the following, Option A: The council could allow the building permit to be issued and immediately initiate a local improvement district (LID) for tax lots #1901 and #901, so the full street improvement in front of these lots is split in cost and financing is provided. Option B: Defer the initiation of a street improvement to a later date, not to exceed 9/30/98 and grant the Kepharts (tax lot #1901) a building permit now. Then attempt to develop a larger Local Improvement District (LID) project involving the property owners of tax lots #1504, #1507 and #1508, who have expressed interest in improving N. 54th Place during recent years. These properties are not landlocked and would benefit from a full street improvement. If a larger project can not be developed, then the position would be to initiate Option A. Councilor Maine asked about the street condition from 54th to J Streets. Mr. Peroutka said there is a gravel road to the existing house and all access is gravel. There are no structures, improvement agreements, but construction has not occurred. Mayor Morrisette stated he felt in the future that everyone with an improvement agreement should be required to help pay for street improvements. His preferred option would be to go forward, while trying to get additional property owners involved in the project. Mayor Morrisette felt the cost of construction for a small street project would be much greater then if the city tried to put together a larger project involving more property owners. He suggested the city approve the Kepharts construction plans and not access any street charges until September 1998. Councilor Maine said this issue needs to be addressed as a large policy issue, or individuals will seek council assistance on a case-by-case basis, as issues occur. She preferred it be kept at a larger policy level to be consistent and fair to all. Councilor Shaver stated his preference for Option B as it would give others a chance to share in the cost and by development of a larger project, it could possibly lower the total project cost too. Option B would allow flexibility, but would also enforce the city's policy regarding improvement agreements. . Councilor Shaver asked if the developer would be responsible for assessment costs, if they built a spec home. Mr. Peroutka stated the liability would run with the title, or transfer at the time of purchase. 1 City of Springfield Work Session Meeting - 3/9/98 Page 4 . By consensus, council agreed to Option B, with the modification that the bid would not occur for the street project until the winter months, with the project beginning in the Spring of 1999. Mr. Peroutka clarified the city would begin the design and get the project ready for bid in the fall. ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins b0lrJl~~ Bill Morrisette, Mayor ATTEST: -_d ~ . .