HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/26/1998 Work Session . . . ~ MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JANUARY 26, 1998 The Springfield City council met in work session in the Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, January 26, 1998, at 6:55 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette. presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette and Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Dahlquist, Maine, and Shaver. Councilor Burge was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attomey Tim Harold, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, Public Works Director Dan Brown, City Engineer Al Peroutka, Supervising Civil Engineer Don Branch, Maintenance Supervisor Ed Black, Management Analyst Eileen Stein, and members of staff. 1. 1998-2003 Capital Improvement Program. City Engineer Al Peroutka asked council to review the five-year Capital Improvement Program scheduled for a public hearing on February 17. The Springfield Planning Commission reviewed and provided comments at a recent meeting. He provided a hand-out page titled Schedule II, Capital Improvement Program, Summary of Proposed Revenues and Expenditures. He explained the hand-out which included: current revenue (old SDC's, transportation, sanitary and storm SDC's, street, sewer user, and Booth Kelly revenue) grants and donations and other revenues and expenditures. Mr. Peroutka referred to the Capital Improvement Project Sheet on page B-23 of the staff report. Council discussed specific projects and future changes in revenues. Mr. Peroutka referenced a wall chart, titled, 1998-1999 Cavital Imvrovement Proiects: Street /Traffic Signal Projects * City participation in private projects * City-wide signal installation * Debt service - SLI infrastructure * Entryway beautification * Resurface improved streets * Sidewalk repair * Signal dector repair * Street lighting in-fill * Street seal/overlay * Street tree replacement ''"'' Public Works Director Dan Brown spoke about county funding sources. There will be a continued reduction in street funds available for capital projects over the next five-year period. This is due to stagnant gas tax revenue and reduced Lane County Road Fund transfers to the city in accordance with the County-City Roads Partnership Agreement. .. Springfield City Council Work Session - 1/26/98 Page 2 . City Manager Mike Kelly said the city may need to revisit urban transition and areas which were previously agreed upon in the partnership agreement. He felt county road funds should be directed where the greatest need is in the county. He explained as budgets have been reduced, the city has ~ccepted funding as agreed to by Lane County for other cities within their jurisdiction, which is not based on need, but fair proportion. Mr. Kelly said the council may need to speak with their Springfield representative on the Lane County Board of Commissioners to discuss this year's process for funding. There was a discussion regarding the city's urban transition agreement with Lane County. Mr. Peroutka referred to a large wall map, titled, 1998-2003 Imvrovement PrQjects. Mayor Morrisette inquired about electrical improvements at Booth-Kelly. There was a general discussion about the back wall of the structure and water from the hillside which periodically enters the building. Councilor Shaver cautioned the staff to continually monitor the problem. Council also discussed reserves, other site improvements, and the hillside stabilization. Mr. Kelly said he would discuss Booth-Kelly issues with the Development Services Department. . Mr. Peroutka spoke of outside funding sources and including Lane County funding for the Jasper Road Extension; funds from the Oregon Department of Transportation"as programmed by the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), and traffic control funding for the Gateway/Beltline and 1-105 intersection; and federal funds which will be exchanged to state funds for the G Street project (lOth and G Street reconstruction); Mr. Peroutka discussed some Capital Bond projects which have not yet been completed, including: the overlay program at Mohawk from G Street, north; the Library expansion; the Millrace Control Structure and some City Hall building maintenance items. Mr. Peroutka said the city is working continually with other agencies regarding specific projects. He provided information on certain projects of interest to the council. Mr. Peroutka asked council if they were still supportive of beautification/identification efforts at city entrances, due to prior council discussions on the city's efforts. Councilor Maine said she felt some efforts were still needed, but not on Harlow Road. Mayor Morrisette said that Gateway Mall merchants need to be reminded that they are located in Springfield. Mr. Brown said the next beautification effort will take place on Centennial Street. Subsequent projects will be discussed by council through the designated council representative on beautification, Councilor Shaver. There was a discussion of possibly marketing maps and GIS information that local agencies possess. Maintenance Supervisor Ed Black said a study group has been created and have determined that there is a need for the maps and information, and that revenue can be generated, but that it would take agency funds to begin the program of providing certain geographical information. ' . . . . . Springfield City Council Work Session - 1/26/98 Page 3 Council then held a lengthy discussion regarding the Jasper Road Extension (Eugene/Springfield Freeway Extension to Jasper Road). Mr. Peroutka said it is still a current project with much staff time being devoted to it. The county has provided the city with cost estimates. To date it has been determined that the project can hot be completed with the current amount of funding available. Councilor Beyer said staffshouJd continue discussions on the project, but felt council representatives should meet with the Lane County Board of Commissioners to reaffirm their commitment to the project. Specific components of the extension were discussed, including: the character of the road being the same as the road in which it will connect; the use of right-of-way for the burm or sound barrier; using the middle portion of the area for the road; and whether or not the Natron development will necessitate a four-lane design. Mayor Morrisette asked when the project was due for completion. Councilor Beyer said she and Management Analyst Eileen Stein are leading the Stakeholders Committee for the Jasper Road project. Staff is currently proposing two alternatives for the public process. Ms. Stein said the committee is aware of council's preference for four-lanes to Mt. Vernon Road and then two lanes to Jasper Road. Council members suggested a updated version of the project design be shown to them prior to the public comment period. Ms. Stein provided further information about the recent Stakeholders Committee meeting and the alternatives which are proposed. Councilor Shaver asked if the city has funds set aside to assist in project completion if necessary~ Mr. Peroutka replied that this would be an eligible project to use SDC funding for. Councilor Maine sugge~ted staff members and any interested councilors meet with Senator Dwyer, Representative Beyer, and Commissioner Cornacchia to discuss a way to move this project forward in a manner acceptable to all. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins \3#~ Bill Morrisette, Mayor ATTEST: ~