HomeMy WebLinkAbout01/20/1998 Work Session (2) . . . .. MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD TUESDAY, JANUARY 20, 1998 The city of Springfield council met in work session in the Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Tuesday, January 20, 1998, at 6:00 p.m., with Mayor Morrisette presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Morrisette, Councilors Ballew, Beyer, Burge, Dahlquist and Shaver. Councilor Maine was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Michael Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Attorney Tim Harold, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, City Recorder Julie Wilson and members of the staff. 1. Review of Bicycle Committee Bylaw Amendments and Review of Committee Applications. Management Analyst Eileen Stein and Traffic Technician Dean Bishop presented the staff report on this issue. In response to the December application period, four applications were received for up to four vacancies on the Springfield Bicycle Committee. The Bicycle Committee reviewed the applications and met with three of the four applicants at its December meeting. A fourth applicant did not attend the meeting and has since withdrawn. The Bicycle Committee recommends Council appoint all three applicants and consider an amendment to the Bicycle Committee bylaws enabling members to reside anywhere in the 97477,97478 or 97482 zip codes. ( In September 1997, council approved a change in the Bicycle Committee's bylaws, reducing its membership from nine, to a minimum of seven and a maximum of nine. In the meantime, three new vacancies have occurred from the term expirations of Joseph Downing and Teri Jo Garitz, and the resignation of Rex Redmon. The Bicycle Committee recommends for appointment of all three applicants that attended the December meeting and were interviewed. One of the applicants, Hinds, is a student at Springfield High School and lives inside the city limits. The other two applicants, Steffensen and Willen sky, live in the urban growth. boundary (UGB). Presently, one Bicycle Committee member resides outside the city limits (in the UGB) and four reside inside the city. In appointing all three applicants, there would be a total of eight members, of which five would be residing inside the city and three outside the city. The bylaws provide that only two members may reside outside the city limits. The Bicycle Committee requests the council consider amending the bylaws again to permit the in city residency requirement to be the 97477, 97478 and 97482 zip codes. This would provide additional flexibility to attract and have interested citizens be able to participate on this committee. Otherwise, the committee recommends appointment of Hinds and Steffensen to positions with terms due to expire on December 31, 2000, and Willensky to fill Gary Guttormsen's position whose term expires on July 17, 1998. Mr. Guttormsen is not eligible to reapply and also lives in the UGB. Mr. Wille~sky's term would expire on July 17,2001. Council discussed the requirement of applicants being registered voters and residency requirements. Minutes of the 1/20/98 Work Session Page 2 . Council also discussed bylaw amendments. Councilor Burge discussed the appropriateness of amending bylaws and what criteria and requirements should be followed to trigger bylaw amendments. Staff would attempt to contact Leslie Steffensen to clarify residency and voter registration status. Council did support all applicants. Council will take further action during the regular council' meeting. 2. Presentation and Discussion ofthe Eugene Growth Management Study Shaping Eugene's Future. Planning Manager Greg Mott introduced this item. He also introduced Eugene staff members Mr. Croteau, Mr. Tollenaar and Ms. Childs. The Eugene council will consider adoption of a variety of recommendations forwarded from the Eugene Planning Commission concerning long term growth management policies. This is the culmination of a project that began in 1995 and included a comprehensive citizen involvement process. . The recommendations in the staff report are the results of numerous citizen involvement activities and evaluation by staff and the Planning Commission. The policies,arelargely derivative from existing Metro Plan policies but also closely mirror draft policies in the Residential Lands Study (a Periodic Review task) and the Trans Plan update. Staffs evaluation of these recommendations is also included in the staff report., The Eugene council discussed these recommendations at four work sessions during the months of November and December 1997. The council made some changes to the policy language and also decided that the document would not be a refinement of Plan policy and therefore would not be used to evaluate individual land use applications. The council would instead use the policies in making work program and budget decisions. The Eugene council is scheduled to adopt these polices on January 26. Mr. Croteau provided a brief overview of the growth management study and provided an update regarding actions of the Eugene council. The study was implemented in 1995. Mr. Croteau reviewed background information regarding the Planning Commission and community outreach efforts. Mr. Croteau further discussed the entire growth management process in detail. Mayor Morrisette said if adjustments needed to be made, he agreed it could be done at some point. He expressed concern regarding urban growth boundary issues. Mr. Croteau discussed the idea of exchanging land inside and outside the urban growth boundary. He said other possibilities did exist. . Councilor Tollenaar discussed policy number one, regarding existing Eugene urban growth boundary. He said the council felt that implied no change in the urban growth boundary in the foreseeable future. Council revised the language to state "support the existing urban growth" and scratch the foreseeable future language. Mr. Tollenaar said council discussion . . . .. Minutes of the 1/20/98 Work Session Page 3 was very clear that they did not intend to adopt a policy that said there would be no change to the urban growth boundary, that is why the language was revised. He clarified that there is no way the city of Eugene can legally say it is not going to change the urban growth boundary because staff papers indicate it is a tri-parte with Eugene. It does apply and all three parties have an opportunity at any proposal for changes. Mayor Morrisette commented he may have misunderstood the interpretation and intent. Councilor Burge said Mayor Morrisette did a good job of covering the point he had questions about. He said he appreciated being kept updated on this issue. Mr. Croteau reviewed policy evaluation as they relate to the Metro Plan. Councilor Burge discussed adoption of policies that are directly related to growth and land use applications. Councilor Tollenaar further discussed the text of the Metro Plan, land use code updates, commercial development standards and open space. He also discussed regulatory changes influenced by the growth management policies. Councilor Shaver discussed diversified economy and support of businesses, bus and bicycle routes, single occupant vehicle trips and minimum design standards. He also discussed public land use and open space and density issues. Council continued a detailed discussion regarding various issues and Mr. Tollenaar answered questions from council. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Julie Wilson ~/Y~ Bill Morrisette I Mayor Attest: Cl.__ t . \L lJD~ fu6; Wilson City Recorder