HomeMy WebLinkAbout05/03/1999 Regular . MINUTES OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING HELD MONDAY, MAY 3, 1999 The Springfield City Council met in Regular Session at Springfield City Hall, Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday, May 3 at 7:05 p.m. with Mayor Maine presiding. Present were Mayor Maine and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken and Simmons. Councilor Lundberg was absent (excused). Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Aide Shari Higgins, and members of staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Mayor Maine. INVOCATION The Invocation was led by Reverend Gary Emery, Calvary Temple Church. CONSENT CALENDAR . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH, TO APPROVE THE CONSENT CALENDAR WITH ITEM 4 C REMOVED. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). 1. Claims 2. Minutes a. April 12, 1999 - Work Session 3. Resolutions 4. Ordinances a. ORDINANCE NO. 5917 - AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND THE SPRINGFIELD ZONING MAP FOR TAX LOT 5200, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02-31-41 FROM LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO COMMUNITY COMMERCIAL (2ND READING). b. ORDINANCE NO. 5918 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING A 5-FOOT PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT IN LOT 9, LIBERTY SUBDIVISION, SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON (2ND READING). . 5. Other Routine Matters City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 2 . ITEMS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT CALENDAR c. ORDINANCE NO. 5919 - AN ORDINANCE VACATING THE FULL WIDTH OF OLD HARLOW ROAD PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, EXTENDING EAST FROM BEVERLY STREET TO ITS TERMINUS, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, (2ND READING). IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO APPROVE ITEM 4 C OF THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 4 FOR AND 1 AGAINST (SIMMONS). (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. FY 1999-00 One Year Action Plan of the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for Housing and Community Development. . Housing Programs Specialist Kevin Ko presented the staff report. He said the One Year Action Plan approval is a requirement of the Five Year Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan for I:Iousing and Community Development, adopted in May of 1995. This requirement is necessary for the cities of Eugene and Springfield to continue receiving funding from the federal government from HUD. The One Year Action Plans must be submitted to HUD each year and are designed to indicate how communities intend to fulfill the priorities established in the Five Year Plan. Mr. Ko said the City of Eugene would hold the public hearing on their One Year Action Plan, May 10. The funding would then be available as of July 1, 1999. Mayor Maine opened the public hearing. No one appeared speak. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR HA TFIELD,WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR FITCH TO ADOPT THE FY 1999-00 ONE YEAR ACTION PLAN. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). _J 2. Resolution Initiating an Expedited Annexation and Extraterritorial Sanitary Sewer Extension to the City. RESOLUTION NO. 99-28 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION AND EXTRATERRITORIAL SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION. . Planner I Kitti Gale was present for the staff report. She said all property owners had requested annexation in order to develop property located on the southeast corner of Franklin Blvd. and Glenwood Blvd. The annexation ofthe property is necessary to extend sanitary sewer for development. City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 3 . Mayor Maine opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 99-28. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). 3. Annexation of Property (Krans/Stovall) to the City of Springfield, Journal Number 1998-11- 255. RESOLUTION NO. 99-29 - A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. . Planner I Colin Stephens presented the staff report. He asked council to adopt the resolution approving the annexation, as the property owner made the request in order to develop the property, east of 42nd Street and south of Jasper Road. The construction plan includes 21 single-family homes and annexation must occur prior to development..Mr. Stephens said a portion of Jasper Road east of the city limits and South of 42nd Street south of Jasper Road, north of the UGB would be fully improved during the development of the subdivision, and the rights-of-way are included in the annexation request. . Mayor Maine opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD TO ADOPT RESOLUTION 99-29. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). 4. Amendment of the Metro Plan Diagram and Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Diagram and Concurrent Rezoning of Property Located in the 3000 Block of Main Street (Journal Numbers 99-02-0038 and 99-02-0039) and Amending the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan Text.. . ORDINANCE NO.4 - AN ORDINANCE REZONING 6.6 ACRES OF TAXLOT 700, ASSESSOR'S MAP 17-02-3 L FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL, CONSISTENT WITH THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM DESIGNATION FOR THl'S PROPERTY. ORDINANCE NO.5 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE METROPOLITAN AREA GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 6.6 ACRES OF LAND FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL. . ORDINANCE NO.6 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN DIAGRAM BY REDESIGNATING 6.6 ACRES OF LAND FROM MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIAL TO LIGHT MEDIUM INDUSTRIAL. City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 4 . Planning Manager Greg Mott provided the staff report. He also provided a copy of an exhibit which was presented at the Planning Commission Public Hearing on April 7, 1999. Per state law, Mr. Mott had the entire public record present, including items from the Planning Commission Public Hearing. Mr. Mott said the applicant had consolidated the requests for the same property into a single application. He said the proposals, if approved, would separate industrial and residential land uses and would provide opportunities for a greater variety of residential dwellings. He referred to the map located behind the council seating. The 6.6 acre parcel, highlighted in red, was identified as the subject property. Mr. Mott explained the zoning change in relationship to the Metropolitan Area General Plan, Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan and to the Springfield Development Code regarding zoning. He said staff supports the application as it is a good land use decision. The only testimony at the Planning Commission Public Hearing was in support of the application. Councilor Simmons asked if the wetland mitigation would still occur as originally designated. Mr. Mott, replied yes, but stated he was not sure what amount the wetland area is located on the 6.6 acres, as most is on the northern portion, adjacent to the ditch. In addition, the development of the site would allow the ditch to remain in place, while the original plan called for movement of the ditch. . Councilor Simmons asked if the land would be removed from the Residential Lands Study inventory.. Mr. Mottsaidit was not included as an inventory site. The ten units per acre was not a legitimate finding in the study, just as land which is located in the floodplain oron slopes was not included. Mayor Maine opened the public hearing. 1. Al Johnson, 767 Willamette Street, Suite 203, Eugene, spoke representing Springwood, and in support of the application. Mr. Johnson provided historical information on when the project began in 1990. He shared application data from 1991, the need for low- income housing, and how this development has an ambitious plan and goal. Mr. Johnson reiterated the development would not resultin a net loss toresidentialland, and it would actually be a gain if the request is approved and the land was placed into the residential inventory. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. Mayor Maine said the application has a good relationship with zoning and the development proposal seems very workable. The ordinances were a first reading only. . ORDINANCE NO.7 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MID-SPRINGFIELD REFINEMENT PLAN TEXT BY DELETING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT POLICIES 11 AND 12. ( City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 5 . Mr. Mott said this was a companion ordinance to the preceding three ordinances and provided the staff report. He said the request is unique to the residential property owned by Springwood and that no other properties in the Mid-Springfield Refinement Plan would be affected by the ordinance. He provided background information, including a prior appeal to the Land,Use Board of Appeals (LUBA) regarding the subject property. Mr. Mott provided specific information on the proposed text amendment. He said it drops the requirement that development of Springwood's MDR land must be limited to "affordable housing" as defined by federal law and occupancy must be limited to individuals 55 and older. Originally the issues existed due to high enrollment in schools, but the recent construction of three nearby schools has eliminated the concern. He said staff supports the application as it is a good land use decision. . The only testimony at the Planning Commission Public Hearing was in support. Mayor Maine opened public hearing. . 1. Al Johnson, 767 Willamette Street, Suite 203, Eugene, said the actual policies being deleted from the refinement plan text were on pages two and three of the staff report. . Problems with the residential development in the past have been delineated by Steve., ' Barrett of Springfield School District and the construction of new schools. Mr. Johnson said there is a great need for low-income housing for both families with children and the elderly population. Approval of the ordinance would allow affordable housing with maximum flexibility. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. The ordinance was a first reading only. 5. Liquor License Endorsements for the Renewal Period of 1999-2000. Building.official Dave Puent was present for the staff report. He said council had an opportunity at their worksession to ask questions about specific; applicants and that four recommendations are available to provide to the Oregon Liquor Control Commission (OLCC): 1) Grant; 2) No Recommendation; 3) Do Not Grant Unless (applicant demonstrated commitment to overcome listed concerns); or 4) Deny. . Mayor Maine opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Maine closed the public hearing. . Councilor Ballew suggested the Mill Camp be excluded from the process as they closed their business on April 30, 1999, just after the staff report was completed for council review. She also suggested council make no recommendation regarding the McKenzie Theatre Dance Hall due to pending OLCC action. By consensus, council members agreed. City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 6 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD TO APPROVE THE LIQUOR LICENSE RECOMMENDATIONS, EXCLUDING THE MILL CAMP, AND PROVIDING NO RECOMMENDATION ON THE MCKENZIE THEATRE DANCE HALL, DUE TO PENDING OREGON LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSION (OLCC) ACTION. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND o AGAINST (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL a. Committee Reports 1. Councilor Fitch attended the opening night of the current exhibit at the Springfield Museum. She commended the display of art by students, Museum Coordinator Kathy Jensen and all of the volunteers. 2. Councilor Simmons reported on the April meeting of the Lane Council of Governments Board of Directors. He said there were many budget issues and the topic of Meals on Wheels was lengthy. He said the Red Cross needs additional funding, but the board supported a cut back in the program, due to budgetary constraints. 3. Councilor Leiken provided an update on the status.of SB 299. He also thanked the Police Department for responding to an attempted burglary at his business. .. . 4. Mayor Maine thanked the City Council for their participation atthe May 1 Jointmeeting. with the Lane Transit District Board of Directors. She felt a follow-up meeting may need to occur so staff and council can discuss important issues. She asked when the Bus Rapid Transit list of issues which was discussed at the May 1 meeting would be presented to Lane Transit District. Traffic Engineer Brian Barnett said the list would be completed by May 7. Mayor Maine said the council would need to be continually kept in the loop of the process. She asked that staff provide a document for review and continue with briefings as necessary. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER 1. Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM): Proposed Submissions by the City of Springfield. Planner III Mark Metzger presented the staff report. He said the Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program (TGM) has extended an invitation for project submissions for the 1999-2001 biennium. Funds from this program are currently supporting the development of the Jasper Natron Specific Development Plan and the Mixed-Use Development Ordinance project in Springfield. Mr. Metzger said staff has identified four different projects which would qualify for grant applications, each fitting the TGM criteria. The deadline for application is May 17 and all would require a letter of support from Mayor Maine. . Councilor Ballew asked if the projects would have a public review process prior to completion. Mr. Metzger replied yes, that receiving the grant funding did not ensure a project would be completed, but would allow the concept to be completed. The grant match would be provided in Development Services Department staff hours, not a cash match. City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 7 . Mr. Metzger spoke about the Springfield Station Specific Area Plan project. He said it would assist the downtown area while following the redevelopment concept which has been embraced by the Springfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC). The funding would help coordinate the effort already begun and would allow the city to work in conjunction with the SRDC It was clarified the funding would not be used to choose a site, but using a reasonable radius of the downtown area, it would show the specific impact of planning work for a proposed station Mr. Metzger spoke about the McKenzie-Gateway Transportation and Land Use Refinement Plan project. He said the funding would be used to review the creation of a mixed-use town center and residential development on 180 acres of Medium Density Residential (MDR) land at the east end of Beltline Road. The preliminary analysis shows the plan has the potential of adding more than 11,000 vehicle trips per day to traffic loads at the Gateway/Beltline intersection if built out as planned. Mr. Metzger said staff needs a foundation to look at MDR zoning and decide if it is the right density for that area with existing traffic concerns. Councilor Simmons asked about inclusion of land owners and any charges to developers. Mr. Metzger said the owners would be asked to participate on committees through the grant project and that no cost would be assessed, as the grants do not require any private funding. . Planner I Susanna Julber spoke about the Glenwood Riverfront Specific Area Development Plan project. She provided background on Glenwood funding, including a pending issue paper, and the need for additional funding to work through many provisions of TransPlan. This component would establish.a mixed use zoning pattern for nodal area, establish safe bike access through Glenwood, coordinate travel along Franklin Blvd., and assist in the coordination BRT. Mr. Julber said the grant would bring in components of Glen wood Refinement Plan and be able to integrate the first phases of a more detailed land use plan for the riverfront area. Planner I Colin Stephens spoke about the Springfield Bicycle Plan Implementing Ordinances. He said the existing Springfield Bicycle Plan, adopted by the City Council in June of 1998, provides policy direction and the Springfield Development Code (SDC) has limited standards, but the Provisions of Transportation Planning Rule 12 require more detailed system creation. The requirement states that a Transportation System Plan be implemented to meet the mandates for trip reduction. The city is now requesting the grant funding to make revisions to the SDC and implement the Bicycle Plan. Mayor Maine asked what strings are attached to the grant funding associated with BRT. Mr. Metzger reiterated none, that TGM grants are for planning purposes only. He said staff has received some preliminary feedback that the applications for the Glenwood area and Springfield Station may be supported. Councilor Hatfield said the TGM process is very public and any adoptions or policies occur through with code implementation. It also allows the Planning Commission and then City Council to review if changes should occur, not would occur. . / City of Springfield Regular Meeting - 5/3/99 Page 8 . IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD TO AUTHORIZE MAYOR MAINE TO SIGN FOUR LETTERS IN SUPPORT OF TGM SUBMISSIONS. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST (COUNCILOR LUNDBERG WAS ABSENT). ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8: 12 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ~ . .~ aureen Maine, Mayor - ATTEST: . .