HomeMy WebLinkAbout12/08/2000 Work Session . . . J. MINUTES OF THE GOAL SETTING SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2000. The Springfield City Council met in a Goal-Setting Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Library Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Friday, December 8, 2000, at 8:20 a.m., with Mayor Leiken Presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilor Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, Ralston and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Administrative Aide Julie Wilson, Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas, Human Resources Director Bill Spiry, Information Technology Director Rod Lathrop, Finance Director Bob Duey, Police Chief Jerry Smith, Library Director Bob Russell, Fire Chief Dennis Murphy, and members of staff. Guest: Chris Pryor, Willamalane Park and Recreation District facilitated the meeting. City Manger Mike Kelly outlined the agenda for the morning, and said he hoped council would have a good discussion regarding the items listed. He reminded council ofthe TEAM Springfield goal setting session scheduled for the afternoon. 1. Review Gold Stars Mr. Kelly referred to the Gold Stars for January - December 2000 (Attachment - 1). He said this information was provided to give us all it collective reminder of some ofthe significant issues the departments have accomplished over the year Councilor Ralston asked what for an explanation of the item listed under the Development Services Department, Collected $148,606 in lease income from leasing city-owned facilities was. Mr. Kelly said the city has leases for several things, but this line item captures the Employment Office, Department of Motor Vehicles Hearing Office at City Hall and the Best Little Print House. He said the major income for that line item was received from the Employment Division, which has recently relocated to Eugene. He said the Environmental Services Division has now relocated their office to this portion of City Hall because of some issues with the building they were in located at 5th and A Street. He said there is still a portion of the Employment Division space for lease. Councilor Fitch asked ifthe Gold Stars information was made available to the public. Mr. Kelly responded yes. 2. Review of 2000 Council Agenda Mr. Kelly referred to the Review ofthe 2000 Council Agendas (Attachment - 2). He said this information was provided as a collective reminder ofthe council agendas, and have highlighted the major topics from the monthly agendas. He said this information provides us with a quick look back of the major issues that council has addressed over the last year. Q,h " Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-2 3. One Year Targets (2000) - Top Priority . Mr. Kelly said when reviewing the One-Year Targets (Attachment - 3), council should see that the staff does pay attention to the priorities that council establishes, He said these essentially provide the basis for the work plan for the departments for the next year. Mr. Kelly highlighted each of the One-Year Targets, and said they are listed in three categories, top, high, and other priorities. He welcomed questions from council at any time. High Priority One-Year Targets: 1. Glenwood Development · Work with community · Identify opportunities · Review Plans · Define future direction · Develop multi-year action plan Councilor Simmons spoke about the importance of protecting the ,watershed along the corridor, in light of the proposed 200- foot set back ruling. He said staff should show enhanced involvement with the Middle F ork Watershed Council in terms of at least staff representation. . 2. Gateway Development · Review concept and opportunities; define city's role; determine direction; initiate action · Evaluate traffic congestion problems; develop options; implement 3. Millrace: Inlet to Outlet · Work with TEAM Springfield to develop a multi-agency plan for increasing the asset values ?fthe Millrace; implement plan · Explore ways to use as a community resource 4. Community PolicinglPublic Safety Staffmg and Facilities · Hold conversation with community about timing for implementation of Long Range Police Plan; timing of bond measure for improved police/fire facilities, including need for additional jail beds; timing of increased staffing for Fire and Life Safety · Work with TEAM Springfield to inventory existing community programs/services and facilities; focus on program/facility needs of kids during hours of3:00 - 7:00 p.m. 5. Downtown - Direction · Pursue fund for downtown LTD station, Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), Millrace project, and special development opportunities such as a federal courthouse · Work with TEAM Springfield on feasibility of Public Buildings/Civic Center as component of downtown revitalization . Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-3 High Priority One - Year Targets: 6. Citizen Involvement - Action Plan · Evaluate effectiveness of current mechanisms, boards and commissions, etc. · Work with TEAM Springfield to identify opportunities to work together to improve citizen involvement in Springfield government · Explore the feasibility of neighborhood livability program 7. Comprehensive Plan - Periodic Review · Implement mixed-use zoning · Support approval of TransPlan 8. Jasper Natron Development · Complete the road extension · Adopt the Specific Development Plan 9. TEAM Springfield · Report TEAM Springfield goals to the community · Determine city role in TEAM Springfield goals · Convene a meeting to assess six-month progress toward achieving TEAM Goals Other One - Year Targets: . 10. Funding for Outside Agencies · Review current policies and practices; define city's role' seek policy direction Mr. Kelly said this item would be a carry over target for next year as the vision of right sizing the organization and consider funding for other agencies. 11. Financial Strategy on Electoral Issues · Work with TEAM Springfield · Initiate Blue Ribbon Panel to evaluate services, provide recommendations to City Council 12. Museum Oral History Project · Determine if current project can be expanded or accelerated Councilor Fitch asked about Phase II of the Mill Race Restoration Project not being completed until June 2001, would this still be an item to place on the United Front agenda? Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi responded yes, there would still be time to look for more funding because of the difference in the Federal fiscal year. Councilor Ballew asked if there was any movement on the federal courthouse. . Mr. Kelly said the preferred environmental site would be announced on December 18. The announcement regarding the best overall site will hopefully be announced in early January 2001. He further stated that Springfield remains very competitive in the process. He spoke about the property owners and the relationship that staff has developed with the "view shed" owners as well Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page- 4 as the neighboring property owners. He said staff has been very successful with either options, or letters of agreement with approximately 20 owners. He said he is very pleased with the commun~ty spirit and support. Councilor Fitch asked if there was anything the mayor or councilors could do to assist in the process. Mr. Kelly said a telephone call could help, if they wish. He commented about the trip he and Mayor Leiken, Councilor Fitch and Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas took a few weeks ago. They traveled to Washington to visit with the General Service Administration (GSA) decision team. There was discussion regarding the One - Year Targets, and the failure of Ballot Measure 20-40. The discussion ended with the need to engage citizens of the community to become more involved. Councilor Ballew commented on the progress reports, and asked if there were any new issues to add. Mr. Kelly said council would see when they review Attachment 4 Proposed City/Department 200 I Targets; he said there are some ongoing goals as well as future goals that will be discussed. 4. City Council Goals 2000 - 2005 . Facilitator Chris Pryor began the discussion in stating he wanted to make sure there was consensus on each ofthese goals. He said these would be the 2001 - 2006 goals. He said he wanted council to advise whether these are the goals they want to 1) keep; 2) keep and/or revise or modify; 3) eliminate; or 4) clarify. He said these goals are not listed in priority order. · Provide financially sound, stable city government. Council consensus was this goal is now more important than ever, keep as the #1 priority goal. Councilor Hatfield said in looking at all of the goals each one is still important, but how we accomplish them may change given some of the challenges that the city will be facing. Mr. Kelly said most all of our services are done very wel4 and that was seen in the many surveys that have done throughout the community. He said with the need to make reductions, staffwill be struggling with the issue of whether or not reductions are made now, or can we identify the low priority services that can be reduced in order to allow staff to perform quality service. It may be necessary to eliminate the invisible services that people won't see. Councilor Ballew said there are three things that citizens want, 1) services they want, 2) services they need, and 3) services that they are willing to pay for. It will be important to weigh each of those. ' . Councilor Hatfield said we may fall short of the goal, but that doesn't mean that the goal is unreasonable. It will be important to not look at that as being unsuccessful. He said it may be necessary to spend some money in some areas in order to gain in others in order to raise revenue. Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page- 5 Councilor Lundberg said it is important to ask what is appropriate for government to provide in the way of services. She said there have been good economic times, and we have had a tendency to enhance services in good times. It is time to keep within the parameters of what we, as a "City" should be providing in services to the public. Councilor Fitch spoke about delivering quality service while using staff at it's potential. She referred the TransPlan as an example of how we aren't using staff at it's potential. She said as a council it is important to support the city manager and in turn his top managers. Consensus to add as a new goal: · Utilize resources efficiently and effectively to meet citizens needs. There was discussion regarding the need to reconcile sound and stable government using employees at there best capacity, focus and take advantage ofthe skills and expertise. The need for council to remain a little more focused, as a council to take a firmer stand. Defining the role of the city, and to look at the things that we are doing and evaluate whether those services really need to be done. There was discussion about the need to streamline, utilize staff at it's potential, and create a process to evaluate the efficiencies. This may make jobs more rewarding for staff. . Mr. Pryor said this would also tie into the goal of "delivering quality service". How can we be more efficient with the use of technology, or systems that would allow us to be more efficient and more effective with the resources we currently have. He spoke about whether we are allocating time effectively for things that add value to the organization. · Expand the Springfield economy. Consensus, keep as a high priority. There was discussion regarding the need to get the word out to the development community that we have fiber optics, we need to encourage and provide jobs to the economy. It may be necessary to add diversify to expand, we are a small town community, we have traditional values in our neighborhoods, and we are pro family wage jobs. Mr. Pryor spoke about defining what the role of the city is. He said in the Springfield Tomorrow process, the concern about the economy had dropped dramatically. He said the public isn't worried about the economy, but they still consider it to be an extremely important issue to monitor. He asked council from their standpoint as policy makers how that translates. Does it translate through to doing something, monitoring something, or providing something. Councilor Hatfield responded that is important to look at what we are doing again as a city. Recognize we have a job to perform, and so does the staff. He said we have a very business friendly city. It will be important to continue to look at that issue from a city staff stand point, that we want to reasonably accommodate business. Councilor Lundberg said the public has spoken their support of bringing businesses to Springfield, and making family wage jobs, this is also an economic base. . . Continue to make Springfield a safe community. Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page- 6 Consensus to keep as a high priority. There was discussion regarding the need to find creative ways to help empower neighborhoods with the neighborhood watch groups or some other vehicle with community policing. With the failure of Ballot Measure 20-40, citizens have said they don't want to pay more money; it is now time to ask the citizens how they are going to assist and accept some ofthe responsibility. Councilor Hatfield said there are three services the city must do, police, fIfe protection, and emergency medical services. He said these are three services that are not mandated. He also commented on the Fire Med program and how valuable that program has become, he commended Chief Murphy. Councilor Lundberg spoke about the PSCC and the Governance Committee and how these groups can help to gain efficiencies. Councilor Fitch spoke about the fines that remain uncollected in the Municipal Court. She said in keeping our community a safe and modeled community, it will be important to follow through and collect the fines that are due. Mr. Pryor asked for clarification purposes if the focus of this goal remains with police, fIfe, and emergency medical services. Consensus, YES. . Mayor Leiken asked where after school programs for you fits in. There was discussion whether this service was a municipal obligation. After discussion consensus was the need to work with the partners in TEAM Springfield on this issue. Councilor Ralston said adding organizations to the partner with citizens would respond to this issue. · Deliver quality services. Consensus to keep as a high priority. This was discussed earlier in how we could be more effective and efficient with technology. . Participate in a renaissance for Springfield. Consensus, keep as high priority. There was discussion regarding the importance of looking at the entire community. We should focus on private/public partnerships. The city should continue to participate as a partner. Mr. Pryor said to avoid the conflict between goals, in referring to participating in a renaissance for Springfield in context with preserving our small town character. He asked if it was compatible, consistent with the notion we want to have a renaissance in Springfield. Consensus, YES. . Partner with citizens and other public agencies. . Consensus was to keep as high priority, and change the wording to say, "Partner with citizens, organizations, and other public agencies". It was agreed that we can assist and facilitate, but we can't always do the jobs that are not within our core role. There was a discussion regarding a "United Front" approach to Salem with our partners. Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-7 Mr. Kelly said one of the core issues for TEAM Springfield at its goal setting session is to determine what TEAM Springfield really means.. Is it a working partnership that meets on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis to discuss community goals and activities? Is it more important now in tougher times to meet to discuss the overall community goals? Are we an active partnership, are we going to continue to do the quarterly newsletter. Or, because there is a shortage of funds, are we going to determine that there is not enough time or money to accomplish these TEAM Springfield issues. He said Mr. Pryor will be facilitating the TEAM Springfield goal setting session in the afternoon and help us determine what our relationship is going to be. Councilor Fitch asked Mr. Kelly from his point of view what have been the advantages and disadvantages to the city staff. . Mr. Kelly said there has been an advantage to having TEAM Springfield sponsor the update of Springfield Tomorrow. He said since this is a community update, not just the future of the city organization. He said in the end our budget, our development code, our economic development goals, and those types ofthings will harmonize what the community as a whole is trying to create over the next five or ten years. He said as TEAM Springfield looks at the community and senses what they value is important, that all the partnering agencies jointly know what those issues are. He said he is a real believer of having a working group to help accomplish big things, like the Meadow Park Project. He said he believes there has been a lot of benefit for the citizenry of the community for the betterment of Springfield to have all four public agencies partner together in the TEAM Springfield approach. He said this approach speaks to the culture in Springfield, the fact that each agency can meet and work together in a team approach is very unique. He said he thinks the need for a stronger TEAM Springfield is more important than ever before. Councilor Simmons said the relationship needs to be continually evaluated, and TEAM Springfield responds to that need. He said especially when talking to open space, library programs, etc. He said how programs relate together again meets the "village" concept. He said sharing with the other agencies might lead to producing more efficiency for each agency. Councilor Lundberg said the levy was a bad example of TEAM Springfield. She said it is imperative to have one common goal, and within those each role should be more defined for each agency. Finding efficiencies for each agency would be accomplished by communicating with each other. Strengthen and narrow down to one of two goals each year. Councilor Ballew said the down side of this is that each agency has its own set of legal requirements, and sources of fmancing. But, it is also important for citizens to recognize that when the school may be in trouble, they should not look to the city for assistance. It is important that the public recognizes that this is not a solution. Mr. Kelly said with a strong TEAM Springfield we might be able to go to the Legislature and break down the barriers in relationships with the youth agenda. A community vote may be more successfu~ instead of each agency having separate agendas. · Preserve our small town character. . Consensus was to keep as high priority, and change the wording to say, Preserve our neighborhoods and small town character. Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page- 8 Councilor Hatfield said small town is a focus on neighborhoods. He said it should be acceptable for there to be Glenwood, Thurston, Hayden Bridge, etc., to have areas of the community that people identify with. Councilor Fitch said it is preserving Springfield's positive, can do, common sense approach to life. Councilor Lundberg said "small town" for her means feeling connected in a geographical setting that you can identify with. 5. Proposed City/Department 2001 Targets. Mr. Pryor said when reviewing the proposed department goals, there are currently three departments that have ongoing items from previous agendas. He said the balance of the departments are offering new proposals for the 2001 targets. He said if council wanted to suggest different targets that would be ok. He said the Department Directors have developed targets that they have resources available to complete the item. If council chooses to change the targets, they may be changing the resources, and there may be the need to make changes, or shifts within that department to accomplish council's direction. · City Manager's Office . Council consensus to approve the ongoing and new proposals for 2001. Councilor Hatfield commented on the Financial Stability item and said he would like to have staff bring back to the council within the next two or three months what the alternatives for funding sources are. Is there some way of going back to allow the state to pay for their mandates. He said he would also like to see a focused review of the City Charter, especially the item of raising the maximum court fme from $500.00 to at least $2500.00. Councilor Simmons also commented on the Charter review and said the focus needs to be Fred-Charter focus needs to be very specific because there are many things in the Charter that are valuable attributes to have from a legal standpoint. Councilor Lundberg asked in terms of the Charter was this a good time in terms of timing and commifment. Mr. Kelly said any time there is not a funding or revenue measure being presented to the voters is a good time to present a Charter amendment, however probably sometime within the next two years would be a good time to take a Charter amendment to the voters. He said if there were another agencies going out in May of200l for an election it would be a good time as the city could then share the cost of the election with that agency. He said the issue of the limited fine amount continues to come up. He also said that the Springfield Utility Board (SUB) probably has many issues that they would like to resolve if we do go out for a Charter amendment in order to separate their responsibilities and duties versus the cities. . Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page- 9 Councilor Fitch said she does not objection to reviewing the Charter, however she would like to see the scope, budget and timeline. She further stated she was impressed that the City Manager could accomplish all the items he has outlined in the new proposals for 2001 considering the staff he currently has. Councilor Ballew agreed that a simplified review of the Charter is needed. She also questioned whether there were some other things that we have in an ordinance, or prior council policy that makes staffs job more difficult, or policy issues that need to be changed. · Development Services Council consensus to approve the ongoing and new proposals for 2001. Councilor Hatfield said item # 3 Code Enforcement needs to become a priority goal when it comes to the enforcement of the law. He said he sees the need to assess the property when there is non-payment of fines for delinquencies, it is important to take that fmal step and place a lien on the property. Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas said the Code when it relates to code enforcement allows staff to be reactive, instead of proactive. This may be something that council may want to look at to change or amend the scope to begin to be more pro-active. She further stated the program currently responds to general nuisance code complaints only. . Councilor Ballew asked about the Mohawk area. Ms. Pappas stated they do not currently have along range planning project for the Mohawk area. She said the specific development plan was completed approximately 1 Y2 years ago, however they are currently working with the hospital regarding their expansion plans, but not to the level of having it become a department goal. · Finance Council consensus to approve the new proposals for 2001. Councilor Fitch asked what the advantages and cost savings would be by going to a biennium budget. Mr. Duey said the answer to that question would be determined in the planning process. Councilor Hatfield said he would like to see a list of excess city assets that we don't need or think we will ever need. He said he does not want to sell assets unless it is used to produce a revenue program or project in the future. · Fire and Life Safety . Council consensus was to approve the new proposal for 2001, with the exception of the wording of item #3, change Fire Station Remodel, to Fire Station Restoration and Renovation. Mr. Murphy eXplained the need to restore and renovate the 28th Street Fire Station. Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-lO Councilor Ballew asked Mr. Murphy how much the reduction in Medicare reimbursements would be. Mr. Murphy said the good news was the increase would be very little and explained why. · Human Resources Council consensus was to approve the new proposals for 2001. Human Resources Director Bill Spiry provided an update to council on the PERS issue, and said staff will be providing an update to council within the next few months on staff's recommendation on whether or not to convert our current retirement system to PERS. He also provided an explanation regarding the development and enhanced utilization of technology to improve human resources and benefit information for internal and external customers would be focused on. · Information Technology Council consensus was to approve the new proposals for 2001. There was discussion regarding what the city plans to put on the Internet and the implementation of online forms and E-government. . . Library Council consensus was to approve the new proposals for 2001. There was discussion regarding the Library District, and the need for clarification regarding the financing issue. There was also discussion regarding a Library Foundation. · Police Council consensus was to approve the new proposals for 2001. There was a detailed discussion regarding the implementation of the Police Department Long Range Plan, Police Chief Jerry Smith provided information regarding the bicycle patrols and how they are a perfect example of how partnering with other groups and agencies to accomplish community policing. He provided examples of how community policing is handled in cities of different sizes. He said there is not a defined definition of what community policing really is. He stressed the importance of the Community Service Officer's and what a valuable role they play in the police department and in the community. Councilor Ballew asked Mr. Smith for clarification on the PolicelFire and Court building that was included in the proposals. . Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-II Mr. Smith said there might be options available that haven't been explored. He said there has not been a specific property that has been identified, but siting a building as close as possible in proximity of City Hall would definitely be nice beneficial. · Public Works Council consensus was to approve the ongoing and new proposals for 2001. There was discussion regarding the need to have an update within the next three months on the Sustainable Transportation Funding. There was discussion regarding the United Front Agenda and the need to have the Water Resources Management item included. \ Mr. Kelly asked council ifthere were any items omitted from the department ongoing targets or goals as well as new proposals that they would like to see added to the list. Councilor Fitch said if these are realistic goals these are fine, however she wants to make sure there would be staff available to respond to an opportunity or top priority item that would come up because staff would be focused on the all the items discussed today. . Councilor Simmons commented on the use of our existing jail as a process to enhance revenue in the city. 6. Team Springfield Goals Mr. Pryor said it would be important for council to enter into the afternoon goal setting session with TEAM Springfield with at least an idea of some of the focuses and areas that they are prepared to endorse and support. He said council also needed to discuss the issue of commitment, what is council prepared to commit, time, money, or other resources. There was discussion regarding the TEAM Springfield newsletter, and the need to have a common set of general goals. Items that save taxpayers money are items that are worthy of resources. They also discussed the ad hock items similar to Meadow Park. There was also discussion regarding the need to remain focused as individual agencies, while still keeping the TEAM Springfield relationship. Council agreed that this concept is a good relationship to continue, but define what the goals of the TEAM are. There was discussion regarding the need for SUB to expand their role as they are a critical member, and important to stress that each member has a role to perform. Consensus was to not allow either agency to leave the table this afternoon without a commitment from all agencies. Mr. Kelly said the newsletter is a shared responsibility, Chris Pryor and Cherie Kistner do take the lead, and it is a shared responsibility between the city, Willamalane, and the School District. . Springfield City Council Goal Setting Session - December 8, 2000 . Page-12 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~L#- ~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder . . /