HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/06/2000 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 2000 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, November 6, 2000, at 6:00 p.m. with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg, (arrived at 6:02 p.m.) and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager, Gino Grimaldi, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas, Fire Chief Dennis Murphy, Police Chief Jerry Smith, City Attorney Tim Harold, Planner I Colin Stephens, and members of staff. Guests: Vincent Martorello, Satre Associates, P.C. 1. McKenzie River Oxbow Project Draft Document Review. . Colin Stephens was present for the staff report. He distributed a handout of the proposed agenda for the work session, which included a Project Review, and listed the City goals and interest. Mr. Stephens said the purpose of this work session was to present the Draft site plan and draft concept plan, and to gain feedback from council on how they would like staff and Task Force members to proceed from this point. Mr. Stephens stated based upon the Oxbow site's existing conditions, input from the City Council and involvement with the Mayor's Task Force is necessary. Mr. Stephens said Satre Associates, P.C. have developed a Draft Site Schematic that showed proposed site uses, environmental stewardship and site management considerations for the McKenzie River Oxbow site. The schematic divides the site into several zones that are to have differing designations depending on the future use of the zone. Essentially, the site is divided into a preservation zone, a conservation zone, a transportation zone and a recreation zone. Within each of these zones are a variety of uses and activities that implement the Council's goals and interest such as removal of invasive species, protection of drinking water wells, etc. He said representatives from Satre Associates, P.C. were present and would provide the overview of the draft Site Schematic and the draft Site Program Report for the site. He introduced Vincent Martorello from Satre Associates, P.C. Mr. Martorello reviewed the steps that had been taken to date, and referred to the Project Review in the handout. He provided a brief overview of the background and purpose of the project, and reviewed the Draft Site Program Report. He also reviewed the City Goals and Interest. Site and River Access: Goal: To provide enhanced public access to the site and river, while preserving the site's inherent natural resource values. . City of Springfield Work Session Meeting - November 6,2000 Page 2 . '\ City Council interest: Constructing a small safe, informal trailhead and trailhead parking area that is visible from, and proximate to the 42nd Street/Marcola Road intersection; Developing trail access within the site that meets the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act; Providing directional signage to the site; Developing river access opportunities that are subordinate to the site's important ecological values (e.g., perhaps a canoe launch or accessible fishing pier if such facilities can be suitably developed, but NOT another boat launch). Site Uses and Management: Goal: To provide for educational and passive recreational uses that doesn't harm site ecology or public facilities. City Council interest: Cultivating relationships with schools and non-profit educational groups to create outdoor environmental education opportunities. . Mr. Martorello said the issue that needs to be decided is what partnerships the city would like to pursue to facilitate. He asked that council provide feedback of how they want staff to proceed, and with what aspects they wanted them to proceed with. Once the direction is received from council, the formulation of the Master Plan would then begin. This will include the partnerships, scope, and implementation of the plan. Logistical phasing and identifying regulatory restraints still need to be completed. After discussion council consensus was that staff meet with the Willamalane Board, and the McKenzie River Trust, as specified in the draft site program. Council agreed that these two agencies have been identified as likely partners for the city in managing the site. Councilor Lundberg asked for clarification of conservation versus preservation zone. Mr. Martorello responded by stating a conservation zone would promote limited and controlled access to the area. Preservation zone would not allow physical access to the site, and would not have any adverse impact to the river. He said McKenzie River Trust is an organization that works with property owners on the McKenzie River, protecting the management or acquisition of properties along the McKenzie River. Councilor Lundberg stated she would prefer further discussion to occur prior to a decision being made by council. Councilor Simmons said this is a very dynamic portion of the river, and the options need to be thought out carefully before a final decision is made. . City of Springfield Work Session Meeting - November 6,2000 Page 3 . Councilor Fitch said there needs to be more information provided and council would need additional time for discussion before they would be able to provide staff and Satre with further direction. She encouraged discussions with the other agencies be completed, and the results of those meetings brought back to council at the next work session. Mr. Martorello said he understood council's hesitation, and recognized the work session time was coming to an end. Mr. Stephens said the Forest Service had approved an extension beyond the December 2000 deadline. Council consensus was to have staff bring this item back for further discussion. They agreed that staff needed to allow enough time in the work session for council to have discussions rather than spend the entire time on staff presentation. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:59 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs .' A~~ Kim Krebs, City Recorder .