HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/18/2000 Regular . . . ! ~ .' MINUTES OF THE REGULAR SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 2000 The Springfield City Council met in Regular Session at Springfield City Hall, Council Meeting Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, September 18,2000, at 7:15 p.m., with Mayor Leiken presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Leiken, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Lundberg and Simmons. Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, City Attorney Joe Leahy, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Economic Development Manager John Tamulonis, Senior Civil Engineer Troy McAllister, and members of the staff. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Council President Ann Ballew. SPRINGFIELD UPBEAT 1. Oath of Office to Sid Leiken as Mayor. City Attorney Joe Leahy administered the Oath of Office toSidney W. Leiken as Mayor. Mayor Leiken introduced his family and extended his heartfelt thanks and appreciation for their support, and for all who attended this special evening. He continued with a special thank you to Mayor Weathers for her help in making his transition from City Councilor to Mayor as easy as it had been. He thanked her for all the contributions she has made to City of Springfield. Mayor Leiken said he would save his long speech for the State of the City in January. However, he did want to make some comments about a few important issues. He said Ballot Measure 20-40 is a very important investment in this community. He said in a recent poll of the citizens of the community, 81% of them said they still wanted good quality growth for the City of Springfield. He said in order to maintain that quality growth, it would be imperative for the citizens to support this important issue on the ballot in November. 2. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi recognized John Tamulonis, Development Services Department, for his 15 years of Service to the City of Springfield. ' 3. Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi recognized Troy McAllister Public Works Department, for his 10 years of Service to the City of Springfield. CONSENT CALENDAR IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD, TO ADOPT THE CONSENT CALENDAR. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 FOR AND 0 AGAINST. City of Springfield Regular Meeting - September 18, 2000 Page 2 . 1. Claims 2. Minutes 3. Resolutions a. RESOLUTION NO.00-49 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PROJECT P20055, G STREET REPAVING, 10TH TO 14TH STREETS, 14TH STREET REPAVING, G TO MAIN STREETS, AND VICINITY, FROM WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO., IN THE AMOUNT OF $603,366.73. b. RESOLUTION NO.00-48 - A RESOLUTION TO ACCEPT PROJECT P20121, 0 STREET A.C. OVERLAY, FROM PIONEER PARKWAY WEST, EAST TO 19TH STREET, AND VICINITY, FROM WILDISH CONSTRUCTION CO., IN THE AMOUNT OF $466,099.30. 4. Ordinances 5. Other Routine Matters a. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Thurston Market, Located at 6590 Thurston Road, Springfield, Oregon. \ . b. Approve Endorsement ofOLCC Liquor License Application for Sheldon's Fine Wines, Located at 822 Beltline Road, Springfield, Oregon. c. Approve Endorsement of OLCC Liquor License Application for Down at Deano' s Bistro, Formerly Matre D's Located at 737 Main Street, Springfield, Oregon. d. Approve Endorsement ofOLCC Liquor License Application for Elmer's Restaurant, Formerly the Hodgepodge Restaurant, Located at 3350 Gateway, Springfield, Oregon. e. Approve Ratification of Three- Year Contract With American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Local 1148. PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Ordinance Establishing Liens for Deferred Assessments Purchased From the City of Eugene as Part of the G1enwood Transfer Agreement. ORDINANCE NO. 5966 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING LIENS FOR DEFERRED ASSESSMENTS PURCHASED FROM THE CITY OF EUGENE AS PART OF THE GLENWOOD TRANSFER AGREEMENT, AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. . Accounting Manager Valerie Nardo was present for the staff report. She provided council with a supplemental packet of information stating the information was related to a written objection received a few weeks ago. She said the five properties listed on the ordinance exhibit are all located in Glenwood. Ms. Nardo said in 1981 the City of Eugene and Lane County built a City of Springfield Regular Meeting - September 18, 2000 Page 3 . sewer project called the Harrison Street Sewer Project, in which Eugene assessed the benefiting properties. At that time the assessment on the five lots was deferred because the lots were undeveloped. She said the condition on the deferral was that it would be removed when the lots were either annexed or connected to the sewer. Ms. Nardo said when the City of Springfield acquired Glenwood from the City of Eugene it was determined and understood among the parties who arranged the transfer it would be correct to transfer the assessments from Eugene to Springfield. This item was originally viewed as a housekeeping item and the City Attorney assisted her in arranging the legal transfer. She said certified letters were sent to the property owners reminding them of the facts and circumstances, and informing them of the public hearing. One letter of objection was received from Gary Pape, who owns two of the five properties. In referring to her supplemental packet she provided an overview of the steps taken to address the objection from Mr. Pape. She said she has had many discussions with Mr. Pape, and feels his objection and or concerns have been addressed, and ~t is now time to adopt the ordinance establishing the liens as stated. Councilor Simmons asked City Attorney Joe Leahy whether he felt the liens were just and equitable. Mr. Leahy said at the time of the Glenwood transfer, it was clear when discussing the issues of the liens, there was an assessment, and the assessment was purchased. He feels the liens are just and equitable, and said there are no statutory limitations. Councilor Ballew asked why it had taken almost a year to begin this process. Ms. Nardo said because she had not handled a process such as this before, she needed to do some in-depth research, and the research and response time to the objection took additional time. . Mayor Leiken opened the public hearing. No one appeared to speak. Mayor Leiken closed the public hearing. IT WAS MOVED BY COUNCILOR BALLEW, WITH A SECOND BY COUNCILOR HATFIELD TO APPROVE ORDINANCE NO. 5966. THE MOTION PASSED WITH A VOTE OF 5 IN FAVOR AND 0 AGAINST. Councilor Fitch thanked Ms. Nardo for her hard work and patience in responding to the numerous inquiries. BUSINESS FROM THE AUDIENCE There was none. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL 1. Councilor Fitch said on Wednesday, September 20th, she would be meeting with a subcommittee for the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT). They will be meeting on the Glenwood section with some Glenwood business owners, Lane Transit District (L TD) staff, City of Springfield staff, Cindy Weeldreyer representing the Lane County Commissioners. She said she hoped the outcome of the meeting would be to develop the path it should take through Glenwood. . City of Springfield Regular Meeting - September 18, 2000 Page 4 . 2. Councilor Ballew said on Thursday, September 21 st, the Metro Wastewater Committee will be presenting their recommendations on Wet weather flow. She said that council will be seeing this item in the future, as there will some financial issues which need to be addressed. She said Lane Regional Fiber Consortium and the Fiber South Consortium have prepared an RFP for the connection of the fiber. 3. Mayor Leiken reported he would be attending one last meeting ofthe Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority (LRAP A), at which time he will be submitting his resignation. He was recently elected Vice-Chair of the Lane-Klamath Fiber Consortium. He reported the Mexican Independence Celebration was well represented on Saturday at City Hall, and he was pleased with the attendance. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY MANAGER There was none. BUSINESS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY There was none. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 p.m. . Minutes Recorder - Kim Krebs ~~ City Recorder .