HomeMy WebLinkAbout07/17/2000 Work Session . . . ~ MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, mL Y 17, 2000 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, at 6:00 p.m., Monday July 17,2000, with Mayor Weathers presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Weathers and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg, and Simmons. Also present were Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Coordinator Shari Higgins, Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas, Planner I Colin Stephens, and members of staff. Guests: Rick Satre, Phil Farrington, and Vincent Martorello representing Satre and Associates. 1. McKenzie River Oxbow Project Master Plan Goals Identification and Visioning. Present for the staff report was Planner I Colin Stephens. Also present were consultants Rick Satre, Phil Farrington, and Vincent Martorello from Satre and Associates. Mr. Stevens provided a handout titled, Agenda, Oxbow Master Plan Work Session, 7/17/00 Council Work Session. He explained staff would like the City Council to review the report from Satre and Associates and then provide input on goals and objectives for the McKenzie River Oxbow Project Master Plan. Mr. Stephens explained where the property is located, north ofI-105 and east of 420d Street. It is outside of the city's Urban Growth Boundary, and was donated to the city by the Weyerhaeuser Corporation. Mr. Stephens explained the Forest Service Grant obtained for the creation of a master plan, in the amount of $69,000 ($46,315 of Federal Funds with a $22,685 city match). By consensus, council reaffirmed the city's commitment to the Forest Service for the grant to complete the master plan. Councilor Lundberg said she was pleased the city could manage the project buMelt the city should encourage Willamalane Park and Recreation District to participate in and possibly take on such projects in the future. Mr. Stephens said the location of the property does not appear to be within the Willamalane service district, although both of their planners were unavailable for confirmation. Councilor Simmons agreed with Councilor Lundberg's comments about the park district, but felt the city should take the lead to ensure the project planning begins at the McKenzie River Oxbow site. Councilor Ballew felt the city should set the best coarse of action and propose the best use, prior to deciding the future of the property, or the best agency to take responsibility. By consensus, council agreed to the creation of a Mayor's Task Force of surrounding property owners, potential users of the site, local citizens, and other agency members, to allow wide representation as the master plan continues. Councilor Simmons suggested using the existing stakeholder list, as outlined in the agenda item summary, appendix 6.0. .. City of Springfield Work Session - 7/17/00 Page 2 . Mayor Weathers said she would consider those members, along with others recommended by staff. The meetings to continue work on the master plan would be open meetings, so anyone interested could attend. Councilor Fitch recommended including the teacher from Springfield High School's biology department, who was helpful to the city on the Millrace Project. Rick Satre, Satre and Associates, provided highlights of the master plan work program including the proposed public involvement. He said after council's review, the task force (including technical representation) would begin its work, the environmental assessment would occur, and staff would continue with management plan and public comment period. Mr. Satre said the process would culminate with a City Council public hearing to adopt the master plan. Vincent Martorello, Satre and Associates, spoke of three aspects of the analysis in the Existing Conditions Report: 1) documentation; 2) site visit; and 3) technical data review. He said the Springfield Bicycle Plan, TransPlan, and other sources were reviewed during their analysis. There was also review and discussion of vegetation, soils, flood plain, zoning, access, well fields, well field security, and habitat. Mr. Martorello detailed the wildlife, vegetation, and soils. He spoke of access to well fields, filtration devices, well field security, utility easements, environmental preservation, and education. Councilor Simmons pointed out that the railroad line is a dyke. He said it came close to overtopping in the flooding that occurred in 1996. He suggested using caution in that area. . Phil Farrington, Satre and Associates, identified common themes and work products for the master plan. He spoke of the wildlife habitat rating per the Natural Resources Special Study (NRSS) Report. He said his firm would review the interpretation of the report, bicycle paths, exploring internal and external factors, trails, fishing, boating, etc. Mr. Farrington said there are many factors, both positive and negative to consider in master plan goal identification. Mr. Farrington discussed the city goals and interests, page two of the handout: Environmental Stewardship Councilor Hatfield gave approval for the stewardship, except for the east/west bikeway connector or by the freeways. Mayor Weathers leaned towards Goal 2, but felt a combination with Goal 4 might work. Councilor Ballew encouraged a combination of all three goals with the elimination of blackberries, giving public access but not to great lengths for recreation. Councilor Simmons suggested allowing stewardship with low maintenance, to retain Goal 3 as an "out of the box" view, and the east/west connection to High Banks Road. Councilor Fitch suggested using Goal 2, but asking the task force to review all options and to educate the citizens. Council consensus was to allow modifications to environmental stewardship in an environmentally conscious way. Public Facility Provision . Councilor Leiken questioned placing existing electrical line underground. Mr. Satre said it would not be ruled out at this point. Councilor Simmons said the dyke contained fiber optic line on the west side of 420d Street. There may be a need to relocate wells to assure water supply. Mayor Weathers suggested using Goal 2 modified for potential of well fields. City of Springfield Work Session - 7/17/00 Page 3 . Councilor Ballew said the highest goal is clean water to community, not the use of property. Councilor Fitch suggested having all three goals remain until task force review. Council consensus was to keep all three goals as listed for continued review. . Site and River Access Councilor Lundberg suggested using a flat access point to the river and allow trail access (ADA). Councilor Leiken supported the opportunity for trails and Goal 2. Mayor Weathers said not to restrict access, but find a safe way to allow students to visit and be ADA compliant, through Goal 1 or 2. Councilor Simmons said boat ramp access would not be good. Councilor Fitch suggested low-key balancing, not to limit all uses, but to discourage commercial uses. Councilor Fitch showed much support for Goal 1, encouraging educational uses, training, and access for kids. Council consensus was to use Goal 1, with passive, enhanced, access uses. Site Uses and Mana~ement Councilor Ballew stated to be careful not to attract nuisances when expanding the site. A low amount of police and/or security would be available for problems. Councilor Simmons said if allowing uses, then the city must be sensitive to development of safety needs. Use of restrictive hours would be imperative. . No specific goal choice was made, but council was supportive of using the site for passive recreational and educational uses. Mayor Weathers suggested educating the task force on the original conditions or requirements that were deeded with the property donation by Weyerhaeuser. She further suggested the task force have council review of any changes to the master plan that deviate in the direction given. A mid-point check in period was suggested. Mr. Stephens said he would remain the staff contact for the project. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ~:&.!:~ . ATTEST: ~.~ City Rccorder .