HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/12/2000 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD ON MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2000 The Springfield City Council met in Joint Work Session with the Springfield Planning Commission at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday June 12,2000, at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Weathers presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Weathers, and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg, and. Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, City Attorney Tim Harold, City Recorder Kim Krebs, Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Development Services Director Cynthia Pappas, Planning Manager Greg Mott, Planner III Mark Metzger and members of staff. Planning Commission members present were James Burford, William Carpenter, Jeff Cole, Steve Moe, David Ralston and Sean Wilson. 1. Metropolitan Natural Resources Study - Initial Briefing. . Planner III Mark Metzger was present for the staff report. He said the Planning Commission and City Council would be presented with the first products of the Natural Resources Study in September or October for their review and approval. He said the purpose of the work session was to provide an overview of the study and to become acquainted with the project elements that would be presented later this year. Mr. Metzger provided a brief overview and said the completion of the Metropolitan Natural Resources Study is an approved task as part of the periodic review update of the Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). He said the study is required to fulfill a local planning responsibility under Statewide Planning Goal 5 as specified in the Oregon Administrative Rules OAR 660-023. He said a $50,000 grant from the Department of Land Conservation and Development allowed the study to move forward after long delays due to / lack of funding. Mr. Metzger presented a slide presentation with flowcharts, which included an explanation of the Natural Resource Study. He said the focus of the study was on three different areas that include, corridors (water and fish habitat), wetlands, and wildlife habitat. He said the study was a periodic review task; it was required to meet the statewide Planning Goal 5 requirements; it leads to an inventory of significant resource sites; it extends beyond the Urban Growth Boundary (UGB); and it provides local benefits. The local benefits include providing confidence about which resources can be developed. It also fulfills an important statewide planning program requirement, it supports local government response to the Endangered Species Act, it supports storm water planning for Springfield and Eugene, and it supports the Metropolitan Public Facilities Plan. Mr. Metzger said in the fall of 2000, staff would return to council with an inventory of significant sites. He provided a handout titled "Natural Resources Study Preliminary Inventory Sites - Springfield," and gave a brief description and overview of the different approaches to the inventory methodologies. . City of Springfield Work Session - June 12,2000 Page 2 . There was discussion regarding the decision process and funding issues. After further discussion, council requested staff to prepare detailed materials describing the inventory process and the criteria used in identifying natural resource sites. Council suggested materials are prepared for their review during the summer recess. Planning Manager Greg Mott said he would prepare some immediate information concerning the history and development of the inventory, and would make that available in the next Communication Packet, with the understanding that additional information would be provided for review during council recess. 2. Joint City Council- Planning Commission Work Session. Planning Manager Greg Mott was present for the staff report. He provided a copy of his memorandum addressed to the Springfield Planning Commission, and a handout regarding "Talking Points and Action Options for City Council and Planning Commission." He reminded council they met with the Planning Commission on April 17, 2000 in work session to discuss issues of mutual interest. He said the objective of the work session was to provide council an opportunity to clarify its goals and TEAM Springfield target expectations, and describe the Planning Commission's role in these efforts. He said the work session discussion yielded a number of topics that required follow-up. He said after review ofthe topics, the Planning Commission considered five issues to be both high priority and of a nature that would allow or necessitate commission involvement. He said these five items would be the topic of discussion and are listed on the handout. 1. Mixed Use/Nodal Development . Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission proposed to establish evaluation criteria, and then evaluate and prioritize nodes and mixed-use areas for implementation of TransPlan and the Mixed Use Overlay District. Councilor Hatfield asked about the Mixed Use Overlay District and how it relates to small to low impact businesses. Planner III Mark Metzger responded by saying the Mixed Use Development Ordinance had been under review for a period of time, and would be ready for adoption in the near future. He said the policy would not prohibit the low impact businesses that Councilor Hatfield was referring to. Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission would be making a report to council sometime in the next year with a recommendation as to which sites they prefer, unless council had already established those rankings and work plans. Councilor Hatfield as a final comment said the sites listed on the handout were somewhat large. He wanted to ensure when reviewing the priorities to make sure and not lose site of the smaller sites. After discussion consensus was to allow the Planning Commission to make a report back to council with their recommended priorities of the future detailed work plan. . City of Springfield Work Session - June 12,2000 Page 3 . 2. Glenwood Riverfront Redevelopment. Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission requested council summarize and clarify their vision of the Downtown Glenwood Riverfront Development. This would allow staff and the Planning Commission (acting as the Committee for Citizen Involvement), to incorporate the vision in the refinement planning process. He said the refinement plan would be the product of the Transportation Growth Management (TGM) grant received by the city in early 2000. There was discussion regarding what portion of the river the refinement plan would cover. Councilor Ballew said it would be important when reviewing the recommendations to keep in mind that Glenwood would be part of the City of Springfield. She said she hoped to see compatible development on either side of the river. There was discussion regarding the different options for development. Councilor Hatfield said it would be important to keep the TransPlan in mind when reviewing the development plan. Councilor Fitch said the Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) needed to be kept iri the forefront when looking at the development plan also. She said it would be important to keep consider the Wildish property, and look at what their plans are for the future, making sure the development remains compatible. . Mayor Weathers said infrastructure needs are very important, as they can dictate the way a particular area is developed or not developed. 3. Affordable Housing. Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission proposed to establish evaluation criteria, and then evaluate and prioritize implementation measures from the Residential Lands Study (RLS) and the Consolidated Housing Plan (CHP). There was discussion regarding what is considered affordable housing, and the importance of making sure low income housing is spread throughout the city, and to be open and flexible to having housing with multiple occupants. There was discussion regarding mixed use zoning, and how it would be important to keep in mind if there are businesses inter-mixed with housing, how those businesses accept deliveries, and the need to consider the noise aspects, 4. Open Space Neighborhoods. Mr. Mott said the Planning Commission proposed to prepare an Action Plan for involving the City and Willamalane Park and Recreation District in closing the gap between diminishing open space and increasing density. . City of Springfield Work Session - June 12,2000 Page 4 . There was a discussion regarding the importance to interact with Willamalane and the City of Eugene when looking at development of open space housing. It would be important to balance open space with affordable housing. 5. Traffic Congestion. The Planning Commission proposed to establish evaluation criteria, and then evaluate and prioritize implementation measures in TransPlan that address the development of residential, commercial, and industrial inventories and the necessary planned transportation system improvements. He said this would provide assistance to council regarding future STIP projects, CIP projects, or any other type of strategic planning. Mayor Weathers said she thought the involvement of the Planning Commission in the STIP process would be important. Mayor Weathers thanked the Planning Commission for their work and continued involvement on mutual city issues. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:31 p.m. ~~.W~ Maureen M. Weathers, Mayor . A~ .. City Recorde~ .