HomeMy WebLinkAbout03/13/2000 Work Session . MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, MARCH 13, 2000. The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on March 13,2000, at 5:30 p.m. with Mayor Weathers presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Weathers and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg, and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, City Attorney Joe Leahy, Senior Management Analyst Rosie Pryor, Administrative Coordinator Shari Higgins, City Recorder Kim Krebs, AIC Development Services Director John Tamulonis, Administrative Division Manager Cynthia Pappas, AIC Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Planning Manager Greg Mott, and members of staff. Guests: Tom Schwetz, Transportation Program Manager Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), and Jan Childs, Planning Director City of Eugene. 1. McKenzie Theater Business Plan. . Administrative Division Manager Cynthia Pappas introduced the topic and the Springfield Renaissance Development Corporation (SRDC) members present: Steve Cooney, Kay Bryant, Roy Orr, Mary Murphy, Dan Egan, Tom Costabile, Mike McVey, Tom Draggoo, Councilor Tammy Fitch, and herself. Also introduced were Shannon Fitch and Christina Bozich, who were a part of an intern team from the University of Oregon who helped to produce the business plan. Other students who worked on the project were: Molly Owre, Jon Brack, Brent Pruitt, Josh Grove, Mario Fujino, and Torry Hope. Mr. Costabile presented a Power Point presentation. He said the SRDC had completed much work in a short time frame and he thanked the University of Oregon students who provided assistance. The SRDC's current role is focusing on downtown to frame its important natural historic assets and make the community a more livable area. Mr. Costabile explained the vision for Springfield that the group shared with council in the fall of 1999. The vision included exploring opportunities to provide arts, entertainment, etc. while updating the look and feel of the area. Mr. Draggoo spoke regarding background information on the McKenzie Theater purchase. He said SRDC executed a purchase option agreement on February 16, 2000. Funding in the amount of$50,000 was allocated in the city's FY 99/00 budget for SRDC use, with council approval, for renovation of the downtown area. Mr. Draggoo spoke about the business plan that was developed by students with close input from SRDC members. The business plan was a requirement for the additional funding, over the $10,000 amount authorized by council, prior to the release ofthe balance. . Mr. Draggoo reviewed the goals and objectives associated with the purchase of the McKenzie Theater. The group felt besides promoting arts, they would create a new downtown destination point, plus encourages other property owners to renovate and improve the area. Springfield City Council Work Session - 3/13/00 Page 2 . Mr. Costabile reviewed the strengths and weaknesses of the business plan. The plan included the review of opportunities including the continued publicity of the downtown area and the. strong real estate market. Concerns include the existing competition and the image of the area, which needs to be changed and updated. Mr. Costabile and Mr. Draggoo explained the SRDC had secured the option to purchase the McKenzie Theater at $185,000 with a purchase option of $7,200. Additional specific costs were listed as: design fees at $50,000; renovation at $580,000; and equipment at $80,000. Sources of Capital were listed as: City of Springfield $50,000; Oregon Livability Initiative $500,000; Community Block Grant $35,000; and Private Donations in the amount of$310,000. The SRDC stated they were asking the city to pay for a small part of the larger picture and assistance in helping to rejuvenate the downtown area. The financial projections were reviewed, including the year one assumptions at 40 percent, with 2002 anticipated being the first full operating year. Mr. Costabile asked council for balance of the $50,000 funding and approval to move forward with the theater purchase. The community needs to support the theater and cultural arts programs. Council asked questions regarding the type of art programs that would be using the facility. Mayor Weathers asked if the SRDChad thought about securing leased hours prior to the theater purchase. Mr. Draggoo said yes, they had reviewed other theaters; locations that need space, and spoke to many arts groups. . Councilor Fitch Tammy spoke about the costs associated with the use of the Soreng Theatre in Eugene, as one example. Councilor Lundberg asked about the other businesses in the downtown area that would bring people to downtown to use the theater, but also stay for other venues. Mr. Draggoo said it is the intent of SRDC to create a location where community members could come and enjoy not only the theater, but the other downtown attractions as well. There was a discussion on how the business plan would accommodate those choosing to use the facility regarding user fees, etc. Mayor Weathers said the $50,000 would be released for the purchase of the building not getting to the purchase, minus the $7,200 (already released for the purchase price). By consensus, council agreed. There was further discussion regarding other funding sources. Council said they would not be opposed to holding future discussions, but wanted to ensure a quality development. 2. Review of Staff Responses to Adopting Officials Questions and Public Testimony Regarding Draft TransPlan. . Planning Manager Greg Mott was present for the staff report. He introduced Tom Schwetz, Transportation Program Manager, Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), and Jan Childs, Planning Director, City of Eugene. Mr. Mott provided an overview of the proposed agenda he prepared for the work session. He said the number of issues raised by the adopting officials and the public on the draft TransPlan Update necessitates separate work session discussions by each agency in preparation for a joint work session in May. The objective of the work session was to arrive at a preliminary decision on the issues before the joint work session. Mr. Mott reviewed the following attachments: Springfield City Council Work Session - 3/13/00 Page 3 . Attachment 1 - Staff Response to Public Testimony on TransPlan; Attachment 2 - Council Briefing Memorandum from Greg Mott, Springfield summarizing the first Work Session discussion and highlighting Issues/Options for additional discussion; Attachment 3 - Memorandum from Tom Stinchfield, Lane County regarding Transportation System Improvements Issues/Options; Attachment 4 - Memorandum from Tom Schwetz, LCOG, regarding Transportation Demand Management (TOM) Issues/Options; and Attachment 5 - Memorandum from Stefano Viggiano, Lane Transit District (L TD), regarding Transit Issues/Options. Mr. Mott referred council to the Council Briefing Memorandum (Attachment #2) and provided a brief history of the issues and background as outlined in the memorandum. Mayor Weathers asked council if there were any questions or comments regarding the items listed in Attachment #2. There was discussion regarding the memorandum and each of their concerns. There was discussion regarding Nodal Development. Mr. Mott referred to Ms. Childs Memorandum on Land Use/Nodal Development Issues. Mayor Weathers said without adequate preparation council was not prepared to discuss in detail Nodal Development. . Mr. Schwetz provided an overview of Attachment #4, and provided a brief summary of what . occurred during the City of Eugene council work session. He said several ideas and issues were raised regarding an interest in having a specific policy being added to the TDM section that would engage the local school district's in a conversation about managing school trips. He said staff did not have any proposed language around this issue. After discussion regarding TDM, council agreed that promoting development is important, however, they did not think it was appropriate to make TDM mandatory. Council said they would not be in favor of changing the current policy. Mayor Weathers said it is in Springfield's best interest to provide a good transit system and roadway in Springfield, for the residents, businesses and tourists alike. She further stated Springfield is not denying that TDM needs to be addressed, however, Eugene and Springfield are two different incorporated cities and happen to share mutual problems, but sometimes have different ways of addressing those problems. Mr. Schwetz referred to Attachment #4 and asked council to discuss each item and decide what their recommendations would be. TDM Policy #1: TDM Program Mandatory versus Voluntary TDM. Consensus was not to change current policy. TDM Policy #2: Parking Management. Consensus was not to change current policy. TDM Policy #3: Congestion Management. Consensus was not to change current policy. . TDM Finance and Implementation. Consensus was to support voluntary use ofTDM. Springfield City Council Work Session - 3/13/00 Page 4 . Mr. Mott outlined Attachment #3 and said not all of the public testimony resulted in option choices. He said the testimony was focused on the projects or items related to the project list. He informed council if they had particular issues or concerns they could be brought to the table for further discussion. There was discussion regarding the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and the existing projects identified in the proposed TransPlan. Nick Arnis, Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) said the addition of the Franklin Boulevard Project to minimum standards would not be an inclusion into the project list. He said it may possibly affect other project timelines, but could be added later. Topic: System-wide Policy #5 TransPlan Project List. Council agreed not to change current policy, but to modify the Policy Definition/Intent Statement, to include a reference to the project development phase and explain the Transportation Planning Rule (TPR) requirements for project development. Topic: Roadway Policy # 1 Mobility and Safety for all Modes. No options were developed. Topic: Policy #2 Motor Vehicle Level of Service. Council would like Level of Service (LOS) E as an option if needed, but lean towards a general acceptance of LOS D. Council requested it be modified to reflect the above consensus. . Councilor Simmons departed at 7:25 p.m. Topic: Roadway Policy #3 Coordinated Roadway Network. Consensus was not to change the wording. Topic: Suggestions to add an Access Management Policy. Consensus was not to change. Topic: General Project Topics. Council agreed to continue the use of the city's CIP and not change priorities to match the TransPlan project list. They agreed they may encompass the same projects, but need to be kept separate, and to add projects the city would need to update the STIP, but not revise TransPlan. Mr. Arnis said ODOT is struggling with connectors to the Beltline Highway which affect the mobility aspects of bridge connections. He said they are currently researching the issue and a letter will follow from ODOT in the near future. Mr. Schwetz explained the local issues surrounding the bridge access. Mr. Cornacchia asked for clarification regarding the future project list and an interest of his client regarding the Valley River Bridge. . Topics: Beltline/I-5 Interchange, Pioneer Parkway, and Jasper Road Extension. Consensus is the projects remain as viable and the only projects in Springfield. Council said to keep all other projects on the list, however, since they are in Eugene, they would defer to the Eugene City Council for their opinion on their priority ranking. Springfield City Council Work Session - 3/13/00 Page 5 . There was discussion regarding the request to keep the public record open. Council agreed to wait until after the joint meeting before committing to leave the record open. 3. City Hall Remodeling. AIC Public Works Director Len Goodwin was present for the staff report. Approximately two . years ago,' city staff commissioned a City Hall space needs study because of the crowded conditions of several city departments. He said Robertson Sherwood Architects had provided a preliminary cost estimate for the remodeling of City Hall. Mr. Goodwin informed council the growth is greater then expected for space at. He said what appeared to be a rather simple remodeling project has come in at a very high cost, and referred to the Cost Estimate (Attachment D). Mr. Goodwin said the State Employment Office and the Division of Motor Vehicles Hearings Office (DMV) currently have leases that expire in September, 2000. It was expected that, thereafter, these leasses would be on a month to month tenancy until their space was needed for expansion for public and staff space within City Hall. As staff began to plan for the work in the Fiscal Year 2000 - 2001 budget, they discovered the costs of remodeling have more than doubled what was estimated two years ago. This cost, coupled with the loss oflease income, has caused staff to look for other lower cost options. . Mr.-Goodwin reviewed the alternative options for either leasing or renting space outside of City Hall. He felt if departments leased space outside of City Hall, "off-site", that this would have a negative impact on customer service. Councilor Ballew said the Blue Ribbon Committee is just beginning to meet, and it would not be in the best interest of the city to remodel at this time. She preferred the lease option. Councilor Fitch suggested closing the North quadrant buildings to achieve more office space without expanding, with a small loss of parking. Mayor Weathers said it was very important for council to make a decision quickly as the current leases expire in September, 2000. She said the decision should not wait until after the November election results. City Manager Mike Kelly said leasing space is the optimum decision. He spoke regarding the income that is generated from the current occupants. He also talked about the option of a new Police, Fire and Municipal Court building, and the possibility of a Federal Courthouse in the future, and how these changes could affect space at City Hall. Mr. Kelly said staff would be providing information to the Mayor and council in the future. He said some interim funding may be needed to continue to make City Hall workable and would look towards future expansion. . .' Springfield City Council Work Session - 3/13/00 Page 6 . ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Minutes Recorder Shari Higgins/Kim Krebs City Recorder . . .~~;~~~