HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/07/2000 Work Session . . . t , ) MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2000 The Springfield City Council met in Work Session at Springfield City Hall, Jesse Maine Room, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, on Monday, February 7,2000, at 6:05 p.m. with Mayor Weathers presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Weathers and Councilors Ballew, Fitch, Hatfield, Leiken, Lundberg (6: 15) and Simmons. Also present were City Manager Mike Kelly, Assistant City Manager Gino Grimaldi, Administrative Coordinator Shari Higgins, AIC Development Services Director John Tamulonis, Planner II Robin Johnson, AIC Public Works Director Len Goodwin, and members of staff. 1. Discussion of Housing Priorities For Five-Year HUD Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan. Planner II Robin Johnson was present for the staff report. She asked council for direction on housing priorities for Springfield presentation in the Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan (2000-2005). Ms. Johnson reviewed the new information in the Annual Action Plan, which needs formal adoption by the council. The Action Plan is then adopted as year one of the five-year plan. Ms. Johnson explained the current five-year plan is under development and was proposed for adoption without benefit of the current census information. Mayor Weathers said council appreciated the cooperative plan that allows the communities of Eugene and Springfield to set individual priorities. This is exactly how metro planning should work, with differing city strategies reflected. Councilor Hatfield said the priorities pertaining to Springfield are still fine. He supported our number one ranking, increased home ownership for low-income residents, as it is difficult for low-income housing opportunities in the city. Councilor Ballew asked if the median income does not get better if the plan target low-income and lower middle class citizens for participation in housing programs. Ms. Johnson said Housing and Urban Development (HUD) sets the low-income guidelines. Funding is provided for those 80% below the median only. Councilor Fitch said the plan held good community information. By consensus, council recommended adoption of the five-year HUD Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan. 2. Springfield Commercial Lands Study: Work Session/Public Hearing. Planner I Susanna Julber and Planning Manager Mel Oberst were present for the staff report. Ms. Julber said the staff report and summary of changes did not include many comments on the draft study that was circulated. Ms. Julber said she spoke with the Department of Land Conservation and Development (DLCD) and it was communicated to her that the policies in place would assist the city in inventory structure and development. City of Springfield Work Session - 217/00 Page 2 . Ms. Julber explained council would adopt the study policies, but that the implementation policies could be added or revised in the future without changing the plan itself. Ms. Julber said the Planning Commission reviewed the draft study at a work session on October 5, and held a public hearing on December 7, 1999. The council later reviewed the draft on October 18, 1999. No public testimony was received during the public hearing and both the Planning Commission and DLCD recommended council approval of the study. Councilor Simmons spoke regarding the criteria and process of seismic issues. Ms. Julber explained that they were not a part of the study development or process in terms of quantity and quality. Mayor Weathers said council would hold a public hearing at the regular session meeting. 3. Discussion of County/City Road Partnership. Arc Public Works Director Len Goodwin and City Engineer Al Peroutka were present for the staff report. Mr. Goodwin said the issue has two parts: 1) a future Lane County Board of Commissioners (LCBC) work session, where elected officials from county areas have been invited to discuss the city/county funding partnership regarding the future of the road fund and payments to the city; and 2) a discussion regarding the potential formation of an Area Commission on Transportation (ACT). Mr. Goodwin said information was provided to the council regarding the continuation of the County/City Road Partnership. . Councilor Lundberg arrived at the meeting (6: 15). Mr. Goodwin said Mayor Weathers and Councilor Simmons would attend the February 8, work session of the LCBC to provide input on behalf of the city, regarding our road partnership and future funding and conditions that may be attached by Lane County. Council provided input regarding the road fund and the importance of its continuation to city operations. Mr. Peroutka spoke about the proposed ACT. Councilor Hatfield clarified that an ACT would be advisory only to the Oregon Transportation Commission on issues relating to local and regional transportation. Councilor Simmons spoke about the benefit to Lane County in giving a voice to the smaller communities, but how it may not benefit Springfield. Councilor Simmons felt the ACT might not be beneficial and recommended council show caution when joining into such a process. Mayor Weathers felt the city should view the ACT carefully, but felt that coordination efforts could be valuable to the city. She suggested the Metropolitan Policy Committee (MPC) review the coordination request prior to any decision. MPC should also review the priorities on the County/City Road Partnership and ensure that first priorities are actually chosen versus one from each list with rural requests included. . Mr. Kelly provided background on the issue and stated his observations on issues surrounding the continuation of the road fund. He felt the city should be aware that Lane County would like county staff members to staff the ACT. " ,~.. . . . City of Springfield Work Session - 2/7/00 Page 4 ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. Minutes Recorder - Shari Higgins ATTEST: ~.~.. City Recorder r -., ~7f}~~