HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2007-12-28 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO' COM2007-01930 ISSUED' 12/28/2007 APPLIED 12/28/2007 EXPIRES: 06/28/2008 VALUE: Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726.3753 Phone 541.726-3676 FdX 541.726.3769 InspectIOn LIDe SITE ADDRESS 471 SA St ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703353113300 SprIngfield TYPE OF WORK Bdnner TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Track Town P,zza - banners and porta hie signs 010408 removal date 020408 Owner SW AGGART LESTER C & M A Address 3276 LAKEMONT DR EUGENE OR 97408 r CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type SIgn Contractor OWNER License I BUILDING INFORMATION I # of U mts ATTENTION: Oregon law r,~r~~:~ PrImary Occupanc)fcll\fml(1ules adopted by the I ~1WI~~cture S 0 .II1at"'M'\Qn Center. Those ru e U><M econdary ccupau",," "'-1'52-001-001 0 through OJlJl~'''''''' PrImary Constructll\\A~IjW obtain caples o'l'!!\~flJ~lloby Secondary Consll U~'fr9IJ.hmay ter (Note th~P~ # call1ngt e cen. ' of Bedrooms mb for the Oregon UtlhtyEltllltW;!lI\urt nu e~enter Is 1.800.332.2SI!rllpkled BuIldmg nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Frontyard Setback Side 1 Sethack Side 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Slreet Trees Rqd Paved DrIve Rqd % 01 Lot Coverage Commercial Phone Number 541.606.6110 ExpIratIOn Date Phone Lot Size Sq Ft 1 st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Flool Sq Ft Bdsement Sq Ft GaragelCa, port Sq Ft Other Occupant Load - REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I NOT1CE~ SldewaAU~IRE IflHE WORK THIS PER'~Iflt\6nIi'ERMIT IS NOT AUTHORIZ~ OR IS ABANDONED FOR COMMENCED ANY 180 DAY PERIOD. Street Improvements Storm Sewer AvaIlable Spec13llnstructlOn Notes I Valuation DescrmtlOn I DeSCriptIOn $ Per Sq Ft or mullIphel Squal e Footage or BId Amount Type of ConstructlOlI Paee 1 of2 Value Date Calculated CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED APPLIED: EXPIRES: VALUE: COM2007-01930 12/28/2007 12/28/2007 06/28/2008 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726.3753 Phone 541-726.3676 F.x 541-726.3769 InspeclJon Lme Total Value of Project Fees PaId I Fee DescriptIOn + 10% Admm,str.tlVe Fee + 5% Technology ree Banner Special Pel mlt DeposIt Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Numher $1450 $225 $45 00 $10000 12/28/07 12/28/07 12/28/07 12/28/07 1200700000000001533 1200700000000001533 1200700000000001533 1200700000000001533 Total Amount PaId $16175 I Plan Reviews I To Request an mspectIon call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All mspectlOns requested betore 7 00 a.m will be made the same workmg day, mspections requested after 7.00 a,m Will be made the followmg work day. I RellUlred T nsnechons I Banner Removal To he requested the day followmg the eXpIratIOn of the permIt If mspectlOn IS not requested, the apphcanl m.y forfiet the deposIt By sIgnature, 1 state and agl ee, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn .nd do herehy certify that .11 mformatIon hereon IS true and correct, and I turther certify that any and all work performed shall be done In dccordance With the 01 dmances of the CIty of Spnngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnhed herem, and th.t NO OCCUPANCY wIll he made of any structure WIthout permIssIOn of the Commulllty Services DIVISIOn, BuIldmg Salety I further certlfv that only contractors and employees who are Ul comphance WIth ORS 701 005 WIll be used ou thIS project I fUl ther agree to ensure that all reqUIred mspectlOns al e requested .t the proper hme, that each address IS I eadable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans WIll remaUl on the sIte at all hmes durmg construction ~~ ~ /' ---- Owner or COOtractors SIgnature (2.;/~ P /67 Date Pa2e 2 of2 225 FlITH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726.3689 Q 0, -- r:/), - _ Job LocatIOn :> - - Assessors Map Q, r:/), ~ <:..) -- :> ;..... CU r:/) ~ Contractor/Installer ~ Cnntr.ac.tor L>-> I ~ J .N{w;r.l... . ........-4 AlTENTlON. ':-1'O''t:f-...;~'3 ~ ' - ~ follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility ;::j N~ /"'..nt,,, Those rules are set forth ~ In OAR 952-001-001 0 through OAR 952.UU1- ~ ou may obtain copies of the rules by calftn~ the center. \"'0'" ';'0 ~,,;,,';',~;,;; number for the Oregon Utility Notification o constol!itl~~eE36~~se # U' I ~ -@ CU ~ ~ 0[) -- r:/) CU ---' ...0, ~ t o ~ $:::;, CU ~ ~ SP~ENGF!;ELO ~,',~::'lV:,_ :'~l!I~=:~1~~1P~~H~1l..w~, O~~(;)~a:-: ,~)l:~' OtVJob Number CO"", 'Z.co7- D' 9'30 'ill >u.Jth 170]1 51 ( S-fnct- <.of 1 ~ / 0 tf 9)'-(7) ,- f 13100 4 Tax Lo' Owner Owner of Property / e.s S'vV '^- /J :J tA y ,f- A / Addrpoo '~2- 76 L '" ~c ">--<.;~""" ()~ ("ob IvflO Phonp City Cv:q c ~~ Statp 0 ((. 9'7Yo<f Zlf NU II lit: THIS P~~MllJ)HALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZEU UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT "tate COMMENCED O11:1~ ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PI:HIUO. ExpITpo DescnptlOl' f) 0' v ,J- "- b It . .;'19,..,$ o,_J bdfY1Y"\C"'- Iff). 't I-t. 2-0 " ,p ;::"-b 2-00 f Date of InstallatlOP '7"~ >1 Date of Removal Permit Fee. $161 75 mcludmg $100.00 DepOSit, By sIgnature, I state and agree that I have carefully completed tlus apphcatlOn and hereby certify that all mfonnatlOn herem IS true and correct I further agree and understand that the above descnbed banner(s) and/or portable Slgn(S) IS not larger than 60 square feet, and Will be removed wlthm 30 days from the date hsted above If the banner(s) and/or portable Sign IS not removed Within the tJmehne specified, I Will forfeit the $100 00 depOSit I also understand that tlus special pennlt can be Issued only twIce per calendar year per development area I also agree to call the mspectlOn hne at 726-3769 by the end of the 30th day to request an mspectlOn to venfy the removal of the banner(s) and/or portable slgn(s) ThiS mspectlOn Will begm the process to return the $100 00 depOSit If the banner(s) and/or portable Slgn(S) has been removed /1 ;::::::=: Slgnat!,rp / ~-- .......--~ DatI' /2-~ p)? I Date of ApphcatlOn (~;i~~ 7 ~/] For Office Use ('7- 01 '30 Job # Receipt # / /.1 7 r Issued By Amount Collected Shared Dnve (T )lBmldtng Forms/Banoer ]onable Sign Penmt eSD 8 06 doc 22~ Fifth 'Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2007.01930 COM2007.0 1930 COM2007.01930 COM2007.0 1930 Payments Type of Payment Check cRccclOtl RECEIPT #: DescriptIOn DepoSit Banner Spec la' Permit + 5% Technology Fee + 10% AdmlDlstratlve Fee Paid By MMW INC a City of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt Development Services Department Pubhc Works Department 1200700000000001533 Date. 12/28/2007 Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How ReceIVed dJb 1757 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 2 59 15PM Amount Due 10000 4500 225 1450 $16175 Amount PaId $161 75 $16175 " .' .....----- 12/28/2007