HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-1-2 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2007-01303 ISSUED. 10/12/2007 APPLIED 08/30/2007 EXPIRES: 05/17/2008 VALUE. $ 150,00000 -~~ Status Iss u ed 225 F.fth Street. Spnngfield, OR 541.726-3753 Phone 541.726.3676 Fax 541.726.3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 3000 GA TEW A Y ST SPACE 906 ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703220002300 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Restaurant TYPE OF USE AlteratIOn PROJECT DESCRIPTION Tenant Improvement for Charleys Gnlled Snbs. Food Court Owner GA TEW A Y MALL PARTNERS Address no N WACKER DR BSC 3.04 ATTN PROP TAX ADMIN CHICAGO IL 60606 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I CommercIal Contractor Type Contractor License ExpiratIOn Date Phone ArchItect V ALERIO ARCHITECTS 323.954.8996 x I Electncal ROSE CORPORATION 54431 0913012008 541.686.0905 Mechamcal POLYTECH HEATING LLC 162238 1112412008 503.888.7999 Plumbmg ALS PLUMBING INC 95618 1211612007 (503) 375.3449 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of U mts # of Stones Pnmary Occupancy Group A.2 HeIght of Structure Secondary Occupancy Group Type of Heat Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Wate. Type" Secondary ConstructIOn Type R~t 'tN~" # of Bedrooms ~: t1-~\~~ in ~\~:qlO'{ l\01\C . .~\i S\\~\.\. 1\\\S ~~ eihBulldmg nla '\" 01=\';'" '\i',ct!. ~\1-n \)\'\ \~U1\\O"'\2't~t)uOR \S ~OPMENT INFORMATION I COt-J\w.'i:\'\~~'{ ~t.",\O\J. Jl-\'\'I 1?10 Ove, lay D.st # Street TI ees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage Frontyard Setback S.de I Setback S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks Street Improvements Storm Sewer Available SpeCIal InstructIOn ATTENTION' O~L~.IJ~I)~~OVEMENTS I follow rules adopted by the 6re" o~ uilr" INo~~~atlon Center Those rules a~e set fO~ ;090 :52-001-0010 through OAR 952-001_ ou may obtaIn copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note' the telephone number for the Oregon UtilIty NotIfication Center IS HI0D-332-2344). Lot SIZe Sq Ft I st Floor 633 Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Ca. port Sq Ft Other Occupant Load 5 REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact SIdewalk Type DownspoutslDrams Notes Pa!!e I of 4 Status Issued 225 F,fth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541.726.3753 Phone 541.726.3676 Fax 54l.726.3769lnspechon Lme DescriptIOn Tvpe of Consh uchon Eshmate Eshmate Fee DescrIptIOn Plan RevIew Comm/lnd/Pubhc Plan RevIew F.re & LIfe Safety -Mech Iss 2+ Apphapces- + 10% Admmlstrahve Fee + 5% Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge Buddmg Perm,t EvaporatIVe Coole. s Exhaust Hoods Fixture Gas Outlets 1.4 Mmlmum/Adjustment Mecbamcal SanItary Sewel - Improvement Samtary Sewer. ReImbursement SOC MWMC Admmlsh atlOn SOC MWMC Improvement SDC MWMC Relmbnrsement SDC Samtarv/Storm Admm Vent Fan + 100/0 AdmIDlstratJve Fee + 5% Technology Fee + 8% Stdte Surchdrge Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ea Add Perm Serv/Fdr 200 amps or less -Mecbamcallssuance Fee- + 10% Admmlstrahve Fee + 12% Stdte SUI charge + 5% Technology Fee Evaporahve Coolers Mlmmum/Adjustment Mechamcal Total Amount Pd,d CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-0I303 ISSUED. 10/12/2007 APPLIED 08/30/2007 EXPIRES' 05/17/2008 VALUE $ 150,00000 I ValuatIOn Descrmtion I $ Per Sq Ft or mulhpher $100 Amount PaId $521 20 $32074 $40 00 $10918 $54 59 $87 35 $801 84 $10 00 $20 00 $240 00 $500 $100 $428 49 $563 50 $10 00 $4,900 59 $589 65 $324 61 $14 00 $31 60 $1580 $25 28 $176 00 $14000 $20 00 $500 $600 $250 $20 00 $30 00 $9,513 92 Square Footage or B,d Amount 150,000 00 Valne Odte Calcnldted $150,000 00 $150,000 00 08/30/2007 Total Valne ofPloject F PI" I;:.iwjJ Date PaId ReceIpt Number 8/30/07 8/30/07 10/12/07 10112/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10112/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12107 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 10/12/07 11126/07 11/26/07 11126/07 11126/07 11126107 1/2/08 1/2/08 1/2/08 1/2/08 112/08 112/08 1200700000000001130 1200700000000001130 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 2200700000000001583 3200700000000000770 3200700000000000770 3200700000000000770 3200700000000000770 3200700000000000770 1200800000000000004 1200800000000000004 1200800000000000004 1200800000000000004 1200800000000000004 1200800000000000004 Pa2e 2 of 4 CITY OF ~rK1NGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01303 ISSUED. 10/12/2007 APPLIED. 08/3012007 EXPIRES 05/17/2008 VALUE $ 150,00000 Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541.726.3753 Phone 541.726.3676 Fax 541.726-3769 InspectIOn LlUe Imhal RevIew I Plan Reviews , 08/30/2007 WE LLH 08/30/2007 Imhal RevIew 08/30/2007 APP LLH 08/30/2007 Pldnmne RevIew Structural RevIew 09/10/2007 08/30/2007 09/10/2007 09/10/2007 APP 10 EMM LLH Structural RevIew 09/13/2007 APP LLH 09/1012007 PublIc Wnrks RevIew 09/10/2007 09/21/2007 APP JHJ SUB RevIew 09/1012007 09/2412007 APP DH FIre Dellartment RevIew 10/1112007 OK 09/10/2007 GRG Spoke WIth Rafal Bamk, applIcant, and told hIm we needed the plan revIew fee tn process the apphcatlOn He saId someone local would be IU to pay It Plan review fee J ecclved - okay to process plan review Forwarded to Mlck Nolte WIth the BulldlUg Depal tment tor reVIeW under contract WIth the CIty ot SprIngfield Pldns reVIewed by M.ck Nolte WIth the BmldlUg Department under conh act WIth the CIty of SprIngfield Attached SDC Worksheet (JHJ) See attached document for FIre Department Plans RevIew comments To Request an Inspection call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769. All InspectIOns requested before 7.00 a.m. wIll be made the same workIng day, Inspections requested after 7.00 a.m. wIll be made the following work day. ~'rprf rn~np.('how FramlUg InspectIOn PI lOr to covel dnd atter all rough IU IUspectlOns hdve been approved FIrewall Located and constructed accordlUg to plans FlUal BmldlUg Alter all reqUIred IUspectlOns have been I equested and approved and the bulldlUg IS complete Rough PlumblUg PrIor to cover and IUcludlUg reqUIred testlUg FlUal PlumblUg When all plumblUg work IS complete Rough Mechamcal PrIor to Cover Rough GdS After llUe IS IUstalled and reqUired testlUg and capped If not attached to an apphance FlUal Gas When all gas work IS complete FlUal Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete Paee 3 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO. COM2007-0I303 ISSUED. 10/1212007 APPLIED 08/3012007 EXPIRES. 05/17/2008 VALUE $ 150,000.00 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541.726.3753 Phone 541- 726-3676 Fax 541.726.3769 InspectIOn Lme Rough Electnc Pnor to Cover Fmal Electnc When all electncal work IS complete Electnc ServIce Approval reqUired pnor to utlhty company energIZIng service SUB Fmal After dll reqUired energy mspectlons have heen reqnested and approved SUB Mechamcal Followmg CIty Rough Mechamcal mspectlOn approval and pnor to any cover SUB CeilIng Gnd Intenor Llghtmg By slgndture, I state and agree, that I have carelully exammed the completed apphcatlon and do herehy certify that all mlormatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIly that any and all work perlormed shall be done m accordance With the Ordmances of the CIty of Spnngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the WOI k descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure WIthout permissIOn of the Commumty Services DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Salety I furtber certify that only contractors and employees who dre m lomplIance WIth ORS 701 005 will be used on thiS pi oJect I further agree to ensure that all requlI ed mspectlOns are requested at the proper time, that each add I ess IS I eadable from the street, that the permit card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans will remam on the sIte at all times dUrIng constl uchon ~~ Owner or contracto~nature e-r/92/ oJ' / l Date Pa2e 4 of 4 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone iF"" CIty of SprIngfield OffiCial ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2007.0 1303 COM2007.0 J 303 COM2007.0J303 COM2007.0 J 303 COM2007.0J303 COM2007-0 1303 Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cRLlemtl RECEIPT #: 1200800000000000004 Date. 01/02/2008 Descnptlon EvaporatIve Coolers Minimum/AdJustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Administrative Fee Paid By HEMEI J ZHU Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received dJb 08019D In Person Payment Total Page 1 of I 2 50 15PM Amount Due 2000 3000 2000 600 250 500 $83 50 Amount Paid $83 50 $83 50 1/212008