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Permit Correction Notice 2008-12-27
l<'~'. ... ..'~. -'-~".""'::-'"I~?~'"''''Nl"'''''.''I'''_''''~V'':VW'''_'t.W~''''''*''.~'"''' ...""".....;"f\"T~'"'I'-.....,.-..:>p:i!'..-~'__'.,.""""_>~..""''''''''"~n;.''m City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety . 225 Fifth Street TO: T1+rN n__ fSUEcXn.;r.:r. 7-1 /) , << ,f1 . '2 fF+F- 'TI-w: 111 )Mfd?... r+FA-IE./? .~ I vT !?(2.{) TE//fCnlll ~DJttIk AH./'l.T SPRINGFIELD Date: /2/20 2003 ~ Job# (19M 2tl??:- f.) f 2J.!'j Address:);..! U L1{, r:.n~)I.J;';tJ R/.u #= / I 0 .. - --. Inspection Type:_ rT:.-tv4-t- E:.IAU4IUX~ / l>FA;..;::d /)(jTU;---f~ r:7J I? . - . II) 77h ,~w-k- /I / E-E-IJ S , - Corrections and reinspecEion request shall be mal!7 withjn ."5 0 c~lendar days. I 2-2' ?_/J Y Call for reinspection [tr'yes DNo Inspector (:"'(/'1 r JT./XCLl / _Date: (/ I --- I - - .1 NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for ,inspection, 726-3769NNNN"'.NNNNNNQuestions 726"3759NNN~NNNNN