HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrdinance 5885 02/17/1998 . . . ORDINANCE (Special) No. 5885 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING THE REPORT OF THE CITY ENGINEER FOR IMPROVEMENTS ALONG WEST M STREET, FROM PRESCOTT LANE TO MILL STREET, AND VICINITY (2- 019), AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Springfield City Council on March 15, 1993, did initiate construction of improvements along West M Street, from Prescott Lane to Mill Street, and Vicinity (2-019), including paving, curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm drainage, street trees, and street lights. At the direction of the Council, the City Engineer filed his report with the City Recorder on February 3, 1998, and the report filed is hereby adopted. Section 2: Upon receipt of the above Engineer's Report, the Finance Director gave notice informing all interested 'property owners benefitted by the proposed improvement to appear before the Council in the City Council Chambers, City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on February 17,1998, to present their views for or against such project. The public hearing was held and people appeared for and against the project. Section 3: The Finance Director is directed to advertise that bids will be received for the construction of the above improvement project in accordance with the City's general conditions and standard specifications and that the project shall be awarded in the City Council Chambers of City Hall. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids deemed unsatisfactory. Section 4: Such improvement is necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, safety, and welfare of the City of Springfield and therefore an emergency exists and this ordinance shall be effective immediately upon passage by the Council and approval by the Mayor. Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this 17th of Feb';,u, 1998, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. Approved by the Mayor of the City of Springfield, Oregon, this day of February 1998 17th t3#c;74~~fi MAYOR AT~, W~} . ' 1 I . . . ATTACHMENT A PAGE 1 OF 3 M E M 0 RAN DUM ===========~========================~=~===================================~=== City of Springfield ============================================================================== To: Robert J. Duey. Finance Director , From: A 1 Peroutka. City Engi neer. Date: February 3. 1998 Subject: Engineer's Report: Improvement Project No. 2-019 Improvement Project Name: MStreet Improvements, Prescott Lane to Mill Street and vicinity. 1.00 In accordance with Section 2-1-3 of the Springfield Code. the following is submitted for your action(s): 1.10 Description: Total street improvements. 32 foot wide' asphalt paving, concrete curb and gutter. sidewalks and drainage. street lighting and trees. 2.00 Engi neer' s Estimated Costs (Fi na 1 actua 1 .cost wi 11 be determi ned upon completion of the project). 2.10 Total Estimated Cost Street, Construction $ 279.560 Storm Sewer $ 24.440 Engineering and Administrativp Costs $ 64.000 Total $ 368,000 Guaranteed Property Assessment Rate (FF = Front Foot Single family and duplex use (or' single family residential zoning for a vacant 1 at) not owned by pa rtnershi p or , corporat ion: $22.50/FF for Very Low Income owner 2.20 City Cost $ 185.960 2.30 Property' Per Front Foot 2.40 Property Cost Per Front Foot $ 93.600 See Schedule Attached $ 24.440 -0- $ d7.480 $ 16.520 $ 257,880 $110,120 Guaranteed Property Assessment Rate (FF = Front Foot Multi-family. mobile home park. commercial. industrial, hospital. medical clinic, convalescent care (and similar health-related), public agency or jurisdiction of, government (e,g. State. City, . . . $45.00/FF for Low-to-Moderate Income $90.00/FF for owner not qualifying For $22.50/FF or $45.00/FF rates Single family and duplex use (or single family residential zoning if lot is vacant) owned by partnership or corporation: $90.00/FF Single family and duplex use under any Type of ownership where owner is Very or Low to Moderate Income and occupies The property: NO ASSESS;'iEiH ATTACHMENT A PAGE 2 OF 3 County. School District. Park District.. Public Utility). and non-profit entity (e.g.. Religious Organization. Fraternal or Social Club) use (or all Zoning other than single family residential for a \/2cant lot):, $135.00/FF Any of the above types of use Where owner is Very low or low to Noderate Income and occupies the property: NO ASSESSi'l~!\.JT Income Level Classification fo~ Use In Above Household Size 1 2 3 Very Low Income $13.900 or less $15.900 or less $17 .850 or less $19,850 or 1 ess $21.450 or less $23.050 or less $24.600 or less $26.200 or less 11 '1'. 5 6 7 8 or more . Low to Moderate Income $13.901 to 522.250 $15.901 to 525.400 $17.851 to 528.600 $19,851 to $31.750 $21.451 to 534,300 $23.051 to $36,850 $24.601 to 539.400 $26.201 to'$41,900 "Income" shall be a total of that of all members of the household 2nd all persons sharing title to the prbperty. Total income shall include. but not be limited to. wages. interest. dividends. rental income. busine~s income. Social Security benefits. pensions and annuity income. alimony. child support. welfare payments. veterans benefits. and others. 3.00 Resolution of Intent to Improve No. 93-14: Date of Adoption March 15. 1993 4.00 Please proceed with the preparation and execution of the following documents in accordance with Sec. 2-1-4. 2-1~5, and 2-1-6 of the Springfield Code: 4.10 Public Hearinq: .11 Date of Hearing Feb. 17. 1998. .12 Publish Notice of Hearing on Feb. 7. and 11th. 1998. .13 Furnish Engineering Office with~copies of the Public Hearing notice. . . . ATTACHMENT A PAGE 3 OF 3 4.20 Invitation to Bidders: 4.21 8i ds wi 11 be recei ved on Aori l' 2'4, 1998 by the Fi nance Manager. 4.22 Publish Invitation on Aoril 4 and April 8. 1998 in the Springfield News and the Daily Journal of Commerce. 4.23 Thi s project is not! ~parti ally / who 11y federa 11y funded (federal funding requires special wording in the Invitation to Bidders). 4.30 Tentative award date for this project is Mav 4. 1998. 5.00 The fo 11 owi ng is the pr?posed project budget: 5.10 Source 5.20 5.30 Exolanation Est i mGl:~d f\mount Acct. No. 01-3232-87761-2019 Acct. No. 09-3243-87761-2019 Acct. No. 10-3399-87761-2019 Acct. No. 19-3232-87761-2019 S 20.000 S 50.000 5313.272 S110, 120 6.00 The following. project: Street Capital Proj. Fund Sewer Capital Proj. Fund Comm. Development Fund Development Assessment Fund if any. are soeci21 considerations pertinent to this 6.10 There are, Community Development block Funds attached to this project, This project is included in the FY 1997-98 capital budget. Block Grant funds will be used in this project to lower assessments in accordance with the Guaranteed Cost Per Front Foot Program. 6.20 The property assessment rate fo~ those uses (or zonings) listed in item 2.50 above is guaranteed. based on the Engi neer' s Estimate. After completion of the project. a compilation of full cQsts 'will be made and a cost per front foot of the property covered by item 2.50 wi 11 be established. . If cost are lower per front foot. then assessments will be adjusted accordingly. 6.30 Two nei ghborhood meetings were ;i21 d. The fi rst on December 4. 1997. the second on February 3. 1998, In addition. a survey letter "vas sent to all property owners asking them for their input concerning the design of the project. A summary of the Sllt'Vey is on file. .The majorlty of the . property owners are in favor of the project. However. there. were some concerns for elimination of the drainage problems. the width. removal of large trees and the speed of traffic through the neighborhood. I 1--;':";":""'---'--- - rru,,',"""'"'' """" r "'''''''''"/1 I /]1'" '''''II ., "" fll/'" In'" ~r" !"\>l})""fr,,. ~>))"';';-i'I;;';';"d~'-';k\..a"~1 AI -'1'1)\' "'/'},')1')l r=<;>'{lh"",,,;,,-''''''1f'''''rr. _ ~~C~~'_~~'J'.I__h__.CJ~V'~_._ "~~_____it:~~~_ __._:~! __ ___~:LjLJ~WI<fc_____ ~~r~~.~~ ~~~___ !~ . :~~~_ lou~l~ K)l~ .., I: '<'l ~I~ t-.J i '~ I.U 0 !:! . i~v~;;~~'i~:'; ';;'1 >;~"i .~;:~i';~~"1 ;::~;;: "j 0 i ~ ~z~r jllc-~:lkf.;^tS[S.I::~:::I..~.~(iIU~:.llItY::_:l;~.j ~ I ,. -. ! I U" 11 . --' I <t' . ~:,,) I I:':.', ~ 1":"(.(, ,-.."f:I:.', lC,Y.lI ! 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