HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1998-10-1 RESIDENTIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Inspections 7263769 Office 7263759 5PRINC,IELD ... . JOB NUMOER '1 f /2- 1./<(' 22!J rlfth Slreet Sprlnofleld Oragon 97477 ASSESSORS MAP 97l./7it CO rOO LOT BLOCK OWNER ~-"rM~ d, ~ e~. '1\C\,J",c.... ADDRESS 33'2./" (' )."Pfr>'\(~e9 CITY ~\ ",c.';:.:;t=>\A STAl e 'T ~' DESCRIBE WORK T",,~\\ NEW REMODCl ,.,/ CONTRACTOR S NAME GCNERAl PLUMBING nrp~lf'\ ~Ar, ~~W'\ ADDITION DEMOLlSII __ OTrIEIl SUODIVISION PHONE 74h - 8b~ ZIP ~Z!j,] ~ AODnESS CONST CONTRACTOR' PHONE MECHANICAL (' nm'Wl t::'r.Q~~"^~ l.9CSI 1J..-..... ~ 1) ELECTRICAL ATTENTION Oregon law reqUires you to . OIlOWI\'DI~pt..rl hy the Oregon Iltlllty N, Itlf~cF\\to,l;l, Q,'mler Thol'e rules are setforth In OAI195~:ub'f:'OUlU rnrougn UAH lI:>~,001. 019(J)l)'Olj It/a9~Btaln CQPl9E of tns r~les by cllJlJl)/HhA\1le!er (Note the telephone Ilumoer fdrth'a dregoriUftlily I\lOlITICallOn WATOt!mteP'ISER80n.<l<l??<l14}-__ NCiIC~- TH''''''''' . ZONING CODE I;) rt:MMI J ;:iNALL EXPIRE IF THF WPRK 'UTI 1""""-"- , or [JDnlvlv -" Vn ....:LI ul~uER THIS PERMIT IS NOT -GG~NC-ElTefrIS ABANboWeI:ird~ II CAI ANI( lilt> ,)ov '1!;~OO, SOUAnL' rOOTAGC - OFrlCE use - lAND USE _ # or UNITS CONSTIl lYPE HEM SOURC~ nANGF __ l'XPII1ES I'JOUhfJ d>,d>~h 72h -"'IIX) rLOOD PLAIN To request an Inspection, you must call 7263769 TIlls Is ;:! 24 hOUI recordlno All Inspections reque<,lcd tJclorc 7 00 n rn will be made the same workIng dilY, In .pe..ctlons rcquested after 700 a In WIll be ml.lde lhe folfowtrH) wor!< day o Temporary [foctnc o Slto 1115pecllon - To be ml.ldc a(ter excavallon. bUI prior \0 ::;ctllno form'). o Underslnb Plumbll1g/ElectrlcnlJ Mcchnnlcnl - Prior 10 cover o Footlng - Afler trenches arc excavated o Masonry - Stecl loccltlon bond beams, grouting o Foundnllon - After (orms arc erected but prior to concrele placcm..9'1t I Underground PlumbIng - Prior to'lfllJlng trench o o Undcrfloor Plumbing I t..1cch 'lnlcnl - PrJor 10 Insula lIon or dccl<lnO , ! , I Post nnd Beam - PrlGr 10 floor In~ulatlon or decl<lng ~ -' ' o o rloor Insulntlon - Prior to decking o Sand4lfY Sewer - Prior 10 fillIng trencll D Slorm SC\Jcr - I'nor 10 filling trench o Water Line - Prior 10 11I11n() lrcnctl o Rounh Plul1lblllU - Prior 10 cover REQUIRED INSPECTIONS o nough Mechnnlcnl - PrIor to cover o n.ough [leclnc,ll - Prior 10 C'()Vcr o CleclflCdl Service - Musl bC' approved 10 ob!.1l/1 pc, rrlDIlC'nl cleclrlcDI power o Flrep]ace - Prior to (nclng materln!s and framing Insp o Frnmln{J - Prior 10 COvcr o Wnll/Celllno Insul.llJon - Prior 10 cover o Oryw<lll - Prior \0 t"1plng o Wood Stove - A(lu In'.IDlh'lon o ]n:;;crt - Idler fireplace clpprovfJl and Installation of un!l o Curbclll & Approolcl1 - Alter forms arc c.rC'cled bul prior \0 plnccmcnl of concrt.lc' o Slc]ewnlk & Dnvew IV - Afler eXCi)V,l\IOIl I::, complete rorm.... anc] sut) b'lSC 11l;:l'Ultll Irl plle..e o Fence - WI)Cn com pie led o ~,trool Tree:;; - WIlen all required lrees arc pl<lnled o rm,lI PllllllbJllg - When iJll plumtJlng worl< IS complete o rUl.J1 Electl~cill - I/vllen all @ClcunCd'\Vo';'oscomPICIC - r lnl Mcch,lJlICill - Whcn all Cl Hxllur"llr<ll worl< If, complete o rlndl OUL!C.!lIlU - Wilen all reqUired Inspections have bcen upproved and bUI!C]lllg IS C'ornplclt.d o Other MOBILE HOME INSPECTIONS o Olockll1g nnd Set Up - WIlen all bk)(.l(ln~J IS c.omplcte o PlurnlJllH) Connections - WIlcn home ]1,1.... been connected to w lIer dn(l ..:>CVJ< r [~ [lectrl( ,II Conncctlon - Wilen l)lorl(JJl(J ....vl up and plllrTlblng ]ll',p(.cllon... Il'lVC IJccn DfJproved dlltj Ille tlome.. J'i connected lo IIw ..:>ervle..c p,ulel o Fltlnl - Afler ull rcquJred Inspections .::Ire approvcd and porches, ~]mllng dccl<s, and vcntlnC] have been Insta]led Lol fuces Lot iyp( Lol sq flg lnh;:f1or Lol coverage Cornu Topography Total llelgll! P.lnlli.ll1CJ!c.. Cui de ..3G BUILDING PERMIT ITEM so FT x :r/50 IT Main Garage Carport Total Value OUllc..lLng PerrIlll rec Stute Surch.H[je Total Fcc (A) SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE (SDC) (Ell PLUMBING PERMIT ITEM Flxlures Residential OJtll(~) N' Sanitary Sewer 1'1 Water ... r-1 Storm Sewer I fT Mobile Horne Plumbing Permit Stale Surcll::H\JC Tolal CllLIrgc (C) MECHANICAL PERMIT Furnace Exhaust Hood Venl fan N' Wood Stovelln::>ert/f Irepl1cC' Unll Dryer Vent j/(j At:-__~ Mecllanlcal Peril 11 t Issuance State Surc....ll~Hqc Total Permit (D) MISCELLANEOUS PERMITS Mobile HOllle Stale I~suancc Stale SurcllLlrge Sldewall< fl Curbcul II DemolltJon Slole Surcharge TOlal Miscellaneous Permlls (E) TOTAL AMOUNT DUE (excluding eleclrlc,li) (A, 0, C 0 Jnd E COrnblrleu) IS THe pnOPOSED WORI< IN THE HISTonlCAL DISTRICT, OR ON THE HISTonlCAL REGISTER" II yes, this application must be signed and approved by the HistorIcal Coorulnator pnor to permit I~suance Sellne 1<, PL HSE GAR ACC I N S ---- w E ---' VALUE FEE !);ou 10 00 --:r~7i[ - L(;. UJ APPROVED BUILDING VALUE, PLAN CHECK AND BUILDING PERMIT This peTfl1lllG gr::mlecJ on the express condlllon Ihalll1e smd con->tructlon ->hall, In all rcspects, conform to tIle Ordinance adopted by the City of Spnngllcld, Including the Devclopment Code regulating the constructIon and use of bUlldlng~, lnd moy be suspended or revol<cd at any tIme upon vlolJllOn 01 ,my proVISions of said ordinance::; PI.J.1l Check ree Datc P.1I0 ReLClpl Numbcr ___ Recelvcd 8y Plnns Rcvlewed-lJy.- -~--- Datc Systems Development Charge IS due on all undeveloped properties Within lho Cily 11f111t5 whIch drc being Improved ADDITIONAL COMMENTS '- " ~ ( Oy :.;Ignaturc, I stdte and agree, that I have carefully examIned the completed application and do hereby ccrtlfy that all Information llcreon 1-> lrue ane! correct, and I rurthcr certlry that any c1nd all work performed shoJI be done In accordance wllll thc Ordlnancu.. of IIH Clly of Springfield, and lhc Law~ of the Stdle or Oregon pcrtalnlng to the worl< dc::;crlbcd hereIn and tllal NO OCCUPANCY wrll be rnade or any strUl..turc wllllout permlSGlon ollhe Budding Salety DIVISion I rUrlllU certify thJt only contractors and employees who arc In compliance With QRS 701055 wll1 bo used on tills prOloct -.~ I further 19ree 10 c.n..UIC Ihat III rcqulrcd Ins,p.q:::llons arc rcque..led..It the proper tlllle, lllat eaell addre->:. Is readable frorn the street, that the permll c....ard Is IOC<lICd at the front of the property, <Jnd the dpproJed set of plan:. Will rcmJln on the ->Ite at all times dU\lng construction '(~ .... \ Slgnolure Jb;.t7. Q,,,~ Oat.... VAL\D/ITION D)/~Z-l RECEIPT NUMBa1 DAl E PAID I i) / ( 11''1 AMOUNT RECEIVLD ____4)/ 2.4/ J FIECEIVED OY __ r;..f hJ ~ _-1--__ ____