HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1987-6-26 t'<~ ~,- p , c,-''', ' ,',' , . :O'~;'~I ~'~~~^~:~~';~--~' - -~-~~~'-'. ':~:~:::':'~0 ~;~ ;~ - -- --- APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 ~h'2:\ (_\"",....-1"'\\.(....-- Assessors Map # /:6' 0 200 /2- R,.A~ ~:::.~\('"<. ,] ob Locat1.on Subd1.v1.s1.on OI.mer R",^___/\ ~ T~<~' ~ Address ?,(..,7~ c\..(" ,,..,\..:..-<""" -~ - C,ty <::..-,~, ~,\c:\.. \A. - \ ~ n r>a n n " Nm,) ~H ~~, \'\ IC 'ti\",~......,\ Add1. twn Remodel. '10b-:.- l.e Home 6/17/R, Date of Appl.t.cat-z-cn Contractors General. ~lX. \-CT'--;S PLwnhng ,,,,f,,, Tax Lot # f) 26,00 r~'\"'o'" ,- ..""\ //jP1 dd-or:. \+rk,_,"- I f P (> '--" L-L7D nf::n- \OC\ \ ~ ~ Phone Z'p q 7 A'; Descrz-be fl/or7, IA \),""""1 ~OOv- ~'- \ .I. r-r-->ec. ~ Value II , COO Address .:::::o",,~~vC-~,o~ ."0(-,-.... ~f\' L'1.-SC tI """'\ C:::\ \'\7 J Phone ~e7-IO<J I E!c~tr"vc:::.l --~'f>U,-----Q MecMr'oc l ... \ I A. " Construct1.on Lender It 1.8 the responG1-b'l-l.-z-ty of the perrrn..t holder to see that all uwpect1-ons are nade at the proper from the street, and that the pe1"11rL t cCll'd 1.8 located at the front of the property ~Bu.'l-Zd-r-"I{J rnV1.~'l-O"" approL-ed p"lan shan rema1.n on thz Bu'tl.d-z..nq St.t:; at all t'l-mes PPOCEDUPE FOR INSPECTION REQUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your Ct.ty des1.-gnated Job nW'bel'~ Job addrcss~ type of 't.-n3pec:;'1.-cn requested a~d W~en ~ou ~t.l.l. be ready for 1.r~pcct'ton, Contractors 01' Owners name end phore nwnbcr Peques~s rece1.-~ed befero ? 00 ~ ,..'1.1,1, be made the same day, requests made after? 00 trn W1"ZZ be made the next ..JOrhng da!1 SITE INSPECTION To be made after excavatt.on, but pP1.or te set up of forms UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRIC,1L & MECHp,'JICAL To be made before any work 1. eovered FOOTI~& FOUtDA.TION To be rrade \ \ RYWALL INSPECTION Tc be made after trenches are excavated and J' after aU drywaU t.s 1.-n place, forms are erected~ but pr1.-or to but pr1-or to any tap-r-ng pouM-ng ccncret.; I J ~o ~~'J..- . - MASONRY Steel. Zocatwn, bond I !!...'iV".:RGp'Qf.llll1-l?LUMBING.. SEWEJt.'; W4TER, beamG, grout1.ng or vert-r-caZs '1.-n Z-: AGE.J:h be made p1'1. - accordance W1.th U B C Sectwn 1-1..., v..."",..<.!,'!ec 2415 O UNDEPFLOOR PLU!"BING & MECflANICAL D WOODSTOVE After t.nstallat1.on 1.S To be made pr-r-or to 1-nstal.lat-r-on of ccmpleted 11001' l.nsu"lat1-on or deck1.ng ~ST In-D BEAM To be made pP1.or to ~ ~~~taZl.att.cn of f100r 't.-nsul.at-r-on or dech"fi I.j ').. . _. ROrICH PLUVBIl)~TRICAL &~- ANICAL No worTis to be cOL-ered urtt.l these 1.nspect1.ors have beer made and approved O FIoEPLACE Pr-1.or to pl.ac-r-r.g fac-r-ng mate1'1.als and before fram1.ng '1.-nspec- I ~;NC(P Must be requested after approval of rough plwrJnng, electn- 0 cal & mechanu::al AU roof1.ng brac't.-ng & ch1.-mncys, eta ~~8t be completed 110 work 't.-s to be con- - cealed untt.l. tht.e 't.-nspectt.on has been made and approved ~e~1.-~~d TnRnp~t~GnR o o rzr Your Ct.ty Des-r-gr.ated Job Number Ie ./ "" 117, ~SULATION/VAPOq BARRIER I~lSPECTION ~ To be made after aZl. -r-nsuZat1.on ~~ requ~red vapor barr't.-ers are '1.-n place but before any "lath, gypsum beard or riXlZ'l cover1.ng -r-s appl'l-ed, and before any 1.n8ulat-r-on 1.-S concealed D CURB & APPROACP APo/)N are erected but prt.or aorwrete After foms to pOUl't.ng 50'1 \ \ I \ o SIDEWALK & DRIr'EWAY For aU con- crete pmnng W1" tht.n street r1-ght- of-way, to be made after aU exca- vat-r-ng compl.ete & fo~ work & sub- base matena l. t.n place ~t,,!?q S1-gred Date ('r I i'J ~ :1 (, 'k'l ['ENCE gates PUE ~~er co~plete -- Provt.de- 01' movable sectt.ons through Exrnres 7/P./',39-0 , '" " i' tune f;~trat ecch ~ess 1.-8 readao:e o f;%Lf01 DElfOLITIon Of? O~J BUILDI.res ~ Sant. tary s€'Jel' capped at pr:..ope;rB Z-r...re ~ Sept't.-c tank p~ed ~ f-r...Zl.ed W't.-th gravel I F'1.-nai - fo/he'Y' above "te."1S are ccwpleted ~ and when deMoZ~t1.or 1.8 complete or strue- ture moved and pren'l-3eS cleaned up . Mob1.l.e Hcmes :==J Bl.ock1.ng and Set-~p :==J Plumbt..ng connect't.-cns s~er and water ~ EZectr1.cal. Con'Y'cct'1.-on - Blockt.ng, set-up -.J and pl.umb1.ng conrect'1.-0ns rrr""st be approL-ed before request2ng el.ectT"l-cal -r-nspect-r-o~ ~ AccessoT".:; Bu.-r-l.d:.ng J F-r-nal. - Aftar p:Jrcres, sbrt'tng, decks, ~ ete are completed D All proJect condt.t-r...onB, such as the ~n8taZlat~on of street trees, co~let1.on of tae requu.ed landscr.:.pu'g, etc , must be sat1.sJ'l-ed before tre BUILDING FINAL can be raquested D FINAL PLUf.fBIlJG o -FINAL MECHANICAL ~ '-I~ ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL L.jPJ ~FINAL BUILDING The F'1.-nal BU1.ld-l-ng Inspect'l-on must be requested after' the 'D Electr1.cal, and MecJzar1.caZ Inspect...ona hrwe been made and apppovad F-z-nal Plwnb1..n.g 'l -t ':L , .. ", c::;.::.....,r J c:~ "-J,CL ,...,:; ." EO;: ,- ..... ,..~ ~ rr '0-;:- J?SJ.. ~ 1 of , ~ - -~ -" --~'\. NO 'G70 tfD'1 SOLAR Ar' ~S REQ- OCCUDanOI.! Croup V - ~ LOT TYPE . -I Lot Faces - I I I I I I I I I I I, I I 225)1 cz..~.~ I ~I I I 1?1f_ (0 I I a.D + 1.-/ ?~4() I, I 1\..'\\ \.. I I I I _ f2.(') I I I \\q~wl, I JOB I I Zona Lot Sq Ftg % of lot Coverag~ Ij of Stones Total Pe'l-ght Topography I lITEM IMa'tn I SQ FTC I I I _ ~ I ~'tJ~., \..\) Gcr'aae Caroort Accessopu \;.(\r\ Is D C TOTAL VALUE (vaL-ue) 1 5 x Bu-z.ldl.,ng Pe1'/7rl.t State Su:r>oha:rge Total Char-ges IITFM I F't-......-ruPes INO Res~ent'tal (1 bath) Sam.. ta'P/1 I Water I Sewer Pl..tJ"1bt:rg Perr-z.t State Surar.arge Total Cha'"f'oes lITEM 'Res So 111/0 fta New/Extend C'tr'cu'tts ? Tempora:ry Sepv1-ee I Ele~tr'tcal Perm'tt State SW'charqe Total Charces ITSM NO Pzaon.::WI<! ?Tf!',c; I E=:hau8~ H~~d I Vent FC01 I WoodstoJe I PeJ'7ln.t Issuanoe Meahanu:a.l Pet'lm..t State sw>oharae Total Charr1C;-,} -- ENCROACHME~IT -- I Sea'o.iMtu Devos1..t I Storage I Ma'l-nten.a~e I Pemnt I lCw'bcut I S'LdewaZk I Feme -... I EZeatrwa Z Labe f<?\\. ~ce , i' ! Mob't Ze Home I Total CharGes TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ' I I I I I I 1\'1 (00) I \..Jl~ I Y'L eo I -:L 3."10 I 1~(O '20 I, Inter"or Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Value FEE CHAPCE FEE -1--- 1 1\.\\ ~ I CdARGE FEE CHARCE -~\~ t'age .d L-COC"l' P L North E:ast SO/...th West "'\- "- ') 1 I EneraZ1 SO.A.rces . II I rfeat Water 4p.atel' I I Range I I F1-repla.e I I Wood.:; tOJ."e II 'i.lDe T';:jpe/CoY'st \..lIT~ Setbacks - , House 'Caraqe 'Access Bedroof"s y \~ -- Fees Building Value & Permit Th"s pe~t ,,3 granted on the express cond"t"on that the sa-z,d construct"on shall, "n all respects, conform to the Ord"nance adopted by the C"ty of Spr"ngf"eld, "ncZud'!.-ng the Zom..ng Crd-:-nance, regulahng the ccnstructt-cn and use of bu"ld"ngs, and may be suspended 01' revoked at cry t~me upon v-z,c- lat-z,on of any prav-z,s-z,ons of sa"d Ord1-r~nces IPlan Cheek Fee hOr /..5 ICatepatd (,-)_('7_[r/ I Reeetpt # r.{ 0 f'ZI r;., (;-;' ISt~ed ~__ Pe r m i t Plumbing No person shall construct, "nstall, alter or change any rew 01' ex-z,st-z,ng plumo"ng 01' dra-z,nage sY8te~ "n ~hole or "n part, urless such person "s the legal possessor of a val"d plumber's l"cense, except that a person ma~ do pl~b"ng work to property wh"ch "s owned, leased or operated by the appl,,- cant 60{ -00 ( Electrical Permi t Where State LClIiJ requ-z,res th.at the electru!al work be done by an Ele::Jtru!al Contractor, the elect~cal port"on of th-z,s perm"t shall rot be val<-d unt"l the label has been s"gned by the Electr"caZ Contractor , Mechanical Permit " , " k~\:\..' ~b\...)~ C,>-$)~\-~C) 7Jate. I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed appl1..cat"on for pe'17rnt, and do hereby cert"fy that all 1..~fo~at"on hereon 1..$ true and correct, and I further cert"fb that any ar.d all work perfo1"ned shall be do"1e 1..n ac~or- dance ~th the Ord"nances of the c"ty of Spr<-ngf"eld, and th~ L~~s of the ~ State of Oregon PQrta"n1..ng to the work descr"bed here~n, and that NO OCCU- P}NCY ~ll be made of any ~tructure w"tho~t perm1..ss"on of the Bu"ld1..ng D,,- V"S1..on I further cert,,! ;that o"1ly contractor8~ e~loyee8 wro are "n co~pl'!.-ance W1..th ORS 701 55 w-z,ll be used on th" proJect 1/ I t/?^/m