HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-11-30 10 :2 ?J 40, C/rw...J&w P L SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS FOR VARIANCE APPLICATION 1. PROPOSAL (descnbe In de tall ) , 1 S-' ~ /0 l-JhNe. ~ I') allow- a -/lon t 5e.mcL oP S1Qra~/.3!1op- In. \blrL2~ t2?<15t.s req.'LI reel V 0.(\ Reference Code SectIon. To -!lyy- 'kA on oft... rh<>d 'ZODE'.-. \ \.,. , ,e.. 2 / Zonlng Ordlnance, Lane Code 10 Roads, Lane Code 15 3 Four coples of a plot plan, to scale, lllustratlng the Slze and locatlon of eXlstlng USes and structures on the property and descrlhlng the proposed varlance CONDITIONS L/ AND $ BELOW MUST BE MET FOR A VARIANCE TO BE APPROVED 4. ComplIance wIth anyone of the followmg criteria: (a) There is some physIcal condItIOn on the site which makes conformance to the ordmance dIffICult or impossible ThIS may be related to existmg structures on the property. sIze or shape of the lot. topographic barrIers. street locatIOns. traffic condItIOns or sImIlar condItIOns over which the applzcant has no control and which were not self-created. See aITacl7ed (b) There is some unusual circumstance or condItion regarding the property or its mtended use whIch do not apply to other propertIes in the same zone You must compare your property to other propertIes m the same zone. countYWIde. or you must compare our mtended use to the uses permitted m that zone m the Lane Code. FILE NO 10 (c) That enforcement of the code would deprIve you of prvileges legally enjoyed by other propertIes in the same zone. That is. that other property owners In the same zone enjoy privileges which. for some reason related to the code. you cannot enjoy 5. That the granting of the varlUnce will not be detrimental to the public health. safety or welfare or materlUlly injurIOUS to propertIes or Improvements m the near vicmity. FILE NO