HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1989-10-24 -- (/tfg. ~/?~&:,~~J) Lane County Authorization for: SEPTIC SYSTEM VERIFICATION FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Appl1cahont:::>~ / /'1_ (?C} Perm~t # ,-y;,;YI C1 / c :o:JW:,SHIP 18 I RANGE 02 SJBDIVISIONjPARTITION (~f appllcable) 06.1.2 ) r OT/PARC ::::~ I T1700 I UOUT OF PROPOSED USE OF PROPERTY B Res.1dentJ.al 0 Industr l.al o CommercJ.al 0 PubllC S1:.CTlON BLOCK LOCATIO~l ADDR!:.SS STREET 3572 CHEROKEE DRIVE, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON CITY ZIP STRUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING DlRECTIO-"S TO SITE NORTH TO 32ND ST., TO JASPER ROAD, LEFT JUST PAST DOUGLAS GARDENS SCHOOL TO THE END, TAKE LEFT, SECOND HOUSE ON THE RIGHT FROM THE END w:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSED WORK - Be SPECIFIC SEPTIC SYSTEM VERIFICATION FOR LOAN DECLARED $ VALUE NA I # OF STORIES NA ADDRESS I # OF 1t-1PLOYE.cS loJATER SUPPLY .:: OF BEDROOMS NA PUBLIC o Proposed I!l EXlstlng TELEPHONE NUMBER 746-3270 o mER I S NAHE AND STEVEN ~ WRIGHT, CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR ff SAME AS THE ABOVE P"';i<l'Il'I' TO BE MAILED TO lNAME; AND ADDRESS) STEVEN WRIGHT, 707 MAIN STREET, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON TELEPHONE NUMBER SM1E 97478 TELEPHONE NUMBER SAME I HAVE CAREFULLy EXAMINED THE COMPLETCD APPLICATION FOR PLRMIT dT":] do herel.>y cet"t.lfy that all lnforll1atlon hereon ls true and con:ect and that I have the followlng legal lnterest In the property :KJowner of record 0 c-ontTd<..t p'lrC'laser Dduthorlzed agent I f_rther certl.fy that any and all work performed shdll be done In a<..l..ordi'!'1c( Wl th tl e Ordll1anCe~ of Lanl.. County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertal.nl.ng to the ""ark descrlbed hereln, and that NO OCCUPAN(.Y wl11 bl.- made of an] sLrncture dl.thout the perml.ssl.on of the BUlldl.ng Dl.vl.sl.on I fur- ther certlfy that regl.stratlon wlth the BUl.lder's Board l.S l.n full force ,nu effect as requl.red by ORS 701 055, that l.f exempt the basl.s for eXemptlOn l.S noted hereon, and that only subcontractors and employees who are lon Compllance Wl. ORS 70~055 w It:be ed on tha proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY STEVEN W ~IR I GHT X {r'. c< ~ ...1-/()-~-f?'f NAME (p~ease pnnt) S~GNATURf f \ DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY I YOUR )A31HORIZATION YAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I /7// #- Part.1. tl.on # Parcel # Parce 1 S.1.ze CL~nv:? / C~ 4---- /~'or _ f~4Y~d?.# ~Z~d /;/~/---P' V //' Date /O/~//;:r -tel - Installatl.On~Ord I~Ued? DYes D No M.aXl.mum Depth S ~ f":1:::v~ Date 10 -;Zt/- & Zone k/M / [] PLANNING/ZONING Minimum S;t~ CO'1.1ENTS ~ rear / [] SANITATION S # B P Installatl.on Gallon Specl.f.1.cat~ons Tank. COMMENTS ~L..- ~ ._ ~<;p<;;, .1J;;Jt;;~e;rJ;::~~- ",<I- iU.~~ :;7'~-> [] PLA'/I EXAMINATa. Type v Llneal Fpet of Dnl.lnbeld 4j?/Jr;.~~ II' ~~ Group U,e COMHENTS Dale n 4'11) ~J2A - - /O-;;u/rFl ,.,.- P'BR!I1IT hPPRc!JED .BY'-s'OILDIN~ICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 80S (1)) DATF LANE COUNTY DEPA MENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 25 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C14-25R~ SETBtlCKS A'lD OTllER co DIT~O'.S OF APPROVAL 'lUST BE STRIC-~) OHtoERVED VIOLATION CA'J RESULT IN REVO- C,,-IO~ OF THIS "LImIT CITATIO LtDER PROVISIO'JS OF LA"E ~o...'n :; I'lFRACTIO'J ORDI'.A'.CE A'JDjOR OTIlER REm.DIES ALLOWED Bi LAW y,HE'l REo\DY !-OR I~SPECTI'2.:'! CAL~ 687-4065 A 'lINPlL \ OF \T LEAST 24 HOURS ADVAhCE NOTICF FOR INSPEC- 'flO\ !{Jo;QL-LS-;;;g ~ST BE GIVE"--Have thefollowlng lnformiltlOn ready rcrmlt number Job addlCSS type of lnspect10n, when 1t wlll be ready your namL and phorL nunber a,d any spcc1al d1rcct1ons to Slte BUILDING DIVISION REOUIRlD I'.SPECTIO'lS Foundatlon Inspectlon ~o b~ made after trenches are natcr1als tor-~foundatlon are dellvered on the Job plant (commonly termed trans1t mlxed') lS to be usod excavated dnd forms t"rectE'd and when all Whlre concrete fron a ce,tral m1x1ng materlals need not be on the Job Concrete tolab or Under-~loor Insn~ct1on To be made after all In-slab or under-floor bU1ldlng serVl_e equ1pment condul~olp1~g accessorles and other anc1llarv equlpment ltems are 1n place but betore ~ny concrete 1S poured or floor sheath1ng lnstalled lnclud1ng the subfloor Fram1nq ~ Insulatlon Insp~ct1ons braclng are ln ~~ace a,d ,ll p1p~S electr1cal and plumblng are approved To be made after the roof all framlng f1re block1ng and (lreplaces c,lmneys and vents are complete and all rough All wall lnsulatlon and vapor barr1er are 1n place Lath and/or Gvpsum Board InsEectlOn ~e^t.crior 1S 1npTace" bUt. Oetore and fasteners are taped and f1n1shed To be made atter all lathlng and gypsum board nter10r any plaster1ng 15 appl1ed and bet ore gypsum board ]Olnts F1nal Inspect10n TO be made after the bU1ld1ng 1S complete and before occuoancy APPROVAL REQUIRED ~o ~ork shall be done on any part of the bU1ldlng or structure beyond the pOlnt 1n01cated 11l each succeSS1ve lnspect10n w1thout f1rst obta1n1ng the approval of the bU1ld1ng off.clal Such aoproval shall be glven only after an 1nspect10n shall have been made of each succeSS1ve step 1n the construct1on as lnd1cated by each of the lnspect10nS requlred NOTE All bU1ldlng oerm1ts requlre 1nspect1ons for the ~ork author1zed such as but not Ilm1ted to A Block Wall To be madp after relnforclng 1S 1n olace but be~ore any grout 15 poured Th1S lnspect10n 1S regu1red for each bond beam pour There w1Il be no approval unt1l the plumb1nQ and electrlcal 1nspect1ons have been made and approved a \~ood Stove To bc made after cOMplet1o, of masonr'z (If appllcable) and when lnstallatlon lS compl~ Installat10n shall be 1n accordanCe wltn an approved natlonally recogn1zed testlng agency and the manufdcturer's lnstallat10n 1nstruct1ons C Mob1le Home An 1nspect1on 1S reqUlred after the mOb1le home lS connected to an approved sewer or sept1c system for setbac~ requ1rements block1ng fooL1ng connectlon t1edowns sk1rt1ng, and plumb~ng connect1ons 1 Foot1ngs and plers to comply wlth State foundatlon regu1rements for mob1le homes or as recommended by t~e manufacturer ~oblle home m1n1mum f1n1sh floor elevatlon shall be cert1f1ed when requ1red by a flood- pla1n management letter Mob1le home t1edowns when requ1red and sklrt1~q shall be lnstalled and ready for Lnspec- t10n w1th1n at least 30 days after occupancy Tledowns and sk1rt1ng shdll be 1nstalled per enclosure D SW1mm1nq Pool Below grade when steel lS 1n place and before concrete lS poured Above grade when pool-rs-lnstalled APPROVED PLA'lS ~UST BE 0" THE JOB SITE AT ALL TI~ES DURING WORKING HOURS ~HIS PERMIT WILL EXPIRE IF I'oORK DOES NOT BEGIN WITHIN 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR ~10RE TIlA~ 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION 1AY OCCUR IF THIS PERMIT WAS ISSUED ON THE BASIS OF INCOMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS INFORMATION A/IoYONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POI,lT or REQUIRED Il\SPr:CTIO,JS Io.ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK SUBSURFACE AND ALTER~ATIVE SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEltS Perm1ts shall be effect1ve for one year from the date of lssuance Upon complet1ng the constructlon for Wh1Ch a perm1t has been lssued, the perm1t holder shall not1fy the Lane County Department of Plann1ng and Commun1ty Development by submltt1ng the 1nstallat1on record 'orm ~he DepartmE'nt shall lnspect the construct1on to determ1ne 1f 1t compIles w1th the rules contalned 1n th1S d1vls1on If the construct1on does comply wlth such rules the Department shall lssue a cert1flcate of satlsfactory complet1on to the perm1t. ~older If the construct1on does not comply w1th such rules, the Department s)MIl not~fy the perm1t holder and Shall requ1re sat1sfactory complet1on before lssu1nq the cert1f1c~te ra1lure to meet the requ1rements for satlsfactory completlon w1th1n a reasonable t1me Constltutes a V10- lat10n of ORS 454 605 to 454 745 and th1S rule Setbacks - Subsurface Spwaq~ D1sDosal I,terlor propertj 11nGS Edge ot roa<..l rl~llt-of-way BUlldlnq foundation Wells other ~ater sources ~Lpt1C ~ 10' 10 ; SO' Dralnfield F'-om 10 10' 10 100' , ~ane ~~unty - REQUEST FOR ASSISTANCE Land Management DIV. 125 E. 8th Ave. Eugene. OR 97401 ~ lANo I4A.NAG6dEN{ OIVISlOl{ , ( Directions to site t from Courthouse , ->__J J_ ./"'/';-4. 7'7l"].j' TU " ",:- :~,~ I/ikyv~ 'or/' /e,c r ..~...<~~ ~ ~.~~.../~.:...~:<:~>(<.= </~ ":;~ \ .'<-'~.:~;-UUQrI- /~<;rr- lhtA-jk-S ZONE' , ",' . 'FLqOD PLAIN ~.Jl.,x yLr/ 1''' 62 ',^, .t'ix.rJ. -1-" p-~ <<. /e /" ~ ~ c( - , " ~A;::;~ n,~U . Please complete all lines Inside white boxes, if possible. ::s3?:r.///Y' ;;, ) tJhGL/ Y15'Uti NAMe //J -.;20 - If? UAlI-;: '/4& J..;no PHONE . 97'17 ;7 ZIP '141c2 f.s-ri' .u/!J.2<jrllt/ ""' r- ~'~JL_/:Y /n~ -0.!~,e';1/"""/e OWNER OF PROPERTY (If not same .. .bo....) "HONI:: OWNERS ADDRESS (tt not "m~ .. above) ZIP l;,;UftIHA!,,;I(JH Lleense . , ~r::-..:; . ._ ~ liiirru,~$t. ~of:, ~r~'..tA'~It'~~',' j:_1~~. ~ ';- ~ ~... ~ ~ ... ~ v .;~. Q: ,., ~ V~ ~ ...".-;: . to; , MAP, PARCEL NUMBER ~rcfJP tax maps In tlM A..e..metrt. Taxation Oepl.) d ~ 4i-~ ,,2: ::Z?J TOWf'lahlp ~S~lon Tall; Lot 1/4 Section 10wnSI'Ilp ~ :::ieehon '. '" " '/4~lIOn Tu; Lot " , " , ''" , .<~ ~~ ... . I , . -...... ~~ , ~/ / ' SITE ADDRESS . _~-)7,;;:? r7ht'!/-/')k~~ h ~~:~ ~~ l{j)Ai1:r .UUH<:t/J"7 ,>>;Cr~j . ~ ('/ --. ~7/u.--r1I'Lo/-"/ C;:7<L7x \;IIT / r7 !/ - - I ZIP srAFF EVALUATION Information Request Only I::=::J COMMENTS / FOLLOW-Up Partition I Subdivision TRS Verlfled I::=::JVes Allowed Use =Ves NOI::=::J No= Land Management Div. staff can not be held rC!sponslble for evaluations or recommendations based on falso, Inaccurate or Incompleto Information . " . , Existing Bulldlngs or tmprovements on Property ex) House -:'" l:=J Barn l:=J Garage l:=J Mobile Home l:=J Shed SEPTIC INSTALLED l:=J Yes l:=J No Water Dlstnct , ZIP . , For Mobfle Home Placement Only Brand Year Size No of Tip-outs No 01 Bedrm" License # , . #. Lot & Block V"I" j 1 I I ) -::;r..T1lfllr"l. N I 1+----= ( \ I KK ( - '-- I I l l .. l l \ "-- Ll l I f zJ I I ,---- I ~ I -I' 357~ (!/1JLM/I/~/ j,.j;,.-- --.." =s=: \ -\-~~ ~ ;f2rgd( fvv a~ s STEVEN W WRIGHT '0'" REALTOR'" R... ERA<!l CHARLES ELLIS REALTY.... 707 MaIO Street Sprmgfleld, OR 97477 '1 Offlce 503-746-3270 Home 503-746-5727 G} ERA. REAL ESl'ATE iii8 m Each office Independently owned and operated . PLOT PLAN EXAMPLES ~: ;:::.(;~ ,;;~.;,;,~~:=x:"",!~~:.~:[,~~~<il;:?:<(-->>'J:::;:::&';:.:::""<i%~,:>m~;::::~.:::;.">>">>">; ~~Wr" <<- . ':-:""'>'<x<.,<<,~.;.,*,~~:i~,<<~~_~,~~~~~"?:~y:';;:;;;~::J.w::::>':;'-::,,>~:~,:' -S,:i";;"'JM;:..~m.:u,',~'<',~'n"d..:;,jj;jf:,; The following PLOT PLANS are used for all development applications. If you have 2 acres or more, use BOTH example 1 and example 2. If you have less than 2 acres, use example 2 only. EXAM.eLE 1 205 ACRES ~ \TE~ \ Country Lane p<oposed:i Dram FIeld Sep"c ~__ Tank ~ I Raplac :ement . Drain I Field I Area 1- _ __ n ;~~o ~70 Barn 30xSO ~----- L,-.----"\ 1 House ~~ ': t : 50 I I Tax Lot 4200 210'x270' I I ~ 150" ~well ~ I I _ _ _ _ _ _ COUNTRY '-, LANE . Set-backs 20 ft from road or street rights-of-way 10ft. from property lines These figures may vary for some non-rural zones . For set-back dimensions for septic tank, drainfield, and replacement drainfield check with the Sanitarians at counter #3. ^",^:~^~~:~::::.:>>~'''''",:'~ ~>..::.1=~~= >':::"'V::::<::-J~~~~'''!.:>Y''l: : ~'- V< '" ^C'ff'~ ~...^:'"^ ~^~~R'~,"^ ----~':::~ ,,:<-.~: ^,..~....:t~w M14-39