HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1978-10-24 , ,," '. &~"{) ...,....... y ".-/'; " '; .C' . )OB-'ADDRESS: POST THIS PERMIT ON , .....' MAINl-SUILDING AT' SITE lO, .. . CONSTRUCTION PERMIT # 3232-79 3761 Cherokee, Sprin[l:i:ia1d, Oronoll TRS, TL: 18-02-06 -/23300' Subdivision:jtedliood, Lot 5 Bloek S I This permit for the referenced property is hereby .;,....~w.acl. Setbacks and other conditions of approval must be strictly observed. Violation can result irl revocation of this permit, citation underprovisiorls of Lane County's Infraction Ordinance, and/or other remedies allowed by law. Applicant/Address: Owner/Address: Contractor/Address: Contractor's OS # / Construction approved by this permit: Water Supply: PLANNING DIVISION Dennis Prociw/2,s30 Clearwater. Spr1!1gf1eld. Oregon 97477 ""J- nul1e" ml'.Cherokee Drtva, Spd.ngficld. (l......~.. 97477 I /.' , - I (j T~tal ~onstruction Value: I l - .' C~rt~t 468 sq. ft. 10 E 26 Stketures r..ow on p~..._ty: house I I. . # Bedrooms: Telephone: 746-4154 . Telephone: 746-6907 Telephone: I ',' .. 'P...1'II.101... # Plumbirlg Fixtures: # Employees: __ ,.- Zonin9:nA ~ .' Partitiorling # Parcel # Mini~um requ.i~ed structural setbacks, from:~nterline of road, front: 4Sr:' side exterior:ca . ',:)nterior property lines:1J-70Y'J.!;ar:property line: 7'PtlE Special I nstructions:r:rnm It:' '/'" For information call 687-4394, .,"n~"'\ V/"'no 7't-...:?,-.,t"! i\ 7 . ., Site Inspection/#~a" , Irlstallation specifications: ru:l lineal feet/6f orainfield required; max. depth of trerlches: '! ~pecial, I nstruction~;<mB 00 " I I I I Parcel Size: 90' z 110' ; centerline of road, ./ WATER POLLUTION CONTROL DIVISION us If Setbacks ''lterior property lines .ge of road ri9ht-of-way Building foundation Wells, other water sources CONSTRUCTION PE RM ITS/I NSPECTION DIVISION 9al. min. septic tarlk capacity; , " Septic Tank 10' 10' Drainfield' 10' 10' .. 10' ,. , 100' _ For information call"'!'L"'~" between 8:00 . 9:00 a.m,,___ ~__ ~ ~ --.. ..,. ---~ --.-: J .....-. , 5' 50' Type of Construction: 5-N Group: M001 Fire Zone: 3 .Use Classification: Instructions:.. f r _d_ d __0'_" 4__~td_-. _ I ..00 reverse or' rpJ~Q 1OlU........ -..g. ...,.... I, '... r I , , I . . For plans information .call 687-3767 between 8:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m., J1m L8I!:lh For inspections (see back of this permit) call 687-4065 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. AccessoJ:Y k1ne county ~ Directions to Site: mmE Date Issued: C55-13 .. BY:J:ln Lnrib/'!y I 10-24-73 'DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE I PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 . 1. " . . .' ~ , SITE I NSPECT I ON ApPROVED ~APPROVED C1 DATE A/, - 78- INSPECTOR REMARKS y FOUNDATION IN~TION ApPROVED I t/ / DISAPPROVED /~ ~ - g'g/ INSPECTOR 9z. ,,/ L-/ DATE REMARKSC/,' ~ ~ 1/- r. -7-;( c;y'~ ~') - ,,(tf-'f f_ "y:.,4:., ~ ~ ';-d---...&tr .4~..r / ~ /<" ~/II__ . ,/ / ~ - ~ ~ / ' ..bt:U.-e.. / !L=.. 7 - ..,.i' ..Pl~< FRAMING INSP~~N ApPROVED 1-- DI SAPPROVED 17 DATE I-7€>- 'i?'i INSPECTOR 9t~ REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION .' " ApPROVED / / OISAPPRDVEO ~/ DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED MOlsAPPROVED 17 DATE_/-:J./')-~ INSPECTDR~ REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE I / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS .J' / .' ... .. CORRECTIO.N ... ~ . NOTICE , LANE COUNTY DEPT OF ENVIROI:'lMENTAL MANAGEMENT Construction Permits & Inspections DIVISion EUGENE, OREGON' This building or structure does not conform to lane County building regulations, ordinances or codes as noted below '-. // fl-.()/Lfl7J-<"/ /) ~~_ _ - TII I r-~> /,i:l- b.AA..<J? ___ ~ IA-<_d /Jf/...r'..L:.-../'r7A' ~ ~ / /fl_~~<~(_d />-p ~ I ,......If-. (I . .. .,. -~ --- Inspectf)' C 1A ) ~,~.-f.-- Date /1- I., - 7!?' .? - r /'/ ' - ~ Building Perm,t # _ ( I~ r --<.-,,~ - C55-73 RE-INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL