HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1987-7-17 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD--BUILDING DIVISION 346 MAIN ST. 726-3753 (BUSINESS) 726-3769 (INSPECTIONS) APPLICATION FOR ELECTRICAL LABEL(S) BY A BUILDING OWNER The Electr1cal Safety Law of the State of Oregon does not requ1re a person to obta1n a llc8nse as an electrlc~an and/or electrlcal contractor to make an electrlclan In- stallat10n on property wh1ch 1S owned by h1mself or a member of h1s 1rnIDed1ate fam1ly WhlCh 18 not lntended for sale, lease, or rent. (PLEASE PRINT) ADDRESS ?(., 2~ <. ~,r\,,,,,,,J 17,\( \"-'~. cl-r-,-, '\.:" F ,,< 6/ <., PHONE ~L.- r "V-:::.- r> APPLICANT'S NAME ADDRESS FOR PROPOSED WORK BUILDING OWNER (IF OTHER THAN APPLICANT) ADDRESS PHONE I cert1fy that all of the above 1nformat1on 1S true and correct, and that no port1on of any w1r1ng system requ1r1ng a label as app11ed for here1n and 1ntended to be con- cealed by any permanent port1on of the bU1ld1ng or structure shall be concealed unt1l 1nspected and approved When the 1nstallat1on of the system 1S complete, an add1t1onal and f1nal 1nspect1on shall be made. Inspect10ns are generally requ1red for at least the follow1ng cond1t1ons and or stages of constructlon l. Temporary Servlce 4. Rough Electr1c 7. Mob1le Home 2. Underground SerVlce 5. Cable Heat Connectl.ons 3. SerVl.ce 6. New CJ.rCllJ.ts or 8 S1gns Extensl0ns 9 SWlmrnlng Pools I further cert1fy that I w1ll not1fy the BU1ld1ng D1V1S1on when any of the above ELEC- TRICAL INSPECTIONS are ready, that all work w1ll be done 1n accordance w1th the Electr1- cal Safety Law of the Stat.e of oregon~and t 1f not the bU1ld1ng owner, I am a member of h1s or. her ~)e fam1ly. / /.. r S1gnature <. C~f;r/ ~ ://~~/ Date 1-cltJ -Jl INSPECTION REQUESTS SHOULD BE I~DE ON THE LINE. THE INSPECTION NUMBER IS 726-3769. FOR 7 A M. WILL BE MADE ON THE SAME DAY. BUILDING DIVISION'S 24 HOUR A DAY INSPECTION INSPECTION RE0UESTS WHICH ARE CALLED IN BE- FOR OFFICE USE ONLY ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RECEIVED BY t 3.5"0 13 cp_ LABEL ISSUANCE FEE 2-D LABEL NUMBERS DATE 'H7 - gr;