HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-10-16 \ ~\ 0)' } I " .. RESIDF~T1AL.. APPLICAT. PERMIT 225 Nor"h 5th Street Spnngf~eld, Oregon 97477 Bu~ld~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 ~fA Job Locatwn ,'~l 0 l< 't< \' hu: () '(00 ABDeBaO"" Map n \ ~ D ~ ()\n \ ~ Tax Lot II (~()() iAJnep lU1Jt. --\ ~r\ Address \ l\/l' ....~f:J -, O'\f\ '-~ C.ty ~~f'tirtl lOb Suhd1.-vt.8'LOn n Nm,) n Add'l,t'Lcn n Remodel n !fobt.Ze lIo a Phon z.p ct,4-,~ Descnbe flb1'k ~~~ \()-lo-~ Date of AppZ.uat'Lcn Contrdctors General I Plumblng f\ ~ I Hechamcal" 1lLl llt\ Q U I E~",- trlLdl 1 Super'\l_~~.~nK Flec..trlclan Value rdru S'/;qred Date f\\~l ) II) (Xl( n ~, Address LIse /I ~ Bldrs BOdrd Re" EhD:!..res PJ,OTlP It ~8 the re8po~a~b'Ll'Lty of the pe~t hoLder to see that all 1-napect1-onB are Made at the ~rope1' tun~~ trat each ~e8s 'L8 1'eadab:e jl"OfTl the street and that the pe1"1t7'Lt card 'L8 located at the fPOnt of the property ~Bu'L!d'L~ lr~V'LCtO~ approLed plan shalZ rema1.-n on the But.Zd1.-nq Sttc at all t'Lmes PROCSDUPE FOR .rVSPECTION RE.QUEST CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your C1..ty des1..gnated Job nurrber, Job address, type of 1..n3peC::1-Cn ~eque8tcd ard w~en bOU w1..l~ be ready for 1-nspact~on, Contractors or Owners name and phone number pequests reae1..Led befcre 7 00 an ..."1-ZZ be made th~ same day, requests made after 7 00 am JJnZZ be made t~e next .JOrkt.ng da:f 4 ,,,, . t1 r!th I 1 rrlf;l~ dlllj II ,1yJr1,f'C.ty 'DeG.gr.ated Job Number Ie ,', ~"Q; ~t'1,~" ",j',;'il;llrMt,\'Il A Rp.ml1_r>p.n r'YI!'ln"~ 1(J'YI,q I -- 1 I''t'~ I' o o SITE INSPEC 1'ION To De roode aftel' excavat1..o~, but p~or to set up of forms UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & MECHNoJICAL To be made before any work 1..S ;::olcred o FOOTING t. FOUNDATION To be roode after trenches are excavated and forms al'e <Jr'ected, but pI'1..OI' to pounng ccncrete U~mERGROU~ID PLUMBING. SEWEq. W1TEQ, DRAINAGE To be ma:i~ pr1..ol' to f1..l- 1-1.-r.g trenctlee o D UNDERFLOOR PLWIf3ING & MEC7fANICAL To be made prt.ol' to 1..n3tallat1..on of floor 1..nsuLat1-on or deck1..ng POST AND B>?I'M To be made pnol' to 'Lnstallahcn of floor 1..ns1..latt.on or dechng POfICf..I P[,f/1f/j [rJG. ELEr'T'RTrA r ~ MFrTl- ANICAL t1l0 ..Jorr 1..S to be covered. urt'LL thc~c ~nspect1..ors have beer made and a,)proved FIOEPLACf:, ProMr to pLc.c-1..r.q facnng mater1..aLs tnd before fram~ng 'Lnspea- t1..or FRA}'ING lfust be requeated after approval 0- rough plwr;b1-ng~ aLectr1..- cal & mech n1..cal AU Y'oof1..ng brac1..ng & (h1..mncys~ ete nr~st be completed ~Jo work 1..8 to be con- ceGled untvL th1..8 ~nspect1..on has been made end approved o o o iD o INSULATION/VAPOR BIIRRIFR INSPr:CFION To be made after aLl ~n$uLat1..on a~~ requ~red vapor barT1..ers are 1-n place but before any lath, gypsum board or LXlU aover~ng 1..8 applt.ed3 and before any t.nsulat1..on 1..8 concealed DEffOLITIOM OR "OVED BUILDIdGS o DRYWALL INSPECTION To be made after all drywall 1..8 1..n place, but pI'1..or to any tap1..ng ~ San~ tm y Se'..Je2' capped at p~opcrt~ l~re :==J Sept1..c tank p~~ed and f1..lled w1-th graJeL ---, P1..nal - h~en above ~tens are completed ---1 and /Jhen der1ol~t'Lon 1..s complete or st:rll~- ture moved and premt.ses oleaned up I Mob~ le Hemes ~ Blocktng and Set-~p ~ Plumb~ng connect1..ons sewer and /Jater ~ Eleatr1..cal Conrectt.on - Block1..ng, set-uD ~ and plumb'Lng conrect'Lons nr~st ce appro~ed before request~ng eLeatr1..caL 'Lnspec='Lo~ ~ Acaessol':' Bu1..Lc:.,.g ---, F'Lnal - Aft~r pOI'cres3 sk~rt~ng, decks. ~ ete are completed o WW'to ~b -# ~\Obtf All proJec-t cond1..hons, ~UG/.. as the "nstaLlat-:-on of S=l'eet trees, CO"1Dla.t1-on of tne requ1-:red landscap1..rg, etc J must be BClt1..sf1..ed before tre BUILDINC rI~AL can be l'equestad o FIliAL FWI'3I1IG o FINAL MECHINICAL o FINAL ELFCRICAL o o MASONRY Steel locat1..on, bond beams, grout1..ng or vert1..cals 'Ln accordance ~th U B C Sect1..on 2415 WOODSTOVE After 1..nstatlat1..on 1..8 completed o PINAL BUILDINC The F'Lnal But.td~ng Inspect~on nmst be requested after the F1..nal Plumb1..ng Ele~tp1..caL~ and Meahar1..cal Inspect~on3 have been made and approved o o CURB & APPROACP APqON are erevted but pr1..or aona-:re te AfteY' foWlS to pour1..ng */1JT tfANflC0E') AND LLrIlNCUr::., nrrT nr I1N'T,)'":TBLr, AD<Jl)ST~!Fl/'1' TO rye l'~rr ,1'1' lID f05T TO CT'I'Y I P'1(~e oJ J o COTDFr';ALK ,IJ DRIl'EWAY For all con- crete pav1..ng /J1..th1..n stpeet rt.ght- of-way, to be made aftep aU exca- vat1..ng complete & [0I"'7 lJOrk & sub- base mate:r~aZ 1..n pla~e O PENCE hTher C'o'TIplde -- Prov1..de gates or movable sect'Z-ons through ~P~rb I JOB No81l\ \4 I Zone Lot Sq Ftg ~ of lot Coverage If. of Stones Total Het.ght I' Topography ',~~ I IITFM I Matn I Gara.Of? I Carport I AaC'eS80ru I SQ FTC Is D C TOTAL VALUE (val.ue) 1 5 x BUt ld'tng Pe1'17t/, t State Suraharqe Tf?taZ Charges lITEM I Fu:tu:r;es ... I J I ,- Res'Ldent'l.aL (1 bath) I San'ttary Sewer I NO , I I I Water> Pl..cnbt.ng PePrr'tt State Surcr..arge Total Charae8 lITEM I Res Sa fto. I New/Extend Ct.rcut.ts Temporary Servt.ae Elp-~tp~~al PePimt.t State Suraharqe Total Charc;e8 lITEM I Furnace ETU'S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan Woodstove I Perrrn.t Issuance Me::hanu:al Pernnt State .,!uraharae Tntcrl chn.rn{?[J I -- ENCROACHMENT -- ISe~~ntu DepoBt.t I Storage Ma'tntenance PaPm1-t Total Chm.qes CUrbcut S'tdeWaZk I Pence I ElectI'waZ Label I Mob1..Ze Home I I I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE .. SOLAR AlifSS Oc~vancy cr9 LOT TYPE I NO I j.. I r I NO Inter'wr Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-saa , X Value FEE CHARGE FEE CHARCE FEE CHARCE I I I I 1<<:; LDI I (01 '~OOI 'lc;1 /C\'lSI. I I I I I I I I 15.f)~1. REQ- '- L-COC,' Tl1pe/Corst BedrOOMS I I Enerq,lJ SO"a'(!es I qeat I Water ~p.atp.p I Range I F'l-replac:e 1 Woods-toLe II T!-I/'le I Lot Faces - Setbacks I p ~ I Hou.se Garage INorth lEast ISOt.th jWest I Access I I I I Fees I I I I I I I 1* , I I I. Building Value & Permit Th~8 permtt 1.-3 granted on the express cond'l-tton that the sa d con8tl~ct~on shall, '1.-/1 all reapects, confopm to the Ordtnance adopted by the C'l-ty of Sprt.nqft.e1.d, t.ncZudtng the 20n1-ng Crd-:.nance, regulattng the ccnstructt.cn and use of bU'tld'tMgs, and m~y be suspended or revoked at C1Y t~me upon Vt-C- latt-on of any prout-at-ons of sat.d Ordt-nances I Plan Check Fee I Cate Pa,d IReee,pt # IS,g~ed Plumbing Permit No percon shall construct, 1.->>stalZ, alter or change any neW or eX1,.stt.ng plwnbu1g or dra1.-nage sY8te:1l 1.-11 ",hole or t.n part, urless suell person t.8 the legal possessor of a valt.d plumber's It.cense~ except that a person mad do pZumb~ng ~ork to property whtch ~s owned, leased or opera tee by the applt- cant I I. I i I I 1 I I * Electrical Permit Where State Luw l'el{ul-l e8 l-r.al tJle eZectrwaZ work be done b;-J an Elet:!tr'l-aal Contractor, the electrtcaZ portton of thts permtt shall rot be valtd unttl the label has been stgned by the Electrtcal Contractor Mechanical Permit PI-an Examiner vat:e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apphcatton for pe:m1..t, and do hereby certtfy that all t~formatton hereon tB true and correct, and I further certtfy that any ar~ all work perfo~ed shall be do~e tn accor- dance unth the Ordt.nances of the Ct.ty of Sprtngftcld, and th:; [,a-..,s of the * State of O~egon p8rtat.nt.ng to the work desertbed here~n, ana that NO OCCU- PANCY un.lZ be made of any structure w1.tho.A.t permt88tO~ of the Butld1.ng lJ1,- vtaton I further certtf~ that o~ly contractors ar~ employees Wro are tn conpZ~ance Wtth ORS 701 05S wtll be used on tht8 proJect ! ~/ ,~ PI. /l//d~~ ~ /~/-r~ ~8d ~ ' Date ~,