HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Septic Tank 1988-8-22 -.. .. t{b$- S//:.. Lane County Authorization for: SEPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Apphcatwn"-7? 00'. ('/rV Perml t # .-.,/~ -J ~ ~ - /f 6 ~ :-0'1'1 ,SHIP RNJGE SECTION 18 02 06 12 I TA 3~~~ UOUT OF ! LOT/pr~r\(::::" I BWCK I I :01,Of'DSED us!:: OF PROPERTY ~ Re'>ldentlal D Industrlal -I 0 Con.merClal 0 PubllC S~BDIVISION/PARTITION (~f appl~cable) LOCArIO'T ADDR1:.SS SfkEE:.T II , ZIP 3733 Cherokee Dr~ve Sprmgfleld, OR 97478-6436 S?RUCTURES CURRENTLY ON PROPERTY SID lJiRECTII.)i'lS TO SITE East on Jasper Road to 37th St North by Douglas Garden School, nght on Cherokee Second house on r~ght s~de J:SCRIPTION OF PROPOSFD WORK - Be SPCCI21C Septlc Inspectlon For Loan = OF BE~ROOMS I fI OF STiR1ES I F 01 E:.~';LOY!:C~ ~ Q,,'"'\jER' 5 NAME AND ADDRESS DECLARED ~ VALUE \.JA1'ER ~UPPLY Corrnnlmty (Rambow) Lmc1a & Kenneth Tomberlm 3733 Cherokee Dr~ve CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND OSR ff Sprmgfle1d, o Proposed t><J,Exlstlng TELEPHuNE NUMBER 747-0181 TELEPHONE NUMBER ?:::RNl'l' TO BE MAILED TO tNAME AND ADDRESS) TELEPHONE NUMBER Jlffi Weese 200 E 11th Eugene, OR 97401-3247 683-5332 I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED THF COMPLJ:T!:.D APPLICATION tOR f!:.RMIT dilJ k h"I:"t.' cettlf, thJ.t all lnfOlOl1atioll hereon i5 true and correct and that I have the follow.l.ng legal interest l.n the property Downer of n..u.Jld 0 CC,h"'l 'j( L J}lrcha"Lr ~uthor~zed agent I f _rther cert~fy that any and all work performed sh..d 1 be. done In a(.L.<hU" H ~ '" l ::IJ tit. ')~d.lllclnC~~ of Lam. County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pLrtaln~ng to the work descrlbed hereln and that NO OCCUPANCY 1>111 bL .::!('2 0(" 5 r Ktllle ...ltbout the pClllllsslon of the BUl.ldlng Dlvlslon I fur- ther cert.lfy that rcg1strat1.on wl.th the BU11der's Board 1.S ln fIlII torcf' Ind effect <'IS re("u1rcd by ORS 701 055, that lf exempt the bas1s for exempt10n 1.S noted hereon and that only subcontractors and employees who are In compllanco wlt~ OR~ 701 055 W1.1l be used on thlS proJect I HAVE READ AND CHECKED THIS APPLICATION THOROUGHLY n ~ Jlffi Weese ~ \bAA ~~~--L-- a.~- .?7/'yP? NAME (please pnnt) r / SIGNATURE ? DATE READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY YOUR AUTHORIZATION 'iAS BEEN BASED ON THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS I [] PLANNING/ZONING Zone Part1.t~on # Parcel # Parcel S~ze M.l.n~mum Setbacks C L, front CL Slde J nter~(J~ rear COM.'IENTS ~EPTIC INSPECTION FOR LOAN REVIEW--NO SPE CIAL PLANNING ACTION REQUIRED Date 8/22/88 ~ ~ ~ANITATION S I # Ins talla tJ.on Spec~f.l.catJ.ons B P Installat~on Record Issued? 0 Yes 0 No Max~mum Depth ... of Trenches Gallon Tank LJnE._al Feet uf IlJdJ nf.l€ld -Lr .S"""'---__<'1 ,./,f H...--~<< L ./ '# i/t-IJ --r'/~ <' .,..c.,.,~ , , <:.. ' ~--,,"=-/'-'_J/_-; .~-d-rr7'S~~'7 Date /'<IJ - 2-.5"- 0 y Ii COMHENTS [] PLANS EXAMINATION Type Group u,. COM}lENTS Dale n ~&!a- // ~/()-;;1-J'-IrV PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (oer ORS 456 805(1)) DATP LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687-4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 SEE REVERSE FOR INSPECTION INFORMATION C 14-2~ RR4- .. SET3,C"S 1,"0 OT":, CO "~TIO;;; O~ ,,"'PRO" I "U<'T BP STRIC~ ~ O"::oSt{'::::D VIOLA-IOl C,,\ q~::'IJIT I'l RE\O- C -10 OF -'liS ,> <. Hi C1- ,TTO L D::::R PROVISIO"S 02 L....:": ~J'- 1\ ; I'-rll.iCTIO'J orDl -.....C< I,D/OR O-'IER REIEGIES AllOWED Bi LA.. ,d!:." RE".D\ ~OR I Sf'Cl ~IO C\~~ 687-..06J i "I'll \1..' Or ,~ L:"ST 2~ 1l0LRS iD1.-, ~E '\01'1CE rOR I'JSP!:.C- 'i 'U ht.',.'\.:..o, ~ ~~T t.J!... CIVL -t..l-----elrJ.:--olloW.l'lg 1"1 O""13~ 0'1 '"eadv "",(H1l1t n\Jmb,-r Job ac'drcss type 01 ln5p~ctlon when ~t wlll be ready JOUt ~amc and ~~o-c ~~"1ber ~)~ a~\ s-cclul ClrectlO~S to Site BJILDI\G 011;1510'J RPQUIR=~ I SPCCTIO"S Foundatlo~ Inspection To J~ mad~ after trenches are r<ltcrl,ls ~Ol t'1f..- to,..mdatlon drc llcl1-vcrcd on th2 ,ob plant (commonly t<:nmed trans~l mixed) 15 to be u;ed e^Cil\~Lca afl(' for'llS LrectC'd am' wnen all \herc concrete fro~ a ce~tral m1xlng Mater~als need not be on tne Job Co~crete ~laJ or Under~~loor Ins~cctlon To be mace dtter all lo-slab or unoer-tloor bUlld1ng se""l_e e,ul[l"nent, CO'1C\_1: p1,Hng ilCCcssorles d'1C' ot'1er a'lCl11ar~ equ1pment 1tems are in place out be ore any concrete lS poured or floor sh~atb1'1q lnstalled lnclud1ng the subfloor Framlnq ~ Insul~t1on Insnectlons TO be made a~ter the roof all framlng flre blocklng and brac_'lg are 1~ Jldce il'1d all plpes, flreplaces cr1~neVS and verts are conplete a'1d all rough elect.r1cal anc plunbl'1g are aoproved All wall 1nS\..lat~on ane. \a:Jor bdrrlcr are 1n placc Lath and/or G\osum Board Inspect10n a'1d e~rIOl:~l'5ln nlace but :'a..tore <1'10 rasteners are taped and flnlshcd To be made ar~er all lathlng and qypsum board nter10r any plasterlng lS applled and oe:ore gypsum boa~d J01~tS F~nal InS.Jectlon TO be made after the bUlldlng ~s complete and before occupancy ApPROVAL RSQJIRED lo ~ork shall be done on any Dart of t~e bU1ldl~C or structure bevond t'1e pOlnt 1nd1cated 1~ each success~"e ~~spect1on w~thout fl~St obta1nl'1g the approval of tne bU1I~lng off~c~al Such aop"oval shall b~ gl,eo only after an 1nspect~0~ shall have been made of each succeSS1ve step ~n the caostruct~on as lndlcated by each of the lnsoectlO'1S ~equl~ed '<OTE All bUlldlng oermlts requ~re ~nspect1ooS for tne ,",ork authorlzed such as but not ll'\l~ted to A BlOC" I-Jall To be made a+'ter re~nforclng 1S 1'1 plaCG but befo"e any grout ~s ooured ThiS InSPect10n ~s reoulred tar each bond beam pour There wlll be '10 approval unt~l the plu'\lbl'1q and electr~cal lnspect.~a'1s rave been made and apDroved B ~ood Stove To be made after complet~o~ ot ~asonr (If dopllcable) and ....hen lnstallat10n 1S compl~ Installatlon shall be 1n "lccoroance ....ltn a'1 aooro\ed, '1atlonally rec..og'11zed testlng agency and the ManutacturGr s 1nstallatlon 1nstructlonS C 'loblle Home An .ns~ect1on lS requlred after the mob~le home lS connected to a'l ilPpro\ed sewer or sept1c s~stem tor setoacy requlrements olocklng tooL1ng con'1ect~on t1edo....ns Sh1rtlng and plumblng conncct~ons Foot~ngs and plel:S to comply w1th State foundatlon reqUlrements for moblle homes or as recommended bv the nanutacturer lob~le home mln~mum fln~sh floor elevat~on shall be cert1f1ed ....hen requlred by a flood- plaln ~anagement letter \lob~le home tledowns when ~equlred and ""lrtlng shall be lnstalled and reaay for 1nspec- tlon wlth~n at least 30 days after occupancy T~edo~n~ and s~lrt~ng shall be 1nstalled pel: enclosure D SW1mm~n9 Pool Below grade when steel ~s 1n place ane before concrete ~s poured when pool-rs-~nstallcd Above grade "PPROVED Pk,S lUST BE ON T'1E JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURI'.JG \-JORKING hOURS ':'IlIS PER..~nT WILL EXPIRE IF ~ORK DO~S ~OT BECI~ wrTHI~ 180 DAYS OR IF WORK IS SlSPE'<DED OR ABA~DONED fOR ~ORE 1HA~ 180 DAYS SUSPENSION OR REVOc..."TION lW OCCUR IF TillS PFRcnT WAS ISSUED 0" TilE B"SIS OF J~COMPLETE OR ERRONEOUS I'lFORMATION A~YONE PROCEEDING PAST THE POI T OF REQUIRED INSPEC~IO S ~ILL DO SO AT THEIR OWN RISK ?UBSURfACE ~~D ~L~ER~ATIVE SEhAGE DISPOS~L SYSTEI1S Perm1ts shall be effect1ve for one year [rom thL ~ate of issuance Upo'1 co~pletlng the corstruct1on for Wh1Ch a parmlt has been 1ssued the permlt holder shall notlfy the Lane COLnti Department of Plannlng and COmmun1ty De,elopment by subm1tt~ng the Installatlon record form ~he Department shall 1nspect the construct1on to determ1ne If lt compIles wlth t~e rules contalned 1n th~s C1v1s1on If the construct1on does comply w~th such rules the Department shall l'"sue il cert1flcate of satlsfaclory completIon to the permit, '"older If t'le constructIon (loes not compli w1th SUC'l rulLS the DC',)artment ~Ihlll notII,. the p,-.rm1t holde~ dnU shall n..'1ulre satIsfactory complet1on before 1ssu1ng the certltlcltc Fil1lure to '\leLt t'le reqUIrements ~or satlsflc..tory complct~on ~lth1n a rCilsonable t1me const.ltutes d V10- latIOn of ORS 454 605 to ~5~ 745 and LhlS r~lc ~e~b<lcYs - Subsurl ..c.c S~,;,,<!!:. D,spo<;al ...,t~~lor propcrt, l~ncs Fr'jE' o~ rOld rlC;1 t-o[-way Bu~lulnQ G 1Or;',~ on ~Jlls other ~~~~r sOurces SLptlC "'~n~ 10' lD 5 '0' Draln~leld <~O"l ]0' ]0 10 100' 6P-~t:J51 " "-. ,nE , Bounty - ACTIVITY INFORMATION SHEET I1\IlD ,"Nt, ...~..~ ...,...... n ~ ,... U~n __ ... ......~~ Please complete all Items above dotted Ime FILLING OUT * LINES WILL GET YOU INFORMATION ONLY *DATE I I * PERSON MAKING '1/~ LUet'5.e REOUEST -J ADDRESS 219<9 .E. If 1-4 CITY E (J foE'I1JF j TELEPIIONE (BUSL!i'lSfo7'ii'l (HOMEI * PROPERTY ADDRESS OR MAP & PARCEL NUMBER (Found on lax maps In the Assessment & Taxation Depl) STAFF WILL DETERMINE_ ?~ (r-/5 ~r/? Zoned Flood .Pla-m STATE oft ZIP Q7'!CI / CITY ~NE (BUS) ACTUAL PROPERTY /' I OWNER LII1cI'1 ADDRESS ~;r:3~ S P FL j) ~ #11/JP!h -JC;lhj~/I1 Chp/'Oke D. STATE CJ,{} ZIP 975/7(1 (HOMEl 7L/7-1'J/8/ If ();L 06 V 3000 Township Range Section Tax Lot Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain Township Range Section Tax Lot Zoned Flood Plain TOTAL CONTIGUOUS PROPERTY IN SAME OWNERSHIP ACRES 3-4e&( ~~~ , ~-/4?~-d //ls..oe c I-- <;;e/O he fJ: J *REQUEST(descrlbe what you want to do) ?lehlse HIZ 1=11 A- L C4//1 q.t:Jp/, OUc,/ ~ 1l'Y/J 11;yV1/tr - , ' _ El4f'OT c//1/ J/k;~Ejf! Ie:)) TO 37 -f-L, g T DD'-i<:/t:i s Gr.-de", s~4oo I r1"j1, f- 0/1 Chf?fOk~e /.),.-, . r- I";A. -f- h~"c! ~ Ide ~_iJ-,,-.. . SF[) Directions to site clO No te. +1, 11 '-' _g.,f't<m rI /-,,,,,,,", ~ ....................Staff Use Onry.................... Comments: Land Management DIvIsion, Public Works Department 125 E 8th Ave, Eugene, OR 97401 phone 687-4061 ft}61- -+17 Sct+le / I t: - I I I I i-/vri'e - - -------- I I I I , -- ~-------~ ~ -- 5epft C- O i 8Att..,1 V {c\ ?,.. ~ \ J<7 (\0 , , / I r--____ (~/1f-')() k P-r' r! re 5 / - -------- ----- ----- Gate ----, , veJt 3733 Co A f' f' ~ k'fJ <(! 7J /<. Gara'je .i I~ V - ------ I I I I i I I I I I -uJ f'Ar<.\;:''''0 I I' I' , I ,,1.1'1 E t~V t1[,T RLCl:[F'T ~ 230808 Dlin: 08228U M'r-'Ll CANT WEE SE, ,J [M ADDF( :00 E. ; f TI-I ST., EUGI:N~ 1LI ;80~061203000 SUDD]V LOT ~lk ~E W BLDG ryPE US~_ R BDF(MS 0 UN] IS OOf S 10RJ L:S ~l<LDGS 00; I-'HONE 68:~ '}332 OWNE F( NMl TOMB~_F(U N, "ENNE HI &LI Nuli ADDF( :n~~3 CIII:F(OI<ET DR., SF'I~ J NC.I- ] E:.l_D CON,_ APF'L NO ACT [ON DF:SCFar'll ON SQ r T UNI r COS1 VAL lJATlON n:.E '-IF' of' BF '-IF' I~r' rrr r'L r1ECH SUF( r'Ck rr r F~ Hr I f, "('rIG ,;EQU I [rr.1I<EN i:-F IX/llliTH SWF\ FT. wm M~ CI-IAN J CAL FEE Sl ()n SURCHARC.~ I 'l AN CHf':CI( F fE r-T. r(AJN ~>% 2'-5% LC :>38888 SDSV AF'~' ; BY BB r~i~ Fr-' SDS SJ PCI< OTH ISS 3 DEI 'OS T I ". ;, F.SI. COMPlEIION DAlE 111 A I~ .D QI ~ . ~ o . ~ W !;! ~ W ~ . 'i ~) w . ~ .. ~ ~ ~ . g , ~ , ; ~ ~ 1 'I { ~ < DAYS)}l .~ /~ iiJ ~ . ~ F 1 ~ i w o ~ i 60.00 w . "l~ ~ ~ i 0 1 00" ()() CI< ~ , ; ~ . j ,