HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1989-9-5 .. RESIDI=NTlAL" APPLICA~ )N/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Spr~ngf~eZd, Oregon 97477 Bu~Zd~ng D~v~s~on 726-3753 'ob Locat1.on 3733 Chero {ef'/ Dr- As,;e'3,'Jor.:: Map # Subd1.-vts1,on 7G.."C Lot If OIJner '- J!Jh I/) 37-:::;3 0/J?cL /JJe/5h C hem I~ 147- ~q g If- 17tf7 Y Addres3 Ct.ty {Zf n n n N('l,' Add1- hen Remodel .'fob'!,.le Horn'] 9/S/?9 Date of Appl.1..cattcn COnlrdc.tors (,cllcr.11 , P] IHnblng : tlechdllLcal (i)LLf ,,) (I/MLJ ) LJ ec LLLCd 1 It.,l1DerV_:1-~_'1ng J....lecLI.](l,ln Prone Ztp Descr...be r~'orl\. y;)~~ Value I ()(){) !fl- ill GP I)t 'I IWJo' Address II Blc1r<, Ho,lrd Ret': Phnn(> Llc.,C ~511/ (/AU (j,tlV-Lfd fu,,! '17t/.n<;' S,q~ I /___ Date () {)f / r (-14' t r I I L'd)} [PC:; I./-flf (0 r fJ<f.I./--Ijc)5! ;:) Cf/ q/ if'fJ Jt 1.8 the responG1-b1.lt.ty of the perm1-t hold",? to see that aU tnt~l'ect1orb are ,-ad( at the trOpel tt.r1~.3 tt.at each .::ddresu 1.8 rrJc::6.c: jrom the street. arul that the permtt card 1-8 loaated at thr> fUlnt of thr> property ~Bu, Zdt.'1g J'!.vt.cw.... ap~rol"ed plan slu..U pemm.n on t11.; BU7-ldp1q !Jdc. at all t.1..mcs JrOrt-DUPF fOR TNSPFCTION RE.QUF5T CALL 726-3769 (recorder) st.ate I/our C'Z-t!j dp1upwted JOG mq-ber.. Job ac.CJ'css.. type of UlspeC-::'l-CI, requested a.-d wt.en !IOU W1,n be 1 eady fm' l..nspcct1.-on.. Contractor" or o'JIW Ilr-:Jnq. end phone nW'lbcr Peque ts recened befcl'e ? 00 a.- "l-lZ be made the 1ane day, requests made after? 00 a:n wl-ll be. moJp flU' fl 'CL JOrKl/LJ da.J r?'-un/1.Y'f2ri Tnr;n"'ct1 C11.'1 LJ o SITE INSJ'FCl'ION To be madp after excQl)at.1...:m.. but pr1,OI to set up of forms UNDERS[ AB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & l.JrCH,l,JICAL To be mad(' before any work 1..8 ~ovcred o rOOTING!:. FOUND,1TTON To be made after trenches al'e excavated and forma are erected, but pr1..or to pour1..ng ccncret; o U'I'D7;RGDOU^'D PLUMBING. SElo/CR, W1TE'Jy D9AIllAGE To be mad'e prtoI to fd- l1..1".{J trenchec o UNDEPFLOOR PLut~BING (: MECfJANICAL To be made prt.or to l..nstaZlat1..on of 11001" t.nsulatt.on or deckt.ng POST AND BEAM To be made pl"t.OI' to ~n8tallatt.on of floor t.n~~lat~on 01' deckt.n:; ROUGH p[,UI~BnlC. LT,ECTRIrA[, & MEClI- AnICA& No ~ork t.q to be covered urt1..~ thcsp 1.1ZSpectt.ons have beer made arm approved PI~EPLACE Prt.Ol" to plcct.r4 fact.ng matert.a2s and before fram1.ng t.nspec- t1.01' FRAJiIN(; Must be reque8ted after approval of rOwgh plwrbt.ng.. 2Zectrt.- cal & mechant.cal AU rooftng bract.ng & cht.mn&ys.. etc ~~st be completed No 1..iCJ1'k 1,.8 to be con- cealed unt1,l tht.B t.nspectt.on has been mad~ and approved o o o o Your C1,ty De8t.gr..atcd Job Nunba I8 D INSU{;A7 JON/VI1l'OR l1ARR[J R l.'r Pl rrTON_ To be male after all waul t.WIl ad requ':-l'ed vapor barrt.era aJ e ~n place but 1 efore any la t.h~ qypswn beard or wall covert.nq 1 s applud.. and before any 1.nouZai1.on 1..3 concealed gqo f;J.2 IDEJf(lLIfIO^J OP OVE] 13UTJDIdr;S ~ Sant.-!;Q1y se..Jel :Japped ~t p~op.;rt:J l~"'e ~ 5eptt.:J tank p~~ed a~ [1.llad w1.th ;r~~e ~ Ft.nal - h~en above 1.te1s are cc~leteQ ---1 m,d whpn jpJ1oLt1..or 1,.8 complete or st 1,~ ture moved Qlu' pN..:rnses :J leane;;z up I Mobde HempS :::J Blochng :::J Plumlnng :::J Electrwal Connectt.on - slockt.1Jg, set-u:; and plumbt.llq COlli ectl-on > rrr....st 1;e appl'O"E;( beJol C 'l'equest1.1Zg elec~rl-cal u'spec~1-o and Sat-~p connect1-ons sa.Jer and wa~er o DRYfyAL~ INSPECl'IDN Tc be made after all drY/JaZZ l.S 1,n place~ but pT'1..or t.o any tapulq ~ Accessor", But.lc.vng I FUla.l - !.ft<..:r pOH"reS, sk"rhn(j, decJ.s, ---l etc are comple~cd o F INA ~ PLUf.-lBItIG All proJect. GO/1dl-t1...0n8.. ,-,1u,1 aD t.he 11lstallaL1-0n of st.reet tl'eeb, co-roZet1,O'l of cl1e requt.red landsccpt.ra.. cte .. must be sat1..,>ft.ed before trf1 BUILDldC FIMAL call be raquest::d D D D o rINAL tJECHANICAL o FINAL BUILDING The Fwal But.ldwg Inspce-Lt.on T7USt be requested after the ~t.1taZ Plwnbul:J El('ctr~caZ, and MecJwI l.ull InspeGLon" have been made and approved ') -~ . FINA& r:U:CTRICI & \ o MASONRY Stpel lo,-,atwll.. bond bPGm:J, groutt.llg or vprft.ccls 1./Z accordance Wt.th U B C Sect10n 2415 ~ADL MIlNlIOT,FS AND CLrANQUr::: nrrT Dr ACCESGJBLr, AD,!U<;T~fUl'T' TO BI:. tJ~f)F fiT PO {JST TO cry I P'1.ee 1 of D WOOD5TOVE: ccmplet.ed After mstanat1.on 1-8 o o CURB & APPRCACP AP7DN are D~ected but plt.or corwrete 1 SIlJElo/ALK !, DRIl'Uo/^ Y For all ('on- elet.e pavuzg /;)t.tJnn strret 'l'l-ght- of-wc.y.. to be made aftel all exca- vatwg aomplete & JOM 1JOlk & ,;ub- base mater1...al t.n place Afte 1 JOllns to pOUT'1..ng o "'CNCC x'her c071p7 -tr> -- Pl'OVul", gates or i10vablc spctt.Ol1G t}ll'ougl P U F: o I JOB NO j"one . ....~... ~ L-COC>:t' SOLAR ACCESS REQ- Occupancy era! rOT TYPF Lot Sq Ftg 7 ~f lot CQvepag~ J of St01'1.-es Total l.Ie'/.ght I Topography I lITEM 1 Ma'/-n I GCT'{Zae I CarpOl't I ,kccssor'U SQ FT& I I Is D C TOTAL VAWE ( vaLue) ] 5 x BU1-Zd'/.ng PeI'rrn-t State Surocha.rqe Tota 1- Cha....ges Inte1"wT' Corner panhandle CuI-de-saG. x Value (.IIAlU,L [1i[M /;'-z-xture6 IHeS1-dent'/.al (1 bath) I San1- t'lT'Y Sewer II.;ctep I Plwmb'/.ng Derr'1- t State SUY'crarge Total Charaes Ll'u I }f Jo FEE 112MI ) ~es Sa fta IN~/Extend C'/.I'CU1-ts [Temporary Sepv'/.ce I Ele~trtcal PePm'/.t St:zte Sur>c.harae Total Charqes I ITEM FurnaCe PTU'S Exht:wst Hood Vent Pcm I wdstove n, \0JI ~' . V Pemt Issuance Me:::hamcal Per'rTn t State Surcha:rae Total CharCles -- ENCROACHMENT I Sec-.A.M..tl/ Depos-r-t I Storage I Ma"Lntenan.:!e I PePm'1. t Total Charqes CurbG~t !S1-dez,;aZk I I?en:::(> I Eleatl't.cal I Mobtle Home I I I fQ'L11, LabeL APOUNT DUr " I ~O I I I I . NO FEE CHARG}, I, CIIAReE I I I I I I I /5 ()f) I I /5 ()() '75 j() /751, I I I I I I I 30175/. T~pe/Corst Bedl'ooms I Lot races - I Setback~ I P L H04se I {a~aqe Access INOI th IFO ,I :"'01 th IlIeot I Ene~(w So l~ces - I ~ieat I ! T,!"'e Watel' I/patp.~ Ran~'e Ft.reolQcc WOod3tOl.-e -- J. ees I I I 1 I I I I I I I ] , Building Value & Permit Tht.s peMm~t 1.0 g~nted on the express condt.tt.on tl~t the SQt.d constructt.on shall~ 1-n all respects~ conform to the Ordt.nance adopteJ by the Ct.ty of Sp11..nqf1..e ld. l..nc!ud-:..nq the 7.ornng C~d-:..nance, ~egu Zatt.ng the cons true. tt.cn and u....e oj butld1..ng,>~ and m:lY be sU[~pended or revoked at C.1'Y t7.fllr> upon vw- lat1..on oj any prOV1..5t.ons of 6Q1..d Ord1..nances Iplan Check Date Pa-:..d IReCe7-pt # IS1..9"led ree Plumbing Permit No p~l~on shall const"~ct~ l..nstal!~ alter or change any rew cr eX1..st1..ng plwnbulg or dla'l.-nage syste'1l Ul uJhole or 1-n part~ urless s4ch pe?'son l..S the legal possesqor of a valt.d pllLmber's It.cense, except trat a pe~son maJ do plW"bt.ng work to property wh1..ch 1.S owned~ leased or operated by the appl.1..- cant I I, Electrical Permi t f{here State Law requ1.-1'es tr.a.t the eleotr1.oal work be done by an EleDtr1..cal Contractor~ the electr~cal portt.on of th1..S perm1.t shall rot be valtd unttl the label ha[; been atgned by the Electl'1.cal Contractor Mechanical Permit Plan Examiner va"te I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINeD t~ oompleted appl'l.-cat~on for permtt~ and do hereby cert1.fy that all t~fo~mat1.on hereon 1..5 true and corrcct~ and I f~rther cert1.fy that any ar~ alL ~ork perfor'1led shaLL be do~e 'l.-n ac~or- dance ..J1..th the Ord1.l1anoes of the C'l.-ty of Spl'1.ngfu.ld~ and th::: La'""s of the State of Oregon pcrta1.n1.l1g to the work descrtbed here-:..n~ and that NO OCC!J- PN1CY lJ1..11 be ma-ie of any structw'e W1..thout pi]l'm1...JJ1..On of the Bu..-ld1..nq D1.- V1..$1.on I further certtfJ that o~ly contractors and e~ployees wJo are 1n c(),~pl-:..anoe W1..th ('IRS 701 OSS wt.lZ be used on thts proJect -~ y/- (.-/~ //'}~,/1 S1qnod ~ ( II ./' 7-5- (j" [)tlte