HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1996-11-12 VOOD STOVE/INSERT INSPECTION CITY OF SPRING FEILD BUILDING SAFETl DIVISION 225 flfth St,eet Sprlngfleld, Oregon 97477 Offlce INSPECTION LINE 726-3759 726-3769 ~ '2.,;33 p~~ LYr Assesso's Map ~ I <A {) Z oeo [ L OVrle' JI) Vt v\ tUb);') ~ , Address ~~ 7"2;~ (;ho~ [)r Clly ~'")Y\V\o.-f:k1(j . State ()t< _ Zlp Value of VoodcJ~ellet Stove/Insert. l , ';). f)y) Job Locatlon Ta> Lot ~ ()'~ 7/)() Phone ~ 5;3 '~73 -3'1/7 q 7'17K / Code Prehliillla,y Inspectlon lS $15 00 (pllor to lnstallatlon o[ lnsert) Vood Stove/Pellet/Inse,t Pelmlt lS $15 00 + $ 75 state surcharge + $ 45 admlnlstratlve fee + $10 00 lssuance ~ $26 20 total {).J/f(ij ;Vl~/ Type of Inspectlon Requested Contracto, (?((rAf~ S Address 't;C)7t/ V;VtP hr&-v,c [2 Phone # 3'1ij-fJ5f52 Clty nAf),lrl/~ State tJP. ZIp Code C(7CfilC;-: - construct~on c4ntract~~s Reglst'at~ '. ~ - ~ By slgmng th,S permll/apphcatlon, I -agree to -~all ~for InspectiOi1ts-)-aS-l'eftU"-r~ (726-3769) I s ta te tha t all the lnforma tlon on thIS perml t/ appllca t lon lS correc t and that I vas provIded .Il th the Vood Stove Safety lnformatlon for vood burnIng appllances and prel,mlnary InspectIon standards I further state that the applIance I am lnstalhng meets smoke emlSSlon standarJ~ as set by the Oregon Department at EnvIronmental Quah ty or the federal Envlronn,cntal Protectlon Agency and I agree to provlde the testlng approval number to the lllspector at the tlme of InspectIon I also understand that l[ I am requesllng a p'C] lmlnalY lnspectlon, the wall covenng ~m~~ ~ja_Q9 ==:::J:l:===~~~~=====~==========~==~==~~~============~:~:===========~~~=============== v JJ In h& fOR orrrCL use REQUIRED INSPECTION(S) VOODSTOVE/PELLET~ Date of Apphcall~n I{ /f14'~ PO ( )V Job 11 PRELIMINARY 1 fo(53n Total Amount Collected ReceIpt # ,1~7(~ 7 Issued By ~ 'Checked [0' Dellquencles ~/ lhcc~ed [or HIstorIcal Status h~ I