HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-10-20 (4) Boundal'\, rOl1l11l1~~ Ion Po rt of S JUS 1 dW Plan __Clty _EWEB OE'pt of -- .-------- 0.1 te j::'{2 -_ ?:2:- 8.9_,__ , Sta10 I UIE",lt'y {ll~\ l~ II I <)11\"<1Y i)lvI>;lon 5 td tp [nvllon Qua I, Lj l~ t 11 t l' I1f'pt (\1' l.1nd<, \td I!' fl <;11 ?~ (lil1110 State Geo 1 & t1HICYdl I ndl 5 ta te Veten nar 1 iln Oune~ Nat'l Rec Area 51uslaw Nat'l Forest Wlllamette Nat'l I-orest ~~ TO", Land Dlvlsl0n Snetlon __.Reg lOrld ) Pl ann I ng __1'1 anrll ng Recc,Il'c11 ___)001119 [nforcl'mr'nl EnvlronlllentdJ Health ,- ;r:,;\ur~fi QIr:tltl$,B,~m~ 5011s Data __Flood Management _AJransporta tlon 1'1 ilnn 1 nq ____Assessment & Taxat lOn Parks Dlvlslon I dr1(' I 'Lt'!l', lOll '!(l~ V1CP L,nll: lldn ,II III ,11]( t Idne Req },II Pol Autl1 l"i! ('I 111, II I C t ~dlO()l 1l1~l/llt ___Jlre Ill<;tllCI Lane PubllC Lands Lane Legal Counsel Hous 1 ny & Comill Dev NE'lghborhood Group_ _____ PaclflC N W PaC] flC N W 1 rl- Ayeney Powel Dog Control ___Bureilu of Land r~gmt 5011 ConservatIon 5ervlce COt'PS of Englneer~ red AVlatlon Authorlty red COImlUnlCatlOns COil 111 Lane Ldne Rea 1 Es ta te OlV PubllC :'dtety N W Natut'al Gas Bell LCDC Othcr ---- Othf'r --..-- ------- --- ------ Frall1 LANL COUNTY L ~tID HANAG~I>1[Nl OJ V] ~ iON 12~ J:a\t Uth f,VCIIUC, [,l<JC/1e, Or('>jull 9/1101 Phon" 68/-40~,1 A rNllI'!st for /,,,,,1 (l'C' "ctlOIl, d', d'-'<;U'II,~r1 UIl [),'ta )um.ndry dil(l illtached scheJl]'ll1c Iw<; bed recclvNI hy the 1']'H11l1ll9 D1VF,]OIl If SlgrJllll,dllL ,mpacl IS c"l(!enl, rlease scntl cOllllllenL~ ta Ld.JuMandgPJlJnilL Dl"l>;tOn hy_/'.{),-::__,?/- e~ ______ <""PC\..l fie concerJl(j \)f ~/(ldr aqcl1cy ~>holJl~! I){~ dkh\ <,sed In dddltl(1I1 tn advrr<;("' IIHp(lCtS Oil yell"I'ill 11V,lbll1ty 01 Ine "r(',1 dnd It, "Jfll'l' devclopln~llt rOI ,1ddltwll.11 Irlforl1ldtlOI\ ClIllt,', I Je !/~-~d.:.~~--rcJ __ ,_,?,(>:!"? [lAfA :)lIr~wlI<Y ,hUI "ell N<1 _1.','(/_,-_7 - 6~ _ /<1111' 11101 n( t___ Lt'.r2___ ___,_ fIP!' f 1 Celllt_,_'\Z:;;;'f?-d'k.!:L_ S:~tL..",.~;:4'07/L-_ _ __, Lot s 1 ze__ ____ _ _ __ __ _,_ __, I 1." 0 (/" - 70' ~1 I', "I'"I t Y Ad'I"L'~S _, "'-_7.1 _ ' t<-.,l---'.-, _<-<-. r <<, c..~ ap _/.2- 03 -:.z.3,:::. 3 _ <:~ _~I '<---:1!-" (i,( fd' 101 , ___3Yo." . _ P!l(JP()')AI __, /J~,,^-U. .):c (I~e'!1 <./' c'-_ j 0 '-/<;:.c....t- 'J~t (tf<J ~)>'I~ (A,....(AfA.-f, ?-_ Q. _ fa---!.--- C-;! .--/>1.' n 1_~-<.h<-1 a.-~_ _ ~~,'" j'(ff /J,;I; COr~f',r 111 '. (!levu ',(' ',l<J" ~"IY IlIl U<,t'd J _ ~tio! J!..PJJ.MJi,f lJ!~Z {jt1...f4... . & dlJlN/~/J;I';'., : 11((J)!t1tt~ /0 ~ ._ ~:dt~ __ O:,!~~Wd{ ~ . ~ " :.~~~,~-