HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1983-10-11 2849 Chateau Place Sprlngfle1d, Oregon 97477 October '11, 1983 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN We are requestlng a varlance ln the setback dlstance In order to construct a garage to e11mlnate the outdoor and street parklng of our vehlc1es and enhance the deslrabl11ty of our property for potentla1 future resale The varlance lS belng requested because the physlca1 COndltlOn of our lot does not conform wlth ordlnance for the standard placement of a garage. We have a septlc tank located ln the southwest aspect of our lot and a dralnage fle1d runs ln an east-west fashlon toward the street The house was orlglna11y bUl1t to conform wlth the eX1Stlng dlmenSlons of the lot and, therefore, addltlons to the eXlstlng home cannot be accomp11shed wlthout encroachlng upon the property 11ne along the northwest boundary of the lot All other propertles wlthln the cul-de-sac have garage space aval1ab1e as thelr lot descrlptlons conformed wlth the abl11ty to place a garage adJacent to thelr homes We do not be11eve we are ln the posltlon to move our draln fle1d and septlc fle1d In a more westerly dlrectlon that potentla11y could pro- vlde us wlth the necessary land along our eastern perl meter to construct thlS garage ln questlon We base our oplnlon on the fact that that would then cause our draln fle1d to run lnto the street ln order to meet code wlth the length of the draln 11nes and the leach 11ne Other propertles wlthln the cul-de-sac must have some system ln eXlstence as thelr setbacks are such that the 70 foot leach 11ne must elther be placed ln a fashlon that lt runs lnto the street or along thelr northern perlmeters and then lS adJacent to the rlver edge By grantlng the varlance to move our garage closer to the street we do not feel that thlS would lnterfere wlth the eXlstence of our draln fle1d and, therefore, not be a hazard elther to pub11c safety or to the a1teratlon of other propertles wlthln the cul-de-sac. Ve~~~l.y yours, Ste~p~~~=~